SHowcase of Winners June 28 th , 2011
Show Dogs Canada
Featuring Top Canadian Show Dogs
BPIS Ch Aikerskaill Winsmith This Time
Tess completed her championship easily, winning 3 Group 1st and a Best Puppy in Show Thank you judges Pamela Bruce (pictured), Chris Neilson, and Mary White.
Owners David Markus/ Harriett Lee
MBIS MBPIS CH. Aikerskaill In A NY Minute
Not to be outdone by her sister, Madison was awarded 2 All Breed Best in Shows and 3 Best Puppy In Shows at 7 months, making her the #1 Whippet in Canada. Thank you judges, G. Jeavons, (pictured) M. Houston-McMillan, and Bart Miller. Owners Diane Fast/ David Markus/ Harriett Lee
Aikerskaill Winsmith Our Time
Watch for this handsome fawn and white boy with his handler Rob Lindey.
Thank you Judge Mark Houston-McMillan Owners David Markus/ Harriett Lee
Thank you judges who have rewarded our handsome boy in the show ring and for your kind comments on his structure and effortless movement. Porter is presently the #2 Dalmatian in Canada.
Handled by Diane & Greg Fast & David Markus Owners Diane & Greg Fast & David Markus
BISS / MBIS GCh & Can Ch Darwyn's I'm Not Arguing That
Undeniable Type
Best in Shows 5 weeks in a row! Thank you! And, thank you to the group judges for your recent Group Wins!
Presented with perfection by Milton and Tracy for owner/breeder Larisa Hotchin
BISS / MBIS GCh & Can Ch Darwyn's I'm Not Arguing That
Terry Carter awarded BPIS to Joe at his 2nd weekend out . This Best in Show 2 years later is very special. It's wonderful when exciting puppies turn into quality adults. Thank you Mrs. T Carter for this award and Mr. Bruce Fraser for the Win that put him in her BIS line-up! Presented with perfection by Milton and Tracy For owner/breeder Larisa Hotchin
BISS / MBIS GCh & Can Ch Darwyn's I'm Not Arguing That Best in Shows 5 weeks in a row!
Much appreciation for Joe's latest Best in Show from respected terrier-breeder judge Mike Macbeth. Presented with perfection by Milton and Tracy For owner/breeder Larisa Hotchin
Am & Can BIS Ch. Striders Santana V Drogheda. Since April Canada's #1 Great Dane #1 Working in Quebec*
Winning BOSS at the Great Dane Club of Quebec Specialty, June 25, 2011, under Irish Judge Ann Ingram Owners - Frank Davey & Kelly & Glen Tait Handler- Harold Butler *Canuck dog June 26th
CH ANGEL IGGIES FOENIX RISING No 1 Italian Greyhound - No 10 Toy*
F O E N I x “....moments of brilliance!" : Dr John Reeve-Newson
ALWAYS breeder/owner/Handled: John Angel
Canuck Dogs June 25 *
Champion Kalacsos Magdi Multiple Group Winner
Striking the right CORD
Hamilton Kennel Club Inc. June 25, 2011 Judge: Mr. Chris Neilson Group 2 Owners: Bernie Silverman, M.D./Bobbie Silverman Breeder: Jozsef Soos, Kalacsos Kennel, Hungary
Handler: Jo Griffith
Thank you Judge Mrs. Phyllis Wolfish Handler: Deb Graffmann Owners: Gord & Deb Graffmann
Show Dogs Canada Thank you for looking at our on-line publication. Our publication is emailed to thousands of dog show enthusiasts and dog show judges in Canada and the USA. We also keep up to date with all current premium lists by adding International judges to our mailings.
Show dogs Canada is emailed weekly and allows you to have your latest win delivered before the next weekend of shows, letting everyone know who has the hot dogs. Flexible delivery by way of adding foreign judges as they appear on premium lists across Canada as well as directing issues to U.S. judges on a regular basis and of course all the Canadian judges. Hope you all had a winning weekend; check out the website and feel free to ask any questions. Hope to hear from you soon.