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The dosha, dhatu and mala together are called tridosha. They imply three aspects of life. The concept of dosha implies the controlling forces and elements including bioelectricity, anabolism and catabolism. The doshas can also be imagined to be a link between the external and internal universe and the various phenomena of life.

The concept; thus can be imagined to be akin to seed, root and leaves of the life tree. Doshas helps the tree to internalize the water, manure, fertilizers and oxygen; leading to growth, development, optimal activity and time bound decomposition and death. They represent dynamic, moving or controlling aspects of life. The dhatu implies the more stable elements such as various secretions, substrates, blood, muscles, depot fat

and other forms of fat, bones and other cartilaginous and keratinous structures and elements, marrow or inner parenchyma elements and semen or resultant energy in an individual represented by it. The dhatus are stable aspects such as stem, branches and the other components of these structures. These represent a more stable stage of the life process. The concept of mala implies the less dynamic, less stable elements.

They are the effects or functions of the interactions amongst the doshas and dhatus. These elements resulting from above interactions, leave the body in timely manner on moment to moment basis and day to day basis. But what is important is to appreciate that they stay for some specific time and serve specific functions before they leave the body. Hence the formation of mala and the processes and time of their exits are characteristic and vital to body health!

One can take the examples of sweat, urine, feces, CO2, water, urea, NH3, H+ and last but not the least the semen; and such many so called “waste products” and observe carefully to confirm their vital role in physiology. This observation is probably the basis of “Shivambu Chikitsa” i.e. drinking of one’s own urine or Gomutra i.e. drinking of cow urine

and eating of cow dung for therapeutic purpose. Mala does not mean waste. DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKAR

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