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Figure 31: Accessible king room floor plan

 Closets shall have a low mounted hanger rod at 1,200mm above the finished floor.

Split closets, with both high and low mounted hanger rods, are recommended  Preferably, doors should be equipped with ‘U’ shaped levered or another accessible handle.


5. Furniture and Finishes

 If the access aisle to the bed is less than 1,200mm, then the bedside tables need to provide a minimum toe space of 225mm high x 300mm deep.  Other tables should provide a minimum knee clearance of 700mm underneath to a depth of 450mm  Thresholds should be totally avoided or flush. If unavoidable, they should not be higher than 25mm.

6. Bathroom elements

 A minimum knee clearance under the counter is 750mm to a depth of 500mm.  The top height of the counter should be no more than 850mm. The counter should provide the possibility of front or side approach.  Mirrors are to be mounted with the bottom edge at a maximum of 1,000mm.

7. Showers/tubs elements

 While a shower is considered a more accessible solution, people of different mobility or sensory capacity prefer bathtubs as well.  An equal number of rooms with roll-in showers and accessible bathtubs are recommended.  All tubs and showers need to be equipped with an offset, single lever-mixing valve, and a hand-held shower held on a minimum 1,500mm hose.26

Figure 31: Accessible king room floor plan; Source: IPC accessibility guidelines

; Source: IPC accessibility guidelines

26 Ibid 130-133

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