CERTIFICATE This is to certify that, ABINASH DIBYA SEKHAR, a student of Department Of Business Administration of session 2008-2013 has under taken the summer project entitled “A REPORT ON TRAINING DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION IN NALCO” in accordance with the requirements for the partial fulfillment for the degree of 5 year integrated MBA Programme..
PROF. B.B.Mishra (Course Co-ordinators) 5 Year Integrated, MBA Department of Business Administration Utkal University, Vanivihar Bhubaneswar
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project on “A REPORT TRAINING DESIGN, EVALUATION & IMPLEMENTATION IN NALCO” was completed by ABINASH DIBYA SEKHAR, an Integrated MBA student (2008-13) of Department Of Business Administration, Utkal University at Head Office, and Bhubaneswar under my guidance & supervision. This is his/ her original work and I have been overseeing these diligent efforts throughout the study
Dr Muna Kalyani (Lecturer, Department Of Business Administration)
C ERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project on “A REPORT COMPETENCY MAPPING AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN NALCO” was completed by ABINASH DIBYA SEKHAR , an Integrated MBA student (2008-13) of Department Of Business Administration, Utkal University at Head Office, and Bhubaneswar under my guidance & supervision. This is her original work and I have been overseeing these diligent efforts throughout the study.
Dr J.Chaudhary (Lecturer, Department Of Business Administration)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to express our heartiest thanks to those persons who individually as well as collectively helped us in the successful completion of this project. I extremely thankful to the Course Co-ordinator of IMBA, Prof. B.B. MISHRA, Placement Officer, Mr. Sabyasachi Das of the Department of Business Administration, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, for their guidance and co-operation in preparing this project I extremely thankful to Mr. Amiya Patnaik, DGM (IE & Trg) NALCO, Bhubaneswar for having permitted us to carry out the project in the organization & rendered valuable guidance & advice. Finally I am thankful enough to my parents for their precious advice for performing this project sincerely.
Abinash Dibya Sekhar
DECLARATION I do hereby declare that this project report titled, “A REPORT ON TRAINING DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION IN NALCO”, is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the 5yrs integrated MBA Programme in Utkal University. This report is authentic and has not been submitted anywhere else or published at anywhere before.
Name and address of the student: ABINASH DIBYA SEKHAR Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Date:
Signature of the student
CONTENTs Company profile
Overview of training and development
Training need analysis
Modules, case study & conclusion
AbsTRACT Training is a systematic development of knowledge, skill, attitude required by an individual to perform a given task or job. Before conducting any training programme first we have to identify the need for that training i.e. • Is there a need to train the employees? • About the current position. • Where you want to be. • • • • • •
The need identification may be in terms of Organizational need. Policy need. Specific need. Performance appraisal. Competency mapping Venders training
The two important concepts are Performance appraisal and competency mapping. Competency mapping is a process of identifying the key competencies for an organisation and/or a job & incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes. Performance appraisal is describe as merit rating in which one individual is ranked as better or worse in comparison to other. After identifying the need the methods through which the training is given are:- • On the job training • off the job training Training design refers to factors built into the training program to increase the chances that transfer of training will occur. To put training program into effort according to definite plan or procedure is called training implementation Evaluation of training effectiveness is a highly desirable step in total training programme so one can judge the value or worth of training. Training evaluation is a mean by which participant express their feedback regarding the effectiveness of training through a source of qualitative and quantitative survey question completed at the training programme.
ďƒ˜ The effectiveness of training programme depends upon the feedback given by the trainee. ďƒ˜ Process that makes training effectiveness are like determine the training objective, fixation of evaluation criteria, collect of information relevant to training analysis. ďƒ˜ The persons who are responsible for evaluation of training are senior management, the trainer, the training manager, the trainee.