Many people related to the field of education keep talking about VALUE BASED EDUCATION as a panacea to all the problems in the world. The idea of value based education is probably well intended in case of some of the proponents, but …. 1.
The influence of value system of the society (now global values) (which does not come in the purview of any formal education) influences ideas and behavior of the students and every one connected with education tremendously. Common men follow the celebrities in different fields, in the world. The celebrity status is decided by the global value system and the media hype in accordance
with it! Today, all of us in the world are suffering with the disease of “individualism, superficiality and pettiness”. Interestingly, it is disguised in glamour, glitter, hype and glorification! We have become caricature of ourselves. We are unable to think and behave conducive to our happiness and that of others. 3. The value system (enlightenment and inclusiveness or otherwise) of the constituent assemblies decide the contents and drafting of the laws. 4. The laws (whether they represent the noble aspirations of the millions or not) and the legal system (whether it provides any kind of assurance, support or solace against being subjected to injustice and/or crimes) influences common man’s (and hence of
every one related to the field of education) beliefs and interactions. 5. Our listlessness and emaciation to rise above individualism, pettiness and superficiality and our sectarian and fragmented perspective and thinking (the cause of global problems) are because of getting disconnected from our powerhouse (our true self)! NAMASMARAN can reconnect us with our powerhouse. In other words, this is like watering our roots! 6. In absence of NAMASMARAN, arbitrary teaching of some arbitrary values, become pitiable and utterly ineffective in serving the purpose viz. providing any kind of solution to global or individual problems. 7. One need not believe in this, but think over the issue and verify the empowering and rejuvenating experience of cosmic
benevolence of NAMSMARAN and its byproducts.