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Willits Canoe Workshop Donated to Foss Waterway Seaport
We live in a world of high tech manufacturing, where thousands of products are mass-produced every day. So, hearing the story of Willits Canoes is as refreshing as they come. Two brothers, Earl and Floyd Willits, spent a lifetime producing just under 1,000 or just over 900 “double-planked canoes” that many in the maritime community view as pieces of art.
According to Brent Mason, Executive Director of the Foss Waterway Seaport, “The Willits were the pinnacle of canoe manufacturing in their time.” He added, “You can line up all 900+ canoes and they are all identical.” The Willits Brothers made one product: floating masterpieces. Between their first canoe made in their birthplace in Iowa in 1905 and their last in 1962 at their workshop on Day Island just west of Tacoma, they made their canoes filled with pride using a process that was well ahead of its time.

Now the descendants of the Willits Brothers have graciously donated the contents of their workshop on Day Island to the Foss Waterway Seaport. “In talking to the grandchildren, they told me they just felt the collection of artifacts belongs here at our museum,” said Mason.
Plans for the extensive collection include an arduous and careful sorting process throughout the Fall of 2022 with hopes of identifying the pieces of the collection that will be most appropriate for the museum to display. Other pieces may be sold to various historical venues to ensure as many of the artifacts are preserved as possible.
Foss Waterway Seaport already displays six Willits Brothers canoes but is looking forward to adding elements that better explain the process. “The Seaport is really responsible for preserving legacy and stories and these need to be conveyed to the young people in our community. We must make sure these treasures don’t disappear, and we must do it in a way that appeals to everyone.”
For Additional Information fosswaterwayseaport.org