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The stress and its manifestations in the world are due to the shearing forces of physical needs, natural instincts, emotions and intelligence; within an individual and society. This stress has been there since time immemorial and was contained to some extent through the conventions, traditions, etiquettes, commandments, decrees, rituals, festivals etc.; evolved through consensus. It was also contained through the education, which nurtured the process of appreciation and realization in everyday life; the unity of true self and the intellectual, emotional, instinctual and productive (cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains) capabilities and aptitudes of an individual. Thus the education guided the students in the ways and methods to grasp and acquire the

holistic perspective and its expression in day to day life for individual and global blossoming. Today the biggest fault in education is; its individualistic, petty, fragmented, sectarian, reductionist and hence divisive perspective and way of life, which is imbibed by the students, who in turn consciously or unconsciously become the instruments or victims of the same divisive, disintegrator, individualistic, petty perspective; and the forces fission which destroy global unity, harmony and blossoming. Even as it is true that prayers are practiced in many institutions, the education from primary to postgraduate; is totally cut off from the philosophy and practice of self realization i.e. simultaneous individual and global blossoming! In such situation; it is essential to include the theory and practice NAMASMARAN in all the

syllabi, so that holistic perspective and forces of fusion, unification, harmonizing and blossoming at individual and global levels can be once again be consolidated and rejuvenated! Thus, NAMASMARAN can revitalize process of rectification of the process of disintegration of the education and hence politics, industry, agriculture, business, arts, literature, health care, health promotion and especially the science and technology; from the true self and the conscience of an individual (and that of society). This can engender the unity of true self with everything that we learn, teach, plan, administer, research, practice and propagate and thereby individual and global blossoming.

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