Bioethics In Cultural Contexts
Introduction; C. Rehmann-Sutter, M. Dwell, D. Mieth.- I. Fundamental Aspects. - 1. History and Future of Bioethics; A. R. Jonsen. 2. The Need for Ethical Evaluation in Biomedicine and Biopolitics; D. Mieth. 3. Finitude a Neglected Perspective in Bioethics; B. Sitter-Liver. 4. Limits of Bioethics; C. Rehmann-Sutter. 5. The Problem of Limits of Law in Bioethical Issues; S. Castignone.- II. Classical Approaches. - 6. One Moral Principle or Many? M. Dwell. 7. Danger and Merits of Principlism: Meta-Theoretical Reflections on the Beauchamp/Childress Approach to Biomedical Ethics; B. Schne-Seifert. 8. The Journey from Ethics to Law: The Case of Euthanasia; B. Feuillet le Mintier. 9. Recognition and Respect for Persons: a Personalistic Interpretation of Kant's Categorical Imperative; R. Mordacci. 10. Rationality in Bioethics: Reasonable Adjudication in a Life and Death Case of the Separation of Cojoined Twins; D. Beyleveld.- III. Culture and Society. - 11. The Public Role of Bioethics and the Role of the Public; A. Cortina. 12. Experts on Bioethics in Biopolitics; S. Graumann. 13. The Contribution of Medical History to Medical Ethics: The Case of Brain Death; C. Wiesemann. 14. Alternative Medicine: A Dispute on Truth, Power or Money? E. Krizova. 15. Dimensions of Cultural Diversity of Medical Ethics; P. Tishchenko.- IV. Body and Identity. 16. Body, Perception and Identity; J.-P. Wils. 17. Disabled Embodiment and an Ethic of Care; J. Leach Scully. 18. Coping with Limits: Two Strategies and Their Athropological and Ethical Implications; W. Lesch.- V. Innovative Modes of Analysis. - 19. What Can the Social Sciences Contribute to the Study of Ethics? Theoretical, Empirical and Substantive Considerations; E. Haimes. 20. Discourse Ethics: Apel,
Habermas, and Beyond; M. Kettner. 21. The Concept of Care Ethics in Biomedicine: The Case of Disability; E. Feder Kittay. 22. The Thick Social Matrix for Bioethics: Anthropological Approaches; R. Rapp. 23. Narrative Bioethics; H. Haker.- List of Contributors. EAN/ISBN : 9781402042416 Publisher(s): Springer Netherlands Discussed keywords: Bioethik Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph - Duwell, Marcus - Mieth, Dietmar
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