howcase of Winners September 13th 2011 Show Dogs Canada
Featuring Top Canadian Show Dogs
Am & Can Grand Ch St. Aubrey Niklaus of Elsdon CGN**
Canada’s # 1 DOG ALL BREEDS* Best 24 and 25 This weekend # 24 Lee Anne Bateman & # 25 Carol Graham
**Pending CKC Confirmation*
Owner: R. William Taylor Presented by: Lynda Torrance
BISS / MBIS GCh & Can Ch Darwyn's I'm Not Arguing That "Much appreciation to judges Cec Ringstrom Oscar Valverde-Calvo& Rene Echevarria-Cofino for the Hat Trick Gr1’s wins at Skaha, as well as another RBIS!"
Presented with perfection by Milton and Tracy for owner/breeder Larisa Hotchin
MRBIS Am/Can CH ANGEL IGGIES FOENIX RISING "Canada's No 1 Italian Greyhound - # 10 Toy Dog”*
3 Reserve Best in Shows 54 Group placements in 2011, 13 Group 1st’s
ALWAYS: Breeder/Owner/Handled: John Angel www angeliggies. com
Canuck dogs Sept 1st*
Am Can. Ch. Daybreak's Bad Influence
Pink wins Best in Show!!! Thank you Doug Windsor!
Handled by: Michelle Yeadon, PHA, CPHA Owners: Ann Russell and Kimberlie Steele- Gamero
MBIS MBISS MBPIS Ch Aikerskaill in a NY Minute
The day after winning the Canadian Whippet National, Madison does it again winning the Manitoba Hound Specialty defeating some of the top hounds in the country. Thank you Mr. Stacy for this honour Owners / Diane Fast / Harriett Lee / David Markus Handled by / Diane Fast
Thank you to all the judges for making this a great summer Group 1 placement under judges Laura Thompson, Donald Emslie, Olga Gagne Group 2 placement under judges– Denise Cornelssen, Tim Doxtater, Donna Cole and Group 3 placements under judges Nancy Popovich, James Reynolds.
Always Breeder/ Owner Handled - Dianne Waldron
Am & Can BIS Ch. Striders Santana V Drogheda. Since April Canada's #1 Great Dane #1 Working in Quebec*
Thank you, Judge Kristen Francis Group First Temiskaming Kennel Club Handler- Harold Butler Owners - Frank Davey & Kelly & Glen Tait *Canuck Dogs September 13th
MBISS Can Am GCh Graybulls Ketel One CGN. Duncan is shown exclusively by Kandie Kroonen, IROC Bulldogs Canada’s #1 Bulldog * Reserve Best in Show Kamloops Kennel Club
Thank-you judge Sue Rempel for this special win Breeder / Owner - Graybull bulldogs graybulldogs.com Upland, CA
Canuck dog Sep 6th*
BISS Am/Can UKC Ch. Esmonds Qruzin’ For A Bruzin’ Ag.N, Ag.NJ, MADC, MSDC, MJDC, RN, RAMCL, TT, CGN, HIC
Thank you to the following judges for Ely's Group placements this summer: Sean Shields Olga Gagne Joan Beech Melvin Beech Joe Lobb Michael Lanctot Heather Brennan Cherie Holmes
Handled by - Mike Jackman Owners - Cassandra Levy & Ann Felske-Jackman
Multiple BIS BPIS BPISS Ch. Valubal Burn Notice
Westen had a very nice time in Kamloops. 2 Group 2, 2 Group 4 and 3 Best Puppy in Group Thank you judges Sue Quesnel, Sandra Lex, Michael Woods, Janet Sinclair, and Sue Ellen Rempel Breeder / Owner / Handler- Val J. Bandas
BIS BISS Ch Burke's Pinocchio Of BNV AOM
Flash!!! 5 point US Major
Prevost Owner: Brenda and Nick Vanderlinden
AWARD OF MERIT at the Bichon Frise Club of Canada 18th National Specialty August 13th, 2011 Winnipeg, MB Judge - Jacqueline Stacy
Handler – Sandy Orford Owner - Bernice & Brian Lucas, Linda Ross, Marilyn Torrance
Show Dogs Canada Thank you for looking at our on-line publication. Our publication is emailed to thousands of dog show enthusiasts and dog show judges in Canada and the USA. We also keep up to date with all current premium lists by adding International judges to our mailings. Show dogs Canada is emailed weekly and allows you to have your latest win delivered before the next weekend of shows, letting everyone know who has the hot dogs. Flexible delivery by way of adding foreign judges as they appear on premium lists across Canada as well as directing issues to U.S. judges on a regular basis and of course all the Canadian judges. Hope you all had a winning weekend; check out the website and feel free to ask any questions. Hope to hear from you soon.