For all those; who believe that all the human efforts should culminate in individual and universal blossoming, the holistic perspective and activities in tune with it; form the only way of success! If you believe in realizing and manifesting the universal unity and harmony, then the simple way is NAMASMARAN. Through NAMASMARAN you begin to blossom and realize universal unity and harmony and ironically, land up in magnificent bliss and infallible conviction (some may call it obsession) of NAMASMARAN! It is through such conviction, that you realize the need for top priority to training of children (and also adults) in first aid, nursing, home remedies, cooking, farming,
gardening, stitching, carpentry and various such household skills and crafts, power sports, gymnastics, athletics, martial arts and everything related to physical and mental fitness, which have to be aimed at empowering the individuals to streamline the resources in problem solving; and achieve individual and global prosperity and profundity.