1 minute read
In the beginning...
Imay know what you’re thinking. At least I think I do. As a couple just visiting Danville, VA, what does this title mean, and what does it have to do with you?

Am I assuming you are Civil War buffs? Absolutely not.

Do I think you’re looking for a place that has a lot to offer for very little money? Maybe.
But the real question is, what makes this place a magnet for people who have seen a world of places that seem to have so much more to offer? That’s where the answer is.
Is there a difference between what you thought you wanted and what you found in a city you’d chosen?
Come, take a seat on a bench near the fountain on the plaza and join me there. You may want to walk a few steps to the restaurant just behind us for an appetizer or a cold beer first. I’ll wait.

There’s a sense of time here, Zen time, I call it, when one’s soul is open to essential repair. If that makes you think about yoga, the city has that, too.
But that’s not what I mean.
What I’m trying to convey is a picture of a different flow, a stream of conscious awareness of time as being more directly involved with an active inner peace.
From where we’re sitting, you can see cobblestone streets where cars are scarce and sidewalks wide. Entertaining you is the idea that such a sleepy-looking place hides a buzz of activity.
At rest now, the day’s work has restored and revived a number of historical buildings that make you wonder not only what the visionaries have in store but also what busy contractors may have accomplished that day.