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Health Tips with the Apothecary Shoppe
. . . the key to health
The speaker at a recent seminar we attended began his presentation by saying, “We’re living longer, in poorer health, than ever before!” This profound statement prompted a deeper dive into the why. And while diet and lifestyle are contributing factors, declining hormone levels can be a major driving force.
Hormones of one kind or another control virtually every aspect of health and bodily function. And what we normally refer to as “sex hormones” are involved in many other aspects of our physiology. Long before puberty, estrogen and testosterone play a critical role in brain development and neurological signaling as well as response to stress and memory. Sex hormones also regulate skeletal growth and muscle development.
As we age our natural hormone production begins to decline, leaving the body deficient in the necessary control mechanism. In women this is known as menopause. But just as prevalent is andropause in men. Early hormone therapy utilized manufactured chemical analogs of sex hormones or “natural” hormones extracted from animals. These drugs were erratically effective but were fraught with side effects. Today we compound bioidentical hormone replacement therapies based on yam, the closest available natural source. Benefits of proper hormone levels and balance for both genders include reduction of brain fog and greater mental acuity, higher energy levels, improvement in muscle mass, and better mood. Other physical symptoms are relieved specific to each gender. Comprehensive testing is the proper method to ascertain appropriate dosage as other factors beyond specific hormone levels can affect the best outcome. At the Apothecary Shoppe we offer prescription and nutritional consultation by appointment. At the Hill Country’s premier wellness center, adding life to your years is more than just a slogan, it’s our passion and purpose.
Sabrina Griggs, RPH, has thirty years of broad-spectrum pharmaceutical and nutritional healthcare knowledge. She is the owner/pharmacist at Apothecary Shoppe, 1228 Bandera Hwy, Kerrville. 830-257-0732.
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