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CORRUPT THINKING DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKAR What is this corrupt thinking? The holistic perspective or normal perspective as gets corrupted (diseased and degenerated) gradually becomes increasingly NARROW, sick and sectarian. From this sick and sectarian soil of corrupt perspective, the sick and sectarian; corrupt thinking germinates! Everything holistic gets degenerated into everything sick and sectarian! The racially discriminating constitutions, the legal discrimination on the basis of castes, legal yet unjust tax system/s to exploit certain section for the benefit of another section, the repressive laws against trade, shops and such commercial activities, the legalized destructive promotion of alcohol, the various laws and rule with respect to special economic zones and so on are examples of “corrupt thinking”! The present sectarian medical and education systems (conspicuously lacking integration and productive domain respectively) are glaring examples of corrupt thinking. The so called corruption (embodying mere financial scams, bribing and even other corrupt activities) is actually crude symptom of the deeper disease viz. corrupt thinking, which in turn is the crude symptom of deeper disease viz. corrupt perspective!

Just as solution for rectification of corrupt perspective is NAMASMARAN, the solution for rectification of corrupt thinking is NAMASMARAN!

The verification of this is possible only if the global population begins NAMASMARAN on a massive scale. DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKAR

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