howcase of Winners March 15th, 2011
Show Dogs Canada
Featuring Top Canadian Show Dogs
Topsfield & Sanchu introduces:
AM & Australian CH
Beauchasseur Hewgo Boss Group winning Basset in the United States and Australia
Group winning Basset inHewgo the United States and Australia
. Pictured with Judge-Deb Graffman Owners -Claudia Orlandi, Claire "Kitty" Steidel & Sheila Mutch Breeder- Christine Lawrence, Beauchasseur Bassets
Handled by-Sue Frischmann
PAKOC, MARCH 4-6, 2011 A HUGE THANK YOU TO JUDGES DOUG GAUDIN - GUY JEAVONS Also Thank You D. Markus, S. Badick & C. Graham
Owner / Handler- Zabrina Livingstone Breeder- Co-owner - LOURA WAID CHES-SHORES KENNEL, MARYLAND
Mona a classic Best In Show Winner Best In Specialty Winner Owner/Breeder/Handler - Tempest Deptuch
Best in Show March 5th Thank You Judge Terry Carter
Am & Can Ch. St. Aubrey Niklaus of Elsdon Owner- R William Taylor Presented by- Lynda Torrance
BIS BPIS BPISS Ch Melkev's Lord Angus at Newalba
We would also like to thank Susan Badick for the honor of Best in Show
8 trips to the ring he has garnered 5 Group 1st's, 2 Group 2nd's. Owners -Wes & Susan Larnie & Melinda Agee Breeder -Melinda Agee
Newalba Boxers & Bullies Red Deer, Alberta
Handler -Wes Larnie
MBPIS MBISS CH.REX DE AKIDO SAN Truly the breeders Choice
Thank you Judge Rick Fehler Caine is starting his year out right with his second BISS win in less then a year Sharinway Kennels Katherine Kew R.R.2 Duffield, Alberta
MBIS BISS Ch Fyreglo’s Lights Camera Action
Photo by Cathy French
Photo by Fay Unrau
Owners - Garth and Shelly Hoy of Manitoba . Handler - Penny Lewis
Multi BIS SBIS Dual Grand Am Can Ch Polo' The Aviator
Canada’s Number One afghan Breeder/ Owner/Handled;
Lorianne Amado poloafghans.ca
Swiftwind Afghan Hounds proudly present Multi Best in Specialty, Best Opp in Specialty, Best in Field Am Can Ch Swift wind Midnite Moon Shadow FCh
Photo by Nixon
Middy finished with 3 specialty majors including BISS at The Afghan Hound Club of Greater Phoenix Thank you Carol Esterkin, Jim Saarien and Ed Gilbert for appreciating a truly classic afghan hound Swiftwind Afghan Hounds where form follows function Vancouver island, Canada laurel@island.net
Show Dogs Canada Thank you for looking at our on-line publication. Our publication is emailed to thousands of dog show enthusiasts and dog show judges in Canada and the USA. We also keep up to date with all current premium lists by adding International judges to our mailings. Show dogs Canada is emailed weekly and allows you to have your latest win delivered before the next weekend of shows, letting everyone know who has the hot dogs. Flexible delivery by way of adding foreign judges as they appear on premium lists across Canada as well as directing issues to U.S. judges on a regular basis and of course all the Canadian judges. Hope you all had a winning weekend; check out the website and feel free to ask any questions. Hope to hear from you soon.