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The Valdosta Country Club’s Annual Fall Festival was fi lled with music, laughter, and plenty of candy! Children dressed up, took hayrides, and played games, including dunking VCC’s Fitness Pro, Billy Hamilton, and Golf Professional Mark Reddick in the dunk tank! Live music with Sundowner Motel was enjoyed by all!
1. Bonnie Skinner with Sutton and Payne 2. Lucy and Nina Ferrier 3. Catherine and Vivian Alday 4. Greer Garland and Harrison Martin 5. Mary Jac Cowart and Kate Copeland 6. Sarah and Catherine Carter 7. Corbyn Cali , Karsyn Barker, and Camdyn Cali 8. Lauren and Adi Jovovic with Nora and Elyse 9. Kynslie Paulk and Julia Denham 10. Brooke and Mackenzie Knight

Stifel representatives: Zachary Hageman, Beverly Avera, Bob Goddard, Barry Barr, Alston Barr

The Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce celebrated the great success of 2021 at the annual Chamber Annual Awards on February 24, 2022, at the Rainwater Conference Center. Sponsored by First Commerce Credit Union, over 460 attendees spent the evening

VALDOSTA SYMPHONY with new and familiar faces commemorating each other on a wonderful year in our local business community. The 2022 Board Chairman, Bill Nijem of Langdale Vallotton, LLP, concluded the evening with positive remarks on the outlook ORCHESTRA PRE-CONCERT RECEPTION for 2022.
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Apre-concert reception was held on October 22 prior to the VSO’s performance. The event, sponsored by Stifel and co-hosted by Valdosta Magazine, was coordinated to highlight the symphony experience to young professionals. The Valdosta Junior Service League were the primary invitees. The VSO Guild was also invited and thanked for their ongoing support of the VSO.

Martha Cummings, Reatha Pavey, Linda Monetti

Brandon Oliver, Justin Smothers, Dan Duggan Caleb and Miranda Brown, Billy and Dorothy Steinberg, Jordan Lee and Emily White
Ole and Patricia Vigerstol, Reatha Pavey, Robert Goddard Dan & Carolyn Coleman, Arthur Moran Regan Cason, Sarah Varnedoe, Kayla Becton
Ashley Ruehle, Natalie Roberts, Paul Wagner

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South Georgia Medical Center hosted its fi rst annual Girls Just Wanna Have Brunch event to empower women to take charge of their health during Breast Cancer Awareness month. The inaugural brunch raised more than $11,000 to support women's health initiatives. Women have varying health needs throughout their life stages. The Breast Center and the Birthplace are two cornerstones of SGMC's commitment to women's health in the region. For more information on the SGMC Foundation or how to become involved contact Hilary Gibbs at hilary. gibbs@sgmc.org.

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1. Hannah Barnes, Maylee McLeod, Sarah Jones, Annie LaHood 2. Dr. Jammie Wilbanks, Camillia Bryant, President DeAnnia
Clements, Chandler Chancy, April McDu e, Stevan VanHook,
Shannon McConico 3. Whitney Monetti, Jeannie Miller, Kristin Edwards, Nicole Steele,
Elizabeth Milstead, Michelle Parkerson, Emily Tillman, Amanda
Tillman 4. SGMC Sta : Erika Bennett, Lindsey Purvis, Kara Hope Hansen,
Hilary Gibbs, Elizabeth Vickers, Hilary Willis, Emily Wetherington,
Brenda Alexander 5. Haley and Hadleigh LaHood 6. Lara Davis, Mackenzie Budzinsky, Esther Aldaco, Brittany Pych,
Madeline Marsh 7. Lindsey Sapp and Ash’lyn Peagler 8. Shirley Garland, Hilary Gibbs, Terri Ball, Brenda Alexander 9. Michelle Parkerson and Kristin Edwards 10. Lauren Ball, Anna Clarke Gibbs, Debbie Smith, Shannon
McConico, President DeAnnia Clements


Casey Colson, Elizabeth Steel Milstead, Jessica Newman, Logan Gri s, Nicole Steel, Kristin Tanner Ben & Lauren Brown, Wendy & Nick Copeland

Afundraiser featuring wine tasting and a silent auction was held on October 17 at Woodstack BBQ Barn. The event benefi ted Be Dave Brave, a non-profi t organization support individuals and families fi ghting cancer in the Valdosta area.

Charles & Brooke White Wendy Wisenbaker Garrett and Allison Warren Roxy Corbett, April Steel, Whitney Monettin

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