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The experiences are for sharing. But some experiences are very difficult to articulate! Hence the experience of self realization is described as indescribable! The intellectual experience of the “beginning” of universe and the spiritual experience of the “creation” of universe are worded differently and often cause misunderstanding and conflict. The intellectual explanations based on knowing and spiritual or explanations are based on knowing and being! Thus BRAHMA is “described” as indescribable and without any attributes but at the same time it is described as motionless (NSCHAL). The soul, of which the physical characteristics and dimensions are not known; is often described, in terms of “coming” and “going”. Unless one experiences the state of being, these semantics can appear erroneous and even ridiculous.

Similarly love, peace, bliss and kind and benevolent God and the nature of justice in society, where there is exploitation, institutionalized crime, natural disasters and so on, there is a lame explanation, such as fate (PRARABDHA). Because love, peace, joy, bliss, and kind God are not “experienced� and hence are rendered naive, inert, unintelligent and redundant (especially when compared to often practiced and victorious smartness, shrewdness and intricate manipulations in business, politics and other fields). BRAHMA is beyond time and hence ANUSANDHAN (which is often equated with lethargic idle mental state) is actually faster than time (transtemporal) and more active than all possible activities in the universe! But this can become clear only after experience! Similarly true love, peace, joy, relaxation, buoyancy etc are associated with true ANUSANDHAN! They are associated with extremely alert and dazzlingly fast state of being and not sluggishness! They are not associated with

melancholic, lethargic and escapist asceticism; but emerge from appropriate exercises of intelligence, emotions and instincts (in fact the whole being) and their consequent blossoming! They are associated with not shunning the reality but with “going to the root of it and mastering” it! Thus anxiety can be overcome temporarily by escapism in terms of drugs, alcohol etc. or some meditative techniques sold in market, but not to one’s satisfaction, because the conscience remains starved! This also would be clear through experience! Anxiety can be truly overcome by regular practice of NAMASMARAN (though not easily) and associated complete wakefulness which is what ANUSANDHAN is! Complete wakefulness (unlike the usual wakefulness, which is partial and vitiated by and inaccurate, deceptive and hence disturbing anxiogenic perceptions of the surroundings) is beyond the speed of time and hence enables one to get rid of

anxiety (which is function of the defective feelings of past, present and future) and helps others also to get rid of it. Anxiety is usually because of inability to figure out and/or perform one’s role “successfully” in a given situation! Through complete wakefulness one becomes hundred percent sure of the “objective and accurate universal role” of cosmic consciousness (BRAHMA) and hence one gets automatically freed from one’s “anxiety of subjective and inaccurate role”! SANKALPA and feelings (good or bad but always subjective) related to it result from the lack of freedom from physiological limitations (called DEHABUDDHI) and “defective sensations of past future and present” embodied in them. This is why, through NAMASMARAN when you go beyond time and remain in ANUSANDHAN, there is no pursuit and no restlessness and no SANKALPA as you go beyond DEHABUDDHI and “defective sensations of

past future and present�. This is what is called SAKALPA SANYASA, in Bhagavad Gita. Here the individual does not arbitrarily and coercively abstain oneself; from SANKALPA, but his SANKALPA gets sublimated; and merged with the objective and accurate SANKALPA; of the cosmic consciousness (BRAHMA), which is universally benevolent, through the grace of BRAHMA (God)!

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