2 minute read
Powerhouse Plants that Beat the Heat
story by HARLEY HERRIN 1831 Garden Center
Ya’ll, we all know how hot it gets here in the southeast. In order to keep our containers and seasonal beds looking topnotch, we need to make sure we are choosing plant material that thrives in the sizzling summer sun and continues to provide bountiful blooms all season long. In this article, we will address five of the most heat tolerant plants for the south. These plants thrive in the sun and tolerate periods of little water.

Angelonia is a fantastic upright annual that thrives in the heat. It is often used for height or filler in container arrangements. It makes a great backdrop to other sun-tolerant summer annuals and is often paired with Pentas and Alternanthera in seasonal color beds. It comes in shades of white, pinks, and purples. Its upright growth habit features spires of bell-shaped blooms that entice bees and butterflies to visit their beautiful blooms. Purslane:

Purslane is a succulent type annual great for trailing down the side of a container or spilling over the edge of a hanging basket. It loves heat and blooms continuously throughout the day. It comes in several vibrant neon-colored blooming varieties that are sure to shine in the summer sun. Lantana:
Lantana is an excellent performer for summer gardens. Its prolific bundles of blooms provide continuous color in a wide range of white, red, yellow, pinks, purples, and oranges. These heavy bloomers can take the heat. Newer varieties have a smaller, more compact growth habit making them great for containers and flower bed borders without sacrificing their heavy blooming abilities.

Last but not least are Vincas. They are arguably the most popular summer annual of the south. Sometimes called Periwinkles, these little plants are TOUGH! Whether used in beds, borders, containers, or hanging baskets, you won’t be disappointed by these heavy blooming beauties! They THRIVE in the heat and humidity of summer with nonstop color.
Pentas are excellent plants for peak summer season performance. Their large blooms create a landing pad for butterflies and bees. Like Angelonia, they make an ideal backdrop for other shorter growing annuals like Alternanthera, Vinca, or Lantana. They come in white and shades of pink and red. They do require minimal deadheading but it’s well worth it once you see the benefits of removing the spent blooms.

Any of these make a great addition to your summer gardens and will give you a top-notch bloom performance. Adding these to your beds, baskets, pots, or borders will ensure max color performance and loads of warm-season color!

Happy Summer, Y'all!
...and thank you for growing with us! As we continue to grow, we look forward to providing even more resources to the community, planting advice, and even more variety.

1831 Knight Avenue Waycross, Georgia 31503 (912) 283-2862