Poems of Light

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Poems of Light

By Shreya A.V

Hi there! My name is Shreya A.V and I love to read and write poetry. Here is a collection of the poems I have written. These poems are very special to me because I have been inspired to write them by my experiences in life. You may have seen some of these featured on my mother’s blog. Please go check her poetry out at: https://vellur1.blogspot.com/

Fantasies of Childhood Laughing playing as a little child My days were filled with fun and frolic I had not a worry or a care My world was filled with magic Sparkling glass were diamonds Golden drops fell out from the sun Silver never tarnished Rainbows were colorful rungs I could climb up high Touch the sky Float on the fluffy clouds Slide down on each raindrop When I wanted to touch the ground I could paint a pretty picture With my every thought And not a care in the world Could ever blot it As each day passed me by I realize that the sky is high Rainbow rungs don’t really hold The golden drops aren’t real gold All the silver on earth do tarnish Diamonds are not glass There is no real magic The sun rays are harsh They scorch the earth Raindrops could turn into ice And hurt when they fall from the sky Now I see reality A far cry from what it used to be

Balancing When the sun shines awakening planet earth When the moon shadows and lets earth rest When the wind and the trees sing in harmony When bees and flowers dance in synchrony When water flows over rocks and pebbles Filling rivers and streams frolicking with bubbles When the oceans respond to the power of the moon And the waves dance to a magnetic tune When the sun sets in glorious hues Bringing on the night with hidden clues Balancing moments between now and then Earth spins with nature at its helm

Weaving Dreams

Once upon a time In a land far away There lived a dream weaver Who would weave dreams all day

The dream keeper had no home He had no kith or kin You would always find him alone Thinking of dreams that he could spin

If you ever happen to see him Standing on the mountain top You would see him busy skimming Sweet dreams off the best crops

You just might catch him talking Whispering to the moon in the dark Or listening to the wind streaming Catching the brilliant lights that spark

He caught the starlight from the stars Threaded with silver moon beams Added the essence of the night dew drops To weave a world of sweet dreams

World of Freedom

Don't let the world Crowd you out Shout you down And push you out

Don't let the world Cut through you Assemble piece by piece Into what you are not

Don't let the world Make you think The way it wants Even if you do not

Don't let the world Run your life Life is yours to run Tell yourself to think it out

Don't let the world Dictate your life One life is all you got Live it now

Your way

Knocking at my door? Don't let the world Crowd you out Shout you down And push you out

Don't let the world Cut through you Assemble piece by piece Into what you are not

Don't let the world Make you think The way it wants Even if you do not

Don't let the world Run your life Life is yours to run Tell yourself to think it out

Don't let the world Dictate your life One life is all you got Live it now, your way.

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