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The association of traffic jam, dirtiness, queues of pathetic looking beggars; reported indulgence in marihuana, sexual abuse and other perversions, monitory corruption; interference of petty politics, vested interests and criminal elements in the management; unauthorized nature of constructions etc lead to serious doubts about the beneficial aspects of temples. They appear to be at best centers of escapism and sterile solace; totally cut off from the day to day transactions and the challenges therein. This leads to propagation of superstitions on the one hand and reactive and well meaning but inappropriate criticism of the temples on the other hand. Majority of the temples have become economically helpless and parasitic institutions dependent on the mercy of government, grace of leaders involved in partisan politics, sympathy of

donors (without discretion to their character) and volunteers gathering with ulterior motives. Thus celebrations and devotional activities have become means of extortions and sociopolitical weightage and electoral politics. Why has this happened? The individualistic pursuits and petty considerations (Kaliyug) have taken toll of the original ideas, concepts and functioning of temples. As a result, the centers of excellence in every possible way; which served to emancipate individuals and the society and emanated rejuvenating and revitalizing influence on most of the individuals visiting and participating in the temple activities (conducive to individual and global blossoming); have become diseased institutions or the focuses of diseases.

Can this be rectified? Yes. The ever nurturing core of cosmos and the cosmic consciousness is NAMA and NAMASMARAN is the way for all. Through NAMASMARAN we can re-explore, rejuvenate and reestablish the glorious functioning of temples in all their richness and their benevolence! Thus holistic agricultural, horticultural, cow rearing, related industries, health and fitness centers, holistic educational activities; can spring from the enlightenment integral to NAMASMARAN! Even the laws related to temples can emerge more accurate and benevolent; if concerned individuals practice NAMASMARAN.

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