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INTRODUCTION THE SPIRITUAL AUSTERITIES OF OUR GURUDEVA YUGA RISHI SHRIRAM SHARMA HAS RENDERED HIM IMMORTAL: ADARNIYA SHAILJIJI: Revered Gurudeva used to say that he has 3 Gurus. First is Himalayas that calls me again and again. Its infinite height and serenity is that touchstone (Paras) which converts the inner iron of one’s personality into gold. It removes life’s taints and reinstates goodwill in its place. Revered Gurudeva had achieved the pinnacle of glory akin to Himalayan heights and had imbibed cool serenity too. Any grief stricken person who contacted Gurudeva overcame sorrow and imbibed serenity of mind. My 2nd Guru is Ma Adyashakti Gayatri which filled my life with immortal nectar. Mother Gayatri oriented austerities has rendered me immortal and deathless. My preceptor or my Guru is akin to a Kalpavriksha or a wish fulfilling tree. Whatever I asked was given to me by him in a manifold way. Not only did he bless me with guidance, various energies and Sidhis or Divine Powers but helped me in transformation of planet earth and said: Son! I hand over this responsibility to you.

GURUDEVA AIDED THE MANIFESTATION OF SPRING IN THE LIVES OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE: ADARNIYA DR PRANAV PANDYA SAHEB: Spring season symbolizes transformation. As soon as spring arrives everything appears new, nature warms up and activity starts climbing to great peaks. Revered Gurudeva helped thousands of people imbibe spring like activities in their lives. His writings and speeches must be broadcasted everywhere so as to fill the lives of people with blooming spring season. In every act of Revered Gurudeva one finds a calculated move, science and mysteries of spirituality. Whatever he said would actually happen. By joining his sacred mission we lose nothing and that we will accrue nothing but benefits galore. If you have heard the inner call know for sure your birth is meant for carrying out some special task. The birth centenary of our Revered Gurudeva is the century of thought transformation. Today the world lacks human values. Man has destroyed his humane behavior. It is because of this that so many scams, crimes and inhuman activities are rising alarmingly the world over. In order to overcome these fearful situations we must perform one task only i.e. OPPOSE A VILE INTELLECT AND TAINTED THINKING. There can be no greater way to express our devotion to Revered Gurudeva at this hour of his birth centenary

celebrations. As against the number of candles lit in India and other countries during the eve of spring festival even more so we must light the lamp sacred thoughts in the psyche of every world human this year. It is only men of penance who have imbibed the divine teachings of revered Gurudeva in their lives can execute his sacred mission of Era Transformation in the 21st century itself.

SPARING TIME IS THE GREATEST CHARITY: In man’s life many good fortunes manifest and for them, man always praises himself. Such good fortunes come occasionally and never permanently. Yet the greatest good fortune of man is one only and that is he correctly understands time. If man correctly identifies time I feel that there exists no greater good fortune and destiny for man. The times in which you and I are living in today is so grand that it will never again appear either in your life or annals of world history. For very high stature tasks especially in that time wherein God appears as an Avatar in this world, those people who conjoin to his sacred mission become grand themselves by playing their appointed roles. Friends! People have their own needs. I cannot very well say that they do not have any requirements and yet at certain times even Almighty Lord too needs people of this world. Not always but sometimes. And those who identify this golden chance at those certain times set forth to help Almighty God akin to the squirrel, boatman, Shabari and monkeys/bears of the epic Ramayan and thus glorify their lives. If your mind has the capacity to accrue great benefits and that your personality too has this capability, if you possess valor, please do come forward and thus do not lose this supreme golden chance. I am awakening each one of you and speaking thus. Please step forward and join my ‘military’. I invite each one of you to conjoin to the sacred mission of Prajna Avatar especially those people whose habits are clean, who are hard working, full of great character and whose weight is not heavy, meaning who do not possess a heavy burden of worldly/mundane responsibilities. For such people the most stupendous task is that after eking out their earnings they work for the country and world society. Now in order to render widespread our arena of work we need your help. For this we shall have to search for that class of people who are called the thinking class. Today we need engineer doctors, soldiers, overseers and we require all those who can work for neo creation of our country. It is the prime responsibility of Gayatri Family members that in order to render the torch lit ceaselessly akin to myself they surrender their very being for this great cause. By giving this responsibility and prime duty to our family members I bid adieu with this hope that not only will these members not shy away from stepping in the direction of greatness but that they shall swiftly march ahead.


1. You people must fulfill one task that is always experience that you are divine in nature. You have the garb of bears and monkeys. Some wear Kurtas, some wear Dhotis, some don spectacles and others do something else but yet despite all this you are divine souls and have come in this world for a special task. This point to be noted is at number 1 spot. The 2 nd point which appears difficult for you is how can taints be removed from the world and in its place how to increase that which is wholesome? Regarding this I have already cited Nostradamus’ political prophecy and now I give my own prophecy that I have already killed your enemies and foes. I have rendered them dead and for you pious credit and good fortune are alive. For you the crown is alive, honor is alive and kicking and hence you must aspire for it. 2. Shri Krishna was Arjun’s charioteer and I will drive your chariot. Chariot of what? The chariot of your business, your industry, your profession, your body, your household-I will ‘drive’ all these and I promise to do so. But along with this I also request you to walk on the path laid down by myself as my companion. Shoulder responsibilities by my side. You will accrue no loss. Believe me I have killed those opponents and have kept the garland of victory ready for you. 3. The garlands of victory were kept ready for the 5 Pandavas and only it had to adorn their necks. For you too garlands are ready, only you need to wear them and thus get due credit. If you become partners in the task of ushering in a New Era you shall get due credit. Then Guruji, what shall happen to our wives and children? Son! I shall take up those responsibilities. If they become ill I will ward off their illnesses. If you incur a loss in your business I will repay the loss. I know how to repair all losses of your business transactions. When a child grows up he gets bigger things which a smaller child does not get. Now I do not see any children and that all of you are youths. I will now make you work for jobs/business and whatever excess remains with me too shall be distributed to all of you. No Guruji! When you leave will you not take with yourself all that you have earned? Son! I shall certainly do nothing like that. Believe me that whatever I have earned I shall hand it over you i.e. all my good deeds, material earnings and spirituality based earnings. You are a partner of these earnings (Guruvar ki dharohar-Part 2, 166-169). 4. All those who have served and helped me shall duly be paid the very last cent. I neither wish to go to heaven nor attain salvation or Moksha. After praying to God I shall once again enter the cycle of taking birth in the wombs of 8.4 million species so that I can repay every cent along with interest those who have helped me in this present birth. 5. By becoming grass, flowers, trees, sticks, buffalo, cow, sheep etc I can help others as much as I can and in this manner I will be able to repay fully or partially all those who have helped me in this present birth. Is the burden of goodwill any less, that

one adds to the burden, by taking help of others? For this I will even fight with God to make me grass, cow, buffalo etc so that time and again for those who have affectionately poured their love on me, by forgetting my mediocrity given me respect, honor, faith, goodwill etc I can do something and yet I am at a loss as to how I can repay this debt. It is my deepest desire that someone renders my heart rain clouds and fills it so much sacred water of love that wherever I have been given even 1 drop of love there I get the golden chance of pouring huge amounts of this rain. 6. I do not know if it will be possible and if it is not possible may my subtle manifestation reach all those whose goodwill in any form has come my way. May these generous hearted people experience that their love has not been forgotten by me and instead shall be remembered in totality. 7. I will shoulder this weight of gratefulness till even a miniscule portion of my very existence remains. If each day I cannot repay you let not those who love me feel that their generosity has been forgotten out of ungratefulness. I will forever remain grateful to those who instead of abhorring my taints have only paid heed to my good character and with a sense of goodwill respected it. 8. I may go far away from the gross eyes of people yet none shall go beyond the vision of my subtle eyes. I will take with me hidden the photos of all who harbor love in their eyes for me and possess goodwill in their bosoms and incessantly shall I shower with devotion my tears on these divine images. I cannot say whether I will get the opportunity to repay my debt to you all but if I do get it I will leave no stone unturned to adorn and decorate these divine images (Vangmaya-1/4.1 to 4.9). People may forget me but I will not forget anyone who harbors love for me. 9. We must understand that future times will come along with economic equality. In this world the nature of religion, society etc could be anything yet economic equality the world over shall manifest. In the coming days not one person in this world will be wealthy. Money shall be distributed equally, society shall control wealth and people will be able to earn only that much which is required to sustain a simple way of living. Just as kings and their fiefdom ended I have seen all that with my own eyes. Now with these very eyes we must get ready to see that no individual will possess a lot of wealth and it will not be possible to leave behind wealth for sons, grandsons etc post death. In other modes of philosophies maybe communism shall not get acceptance but in the financial sector the world over communism based tenets will be put into practice.


Ordinarily there is belief prevalent that man himself is the author of his destiny and future situations. Whatever actions we perform today will be seen as reactions in the form of future situations. On this basis in the present tense we can predict the future. But in this world are born such divine seers who well in advance have the capacity to see, understand and predict the results of collective actions performed by world humanity. Of course not on the basis of ‘Falit Jyotish (Astrology)’ but via subtle powers of spirituality many special humans possess such capabilities that can see future events clearly. In order to reform and instill balance in today’s world scattered and distorted situations the Divine Authority time and again makes special arrangements. On seeing the direction and flow of this Divine Inspiration we can understand that how the wheel of situations will move in future times. Spiritual seers imbued with soul power well in advance understand these future possibilities. These great seers keep the knowledge of a few of these future predictions to themselves and the rest are shared with the world so that people are timely warned to change themselves as per situations that manifest. Today a lot of movements are noted in the subtle world with reference to changing of times and neo creation of world humanity and the entire world itself. In the past, clouds of distortions have appeared due to worldwide unethical activities and irrationality. Its reaction in future will be seen as bitter ferocious situations. Almighty Lord is in no mood to see his beloved prince that is man and his supreme creation that is this world get destroyed just like that. In order to balance it Lord Mahakal’s controlling management is at work. It is indeed our good fortune that even today there dwell on earth such subtle seers imbued with gigantic soul power who can understand this intense movement of the subtle world along with their reactions, situations, directions and future possibilities. Over here we will list out the future predicted by a few great seers. Time and again their predictions have come true 99% times. Whatever maybe the basis of their prediction but yet it is a fact that when tested minutely they have proved to be correct. On this very basis we must place faith in their other predictions too which will be proved correct at the appointed hour.

What will happen in future? This is not mere curiosity but is very useful too. If we come to know that which will definitely take place in future man will avoid opposing it and thus save his energy. Further by working in tandem with future happenings and can imbibe a comfortable mode of working so as to benefit from the ease and success attained via flowing in an apt direction. How and in what direction is the future of the human race and the entire world being created? This glimpse can be got from the above predictions. They are all very useful for us. The way today’s rotting social frame and thinking/behavior of world humanity is changing can be understood from these predictions. A small beginning has already been made by the organization called ‘Yuga Nirman Yojana’ regarding Era Transformation and Neo Creation. On the face of it this movement seems very miniscule yet behind it which principles of the subtle world are at work and how will it evolve in a cosmic manner can be glimpsed in the above predictions. Those hands that have directed this program is today being looked upon merely as an individual human being. But when we delve deep into this future predictions we realize that this so called ordinary human being is actually a divine messenger and prophet of a New Era. If we conjoin the activities of ‘Yuga Nirman Yojana’ and the personality and mission of its founder Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to these predictions we can conclude that this program and personality that appears very minute is akin to a tiny seed which in a few years shall play the role of a gigantic tree. All these seers are such that it is possible that they have hardly heard about the ‘Yuga Nirman Yojana’ and its director. In the subtle world they saw and interpreted situations via their divine vision and made predictions accordingly. If we cogitate deeply these predictions regarding Era Transformation most optimally applies to ‘Yuga Nirman Yojana’ and regarding the method of manifesting Era Transformation, a Divine Messenger has been spoken of. This messenger can be none other than Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. If this is actually true we will have to say that all of us thousands of individuals have failed to understand the greatness of this movement and its founder. The time has arrived to understand the nature of future transformations and by working in tandem with it we must understand the Bhagiratha like effort of that prophet full of austerities and as per his directions and teachings we daringly take gigantic steps forward. In it lies our farsightedness and wisdom. Time and again we have published predictions made by world renowned, honest and self realized divine seers in the ‘Akhand Jyoti’ magazine hence to a great extent we can call them trustworthy. Within them predominate Saint Prananath, John Melard, Orechard, Maharshi Aurobindo, Gopinath shastri Chulet, Mahatma Vishwaranjan Brahmachari, Romain Roland, Cheiro, Variska Silvigar, Anandacharya, Jean Dixon, Anderson, Gerard

Chrisey, Arthur Charles Clarke, Prof Harare, Jules Berne, Paramhans Rajnarayan Pattashastri, Kedardatta Joshi, George Baveri, Paraselsus, Daniel, Nostradamus, Father Walter Wayne and others. From amongst these we will give the gist of a few predictions. Mahatma Prananathji, the Guru of the glorious emperor Chatrasal has made predictions of Era Transformation and the manifestation of an Avatar in the following poetic meter: Vijayabhinandan Buddha ji aur nishkalank it aay. Mukti desi saban ko met sabay asuray. Ek srishti ghani bhajan ekay ek jnana ek ahar. Cchod bair miley sab pyar so bhaya sakal main jay jaykar. Akshar ke do chashmein nahasi nor nazar. Visa so barsay kayam hosi bairat sacharachar. The editor of ‘Healing Life’ Father John Melard too while agreeing with the manifestion of Era Transformation and appearance of a Divine Messenger writes: Today world problems are so complex that it cannot be solved by a human intellect or power. World peace is beyond the capacity of human beings. Despite this there is no need to despair because such indications have been noted wherein they say that God has arrived on earth and along with the power of his aides is setting about establishing a New Era. We can say he is definitely an Avatar after gauging his intellectual and soul power. This world transformer cannot remain hidden behind a veil for long. W E Orechard while elucidating his opinion too writes: Israelis are waiting for the manifestation of Almighty God in this world but know for sure he has already arrived and not only will their own grief but the strife of entire world will end. God never allows evil, injustice, atrocities etc to reside in this world. Today these distortions have risen so alarmingly that God will perforce manifest in this world. The well known Indian Mahayogi and one who for his entire lifetime lit the torch of spirituality Shri Aurobindo was imbued with Extrasensory Powers (ESP). He would warn his disciples that miracle like predicting future events was an obstacle on the path of Self realization. Hence he did not predict the future much. And yet he made certain predictions which imbued his followers with power of endurance and energy. In the year 1939 he had said: In 8 years India will gain political freedom. And yet very shortly India will be partitioned into 2 countries. Both these predictions came true.

Regarding Era Transformation his prediction is very important wherein once he told Mother Yajna Shikha in a blissful tone: Divine inspirations are shooting forth in my psyche saying India’s glorious state is definitely going to manifest. Some people are trying to force India to imbibe the western culture but I have full faith that a movement will commence in India which by destroying its demonic elements will give it a new direction of righteousness and will thus augment this country’s glory. This movement will help re manifest Satyuga or Golden Era the world over that will ooze with peace and joy. Mahatma Vishwaranjan Brahmachari while predicting that Shastriji will become India’s Prime Minister had also said sadly: Shastriji will remain Prime Minister for a short time span only and that he will die outside India. After that a woman Prime Minister of India will be elected. In these days widespread rise and fall will be seen but the most important event in it will be a great spiritual and religious revolution in this country. Although this revolution shall have its center in central India yet it will influence every nook and corner of India. The director of this new revolution will get the credit of binding North and South India culturally. In a few years India shall establish new ideals which will be imbibed by entire world humanity. People while voluntarily giving up taints will imbibe great qualities instead. In future people instead of competing for money and status in society will instead yearn for honesty, integrity, philanthropy, selfless world service, hard work and enterprise. We must remember that Shri Brahmachariji had predicted heavy floods in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Many of his other predictions encompass the fact even India would have to face either heavy flooding or intense earthquakes. It will also have to face united war against Pakistan and China. Despite all this India will keep progressing. Further in future it will get more recognition than America and Russia. It will be India who will get credit for saving the world from another world war. One day Barar’s scholarly astrologer Gopinath Shastri Chulet with his divine sight saw that the creator of a New Era in this world has already taken birth and that Era Transformation is a surety. On the very same day, at the same time yet far away from that place his father who was a great orator of Shrimad Bhagwat and who was well known in every household of Barar heard this very divine prediction. Both father and son via letters posted to each other spoke of this same premonition and what was more astounding is that both father and son saw the same divine scene of future at the same time. Shri Shastriji had predicted that India will gain political freedom between the years 1945 and 1950. This later was proved true. Ten years previously itself he had predicted Gandhiji’s death which also was correct. He had said that in 1970 someone from America will circumambulate moon. This he had predicted in ‘Kalivarjya Prakaran’ while writing

that we must not circumambulate earth. He further elaborated that Indian air planes right since ancient times have already circumambulated earth and other planets. All this will be seen very soon whereas in 1970 an American citizen will land on moon. Hence even we Indians must research into space travel. His other predictions like attack by China too have come true. He had faith in his Extrasensory Powers yet he would not believe all these immediately. At that very time (5/9/1926) he etched out an astrological chart of middle times. Tula of Lagna was conjoined to high stature Shani; in Parakram area was high stature Ketu; Guru was in Mukh; in 7 th house was Swagrahi Mangal and conjoined to Shukra which tells us that modern science and a new religion will be established. In Labh Bhava there is Buddha conjoined to Swagrahi Surya which tells us that wealth and grandeur will augment in India. This Lagna reminds us of the Janma Lagna of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama and tells us that definitely an incarnation of God/Avatar has already manifested on earth for establishing righteousness even if this will be accepted by people the world over only much later. On getting this thought he wrote a book called ‘Era Transformation’ which was published in Akola (Maharasthra). In this book on the basis of astrological calculations he wrote that Era Transformation will commence in Pausha Krishna 30 Samvant 1981. As of now is the era junction period. In it the dark age of past will end and the dawn of a New Era will commence. On the one hand this time period is full of upheavals for India yet it also shows signs of great success, grandeur and leadership. In future this country will lead over all other nations as far as knowledge and science are concerned. The time calculation of eras was made on the basis of mathematics principles of astrology. All scholars of India accepted them as correct and this book had mass appeal. On the one hand in this book a scholarly argument has been aimed against illusory beliefs harbored by Indians of blind faith yet light has also been thrown on the nature of knowledge revolution that would take place in future. He writes: In this land of India a gigantic revolution will occur. As a result of this1) The method of education will change drastically. Today people study so as to get jobs. But in future such a trend of education will set in wherein people will not study for jobs but will sympathize with servants and lower strata of society. 2) The nature of God devotion instead of being restricted to using rosaries and chanting Mantras will devote itself to serving poor poverty stricken people. 3) People will yearn for world welfare service instead of Moksha or salvation. 4) People will abhor lawyers and attorneys. Science will spread out its research in fields like geology, chemicals, Yantras, mineral-ores, magnetism etc under the leadership of India.

5) Faith will deepen in true religion and soul sciences. 6) Various caste divisions shall now come under 4 major categories only. Caste based narrow mindedness will end and its positive influence will be noted in eating, resting, traditions etc. 7) Vedic Science will spread all over the world. 8) The basis of a constitution will be as per Smritis written by Manu and Yajnavalkya. 9) Widow re marriage will not be looked upon as against scriptural injunctions. 10) People will harbor faith in congregational power. 11) Instead of building temples of God temples of broken families will be built so as to rehabilitate them. True temples will work for awakening world humanity. 12) A lot of love, affection and goodwill shall augment in families. 13) Indians shall design such planes that shall emit no smoke. Fire, wind, rain, sun etc shall work as per mankind’s wishes. The science that establishes contact with dead people shall evolve further. 14) In every region one will find laboratories and industries blooming forth. If era transformation presents itself as a historical event of this century it must not be looked upon as amazing. Thought revolution and that too on the basis of a gigantic organization has been accepted by many high stature seers. These sorts of predictions will be given in the following pages from which it is clear that the manifestation of such an era is not far away wherein the world will live joyously on ideals of love, friendship, equality and human values. Divine seer Romain Roland writes: I have faith that a major portion of white civilization along with its good bad qualities will get destroyed and then a new civilization will take birth. In clear words Romain Roland has spoken of this new culture as belonging to India and has said that in future Indian culture and religion will be established as a world religion, and world culture. A new world society will be created. I have no worry of life getting tainted. Western countries do not harbor faith regarding immortality of the soul but I do believe in it. Those people who are today being born in western countries and are being influenced by western culture will certainly have to face ferocious hardships.

The famous seer Prof Cheiro too speaks of destruction of white community, end of Muslim civilization, the birth of a new civilization and the ushering in of a new religion. While accepting that planetary position calculations as true he writes: When sun enters Aquarius an intense influence is seen because its planets are Uranus and Saturn. The ancient knower of this secret science believes this to be the sacred dawn of a New Era. On the one hand Saturn executes destructive activities. Due to the influence of Uranus ancient laws and rules undergo total transformation. The sun enters Aquarius and thus gigantic movements, changes and revolutions are witnessed. This is the creator planet of a New Era. Due to its influence women appear in a new form. All these situations can be clearly seen today. Even in very traditional countries like Iran, Turkey, Arabia and Jordan women have attained the right to lead a freedom oriented social life just like their male counterparts. Sun has entered Aquarius. All planets have gathered together and hence a New Era will definitely manifest. In it instead of the old culture a divine culture will reign henceforth. Hungary’s world renowned lady astrologer Boriska Silvigar predicted thus: India’s glory shall manifest as a high stature world power but in order to attain it India will have to struggle a lot. On the face of it this situation will appear agonizing yet in this country a messenger of God will appear who by gathering thousands of laymen will imbue them with so much valor that these laymen will combat so called materialistic people and will prove the latter’s beliefs as deluding. After this straightforward honest people will lead the world and peace will start creeping into every nook and corner of the globe. In those days fraud, murders and looting will rise alarmingly hence only after gigantic struggle human values will get the nod. Know for sure that this transformation will last very long. Till the year 2000 its signs will be noted. After this the world will ooze with true love, compassion, honesty, charity, goodwill and brotherhood. Boriska is that very lady who was challenged by an English officer saying that England would never allow India to get political freedom. Despite this Boriska gently smiled and said: After 1944 no authority on earth can induce India to continue living as slaves to foreign rule. India’s fate shall henceforth shine and it is the religious people of India who shall lay down the path of world peace. Such proof can be found in the Holy Bible too. While commenting on Mathew 24 and Revelation Chapter 6 the famous futurist and saint Father Baxter writes: A man has appeared seated on a horse with a sword in his hand. The meaning of the sword in hand is that such a great person has taken birth that shall revolutionize the world and in order that people lean towards righteousness he will imbue them with sacred powerful thinking. Those times can be identified by the fact that weapons will become very costly,

people’s habits will veer towards sinning and the body will weaken. The god of death will help diminish the rising world population via wars, epidemics, famines and so on. Natural calamities shall rise alarmingly, the movements of sun/moon/various planets will prove to be very perilous for world humanity and at that time such a power will take birth that shall lead the world towards peace and human values. There is no difference if you compare today’s situations to those mentioned in the Holy Bible. Hence it is not erroneous to say that an Avatar will be born to establish a New Era in this world. Between destruction and struggle the sun of a New Era is smiling. Know for sure, this is that very historic hour. None has the power to obstruct Lord Mahakal’s eternal world management. Anandacharya was none other than Surendranath Baral born in Bengal in 1883. He gave up the post of a professor in Kolkata University so as to walk on the spiritual path while settling down in Norway. He performed penance over there and published many books. He was the first person to say in 1910 that after 4 years people should ready themselves for a 1st world war. In the last days of July due to a very common incident war commenced and later all those countries that had tension filled relationships with each other jumped into this war. This war will continue till November 1918 and when the war shall end world politics will get centered at one place. Such an organization will be born which shall have majority of world nations as its members. But in place of truth and integrity since diplomacy will prevail, people will not accept much of their decisions. At that time not many paid heed to these predictions but when it came true later people started accepting their factual nature. At that time a group of journalists of Britain met Anandacharya and requested the latter to throw light on future world situations. At that time he said: very soon you must again ready yourselves for a 2 nd world war. In it Germany’s Hitler will predominate and thousands of people will die in a few moments. Only later will peace be established. After a few years of this prediction Germany attacked Poland in September 1939 and after this war flames burned more terrifically. Thus a 2nd world war set in. In this very war at the dawn of 6th August 1945 atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan wherein more than 0.1 million people died a horrific death. According to Anandacharya as per an important portion of his prediction 24 years before the 3rd world war and 24 years after it India will pass through times of great upheaval. The first 24 years will be in the form of 24 years after Mahabharat War and the final 24 years will be the dawn of a New Era. I will give up my body very shortly after my country India attains political freedom yet others will see what kind of changes usher in after succeeding in the freedom struggle.

In my country religion will become all pervasive in the form of an organized institution. It will take birth immediately when India attains independence but after 24 years in 1971 it will become a very powerful organization and will be well accepted all over India. On the one hand widespread upheaval will be witnessed in world politics and in Indian politics will predominate actively. That organization which will manifest as religious/righteous uplifting will also get ready a new map of world welfare tasks. The founder and director of this organization will be a householder and will gain renown as one of the greatest thinkers in the annals of world history. This person will design a code of ethics regarding social responsibilities of world humans and also as to how world peace will set in. If all his life’s thoughts are collected and published in a book, the latter will weigh about 100 pounds. At that time people will amazingly marvel that in this material era how useful are these thoughts? But when widespread world hardships are witnessed materialism will get a new direction of thinking through this code of conduct and ethics and hence the latter will be worshiped just as we worship the Holy Bible, Vedas and so on. Today we see people veering away towards material progress only but know for sure that later a time will come when spiritual principles like salvation, soul, God etc will reign in the psyche of world humans. That situation which India faced after the Mahabharat War will be seen to positively transform after the 3rd world war and it will be well managed by this new religious organization. The American future lady seer Jean Dixon is world famous for her predictions. Till today virtually all of her predictions have come true. In her predictions we get glimpses of world transformations that will be witnessed in future. One of her predictions is as follows: In one country of Asia, most probably India, a great soul has already taken birth in a rural family who will direct, control, manage a great spiritual revolution. Behind him will be the collective power of other active souls that will transform today’s world tainted situations. In the same way another American futurist Anderson says that on the one hand where destructive situations are there in the world, despots are ruling the world there a Divine Messenger of God is working for world neo creation. According to him: A person born in a small village in India has spiritually influenced not only India but the entire world. This person will become the greatest prophet in world history. He alone shall have so much congregational force that even the most powerful country of the world does not possess. He will create a human constitution that will be applied to the entire world wherein the world will have one language, one world nation, one international court of justice and one world flag. Due to the influence of this great effort world humans will compete with each other to imbibe more and more of self control, goodwill, justice, ethics, sacrifice and generosity. The headlines of leading newspaper will publish topics like selfless service, renunciation, enterprise and true philanthropy. On reading this people everywhere will be greatly inspired to work for everyone’s well being. Murders, looting, robbery,

fraud, crimes and scams will end once and for all. Till the year 1999 the entire world will positively transform and then for thousands of years life the world over will reign in peace and joy. He further opined that today this world that cannot even imagine the true nature of religion and culture will witness that this religion will speedily spread out everywhere in the world. This culture and religion will be that of India and this prophet too will be an Indian who today is busy laying the firm foundation of the future world revolution. A similar prophecy has been made by Holland’s world renowned futurist Gerard Chrisey. He says: I am seeing that in a very ancient land of the east (India) where serpents and sages are worshiped, there people do not eat meat, have faith in God, their women are loyal to their husbands and that they never divorce. People of this land are true, honest and straightforward. From there I see a holy light rising high. Over there a great saint has taken birth and shall make programs for world welfare. In between a lot of upheaval will be seen the world over, ferocious wars shall be fought wherein certain country’s will get destroyed, air accidents shall be on the rise so alarmingly that very few will travel by air planes. Behind this saint thousands will be at work, mainly women. All these people will congregate and by lighting fire will offer fragrant materials to it (Yajnas) so as to experience joy. Its smoke will ward off pollution in the air. World humanity will pay heed to whatever they have to say. All political leaders perforce will have to gather on one dais. All this will be seen by the end of the 20 th century and then the entire world will experience a sense of unity and brotherhood. Everywhere peace and friendship shall multiply. No violence will take place and oppression, lies, frauds etc will no longer be allowed to rule. The harshest punishment will be meted out to those who are wicked, full of tainted activities and harass women sexually. People will drink more milk, the harvest of flowers/fruits will increase manifold and the world will radiate beauty. If in a certain region a very minor court case is fought people will start wondering as to who that person is in this world that harbors hatred and criminal leanings in his/her psyche. At that time there will be no caste or creed based disparity and men and women will enjoy equal rights. This earth will predominate with one religion and that is the religion of human values. Today people of the world have established the United Nation’s Organization (UNO) but in future the entire cosmos will congregate into an organization called the United Planetary Organization. Its capital will be planet earth. It is possible that this capital will be Mars, Jupiter, Mercury etc it is definite that the boundaries of humanity that are so limited will become more widespread and infinite in nature in future. That day is not far away when akin to villages collecting to form regions, regions collecting to form states, states collecting to form countries and countries collecting to form planets, various planets of the cosmos too will establish a bond of friendship with each other.

The above words have been uttered by the famous American futurist Arthur Charles Clark who while accepting the internationally known Culling Prize had given those prophecies very confidently which proved to come true later. When Charles Clarke was very young itself, Extrasensory Powers and prophecies manifested in his psyche. He would say: man is not this physical body but is energy in nature. This energy exudes light, brilliance and all those potentials which man yearns to attain from God. This energy of the human psyche is latent as of now yet I see that: From a country of Asia (India) very soon an intense thought revolution will usher in. this will echo in India by 1971 and 10 years later in the entire world in such a way that man’s latent psyche will perforce awaken. Today those energies which are totally ignored by everyone will in future become a topic of research and experience for people the world over. Science will take up a new direction which will ooze with spiritual principles. The substratum that shall bind the entire cosmos like many pearls strung in one string will be these spiritual energies or Sidhis and divine powers. Prof Harare was respected as a great religious saint. His prophecies always came true. According to him: In the 1st half of night when I am in deep sleep a divine person appears in my dream. This Yogi seated near a waterway has a half moon at the point where both his eyebrows meet. His hair is white, his clothes too are white, his skin is fair and he wears shoes that are not made of leather. Surrounding him is a crowd of other saintly people. In the center is a brilliantly burning pyre. These people chant something and offer certain materials to this fire. The atmosphere becomes cloudy with its smoke. World humanity is running towards these people. Amongst them so many are facing hardships, are physically challenged and lack material wealth. This divine person is preaching to all of them by imbuing their psyche with joy and warding off their strife. People forgetting hatred and enmity are mixing with each other like brothers and sisters. Heavenly joy is being showered on them. Slowly this radiant light is heading towards north and is shining like the brilliant sun on some mountain top. The rays of this light gather like rain water clouds and covers entire planet earth with its brilliance. At this point my dream ends. These utterances are of the world renowned seer Prof Harare which he had spoken in a debate titled ‘A New Era shall arrive’ and its details were published in a magazine called ‘West Mirror’. Prof Harare was born in Israel in a religious Jew family. He was well appreciated in Europe and North Africa for his prophecies that were 100 percent true akin to Anderson and Jean Dixon attaining fame in America, Cheiro in England and Varah Mihir in India. When people questioned him regarding the above dream Prof Harare said that the dream that I see in the morning generally came true in a few days. Those dreams that I see in the

middle of night prove to be true in a year both those dreams that I see in the 1 st part of night come true after a few years. Regarding the above dream I harbor a few thoughts as follows: Such a divine person has taken birth in India who will be responsible for laying down the foundation of a spiritual revolution by the year 1970 without getting world renown for it. But later his influential leadership will spread not only in Asia but in the entire world. His thinking will ooze so much with human values and farsightedness that the entire world will perforce listen to him. When science shall destroy religion and culture in the entire world, at that time this person shall direct a religious revolution and akin to before Christ’s birth people shall realize the importance of worshiping natural elements like water, fire, earth etc. The famous French author Dr Jules Berne says: The most powerful personality of world history has already taken birth. Very soon he shall transform the entire world. A knowledge revolution will usher in and like ferocious storms it will cover the entire world. Regarding future transformations he opines: As per what I see a spiritual revolution shall commence from India. Regarding its management I differ with Jean Dixon in the sense that this person has already taken birth before 1962. At the present moment he must be involved in a major task in India. This divine person will be involved in the struggle for India’s independence and he shall have many followers. These followers shall form a powerful organization and very soon shall positively influence the entire world. Transformations that appear impossible today will very soon succeed easily via their soul power. This transformation shall be the foundation of world peace to be witnessed in future. In reality it’s a fact that whenever a prophet or Avatar has manifested on earth, very few people have recognized them in those times. Only after they shed their mortal coil did people realize their divine personalities. Regarding this a few decades back in 1939 in Uttarakhand (India) a debate took place amongst saints and sages. The topic was whether those situations have already arrived wherein an Avatar manifests in this world based on planetary positions and calculations? In it a detailed discussion took place regarding the Nishkalank or Taintless Avatar and it was concluded that Lord Kalki has already manifested. The problem was that many famous saints and sages proclaimed that they themselves were Lord Kalki. Hence what should be done? How does one identify the real Lord Kalki? Regarding this some special qualities were demarcated and was decided that anyone possessing these qualities is the true Lord Kalki. This saintly gathering published a small book titled ‘Kalki Avatar’ and distributed the same all over the country. This would

help many avoid getting entangled in illusory ‘Lord Kalkis’ so as to identify the real one and thus help in that Avatar’s mission of world neo creation. A few notes from this book: Lord Kalki will be the leader of a very powerful organization whatever he says and decides on a code of ethics regarding Almighty God and world individuals will be accepted by rationalists and literate people too. He will be the super scientist amongst all world scientists and he will unfold the mysteries of religion and the soul. On the forehead of this divine person will be seen V shaped moon between the eyebrows. On his throat will be a symbol of half moon conjoined as 2 lines. He will wear Indian clothing. His nature will be innocent as a child, daring as soldiers, youthful all his life like Ashwini Kumaras and a great scholar of Vedas and various scriptures. His father will inspire him to undergo Yoga practices. In his life 24 alphabets will have great importance. Within 24 years of age he shall enter high stature Yoga principles. He will chant a Mantra of 24 alphabets. He will be the 24th Avatar, he will perform penance for 24 years and in these austerities will encompass partial spiritual practices numbering 24 thousand, 2.4 million, 2.4 billion Japa etc. He will conduct a spiritual program of 2400 Yajnas. According to Kedardutta Joshi: The material stature of India will rise higher up. A power that shall uproot all vile thinking shall manifest. It will first take birth as a small organization but very soon it will spread the world over as a potent thought revolution. Signs from subtle space and the above beliefs of astrology say that forces of neo creation and various positive situations have already come into existence with its powers and it is well beyond human strength and intellect to obstruct it. George Baveri who was a great scholar and Tantric of Egypt’s secret sciences had predicted that a soul who will give light to the world for ushering in the Golden Era or Satyuga has already taken birth in India but his mission shall fully evolve independently only around the year 1932. 14th September 1936 shall be the first day of this New Era. On this day that soul giving up his human garb shall manifest as an Avatar and then despite facing opposition from thousands of deluded people he will showcase his intense and terrific spiritual influence that shall perforce awaken the whole world. After 1965 people will fully perceive his high spiritual stature and after 1970 mainly in India he will be witnessed as an Avatar. Later India will also manage the entire world and will show the world the path to true peace and joy. In Patna’s (India) Khudabaksha Oriental Library there is a book written in Persian by Bukhara’s famous saint Shahballi. In it is written:

The 3rd world war shall be very horrific. America will lead in it. China will be the 2 nd unit. After this war the English shall get totally destroyed and India will become a super power. Of course, for this India will have to struggle a lot. On the face of it this situation shall be very painful but in this world a divine messenger shall arrive who by congregating thousands of lay persons shall imbue them with so much valor that these so called small time people shall challenge hard core materialists and shall prove the latter’s thinking as illusory. After this straightforward honest people shall lead the world and peace and joy shall spread the world over. Regarding this era’s prophet and Nishkalank or Taintless Avatar South India’s famous saint and futurist Raman Swami Iyer’s utterances and prophecies are very clear. He writes: Lord Kalki shall arrive neither seated on a horse nor with a sword in his hand and yet these 2 shall be symbols to identify the true Kalki Bhagwan. A horse symbolizes potent energy and the fact that Lord Kalki is seated on it means that he will be so powerful that all forces of the world shall act as per his directions. Lord Rama has used his divine energy to overcome the powerful demon Tantric Ravan. Lord Krishna was an Avatar because on noting his energy even the powerful Kauravas-Pandavas shivered in fear. It is the task of an Avatar to manifest his pure cosmic ego and he is identified by the fact that the most the mighty and highly intellectual person of the entire world pales in front of this Avatar. The meaning of horse over here is that he will be the most powerful person in the annals of world history. The sword symbolizes cutting something. The heads of enemies are not cut off but that their vile thinking is attacked. In the Kalki Purana (Indian Mythology) it is said that Lord Kalki will fight intellectualism of those (Buddhists too) who today appear highly educated yet they fail miserably as far thinking about spirituality is concerned which is beyond rank materialism prevalent today. Only he shall be identified as Lord Kalki who shall attack the very erroneous beliefs atheism, sense titillation activities and hoarding of excess wealth the world over. Shri Iyer has said that: Kalki shall be born near Mathura (India). The meaning of Sambhal is a village on the shores of Chambal River. His arena of activities will be in Mathura. His aides will come from various regions. He will be a great worshiper of Gayatri and knower of Savitri principle. He will be adept at cutting thoughts with thoughts. Only he will have the power to reinstate all those beliefs spread in world society. Many other people shall declare themselves to be Avatars. They may even exhibit a few miracles yet they will not be able to neo create anything. Thus like worms of rain they shall appear in our midst and very shortly get destroyed too. Whereas the great saintly Lord Kalki will formulate new thinking, transforming day to day living and rejuvenating Rishi literature. Later people will imbibe this glorious thinking. He will be a householder. Despite owning untold wealth

his lifestyle will be very simple like an ordinary householder’s life. His wealth shall be utilized strictly for world welfare tasks. His India based followers after imbibing his ideals shall form such a powerful organization that will help spread his sacred thoughts in every nook and corner of the world. Women will predominate in helping him spread his mission. This extraordinary nature miraculous person shall change residence towards the end of his life. At that time his Raudra or divinely terrific form shall manifest. When people will shiver on hearing his terrific thinking his saintly wife shall take over the reins of his divine mission. With her intense love and affection she will show the right path to all those who are straying. India will progress leaps and bound and it shall influence both Russia and USA. Both these countries will appear ordinary in front of India’s grandeur. Who shall get the credit of becoming Lord Kalki? Let us leave this decision to circumstances and future times. People have generally recognized people as Avatars during their lifetime itself so it is impossible that they cannot be identified. These Avatars may remain in hiding yet one day they will definitely be unearthed. What is definite today is that a divine authority that is about to transform this era has already incarnated. How is it possible that this Avatar will not manifest to fulfill his resolve of ‘Yada yada hi dharmasya, glanir bhavati bharata’, Abhyuthanamadharmasya, tadatmanam srijamyaham’? Of course it is a different matter as to who will attain his divine love and blessings and who shall get crushed in his ire. Everyone shall perforce walk the path of world well being. Some may do this gladly and others may do so by compulsion. All great futurists like Paracelsus, Daniel, Nostradamus, Vegelatin and Father Welter Ben prophesize that era transformation shall be the final and most powerful event in world history. None has the power to obstruct it. Following are some important prophecies of these great seers: 1. The entire world shall be governed from one center. There shall be only one world language and culture. The number of cities shall diminish. Means of communication shall evolve to such an extent that people will be able to transport their thoughts to others living elsewhere like wireless transmission. 2. The commencement of Satyuga or Golden Era with children less than 25 years old. When old people shall refuse to give up their old beliefs a great saint will be born in India who will set rolling a thought revolution the world over. Due to its influence thousands shall join him and yet those harboring old hard core beliefs shall shy away to give up their withered beliefs. At that time the younger generation shall imbibe apt thinking and thus help commence a New Era. People will be very optimistic. Fraud, scams, scandals and murders shall be totally replaced by love, compassion, sacrifice, honesty and charity and world brotherhood. Righteousness shall be reinstated and unrighteousness shall be totally rooted out. All this should take place by the year 2000 or there about.

As per the Bhrigu Samhita Shri Aseemananda writes: Even this time the one who will uplift the entire world shall be a Sahasrar Chakra Sidha Mahayogi and like 24th Great Avatar Lord Buddha who akin to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna will be a devotee of Savitri Shakti or Divine Energy. With the power of his penance he will heal many diseases, will ward off the lack of many poor people, people will identify him by themselves and in order to serve him will work zealously. His helpers shall come from regions all over India and shall make efforts to tie everyone with the silken string of a single culture. According to Shri Aseemanandaji when such a revolution shall manifest people from all over India and the entire world shall get attracted to it and only then shall a New Era manifest in this world. Although this hour shall appear soon yet the entire world till then shall face a lot of struggle and hardships. It can be to the extent that a major portion of the world’s population gets destroyed during this struggle phase. Today the world is full of vile activities. In order to fulfill political selfish interests so called thinking people are prone to act unjustly and unethically. Unruliness is on an alarming rise the world over. Right since ancient times those character based disciplines which were known to be sacred India’s beauty are now being destroyed. Women who were piously looked upon as mothers are now lewdly and lustfully looked at. The Divine World Soul (God) can no longer endure all this. Yuga Nirman Yojana definitely is the divine wish of Lord Mahakal. Hence we all must see and understand whether those prophecies mentioned have a direct relationship to this or not? Even if it has an iota of truth then thinking and sacredly sensitive people, in order to fulfill this divine mission, must step forward. The above facts have been further strengthened by Nostradamus’ prophecies too. Nostradamus born in France was a very wise astrologer and seer of the extrasensory world. All his prophecies regarding Napoleon and Hitler have come true. Details of his prophecies can be read in a book called ‘Centuries and true prophecies of D Michael Nostradamus’. As per this book: A world famous person shall take birth in a highly religious country of the world in the east. This person alone with the help of smaller aides shall cause a thought based upheaval in the world. This historical personality shall give birth to such a worldwide great struggle that in every home and region inner upheaval shall manifest. This great revolution shall take place at the end of the 20 th century and start of the 21 st century. Later everywhere in the world human values shall rule the roost. People will give up demonic qualities and the world will ooze with heavenly joy. On the head of this extraordinary great saint of world history shall rest a moon, his mode of dressing shall be very simple and he shall have 2 daughters. Twice he shall change his residence and shall dwell in the north.

The proof of the above prophecy is that HH Gurudeva Pandit Shriram Sharma born in a small village (Anvalkheda) of an eastern country India ushered in such a religious revolution so as to set rolling a war between people’s divine and demonic inner qualities. Small time social workers of All World Gayatri Parivar and Yuga Nirman Yojana by going far off countries have chanted aloud the Mantra of sacred inspirations in such a way that world humanity sheds all its demonic thinking and activities. Via many Ashwamedha Yajnas people not only in India but the world over are imbibing great thinking and activities. Our Gurudeva changed residence only twice and both times he resided in the north region. In the above prophecies it appears as though the one who has prophesized it actually has visualized the details of our Gurudeva’s family whereas this prophecy was made in the 16 th century.


“MAN IS THE AUTHOR OF HIS OWN FATE”. This great Mantra was given to every human of the world by our Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya and via it by inducing all to labor hard changed the very lines of their destiny positively. Not only this, but he would say: If soul energy is terrific a person while combating many situations full of obstacles can imbibe God’s Divine Energy so as to author his own destiny. This was an extraordinary thought revolution in that society that adhered to laws of destiny which helped the grievous laugh and induced people to labor hard by walking in the true direction of life. Thus their lives were truly transformed. On the one hand Gurudeva laid emphasis on hard work and lambasted the despair bestowing Falit Jyotish (Astrology) that induced people to live indolent lives. Despite this in his own life Astrology Sciences have played a major role in his life. In the form of an orator of a radiant world future for years via the publication of ‘Akhand Jyoti’ magazine he has helped augment creative thinking. He himself writes that the scientific nature of interplanetary influences must be accepted. Since he accepted that astrology can give people true inspiration and positive thinking he in order to set up a divine family in Gayatri Nagar established a Vedshala, published a Panchang (almanac) and from here on the basis of one’s time of birth guided people to walk on the path of greatness. It is true that the fate of innumerable people born at the same time cannot be similar based on planetary positions and that calculations based on these cannot be called eternal. Our Gurudeva has written regarding astrology based observations of his that planets can have interplanetary influences yet via due effort these influences can be given apt wholesome directions. The movements of planets and their directions (Dasha-Disha) can be steered in the right direction and influenced too by humans. For this intense will power and soul force are required. There is indeed nothing wrong if we analyze his birth chart based on

astrological calculations so as to unfold how Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya took his journey to pinnacles of glory wherein these Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers molded and advanced his life. From this we get an understanding that how one imbued with terrific soul power can master various Yogas. Along with this it will be proved that it is possible for just about everyone to imbibe intense will power with the aid of which even the most tortuous obstacles can be warded off so as to author a desirable destiny for oneself. Over here we place before the readers an astrology based analysis of Gurudeva’s journey while attaining the goal on the basis of special research conducted by a great scholar Dr Prem Bharti (Sarangpur, MP, India) of Akhand Jyoti family. Gurudeva himself was a very great scholar of astrology and by studying all possibilities related to his own life had authored his own destiny. All this can be established by the above mentioned studies. All this is very clear from the birth chart of Gurudeva Shriram Sharmaji. Birth: 20/9/1911 on Thursday Time of birth: Between 8 and 9 am Ashwin Krishna 13 Samvat 1968 In order to unearth information regarding his inner life the Chandra Kundli or birth chart is studied. For information regarding birth chart calculations those facts which are to be kept in mind are: Every Bhava and its Rashi, the lord of the Bhava and its Prakriti, the position of Bhavesh and its relationship with other planets, planets positioned in all Bhavas, the Drishti of other planets on various Bhavas and special Yogas related to various Bhavas. Instead of going into all these details over here we shall throw important light for the understanding of lay public. The 1st Bhava or house is called Janma Lagna. From this Bhava one studies the state of that person’s bodily health, power of resolve or Sankalpa Shakti and past life deeds. In Gurudeva’s 1st house or Janma Lagna is Tula Rashi whose lord Shukra is in the 11 th house or Bhava. In this Lagna one finds both Guru and Ketu on which is the total Dhrishti of Shani and Rahu planets. Now Tula Lagna is considered very great and since Shukra planet is very powerful that person becomes a lover of truth, religious and chief of an organization. Such person attains all 4 Purusharthas viz. religion, wealth, desires and salvation or Moksha. A Rashi predominating with air element is related to thought oriented revolution especially when along with Tula Shukra and lord of Mithun Buddha is present in the 11th house and both see the 5th Bhava or house. Such great people usher in a permanent, ethical and spiritual revolution. Such great men include Gandhi, Tulsidasji, Maharshi Raman and Jesus Christ. All these attained untold success in creating a flow of revolutions of high stature. Over here what is important to note is that there is an extraordinary similarity in the birth chart of Gurudeva and Lord Christ. In Christ’s birth chart a sacred influence of Guru and Chandra are seen on Lagna’s lord Shukra which

benefits the 4th house belonging to world public. Such people with their divine love form organizations with members numbering millions. In Gurudeva’s birth chart too Guru seated in Lagna watches the lord of the 4 th house Shani. In reality the opponent of Guru seated in Lagna too gives respect and such a great person is honored the world over. Even from the standpoint of Sadhana or spiritual practices and austerities this Yoga is supreme. In Gurudeva’s birth chart in the 2nd house is Vrishchika Rashi whose lord is Mangal planet. From the standpoint of speech, wisdom, power of austerities and organization energy such a person is very wealthy. Such people at the gross level appear empty handed but on the basis of their power of penance make programs of millions of dollars and succeed too in their sacred task. A mere hint from these great personages prompts thousands to shell out millions of dollars. On seeing today’s cosmic form of the organization Yuga Nirman Yojana does not all this prove to be true? The 3rd house is conjoined to effort, travelling, writings mode of thinking, valor and Yoga practices. In the 3rd house of Gurudeva’s birth chart dwells Dhanu Rashi whose lord Guru is in Lagna. Over here the position of Guru is sacred from all angles. People possessing such great planetary influences become outstanding writers and authors. As per Gurudeva’s observations he has written such untold amounts of literature that it can be weighed with his body. All these are high stature writings. The author of 3200 books our revered Gurudeva’s Vedanta predominating literature and one who wrote a lot against vain pomp and vanity, this information can be unearthed from the Dhrishti of Guru, Mangal and Rahu planets on the 3rd house. Such people live lives of greatest amongst all Yogis. None of his resolves and aspirations has gone vain. The 4th house belongs to the public. In Gurudeva’s 4 th house is Makar Rashi whose lord is Shani. Over here Shani makes a special Rajayoga and proclaims Gurudeva is the king of the hearts of millions of people. It proclaims the heralding of a revolutionary era in future times under the leadership of his erstwhile thinking. Such a person by renouncing ancestral wealth and by residing in pilgrim spots for well being of all renders those places as great pilgrim spots of that era. One of the precepts of astrology is: “Yo yo bhavaha swami yukto drishtova tasya tasyasti vriddhi”. As per this quotation of Acharya Varah Mihir all those houses or Bhavas are either conjoined or seen (Dhrisht) via its lord one must understand the advancement of that house. Because the 4 th house is seen by Shani with its Dasham or 10th Dhrishti that house augments manifold in power. This then is the Yoga in Gurudeva’s birth chart that makes him greatly adorable in the hearts of world beings. The 5th house has Kumbha Rashi. The position of its lord Shani tells us that this person’s speech, power of thinking and imagination is very positively influential. Such people of Sattvic or pious intellect ooze with sensitivity and pious thoughts and on this basis become

great Prajna Purushas or one imbued with divine intellect. The Yoga of planets is such that Mantra Energy has played a major role in his life. This Yoga can be proved by the fact that Gurudeva propogated the Gayatri Mantra in every household. He worshiped Father Vedas and Mother Gayatri which succeeded because he imbibed these planetary influences via intense efforts. On the one hand in revered Gurudeva’s Kundli in the 6 th Bhava there is Meen Rashi along with Guru which tells us that extraordinary success has been attained in Mantra Energy Sidhi and from the spiritual standpoint over there in the 7 th house of Mesh Rashi the fact that Shani and Rahu reside is a very strange Yoga. Since its lord is Mangal planet obstacles in life prove to be a great blessing if that person believes in endeavoring intensely. In the beginning of his life he shall get separated from his father, he will struggle in the freedom fight in a lone manner, since his family members will not agree to help him he will continue his life’s journey with the help of his powerful resolve or Sankalpa Shakti and later he will get companionship of revered Mataji who was his consort even in his past life and continue with his sacred mission. All this is very clear from the planetary position analysis. The 8th house or Bhava is related to both scientific research and death too. In the 8 th house’s Vrish Rashi’s lord Shukra which is also the lord of Lagna dwells in the 11 th house. It means that such people imbibe great deep thinking and become revolutionary Rishi type scientists. For this our revered Gurudeva who established the Brahmavarchas Research Institute for conducting scientific experiments on scientific spirituality needs no other proof. From this special planetary position it is clear that he possessed the divine boon of ‘Birth at will and death at will’. From the Kundli it is clear that he would shed his mortal coil on 2 June 1990 which is also Gayatri Jayanti. The 9th house is in Trikon of the Kundli and its Mithun Rashi has Buddha as its lord residing in the 11th house. This 11th house belongs to religion and spirituality. On such people pours down the divine grace of great Gurus and spiritually self realized masters. If such people worship God directly or are made to worship their prayers never fail. Since their psychic imprints of past innumerable births are very potent their utterances and predictions always come true. Such people ooze with soul power and due to divine grace imbued those who came in contact with them with immense soul power. We have actually witnessed in revered Gurudeva’s life how ceaselessly divine grace poured down on him and how he distributed this divine gift to innumerable people. From this standpoint a very important similarity can be seen between the Kundlis of Gurudeva and HH Ramkrishna Paramhans. In his autobiography Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya has said that he himself was Ramkrishna Paramhans in his previous life. In both their Kundlis there is a Yuti of Chandra, Buddha, Shukra and Shani-Rahu. This union leads such people to spirituality and Sanyas or way of life. Both were self realized

masters and Jnanis. In both Kundalis there is a similarity of Annamaya Kosha (Food Sheath) and Pranamaya Kosha (Vital Force Sheath) i.e. Buddha and Shukra planets. Paramhans’ journey took him to Pranamaya Kosha and in revered Gurudeva’s life this journey took him from Manomaya Kosha (Mental Sheath) to Anandamaya Kosha (Divine Bliss Sheath). Mangal connotes Manomaya Kosha, Shani Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellectual Sheath) and Guru connotes Anandamaya Kosha. The Rashi of the 10th house is Kark whose lord is Chandra. It is related to fame and glory. The tasks of such people reach pinnacles of greatness and preach others too, the path of Karma Yoga or the Yoga of Action. The Yuti or union of Chandra and Shukra render Gurudeva hard working and very renowned the world over. The 11th house has Sinha Rashi and its lord Surya dwelling in the 12 th house connotes that this person is being led towards the chief Purusharthas of life viz. religion, action and salvation. Over here there is a confluence of Lagnesh Shukra, Karmesh Chandra and Dharmesh Buddha which connotes that a large number of lay public are following Gurudeva and are placing the leadership of a gigantic organization on his powerful shoulders. Because of this Yoga he attained a lot of wealth which he would immediately utilize for world welfare tasks and building a powerful organization for the same. Since next to Buddha dwells Surya in the following house, blessing from such great people always fructify. Such people can use other people as mediums for world well being endeavors by imbuing them with immense soul power. The 12th house represents spiritual advancement and Moksha or salvation. Over here in Gurudeva’s Kundli along with Kanya Rashi dwells Surya. This extraordinary planetary position tells us that he had a very powerful memory he conducted daily self study, bestowing divine love on his followers and attaining salvation via religion and action. These played an important role in revered Gurudeva’s life. Thus on the basis of astrological sciences HH Gurudeva’s life exhibits miraculous truths wherein along with planetary influences since hard work too was given due weight age he reached great heights of all round advancement. On the basis of visible mathematics if astronomy is studied then in the foundation of Gurudeva’s life subtle world influences are seen at work. This was studied by Gurudeva himself and was used for desired goals. A deep study of HH Gurudeva’s life tells us that obstacles maybe innumerable yet if a person truly imbibes spiritual principles in day to day living he can be capable enough to become a great person, Yuga Rishi and an Avatar. This potential dwells in each one of us albeit in a latent form. The highest endeavor of human life is to generate soul power within ourselves. If man attains it fully then by overcoming malefic planetary influences can author a bright destiny for him/her self. Revered Gurudeva while attaining Gayatri Mantra Sidhi imbibed immense Brahmavarchas or divine soul power in his life and by

imbuing many others with this great power helped them attain peaks of human glory. The life of this great saint is like an open book in front of us which guides us towards truth. On studying his life’s philosophy can we not realize what a great saint he was?


We describe this cosmic personality (Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya) in the form of one possessing wealth of austerity, ocean of wisdom and one who propounded deep thinking. Such a personality dwelled amidst us very actively in his gross mortal coil for about 80 years. If it is measured as to how much this great saint has served innumerable mentally aggrieved people, those undergoing lack and the oppressed class, how much he shared others sorrow and how he showed them the path of uplifting from a downfallen state we feel proud that how fortunate we are to contact him during his lifetime. Gurudeva’s generous and cooperative nature can be seen greatly in varied walks of life. When he entered the arena of worship and meditation this saint’s heart melting like fresh butter shared the power of his intense austerities with thousands of people. His own revered Guru had told him: Earn with 100 hands and share with thousands of people. The more you sow in the field of society you will get back manifold more. You must cut this harvest and share it with just about everybody. If such a generous hearted person is called Lord Rudra, it certainly is not an overstatement. When butter and icy mountain tops melt it does so when harassed with heat. As against this a saint’s heart looking upon others sorrow as his very own melts out of sheer sacred sensitivity and very naturally shares his power generated from untold penance. On seeing our Gurudeva dressing up and living like an ordinary householder he was never looked upon as extraordinary. He was neither a Mahamandaleshwar donning a Tilak nor a Mahant who walked under a canopy held by his disciples. For his lifetime he lived such a lifestyle which can be looked upon as touching heights akin to Himalayan Mountains. It is hence impossible for an ordinary intellect to measure the greatness of one who lived a very ordinary life. His chief pious qualities were purity of heart akin to children and generous hearted like rain clouds but super ceding all these was his bosom that flowed with motherly divine love for everybody. Anyone who contacted him became his very own and was

showered with divine affection by Gurudeva. Whenever anyone came in contact with Gurudeva for the very first time itself felt that Gurudeva loved him/her the most. For those discussing tangible Sidhis and Divine Powers will face difficulty in understanding that this great saint who possessed all such Sidhis could as per his desire make those previously unknown to him his very own. All this was because he possessed an advanced sensitive nature and natural generosity of heart. These can be called psychic imprints present from birth itself and Sidhi or success attained due to 2.4 million Mahapurashcharanas of Gayatri Mantra chanting. Regarding wind each one of us feels it is showering itself on us only. Regarding sun too it is felt that it gives heat and light to our homes only but yet the fact is that both wind and sun are so all pervasive and great in nature that that not only individuals but millions of others benefit from its gifts in an equal manner. A psyche full of divine love and affection experiences oneness of soul with just about everyone to the extent that even birds/beasts experience this love. Since such saints are representatives of the cosmic soul or God they know only how to spread love and compassion in every iota of the cosmos. In the vicinity of the great saint Raman Maharshi all sorts of creatures lived nearby in camaraderie. With a mere divine glance of his violent animals would shed hatred and enmity with other creatures. This miracle is of that gigantic divine psyche which oozes with a sense of oneness of soul. Anyone who approached Gurudeva was showered with untold divine power. Never did they leave in despair. Apart from a few exceptions who faced lack due to harsh destiny he helped all those who came to him for help and divine grace. Always revered Gurudeva would tell them that he possessed nothing yet he would ask Divine Mother for blessings and help and give the same to them. Never would Gurudeva say: ‘I’ will do this or that for you. This was supreme greatness on his part. The Himalayan resident, farsighted seer and great Sidha Yogi Saint Vishudhandaji Maharaj wrote regarding Gurudeva in the December 1957 Akhand Jyoti Magazine: Acharyaji is not made of unripe clay. All his nerves ooze with divinity. For the past 30 years he has undergone terrific austerities so as to heat his body and psyche and render it steel like. When enemies attacked his weak points he rendered his psyche potent by hammering these weaknesses. Desires, gold, alluring women and desires for sense titillation is the chief causes of one’s downfall. He utilized all his lifetime earning and inherited wealth for his sacred mission. His holy consort Mata Bhagwati Deviji by giving all her valuable ornaments to Goddess Gayatri, she has set that rare Golden Era example for us all to imbibe in life. This holy couple would eat bread, salt and butter milk, wear Khadi clothes to decently cover their bodies and via this vow they forced greed and avarice to dwell miles away from them. By converting their household to a Tapovan (hermitage of sages) they looked upon each other as their mother and father. This was the penance of their entire life. Within these great souls whose heart is generous like Himalayas and purity

of Mansarovar Lake there is not a single seed of venom that can induce downfall akin to those of founders and chiefs of other large organizations. Acharyaji is that sailor who helps thousands cross the ocean of material bondage. He was born great, he lives in greatness and he will shed his mortal coil too while basking in the sunshine of greatness. The above observations of this great divine seer were so true who while blessing Gurudeva during a 1000 Kundi Gayatri Yajna had read his destiny correctly. It was the miracle of his Gayatri penance that virtually all great saints and sages of India agreed in one voice that Gurudeva was a master and scholar of Gayatri Science and its method of spiritual practice. In one of the past Kumbha Mela at Allahabad (India) a high stature official and disciple of Gurudeva asked Brahmaleen Saint Devraha Baba about the former as to what was his opinion about revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharmaji. In answer Devraha Baba by looking in the east said: I bown down to this Avatar who is Savita manifest and full of divine aura. He is a Sidha of Goddess Gayatri based practices and Era Transformation shall take place under his divine direction. Directly what is his relationship with Yuga Nirman Yojana? As an answer this great saint of a long life span said: All divine existences have already taken birth on earth to usher in a New Era. Those tasks which Acharyaji executed visibly via his gross physical body more than that he will fulfill along with other Rishi souls in which I too am included via his subtle body after he gives up his mortal coil. From the great heights of Himalayas our collective power of austerities shall manifest such terrific divine energy that most definitely India shall be rendered supremely placed in world culture. Over here it is worth remembering that on June 10 both these great saints shed their mortal coil so as to enter their subtle divine body. This mysterious episode is not some chance or accident but is very much a part of the program designed by Almighty God. He carried out Gayatri Meditation with such zeal and steadfastness and encouraged other innumerable people to follow this path that we perforce have to call him Rishi Vishwamitra of this era. He gave that wisdom to the lay public that they must look upon life’s sanctification as good health and rituals or Karmakand as beauty aids. Only practicing both together gives fruitful results. This he had proclaimed when people out of illusion believed that in order to imbibe Brahmin qualities there was no need to live a great life within and a life based on ideals externally. One may lead any mode of lifestyle what is need is that execute rituals as per one whims and fancies. Uprooting this illusion was in a way a thought revolution. Gayatri is looked upon as such a Mantra which on chanting/worshiping dangerous situations are warded off and joyous ones are ushered in. but know for sure that this is half baked understanding. Gayatri is called a Super Divine Intellect or Mahaprajna. It means that intellect which helps intelligent mankind imbibe that mode of thinking which liberates them from living a scattered wayward living.

Revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharmaji would opine: If we deeply cogitate over the meaning of 24 letters of Super Mantra Gayatri it can be called the tiniest Mantra that oozes with the divine light of the entire world. In the final leg of Gayatri we pray to God for a sacred divine intellect. This is not merely asking but that Gayatri’s Mantra chanting is full of high stature potentials and inspirations. Those who sacredly with faith have drunk the milk of this Kamadhenu or wish fulfilling cow he experiences glory on getting the boon of a divine intellect and good will based sentiments. In true terms Gayatri Super Mantra has that capacity to render ordinary laymen great saintly personalities. Gurudeva by rendering his entire life into a scientific laboratory and making many others execute this spiritual practice helped them augment soul power in a manifold way. He had only one message for those people who became spiritually wayward by worshiping other minor deities/demigods that there is only one supreme Mantra in this world and that is Gayatri. All Avatars have worshiped it along with other great Rishi like souls. Then why execute the mockery of digging wells everywhere? In this age of high intellectualism there is a greater need of making widespread true spiritual philosophy. In its true sense it can be a harbinger of Satyuga or Golden Era. Our revered Gurudeva authored 3 parts of Gayatri super science which encompasses the entire form of Gayatri Sadhana or spiritual practice which in a certain sense is looked upon as a universal dictionary. In it he writes apart from Mantra chanting a very faithful devotee must imbibe meditation, austerities and worship in his day to day living. In the 3 legs of Tripada Gayatri is it shown that there is a dire need of imbibing totally these 3 special qualities in ones psyche. Meditation is related to the causal body of one’s psyche. Spiritual practice and mental reflection is related to the subtle body and worship rituals and tasks selflessly carried out for world welfare are related to the gross body. Revered Gurudeva via all his 3 bodies full of steadfastness executed Gayatri practices and thus became the blessed son of Goddess Mother Gayatri. Brahmarchas or Divine Light that aids innumerable people could not have been gathered with any lesser sacred effort than this. Lest he had not imbibed enough awareness while rendering his personality highly advanced his 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharans spanning 24 long years and his Japan penance executed at other times would not have proved that influential as is seen today by us all. At the age of 60 years a great leader of India while visiting Gurudeva at his Gayatri Tapobhumi asked the latter when they were seated alone: I am aware of all those details wherein many have benefitted extraordinarily from your blessings. Please let me know the secret of this Sidhi and success. The answer given was: I have locked up the results of Gayatri practices in a vault for some special mission. Its mystery shall unfold only when I shed my mortal coil. Whatever you have understood and heard about me is merely the fruits of true Brahmin qualities that I have imbibed in life. Brahmin hood by itself is a

powerful penance. So far I have accrued its benefits and shared it with others and in future too its results shall give benefits. Nowhere can one find any egoistic attitude nowhere can one find him bombastically proclaiming that he is a prolific Gayatri devotee. Everything he says is crystal clear. This then is that aspect of his life which cannot be seen by an ordinary vision and that they gauge Gurudeva only via his gross bodily appearance. Gurudeva executed high stature Gayatri based austerities and via it sanctified the inner nature of world humanity. Along with this he executed Savitri practices for purifying external nature and is doing so even now via his subtle body post death. Only by rendering himself akin to the brilliant sun, a soul of the stature of a Great Avatar can carry out the mind boggling Bhagirath like task of Era Transformation. This effort will not succeed if it is any less powerful. Gayatri and the sun is the very life force of Indian Culture. As long as divine great men of India worshiped the sun via Gayatri meditation till then India was thought supreme in the arenas of knowledge-science that in turn paved the way for all round progress. Whenever in-ethics and demonic behavior manifested Avatars by taking shelter of the brilliant sun transformed man’s psyche on a widespread scale. Sun has the great capability of brilliance, mobility, high stature thinking and by warding off vile thinking sacred sentiments are infused in world humans. This is the reason that Gurusatta or existences that can transform the entire world bring about prolific changes in world situations in a wholesome manner. In the literature called Kapil Tantra the following is said which is of great value: Guravo yoga nishnataha prakritim panchadha gatam. Parikshya kuryuha shishyanam adhikar vinirnayam. MEANING: Gurus adept at Yoga practices after testing the nature and activities of their disciples must decide which deity is best suited for their meditation practice. Who can be these icons? Lord of space Vishnu, presiding deity of fire Maheshwari, lord of wind element the sun, lord of earth Shiva and lord of water element God Ganesh could be a deity as mentioned in the Shrutis. Within Gayatri and the sun all the above reside and that one’s spiritual practice advances in an all round manner. This is what Gurudeva told us all on seeing the condition of this era. He further says: It is definite that Era Transformation shall take place and its axis shall be India. Spirituality of entire world is now focused in India and the sunrise of a New Era/Satyuga/Golden Era shall commence shining brilliantly from here. In order to materialize what Gurudeva has said it is possible that in order to re usher in the Golden Era in the past 250 years and rendering naught darkness of the past 2000 years great men have taken birth in India. If we compare tasks that have been fulfilled in the past 250 years, never in world history has the same been executed so speedily. Gurudeva writes that those

tasks that shall be executed in the next few years shall be even more extraordinary. When mind boggling changes shall be witnessed in man’s inner nature, his mode of thinking and transformation in the world’s subtle atmosphere the question that shall be asked is how did all this take place? This very mystery was unfolded to us by our Guru who was divine solar energy manifest before he shed his mortal coil and had predicted that the 21 st century shall be a harbinger of a great radiant world future. For overcoming the alarming rise of atheist tendencies, for augmenting purity in the psyche of world humanity today that energy which is most required is Savita deity. In the Taiteriya Samhita a Rishi says: ‘Suryo vipashchinmanasa punatu’: It means O omniscient Sun God! Please bless me that my mind gets purified. Possibly because of this Rishis right from ancient times via the medium of ‘Yosavaditye purushaha sosavaham’ (Yajurveda 40/17) have always prayed to the conscious existence of Purusha or God seated in Adityamandal. In the Shukla Yajurveda (31/18) the Rishi opines: ‘Vedohametam purusham mahantamadityavarnam……..nanyaha pantha vidyateyanaya’ which means that I know that ancient form of Great Purusha of Suryamandal who is totally beyond darkness, who bestows cosmic light and is Almighty God. Only by truly knowing/realizing him man can go beyond death. For mankind there is no other path leading to Moksha or salvation. This eulogy is not baseless. Rishis meditated on the sun in the form of one protecting our life force or Prana, the creator of this world and one who nourishes our soul and they also say: Our only prayer is that for a great length of time we ceaselessly have Darshan (visualize) sun God who is all pervasive and bestows light. ‘Jyogeva drishem suryam’ (Atharvaveda 1/31/4). Revered Gurudeva from March 1977 to May 1977 via Akhand Jyoti Magazine ceaselessly wrote the deep import of Gayatri-Sun-Savita-Kundalini based spiritual practice and gave his own spiritual experiences too. In the April 1977 issue of the magazine he writes that on noting contemporary times now for high stature spiritual practice there is a greater need of creating an apt wholesome atmosphere. By constructing a Gayatri Tirtha (pilgrim spot) in the form of Shantikunj (All World Gayatri Family, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India) and a forest in the form of Brahmavarchas Research Institute near Shantikunj itself an effort was made intensely to imbue both with divine energy. In an article titled ‘Savita’ the Great Prana of Savitri energy by showing that today’s greatest power in the world is a sacred intellect has also hence unfolded the importance of meditation on the Divine Light of Savita. He further writes that this then should be our icon-image of worship-beloved deity so that in the subtle world the Divine Existence can get an opportunity to sanctify it cosmically. Regarding Kundalini Shakti by giving us all a new refreshing thought flow writes in the January 1987 Akhand Jyoti Magazine that super awakening of the divine soul of the cosmos i.e. Kundalini Super Energy will be possible in future days to come via

spiritual practices based on Sun-Savita and in no time the destiny of earth shall transform stupendously. Who can transform the destiny of the entire world? It can be done only by an existence that is of the stature of Vishwamitra, who is the divine creator and leader of Vedic Rishis. On seeing Divine Existence in its formless aspect as equal to the Brahman Light of Savita in the form of a brilliant sin destroying mass of divine aura or Bharga via it by imbibing energies of Sun God so as to ooze with soul power the fearful situations of this era can be successfully combated. All this was said by Gurudeva again and again by the gigantic amount of literature penned by him. He said that in order to usher in a New Age it is the movements of sun that will be very much responsible. These days earth in order to transform its destiny positively is dwelling in the womb of the sun. Via this symbolic description he opined that earth which shall now manifest its sanctified and purified form will be refreshingly new and the entire world will transform positively. Solar flames and sunspot based influences reaching earth will prove terrible for demonic unethical activities and will help augment divine powers. During discussions he would say: I have asked you people to wear yellow colored clothing so that it is easy for you all to imbibe energy of the Guru, Sun and Jupiter. The color resulting from the inner bond between the Sun and Jupiter is yellow. He has further elaborated: Today there is absolutely no need of people donning the ochre robe and running away to desolate jungles and caves. Instead we require people donning yellow hued clothing who sacrifice all for executing world welfare tasks. Such people shall ceaselessly get radiant boons from Sun God. In reality without imbibing Jupiter’s sacred influences one can never imbibe Gayatri-Savitri’s (Sun-Savita) principle. On realizing that Tantra based information can harm my disciples revered Gurudeva designed a methodical program of Gayatri Mantra Anushthan or worship and by imbuing it with his own Tantric austerity energy along with Savitri and Jupiter rendered it serene so that it can become the chief spiritual practice of this era and that none faces harm of any sort. Time and again he has clarified not to out of haste perilously ‘switch on’ themselves via Tantra practices. Instead every member of the Gayatri Family must daily chant Gayatri, do Naadi Shodhan Pranayam and meditate on the brilliant sun. The rest shall be looked after (Yogakshemam) by Gurudeva. In reality it is the Guru that renders a Mantra potently conscious. When Sidhi is attained via 10 Sanskar Rites a Mantra of words is created. That Gayatri practice once called a secret science has been made available today to the world public after Gurudeva ushered in some subtle changes in it. Those aphorisms which he taught us based on doing Japa along with meditation on the sun is no doubt extraordinary. That divine authority which rendered a low stature Prana into a high stature one and further transformed entire world humanity in a positive manner had become one with the sun and had made an important powerful resolve or Sankalpa at the dawn of Vasant Parva in 1990. By donning a subtle body he resolved to render subtle transformation in the

thinking of world humans and thus become a harbinger of a New Era. In a book titled ‘What should we do for the 21 st century?’ he writes on page 17: This is that very organization of public that is the basis, substratum and medium of neo creation which the great eagle of Shantikunj (All World Gayatri Family, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India) has hidden under its wings akin to egg-children. The methodology that renders it powerful and well nourished is going on within this organization. This is that promise/vow and proclamation which via the partial existence of Lord Mahakal is meant for all of us.


Regarding contemporary times all scholars, astrologers and ESP based seers in one voice agree this is the hour of Era Junction. Fearful distorted situations the world over has reached its nadir. All around us rein desires, anger, greed and delusion. Under such situations in order to uproot unrighteousness and reinstate righteousness the world over there is a scripture based belief of Almighty God taking an Avatar because divine authority always vows to render balanced that which has gone in disarray via his divine inspiration and effort. Via the medium of promises like ‘Tadatmanam srijamyaham’ as mentioned in the Bhagwad Geeta materialize during such situations. According to astrological sciences the contemporary times encompass end of Kaliyuga or Dark Age and beginning of Satyuga or Golden Age. Calculation of time while ignoring all past prejudices has been measured which says that it is the hour of Sankraman of the 5 th Kalpa of world history. Mahatkalpa, Hiranyagarbhakalpa, Brahmakalpa and Padakalpa have already passed by. Varahkalpa that commenced before 13800 Vikram is going on right now. Even the Vaivaswat Manvantar (7th) is going on. Well known astrologers of India in 1964 while organizing a gigantic conference made an important announcement that after 9 Avatars Lord Kalki has already manifested in this world and that as of now he must be immersed in overcoming the malefic influence of vain intellectuals and ushering in its place an atmosphere of goodwill the world over. They failed to agree with the observations put forth by western astrologers that Lord Kalki will manifest at the end of 20th century. All of them by creating a Kundli or astrological chart of the world proved that the incarnation of Taintless Prajnavatar has already taken place in India and at the moment he must be active in his mission. According to them between 1990 and 2010 his influence shall spread speedily in its subtle form and that it will spread the entire world over. Regarding this all astrologers agree that the World Kundli prepared by the renowned astrologer Shri Jyotirbhushan Gopinathji on 5 th September 1926 is correct. According to this astrological chart Lagna Tula is united with high stature Shani, in the Parakram area is high stature Ketu, in the house of joy lies Guru, in the 7 th house is Swagrahi Mangal, in

the 9th house is high stature Rahu, in the Karma Bhava is Swagrahi Chandra and it is united with Shukra. All these tell us that modern science and a new religion will usher in. in the Labha Bhava is the union of Buddha and Swagrahi Surya which tells us that India will ooze with wealth and grandeur. This Lagna position reminds us of that found in the Kundli of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. It is clear from this that in order to reinstate religion a divine power has already incarnated in this world even though people will accept this much later. In reality a problem occurs there wherein erroneously via astrological tile calculation episodes in Rishi literature too is misinterpreted. In the Manu Smriti (1/67-69) it is said that: Brahmasya tu kshapahasya yatpramanam samasataha. Ekaikasho yuganam tu kramashastanibodhata. Chatvaryahu sahasrani varshanam tatkritam yugam. Tasya tavacchati sandhya sandhyashashcha tathavidhaha. Itareshu sansadhyeshu sansadhyasheshu cha trishu. Ekapayena vartante sahasrani shatani cha. MEANING: That Yuga believed to create this world and destroy it in Brahmaji’s night is thus- Purva Sandhya of 4 thousand and 4 hundred years and Uttar Sandhya also of that many years. Thus Satyuga will span 4800 years, Tretayuga of 3000 years, Dwapar of 2000 years and Kaliyuga of 1200 years. After this we must delve deep into the Skand 12, Adhyay 2 and 34 th Shloka or verse of Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran: Divyabdanam sahasrante chaturthe tu punaha kritam. Bhavishyati yada nrina man atmaprakashakam. MEANING: at the end of 4 thousand divine years meaning in 4000 divine years Kaliyuga or Dark Age passed by and again Satyuga or Golden Age will dawn which will pour divine light into the mind and soul of world humanity. Over here it is important to note the word ‘Divya’ or divine. Erroneously some scholars interpret it as demigods and by multiplying it with 360 (1 day of demigods is equal to 1 year of human beings) rendered it 432000 and said that this is the number of years for which Kaliyuga or the Dark Age will last. According to Rigveda (2/164/46) that which manifests in Divi or day and which is fiery like the sun is Divya or divine. Divi is Dyu and it

means day. Hence as per the day of the sun if we calculate again Satyuga spans for 1200 years, Treta for 2400 years, Dwapar 3600 years and Kaliyuga for 4800 years. As per the verse of Bhagwat Mahapurana 4000 years of Kaliyuga and 800 years of junction period (Sandhikal) totals to 4800 years which is about to end. According to epic Mahabharat (Van Parva, chapter 190, verses 88-91) if we calculate based on Rashis or Zodiac Signs it becomes clear that the final leg of 50 years of junction period or Sandhikal has commenced from Samvant 2000 which means Era Transformation is very near. As per texts of Islam religion the year between 1950 and 2025 constitute Kayamat. Kayamat means after that no sinner will exist in this world. In the Hamidiya Library of Mecca there is a book titled ‘Alkshaf valkatmafi marfat’. In it is written that Kayamat will manifest when strife, chaos and enmity will reach its peak in the world. At that time a great saint will be born. He will ooze with spiritual energy and with the help of his divine soul power will douse to naught all fire based weapons. He will render this world heavenly and shall render old people youthful. A similar description can also be found in the sacred text called ‘Imamey akhikajjama’. The famous book of Medina ‘Maqsoom Bukhari’ says that in the 2/3rd part of 14th century of Hijri year Kayamat shall manifest and Hazrat Mehndi shall manifest. He will be the prophet of all religions. In reality mathematical calculation of the birth chart of an Avatar is so complex and controversial that mounds of arguments for and against it can be put forth. Yet in reality all those movements active in the subtle world and those activities seen grossly executed by humans decides how, in what form and where an Avatar will be seen to be active. It has been seen that even Avatars undergo step by step advancement. Their Kalas keep increasing as time passes by. The Turtle and Fish Avatar possessed 1 Kala each. Varah and Vaman had 2 Kalas. Nrisinha and Parshuram had 3 Kalas. Rama had 12 Kalas, Krishna had 16 Kalas and Buddha had 30 Kalas. Regarding the Nishkalank or Taintless Avatar it has been said that it possesses 24 Kalas. This then is step by step evolution or advancement. In world creation these Avatars have appeared at the appointed hour time and again and will continue to do so till it reaches the compact omnipotent number of 64 Kalas. Over here we are delving deep into the details of Prajna Avatar and Era Junction or Yugasandhi so that members of Gayatri Family organization identify this Avatar based thought flow that had appeared before them visibly during their very lifetime. Not only have many conjoined to it but many more shall do so in future too. After knowing and identifying an Avatar it is not difficult to help divine men to understand the great divine stature of this Avatar. Regarding Avatars of the past their preliminary area of activity was limited to fight undesirable mundane situations, oppose those acting unethically and reinstate greatness in

the world. The one closest to Prajna Avatar is the Avatar of Lord Buddha wherein a great program was designed to encourage people to take shelter of a sacred intellect and give high stature great inspiration to world human psyche. The work arena of the Prajna Avatar is more gigantic and tortuous too. Not only does he have to oppose contemporary problems and individual unruliness but he has to sow, augment, nurture and render active seeds of great ideals in the world human psyche which are required for great sentiments of Satyuga or Golden Era and arrangement of Rama’s Rule (Ramrajya). On noting inner inspirations and its widespread nature it is natural that the number of Kalas of Prajna Avatar is 24. While depicting the nature of Almighty God in Purusha Sukta it is said: ‘Sahasrashirsa purushaha sahasrakshaha shasrapat’. It means God possesses 1000 heads, 1000 hands and 1000 legs. It means Brahman or God is one only but on special occasions he with his special means and paraphernalia executes desired tasks. Not only world management but during special situations of Era Transformation thousands of Jivan Mukta (liberated while alive) high statured self realized saints become his aides and fulfill Lord Mahakal’s divine mission. Definitely God is one only but yet when he carries out a special mission he does not remain alone and in fact akin to the brilliant sun possessing thousands of bright rays he manifests in this world. In great tasks of Era Transformation definitely God manifests his 1000 headed form. On special occasions Lord Mahakal perforce designs such a Maharas (divine dance) wherein for great ideals thousands of supremely saintly people become very active. In these days this is exactly that is happening. A very wise thought flow manifested from that lotus flower which is called the Sahasradal (1000 petals) Kamal. Brahmaji manifested from a lotus flower. It is situated in the scalp region called Brahmrandhra. Since spiritual energy is greatly focused over here it is also said to be the central point or focal point of God’s manifestation. The terrific cyclone of great thoughts manifested from here. Via the medium of the sacred intellect of an Avatar like great saint thouse great thoughts warded off the alarming rise of demonic qualities in the arena of man’s consciousness and awakened those souls who possessed terrific spiritual powers. The 10 th Nishkalank or Taintless Avatar is the symbol of this collective divine energy. The manifestation of Lord Mahakal and Avatar based activities in a great soul takes place akin to the drop of rain water of Swati Nakshatra wherein an ordinary looking oyster too gets the good fortune of manifesting a pearl in its womb. Due to this great divine blessing an ordinary layman can soon be transformed into a great saintly personality. In the dire times of Era Junction the Avatar of great souls that shall reinstate not only India’s but the world’s shining glory and in the form of a terrific thought energy flow Mahakal himself by donning a human garb has already incarnated in the 20 th century. For

this world humanity has harbored intense yearning. After Lord Buddha in the past 2000 years the birth of great saints has virtually come to a grinding halt. Now in the past 100 years in the form of partial incarnations 3 have already manifested. Amongst the 3 partial Avatars 1st was Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans and 2nd was Yogiraj Shri Aurobindo Ghosh. The 3rd incarnation is already active in the form of Shantikunja’s era consciousness and Yug Nirman Yojana (program and movement). Now the 4 th one shall incarnate in the form of a cosmic subtle thought flow and via thought based transformation the entire world will undergo a prolific change from its very root. These 4 partial incarnations shall form an omnipotent or Purna Avatar. The influence of all these partial Avatars has been that the large number of great men imbued with potent conscious power born in India has remain unparalleled as far as this time period is concerned. Shri Ramkrishna enacted the role of Yoga of Bhakti or devotion and Shri Aurobindo opted for Yoga of Jnana or Divine wisdom. Both divine messengers heated up the subtle atmosphere and via terrific austerities created such an environment wherein glorious personalities full of extraordinary effort were born viz. Bankimchandra, Mahamana Malviyaji, Gopal Krishna Gokhle. Justice Ranade, Dada Navroji, Keshavchandra Sen, Tatya Tope, Lakshmibai, Swami Vivekananda, Mother Sharada, Sister Nivedita, Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, Maulana Azad, Chittaranjandas, Rajendra Babu, Annie Besant, Sarojini Naidu, Shachichandra Sanyal, Chandrashekhar Azad, Rasbehari Bose, Bhagat Singh, Durgadevi, Mother of Pondicherry, Nirodbaran etc. The visage of Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans/Mother Sharada and Shri Aurobindo/Revered Mother can be seen as a duo of Lord Mahakal and Goddess Mahakali full of great divine intellect and deep faith. Over here we must note that no individual is a messenger of God from birth itself. In fact on special occasion Lord Mahakal and Mahakali make these their vehicle/medium and via embodied people subtle powers execute their divine tasks. Invisible powers and subtle divine existences carry out their mission via visible mediums only. At such times ordinary people are seen to execute extraordinary feats. Just as at the time of manifestation of River Ganges, Goddess Ganga had chosen Lord Shiva’s matted hair locks as a medium. Time and again so many male females in this world too become mediums like these matted hair locks. In present times in the year 1911 in the form of our revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya a messenger of God incarnated. Lord Mahakal made him his medium/vehicle and till the age of 60 years built a large organization called Yuga Nirman Yojana which had so many highly cultured awakened souls as its members. At the appointed hour in order to awaken them our revered Guru who was born as the Taintless or Nishkalank Prajna Avatar gave up his mortal coil. Before accepting death revered Gurudeva by portioning his soul into 5 via rendering the psyche divinely subtle made his soul widespread and multi

faceted. Now this very divine authority from the subtle world is rendering active his subtle body to carry out the remaining tasks of the partial incarnations mentioned above. It is now we who must make a choice whether to join the Kaurava Army full of vile activities that will surely result in painful death or we wish to join Dharmaraj Yudhisthira so as to reinstate righteousness in this world and thus attain immortality. Those who believe true only that which is gross and visible opine that how can such a great person play the role of the 3rd and 4th partial incarnation and that of Nishkalank Prajna Avatar whom we seen as an ordinary human being? For such people who thought revered Gurudeva laughed, talked etc like a frail human only we place before the respected readers his astrological birth chart and its analysis. This was made by a blind but scholarly astrologer in 1983 who was adept at astrology based mathematical calculations and even now is there to give us proof if it. GURUDEVA SHRIRAM SHARMA ACHARYA’S BIRTH CHART OR KUNDLI: Astrologer Pandit Kanhaiyalal Dube made this Kundli and devotee Garibdas Mahadev studied it. It was etched out on paper by Purushottam Rao Garud in the year 8/2/1983. Date of birth 20/9/1911, Thursday, time was morning between 8 and 9, Ashwin 13 Samvat 1968 and birth was under ordinary circumstances. Childhood was ordinary and between the age 24 and 32 he married for the 2 nd time. At the age of 42 he exhibited his miraculous personality and during first 14 years he associated and had Darshan of great saints. At the age of 7 years itself, he was looked upon as a child destined for greatness. He was an Avatar of God himself. He is part of God and full off divine powers. That task which he is trying to execute shall be fulfilled totally. He is a partial incarnation of God and great saint since the lord of Lagna Chandra is conjoined to Shukra and Buddha planets. Thus he must be a very great saint. He is a specialist of Tantra, Mantra, Yajna and possesses the extraordinary power of Shukra. VISHWAGURU YOGA, VISHWA YOGI YOGA, VISHWASAMRAT YOGA: Just now his age must be around 72 years. By 80 years he will be worshiped as a great saint of austerities the world over and will attain immortality. He is one having the power of ‘Birth at will and death at will’. One with such a planetary Yoga attains immortality. Shani of the 7th house is watching with full Drishti its 4 th house and hence will not have opponents. Everyone will dwell with him in friendship. Due to his influence everyone will become friends. Even the direst atheist will get positively influenced by him. He will be called Vishwapita or World Father. The world’s power shall dwell at his sacred feet and his death shall not be ordinary. After giving great thoughts to the world he will attain immortality. As per his will he shall invite death (Iccha Mrityu) and merge into God.

At present so much energy dwells at the feet of his holy consort (Mataji) that any tarnished planetary position of any woman can be overcome by drinking the water used to wash Mataji’s sacred feet (Charanamrit). It is to the extent that drinking this Charnamrit reverently can help a woman ward off her husband’s death and thus avoid widowhood. You are the Goddess herself. You too shall attain immortality. The 1 st wife had Markesh. The 2nd wife had Amar Yoga or immortality. As per God’s wish he had to marry twice. This great saint has Sanjivani Shakti or Power. He has the power to bring back to life one that has died. He can totally transform from the very roots anybody. He can ward off others deadly diseases. He can restore eyesight of the blind and give back the power of hearing to a deaf person. His body oozes with all divine energies of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. His tasks shall make him immortally renowned in all the 3 worlds. All this is because his birth chart has optimal Shukra, Buddha, Chandra and the Guru planet in Tula Zodiac Sign. Regarding number of children he shall sire 2 sons and 2 daughters. All of them will be capable enough. One son shall be a renouncing and self sacrificing type, and all his children shall labor hard, full of good destiny, true in character and scholarly. The lord of Dhan or Wealth Bhava Mangal is in the 8 th house. His organization shall possess a lot of wealth. Since at present there is a shadow on Singh Rashi till 21/9/1982 there will be an influence of Sadey-Saati Shani. Till 23rd July 1982 Mangal shall be joined to Shani. As a result the mind may manifest tainted emotions. But even this tainted influence gets cut off as a mere shadow on such a great Yogi-saint. Stomach upset problems will exist from 17 to 27 years of age yet his food eating habits due to influence of those times shall be apt. since Surya dwells in the 12th house he shall have to wear spectacles to ward off eye sight problems. Since this great saint will ooze with knowledge of Karmakanda (Vedic rituals) and power of Yoga based penance he will experience good health instead of otherwise remaining ill. The planets Chandra, Buddha, Shukra and Guru in his Kundli are a great boon for this person. Their influence will render him a divine personage. In November 1982 he will suddenly get a lot of wealth. He has special Yogas like enterprise, exotic travelling, changing place of residence and having many friends. He will get special honor and fame the world over. The year 1983 will be full of joy, wealth benefits will be seen, more property shall be got, will attain renown and honor and a Yoga that says grandeur augmenting. The year 1984 will be great and between the years 1988 to 1996 all tasks shall be fulfilled. People the world over shall become his followers. Everywhere he will achieve name and fame. He will be honored and worshiped as a world father, world Yogi and world emperor.

He will be virtually the Almighty Lord himself. From the years 1991 to 1992 we do not get much information from his astrological birth chart. Yoga of living in solitude exists. Despite shedding his mortal coil he will continue guiding the world via his potent subtle body. By exhibiting his prowess of merging his soul consciousness with cosmic consciousness or God he will become serene divine light in form. The contact rope of great Yogis joins them to the deep recesses of the subtle and causal body via the gross body. Externally despite remaining unknown how intense is the bond between these can be gauged from the fact when an active member of All World Gayatri Family went to have the holy Darshan of Devraha Baba (A renowned Yogi) along with a PWD minister. At that time Devraha resided on a loft built on a big tree near Vrindavan (UP, India). At that time revered Gurudeva in the year 1971 had gone to the Himalayas as per the command of his own Guru. The moment this member and volunteer came near the tree loft he saw 2 other ministers standing there. After a few minutes Baba came out of the loft and told one of his aides to call this volunteer of Gayatri Family. Baba’s aide thought that he wanted to talk to the minister. Hence in order to ward off this aides error Baba asked another of his helper to call the volunteer. Baba lovingly blessed this volunteer and asked whether Acharya Shriram Sharmaji had already left for the Himalayas. When the volunteer said yes he was told by Baba to work in a focused and zealous manner for the mission. You all yet do not know who revered Acharyaji is but at the appointed hour the truth shall be unveiled. After that Baba laughed and then smilingly said: All sacred tasks of Acharyaji shall get fulfilled on its own. You all are like mere puppet dolls. We all today are aware that these prophetic words of Revered Devraha Baba, with respect to our Gurudeva are materializing as true to the last letter.


The work arena of the Avatar existence of Almighty Lord is the subtle world. Those people imbued with divine energies gathered for a great length of time are induced to carry out tasks like era balance, managing and reforming world public and uprooting those elements that act unethically. Whenever a particular type of problem erupts in this world, at that time in order to induce apt balance a divine consciousness manifests from the subtle world in our mortal world. The biography of Avatars encompasses Lilas or divine sports like repairing a drowning boat called this world and saving it from terrible gigantic eddies via their divine skills and enterprise. At the commencement of world creation when only water existed everywhere and only waterborne creature existed, at that time the Matsya or Fish Avatar manifested to overcome mismanagement. It first manifested in Brahma’s Kamandalu or water pot as a very tiny fish. Later it started magnifying its girth so as to become a gigantic fish which gave Brahma inspiration to render widespread world creation. As per this command Brahma commenced this task and created divine men. When both on land and water creatures proliferated at that time balance was generated by Kacchap or Turtle Avatar. Under its leadership tasks of churning the ocean or Samudra Manthan and also transformation of nature or Prakriti were enacted. Innumerable glorious people and materials that arose from this churning played a major role in advancement of this world. It was only the Varah or Boar Avatar that could have unearthed wealth hidden in the ocean floors by the demon Hiranyaksha symbolizing narrow minded selfishness and further uprooting demonic elements of the world. This was exactly done and thus the mission was accomplished. Whenever demonic elements cross all limits of unruliness and arrogance at such times gentlemanly behavior with them never works. At such times Lord Nirsingha or Half Man and Half Lion manifests and his enterprise leads. The Lord saw the situation and realizing

the need of a half man half lion form, fulfilled his promise of uprooting demonic elements in the world and protecting gentlemanliness. When there was a need of converting beastly behavior like selfishness, hoarding of excess wealth and sense titillation activities into large hearted generosity, under the leadership of Lord Vaman the voice of tiny, small and pigmy like world laymen spoke boomingly which forced a wealthy demon like Bali to utilize his untold wealth for world welfare tasks. This then was the Avatar of Lord Vaman. After this the goal of all Avatars like Parshuram, Rama, Krishna and Buddha was one i.e. opposing the alarming rise of unruliness and demonic attacks and instead nurture goodwill and gentlemanly behavior the world over. The leadership of colonialism was uprooted by Parshuram by using weapons. The meaning of chopping off heads was uprooting arrogant egoistic use of various powers wielded by various leaders. Thus that task was executed by the Parshu or axe which no other human power could execute. Rama reinstated discipline in life in an all round manner and rendered earth devoid of demons so that none could cross boundaries laid down by law. Krishna believed in ethics. He in order to root out lowly situations that result due to man’s vile thinking imbibed the principle of ‘Shathey shathyam’ of ‘Vishasya vishamaushadham’ by showing farsightedness regarding diplomacy and hatched plots by enemies. As a result he walked ‘lopsidedly’ so as to remove one thorn from the body using another thorn. Thus his task got fulfilled. He was an extraordinary Avatar of his era. In those days when taints entered the institution of religion unethical behavior in the form of alcohol intake/eating flesh etc under the garb of religion rendered the world mismanaged and religious vanity gave grief to world humanity, Lord Buddha in order to establish true religion, organizing gentlemanly people into a congregation and to give a supreme spot to Viveka or true discrimination, incarnated in this world. It was the Lila of Lord Buddha to blow the bugle of ‘Dhamam sharanam gacchami, sangham sharanam gacchami, buddham sharanam gacchami’. Due to his divine call of awakening right from the small Supriya to Ambapali, Anand, Rahul, Ashok and others came forward enthusiastically. Thousands of his followers left for various regions to spread the message of true religion, they established Sanghas and spread the divine light of thought revolution in every nook and corner of the globe. Today’s situations are much different than those situations mentioned above. Since situations changed the Lord too had to change the basis. The stature and work arena of an Avatar widens as per arrangements for world progress. In a world led by means and actions, weapon usage is enough. But today everywhere rules the intellectual principle. Everywhere we see tainted intellects misuse wealth, talent and authority of all kinds. The advancement of modern science has rendered the world a tiny global village, world humanity has been rendered closer to each other and mobility has improved astoundingly.

Under such circumstances the Lord’s Avatar can only be in the form of Era Consciousness. It has to be so cosmic and widespread that every world human psyche is transformed, the mind oozes with goodwill towards all and only then atheism can be combated successfully. The root frame of intellectualism of Lord Buddha was that of thought revolution. In the first half moved the Wheel of True Religion. Thousands of followers imbued with true religious sentiments not only spread Buddha’s mission in India but much beyond its borders so as to sanctify religion the world over. Buddha’s mission was not totally fulfilled and the final task yet it is to be executed. Prajna Avatar is doing exactly this. In an era that predominates with intellect and logic its problems too are thought oriented. The entire society flows in the stream of belief and thinking. At such times the working method of an Avatar by finding solutions to problems of this era via a thought revolution that uproots undesirable elements, unethical thinking and blind beliefs so as to harbinger a Golden Era or Satyuga. When revered Gurudeva manifested in this world, the great requirement at that time was overcoming undesirable thoughts in world human psyche and establish a wholesome taintless intellect. Hence the Mahabharat War of this era was fought in the arena of human consciousness and via the inspiration of Super Mantra Gayatri the goal of creation of faith based on goodwill along with its augmenting was attained. An individual’s character/thinking and what is the mode of trend of society? Its definite analysis was achieved via the gigantic widespread nature of this Super Mantra. The giver of birth of divine culture i.e. Devmata and Vedmata after many great efforts is about to become the World Mother which shall be seen in the near future. It is on the basis of this thought flow that a cultured well advanced world shall be neo created. On the day of Gayatri Jayanti wherein Prajapati Brahma uttered the Richas of Gayatri Mantra and Mantras were written as Vedas, our revered Gurudeva shed his mortal coil. For that humanly embodied great Avatar who had imbued a divine intellect in thousands of humans was there any other supreme day wherein order to render his psyche subtle (Sookshmikaran) straight landed in the lap of Mother Gayatri who bestows salvation or Moksha on all? Our revered Gurudeva imbued Ritambhara Prajna or discrimination and faith in the psyche of world public and led them to portals of greatness from the pit of lowliness. Viveka or discrimination is that which includes logic, facts and farsightedness. Shraddha or theism is the name of that deep faith that teaches us to adore supreme ideals. Where Viveka is the highest stature of the intellect there faith is the supreme attainment of the psyche. At the surface level the stream of terrific energy flowing in the subtle world appears calm and ordinary. Yet within in actuality, it possesses a hidden explosive potential, akin to a

fiery volcano. When it explodes then straightening that which is lopsided and overcoming the undesirable it transforms everything positively. This rare extraordinary potential that is mobile in the subtle world is called an Avatar. The chief mission of an Avatar is to fill up high stature divine zest in its own Lila body and also in messengers of God and great men possessing divine energies. Great seers can actually visualize these invisible movements in awakened souls and hence they say that this terrific onrush of an Avatar converts an imbalanced word into a balanced one. In these days all this is taking place. Under the guidance of his subtle bodied preceptor our revered Gurudeva played the role of a Nishkalank or Taintless Prajna Avatar and created such a terrific thought flow that the confluence of faith and discrimination manifested in the form of era consciousness and divine energy while he was yet alive. The present Avatar manifested as a divine thought flow hence instead of limiting it to the physical body we must understand that this divine existence by becoming very subtly focused spread out the world over. It corrects erroneous intellects and forces an awakening in highly intellectual world humans to take recourse to true faith and farsighted discrimination. The proof of this is rise in number of awakened souls and thought based consciousness which is enveloping the entire world. This then is the Taintless Avatar which is the 10th Avatar.


In Naimisharanya (UP, INDIA) a dialogue was going on between Suta and Shaunak Rishi. After hearing the stories of divine sports of all Avatars Shaunak Muni yearning to know more about Jnana or Divine Wisdom asked a question to Maharshi Lomharshak’s son Shri Sutaji: O Lord! You have so far discourse on Dwaparyuga and Buddha’s Avatar. Now please do tell me that when Kaliyuga or the Dark Age shall reach its peak in what form will Almighty God manifest in this world. At that time which demonic souls shall exist that will later be killed by God in his Avatar form? Please tell us this episode in detail. Shri Sutaji answered: O great Munis! Brahmaji created dire sin from his back whose name was unrighteousness. When unrighteousness grew it was married to Mithya or illusion. As a result of their union a wrathful son called hypocrisy and a daughter called Maya were born. Due to the union of hypocrisy and Maya a son called greed and a daughter called distortion were born. Both gave birth to anger. Anger resulted in violence and the union of both gave birth to the terrible Kali possessing a dark body. The sister of Kali residing in this fickle, fearful and smelly body and also dwelling in gambling, flesh eating, gold and prostitutes and children in the form of foul speech, fear, death, defeat and hardships were born whose thousands of sons and daughters by dwelling in disease, mental strife, old age, grief, downfall and sense titillation destroyed Yajnas, penance, donation, self study, meditation etc. (Kalki Purana verses 1-22). The above discrimination is not given for entertaining respected readers. Shrutis go beyond time and space hence it describes all that which could take place in future times. Kaliyuga or Dark Age which we are all living in at the time of ripening is waiting for such an Avatar that shall destroy irrationality, vile intellect, hard heartedness and unrighteousness and reinstate righteousness and great activities the world over. While throwing light on the sensitive emotions of Lord Kalki, Sutaji writes: Demigods with earth as its leader approached Brahmaji and earth described the atrocities and hardships of this world. Brahmaji took all of them to the world of Lord Vishnu. After hearing what they said Vishnuji promised them that in order to uproot all hardships he will incarnate as an Avatar in this world. Then he told the demigods: In order to help me you all must incarnate as awakened souls and Prajna members.

The gist of the above description is that when ignorance, lack of ethics and unrighteousness encompassed earth Brahmaji manifested an authority that oozed with all round human prowess that by taking help of organization power challenged tainted intellects the world over and re established Satyuga or Golden Era in the world. In the Kalki Purana it is written: Lord Kalki shall take birth in the house of Vishnuyash Sharma residing in Sambhal Gram or village. He will be a Savitri worshiper. Lord Parshuram of Mountain Mahendra shall be his Guru and after giving the kingdom of Mathura to Suryaketu will dwell in Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) with his wife. By challenging intellectuals, he shall overpower them and will fulfill the mission of establishing righteousness in this world. He will establish true Brahmin hood and will be called Nishkalank or Taintless Avatar. This energy that uproots all vile thoughts shall first take birth as an institution predominating in faith based thinking and it shall usher in a thought revolution the world over. From the above symbolic analysis and proclamations it is clear that in order to fulfill the promise of ‘Yada yada hi dharmasya…..’ this is the hour (present times) of God full of a powerful resolve (Sankalpa) to manifest as an Avatar. In reality by manifesting as an avatar he has fulfilled all those tasks via his gross body which an Avatar must execute. Now by making himself widespread in his subtle form post death he is inspiring divine men to head towards the desired goal. In the epic Mahabharat Bhishmapitamaha says: I have already told you the nature and goal of Krishna’s Avatar and now I shall give details about Kaliyuga. When righteousness shall falter at the end of Kaliyuga, vanity and hypocrisy shall raise its hoods at that time for augmenting righteousness and establishment of true Brahmin qualities God will re incarnate. He will be ‘Vishnuyasha’ or one having glory akin to Almighty God. Indian mythology or Puranas proclaim that along with an Avatar many demigods along with their divine energies manifest on earth as his aides. Today’s world situations are very much similar to the time when an Avatar manifests in this world. When wholesome behavior is totally ignored, all religious arrangements of the world are in disarray know that Kaliyuga has reached its nadir and at such times like a lotus blooming in muck there is a high possibility of an Avatar’s manifestation. Avatars have manifested previously, they shall appear now and will do so in future too. Even if the world does not recognize him the Avatar via his terrific activities and responsibilities exhibits his Avatar identity. Leaving behind many directions and world management methods he leaves it to various awakened souls to fulfill his mission. Majority of the time it is only after an Avatar departs from the world that his true divine identity is recognized.

Although the style of scriptural scholars and those authoring the Shrutis is symbolic yet if we make that extra bit intellectual effort, we can understand its deep import. The Kalki Purana says that the divine existence despite entering the human body is totally beyond lineage, clan, Gotra, action, thought based sentiments, profession, character etc. Sins, greed and deluded attachment can never even touch their psyche. Falsehood and unrighteousness can never dare approach them. An Avatar is always a man of total divine wisdom, a total true saint and as pure and innocent as a child. All these qualities can be found in the life of our revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya despite the fact that he always disagreed when he was called an Avatar by his followers the world over. In the holy text it is written that his father will be famous (Vishnuyasha) and his mother will possess a lovely intellect (Sumati). By purifying his psyche via the Ganges of divine wisdom he will master Savitri based spiritual practices and this too has been mentioned. After donning the Yajnopaveet or sacred thread there are incidences of initiation into divinity, Gayatri Meditation/Worship and studies of Vedas. From verses 35 to 40 in the Kalki Purana a description has been given regarding of studying Vedas from his father, Savitri, Brahmin hood, Yajnopaveet, Gayatri Science of Divinity etc. What is true Brahmin hood and how can it be worshiped? All this has been elucidated. At the time when the Brahmin boy is ready to go to Gurukul for studies he gets Darshan of Lord Parshuram (meaning a subtly embodied preceptor). Not only does this preceptor give Darshan but that he takes the boy with him to the Himalayas for performing austerities so as to attain Self Realization. After imbibing full wisdom of the Vedas he sets off to uplift the world by taking with him Lord Shiva’s ashes representing Divine Wisdom and the Parshu weapon or axe symbolizing sharpness full of true thinking. Kalki on his return exhibits his divine grandeur and thus all Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras executing Yajnas, charity, penance and religious vows become his instruments of grace. All these aides come from every region of India, from every religion and community and from every nook and corner of the globe. Due to the influence of the process of Era Neo Creation everyone’s intellect is rendered sacred and divine. Lord Kalki after performing the Rajsuya and ashwamedha Yajnas renders widespread a positive mental attitude and saying that pure hearted people are a part of his very own soul after death Lord Kalki promises his aides that they will become one with his cosmic divine soul. Not mundane but a society that desires only spiritual matters is set up via his subtle thinking. He gives inspiration of a neo awakening to world women and renders them world leaders. Intellectuals full of argumentativeness, arrogance, literate but selfish dwelling in Kikatpur or narrow minded thinking are fought against by Lord Kalki. While opposing lack of theism cuts off their heads via the Parshu weapon or pick axe representing Divine Wisdom. It means via a thought revolution Lord Kalki positively transforms their very seedy thinking so as to perforce make them undergo self surrender and by renouncing a lowly intellect work for world being tasks.

Regarding Spiritual philosophy he puts forth such a scientific description that every atheist intellectual who reads it gets transformed for the better. By cutting thoughts with thoughts he is devising a sort of Jnana or Divine Wisdom Yajna. By opposing rank materialism reeking in every household the religious institute gets sanctified via his divine existence. Respect readers must please note that our revered Gurudeva all his lifetime set rolling all that is mentioned above. He lived a revolutionary life attacked blind undesirable traditions and in order to reinstate spiritual philosophy successfully correlated spirituality to modern science. By writing loads of literature via the medium of Jnana or Divine Wisdom Yajna he positively changed the thinking of thousands of people. By helping people veer away from a narrow minded selfish lifestyle encouraged them to life oozing with generosity, joy and laughter. Gurudeva’s stream of Jnana and Vajpeya Yajna lasted for a fairly long time span. Via the 1000 Kundi or pyre Yajna first he executed Ashwamedha Yajna in Mathura (UP, India) and later he did the same in 5 places stretching across India in the year 1971. By handing over Mathura’s management to Suryaketu (members of Gayatri Family of hidh stature character) he along with his wife landed in Haridwar’s (India) Ganges shores called Saptasarovar region so as to perform intense penance (Ganga teeray haridwarey nivasam samakalpayat). In Himalayas after having the sacred Darshan of his Guru and performing penance met those souls in Haridwar that were created from portions of great Rishis and by encouraging them to perform spiritual practice for sanctifying their inner personalities took the vow of furthering his mission via the medium of his aides. He after building a gigantic family like organization which had made the powerful resolve of only rendering widespread great activities handed over its management to his respected wife. Later he himself by rendering his psyche potent and very divinely subtle accepts the call of death of his mortal coil. The nature of Avatars is akin to a thought flow. Those having Darshan of Avatars in their human form must see that after being imbued with thought based consciousness of a great saint have they in actuality seen large groups of great people work for rendering others character great and helping render widespread great tasks the world over? If something of this is witnessed it must be said to be the inspiration of an Avatar. Revered Gurudeva used to say that if we start looking out for an Avatar, innumerable people will come forward labeling themselves as Avatars. He used to say that whenever saints, reformers and patriots augmented in society know for sure that invisibly and subtly they are being directed by an Avatar’s divine existence. Saints are those who ooze with gentlemanly sentiments and by living like true Brahmins live like beacon lights in society. They imbue life force in those who live in despair. A saint smilingly opposing all obstacles in life establishes great ideals the world over. Reformers are higher in stature than saints. A reformer not only has to render brilliant his own soul but that but has to generate potent Prana or vital force in

order to reform others. Their character is great, possess a lot of valor, personality is powerful and hard work is intense. They carry scriptures in one hand and weapons in the other to fulfill their mission. They light the torch of worldwide thought revolution. After saints and reformers is the class of patriots. Patriots are those who give up their very self for welfare of others. This indeed is self or soul surrender. Instead of listening to their kith and kin they carry out tasks inspired in their souls by an Avatar’s divine consciousness. True patriotism emerges from the psyche and soul wherein predominates, sentiments of world welfare and that selfishness is renounced from its very roots. As per the terminology of revered Gurudeva’s Avatar consciousness we can experience all round us in a widespread manner these days the flow of formless Prajna Avatar. That Yugapurusha who executed such gigantic tasks is no more in our midst and instead is active in the subtle world through the medium of his subtle psyche (Sookshmikaran). We embodied beings as his followers can measure his true stature. “This era’s Kalki Avatar shall be a lord of a powerful organization, one who will author code of conduct, a man of ethics, scientist, thinker and a great saint who by warding off atheism will awaken sacred sentiments in world human psyche”. This conclusion was made in 1939 in a meeting held by Uttarakhand’s saints and was published in a book called ‘Kalganana va Kalki Avatar’. In it is written: At the point between his eyebrows shall be a moon. He will wear clothing of Indian style he will be child like he will be valiant like daring soldiers and a great scholar of Vedas. 24 alphabets will play a predominant role in his life. By chanting a Mantra of 24 alphabets he will perform austerities for 24 years and shall be the 24 th Avatar. He will positively influence the entire world. Generally an avatar is never recognized as one during his lifetime. Ram was censured and Krishna too had to face allegations. We must all be proud that a divine messenger appeared in our midst and left after enacting his divine sports or Lilas. Everyone will now walk the path of ethics laid down by him. Let us not be labeled listless and we must not give people the chance to say that we who lived under the guidance of this great divine personage did not recognize his true divine identity. His great mission and glorious fame is in front of us all. What only remains to be done is that we who are his disciples and those who shall join his mission in future must spread his deep profound thoughts in every nook and corner of the world.


Ordinarily in the arena of Sadhana or spiritual practice external rituals are mimicked and whenever someone imbibes these external rites in his daily life, a group of people tend to follow in his footsteps. Since hidden sentiments behind these symbols, soul purification and disciplines of true living are neither truly understood nor imbibed, how will they reap rich dividends? Our Gurudeva was advised by his preceptor: You must reinstate an imperishable flame torch of clarified butter or Ghee symbolizing the bond between us so that none forgets the other. Since I had appeared before you as a mass of divine light its memory should remain eternally. Revered Gurudeva reverently imbibe the commands of his beloved master and did exactly that. When Gurudeva journeyed to Himalayas in the years 1941, 1951 and 1960 he yet observed that discipline. Revered Mataji writes in the 1951 Akhand Jyoti Magazine, that it is now my prime responsibility to look after the management of this magazine. As an editor this was her first attempt because in that period the time span of Gurudeva’s Himalayan travel would be more than 1 year. Three chief tasks had been set up by Gurudeva for Revered Mataji and they were: 1) The Akhand Jyoti or flame torch remains lit for 10 more years ceaselessly. Initially this torch was lit for the time span of 24 Mahapurashcharanas of Gayatri practice yet despite the task being completed it should not be bid adieu. Just as in 40 days 1 Anushthan of Gayatri (.125 million Mantras) is completed in the same way when the flame torch remains lit for 40 years without pause the Akhand Jyoti or torch flame becomes Sidha or spiritually omnipotent. This torch already had been lit for 30 years and family members one by one keeping awake for 24 hours saw to it that the flame never got extinguished and hence why leave it incomplete when only 10 years are left? (Akhand Jyoti Magazine-October, 1951, pages 6/7/8). Since the decision regarding the time period after 1971 was to be unveiled by Gurudeva on his return from Himalaya journey we have not discussed the episode of their changing

residence and going to Haridwar where this imperishable flame torch or Akhand Jyoti was kept. Whatever may be the case yet HH Mataji acted scrupulously as per the directions of Gurudeva. Within its divine light by gaining Darshan of Gurudeva and his revered preceptor she ran the gigantic household called All World Gayatri Family. She continued to edit the magazine and shouldered all those duties which she had to execute as the chief of an institution. 2) The second command was to ceaselessly do Japa in front of this flame torch and a program must be designed to execute 24 Anushthans comprising 2.4 million Mantras in 10 years. 3) The 3rd command that in which ever place this flame torch was kept in front of which ceaseless Japa was carried out from there sacred qualities be imbibed and only then the Akhand Jyoti Magazine must be published. There exists an extraordinary deep import of lighting flame torches ceaselessly for many years. We had commenced this literature with an episode which we will continue to elaborate upon. The lay public by following others and by looking at the fount of success as a visible ritual no doubt lights an imperishable flame torch yet they fail to do this ceaselessly in the long run. A flame becomes Sidha only when it is accompanied by intense austerities by a spiritually credible devotee. This is not some miniscule task that can be handed over to just about anyone. One not only has to do Japa-Anushthan but that by looking upon self purification as a very important spiritual practice must be undergone steadfastly. This very task had been fulfilled by revered Gurudeva and Mataji and even today one finds this flame torch in Shantikunj (Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India) that has been kept lit ceaselessly for 64 years. It is the fount of all divine inspirations and Sidhis. In front of it even today ceaseless Mantra chanting is done. In its close proximity .1 billion Gayatri Mantra Japa is executed and in a Yajnashala having 9 Kundis or pyres Ahutis or sacred offerings are made to the Yajna fire. From this seeds of true spiritually sprout forth and bloom as flowers and fruits. In its sacred light revered Gurudeva wrote volumes of great literature and carried out worship and meditation. The present lines too have written after getting due inspiration of this ceaselessly lit flame torch called Akhand Deep or Jyoti. In it there is no lone effort because at its root is at work the power of austerities executed by Gurudeva which rendered him a Super Human imbued with immense Brahmavarchas or Divine Aura. In future too this will take place exactly as is happening today. Over here we are writing in detail because those Gayatri Family members who come here to see and have Darshan of this flame torch must understand its root philosophy and subtle Sidhi. If in order to follow this tradition they too light a flame torch in their homes they must make due efforts to render it Sidha Jyoti or spiritually potent flame. If this is not possible since along with keeping this torch ceaselessly lit intense austerities too have to be undergone then they can yet accrue benefits of our Akhand Jyoti by reading and imbibing

sacred teaching of revered Gurudeva whose inspiration rests in the sacred power of this divine light of the flame torch. Much more is the importance of such Sidha Jyotis when compared to importance of places where great spiritual aspirants have performed penance called Sidhapeethas. In it a great devotee assiduously surrendered his very life for a great mission and not only awakened his own Kundalini Shakti but that in order to awaken the Kundalini of the world became potently subtle (Sookshmikaran) post death and even today is very much active in the subtle world. Majority of times letters are received at Shantikunj and in Mathura too that for our sake please carry out certain number of Japa for a particular goal and in return we will send you cash. Those writing such letters do not know that Japa programs cannot be ‘rented’. This in fact is a fraudulent business of vain arrogant priests which our revered Gurudeva mocked and opposed all his lifetime. Japa and austerities must be done by our self. Yes! In order that no obstacle comes in the way of Anushthans, we at Shantikunj can protect then through the Rishi existence of Shantikunj as per the promise given by revered Gurudeva. This promise exists today and will hold in future too wherein if someone is doing Japa, Anushthan etc at his home or elsewhere he/she will get due protection from all obstacles and hardships forever by our extraordinarily divine existence. What is mainly to be understood is that due thought be given to augmenting ones sanctity and uprooting various taints and that in comparison to purifying ones sentiments less importance be given to superficial rites and rituals. If while chanting Mantras we pay attention only to its numbers, know that this is like ‘bartering’ with Almighty Lord. There exists no such register in the abode of God and Mother Gayatri wherein the number of Mantras chanted is written and noted. Over there in fact what is gauged is your goodwill and sanctified high stature aspirations and whenever anyone attains success or Sidhi it will be only on this basis as has been mentioned by Gurudeva during his entire life time. Since now we have received instructions to unveil the Sidha aspect of Gurudeva we humbly dare to write the following lines. Those living in close proximity to him know for sure that despite possessing only 1 gross body, he executed tasks performed by 5 bodies. It is indeed a mystery as to how he carried out various tasks of 5 types simultaneously but those dwelling nearby know that in the life span of 80 years he lived a life akin to 800 years. Let us unfold how 5 tasks were carried out by 5 bodies. First he carried out meditation on Mother Gayatri for 6 hours apart from 8 hours of physical labor and 7 hours of mental labor (reflection, deep cogitation and writing). One can now understand how less he slept since out of 24 hours, 21 hours were utilized thus. This then is that wondrous Sidhi which although can be termed in any manner yet people near him know that those tasks commenced by him on getting up at 1 am in the morning would ceaselessly continue till 10 pm at night. All this is possible only after immense energy is gathered due to intense austerities performed.

The other task was to open, read and reply within 24 hours more than 1000 letters received daily by post from Gayatri Family members residing in various places. The answers to these letters were so compact and affectionate that the person reading it felt he got all answers regarding questions posted by him. One got the sense of oneness with ones father and affection too was showered. Even after settling in Haridwar, revered Gurudeva continued with this task but after 1972 through the medium of devotees and guidance of revered Mataji letters were received by members. It was Gurudeva who himself categorized these letters and decided how and in what way every letter was to be answered. Later he handed over this important task to HH Mataji and her aides. No doubt his subtle guidance yet exists. The foundation of this organization is his letters which he wrote to innumerable people and lovingly made everyone his very own. The 3rd onerous task that he carried out till he shed his mortal coil was writing literature. He wrote so much that if his literature is weighed it would be double the weight of Gurudeva’s physical body. Regularly he read for 3 hours and for 4 hours he wrote for the magazine and penning books. Maybe he sometimes went hungry but never did he stop writing daily. Whatever he read for Swadhyaya or self study, whatever subtle knowledge was given to him by his divine existence, those priceless thoughts akin to potent Sanjivani (rejuvenating life) was penned down by him. One more thing to note is that after reading something he never kept any reference book with himself. He had an extraordinary razor sharp memory. He has given us so much literature authored by himself in the form of 2500 books, commentaries on Vedas etc, self written Prajna Purana and has written so much for 10 years henceforth that Akhand Jyoti will continue to get published ceaselessly and will remain lit eternally like a light house. The writings may be authored by anybody yet the thinking behind it is that of revered Gurudeva. In the form of a Bhagwad Geeta World Library he has designed a gigantic book which will be inspired to be written by his subtlecausal bodies and also 14 parts of Prajna Purana. The 4th task was individual contact, teaching giving guidance and advice. It is alright if for a few moments he rested by immersing into Yogic sleep (Nidra) yet he kept meeting so many people throughout his lifetime apart from the last few years before he shed his mortal coil when he was immersed in rendering his psyche subtle (Sookshmikaran). He imbued life force or Prana in all those who contacted him, he augmented their will power and very affectionately and zealously gave guidance regarding daily living, spiritual practices and how to adapt the psyche when circumstances change externally. It is certainly not an overstatement to say that he is the emperor of the hearts of all volunteers. The 5th task was to ceaselessly travel to look after the mission’s tasks and render positively active all volunteers and helpers. In the few preliminary years he resided in Gandhiji’s Sabarmati Ashram, Sevagram at Vardha and Pondicherry Ashram of Shri Aurobindo along with Rabindranath Tagore’s Shantiniketan. He went to Adyar too and virtually read all books in the library of Annie Besant in Varanasi. He would also travel to far regions

where mission members were trying to render widespread various great tasks. While traveling he would continue writing and meditating. 15 days before he bid adieu in 1971 he traveled ceaselessly and in 1 day he would visit programs at 3-4 places. Not only would he fulfill them but that he would meet all those who contacted him so much with a sense of oneness that those people would think he is closest to them. In the years 1980-81-82 for laying foundation stones of various Shaktipeethas and invoking deities there he would complete 5 programs in one day with great success. If tested minutely one cannot correlate that in so many hours or days how he could carry out such feats yet Lord Mahakal’s Divine Energy is so terrific that at a time he would be active in 5 places. This question was asked to Gurudeva by workers of the mission who traveled with him but since he had not got any direction to answer by his preceptor he only told us regarding tasks carried out by 5 bodies as has been mentioned in the above lines. And yet if members wish to hear and understand the Sidhi of this great realized saint they must read the following episode. In Madhya Pradesh (India) one mission volunteer continuously kept questioning revered Gurudeva as to how he was active in 5 different places simultaneously? In order to answer him and exhibit his Lilas or divine sports Gurudeva gave this volunteer a telephone number of Bilaspur and after asking for a trunk call ask over there as to what is going on? The answer was that Gurudeva’s program was organized there. He has just finished giving a discourse and is having food just now. This volunteer on hearing this felt the phone slipping out of his hand in astonishment and after prostrating full length at revered Gurudeva’s hallowed feet he said: Lord! I shall never doubt you henceforth. Dear readers! What will you say regarding all this? Would you label this too as mesmerism and hypnotism? The divine sports of great saints and Gurus are mind boggling. While he was alive he carried out such stupendous feats and now after donning the subtle body post death Gurudeva will give more astounding experiences to all members.


After executing terrific penance and well defined worship of Super Energy Gayatri Gurudeva who augmented Divine Aura has powerfully proclaimed that anyone who will execute spiritual practices as per his guidance shall definitely reap success. I have taught people Gayatri Meditation and method of enacting rites and rituals and have further said that only those will accrue full benefits that sanctify and render great their inner personalities via spiritual endeavors. Further he writes that I have given that message of scriptures and Rishis to every aide of mine wherein akin to myself, they render service to world humanity as a major part of their daily living. This is like making efforts to sustain one’s life. This then is true spirituality. The method with which he conjoined meditation to service based spiritual practice was rare and it gave right direction to progress in spirituality. He inspired thousands of people renounce the mental tendency to aspire only for one’s own salvation, dispassion to the world and immersing in Samadhi or trance and instead selflessly work for world well being. This could have been achieved only by a revolutionary thinker. A very extraordinary portion of his personality gets showcased by the fact that he relentlessly opposed and combated like a valiant general against illusions that spread far and wide in the field of religion as also those who gave ‘discourses’ to nourish such blind deluded beliefs. Without faltering even a wee bit Gurudeva reaped rich success in this struggle. In the past few times whatever he has written in a book called ‘Savitri Mahavijnan’ is a challenge for entire world humanity. We will place before the respected readers what he has originally written himself: The chief goal of Gayatri Meditation is manifestation of a great wholesome intellect. It is called Ritambhara or Mahaprajna. This is its main benefit. Regarding this how much ever I have attained may not be worth priding about yet it is self satisfying. The chief aim of my life has been neo creation. A great sacred intellect incarnates only in pious gentlemanly people. All those people who came in my contact were made to walk, dragged and pushed

too on this path. Its results too can be witnessed akin to a fresh green harvest and I have full faith that if the present 2.4 million devotees by rendering themselves as seeds get sown then akin to myself they too will new harvest blooming forth and in the future times of era junction this task shall gain such gigantic magnitude that maybe only a few amongst those possessing vile character shall exist and will not get imbued with Adishakti and Yugashakti Gayatri’s spiritual consciousness. I have full faith that my aides and followers will imbibe this potent divine energy. Even if amongst these a few lag behind my subtle body post death of my mortal coil too shall awaken them appropriately. The above promise is so definite and so inspirational that despite a minor possibility of people becoming listless after his great death he has taken a vow of imbuing them with life force and activity via the medium of his powerful subtle and causal body. In this manner extraordinary divine existences and great saints of Avatar stature while they are alive by becoming a fount of sacred inspiration for untold number of people render successful their divine manifestation on earth. Gurudeva used to say that whatever is worth attaining in this world can be done by awakening one’s soul. He opined that understanding the power of the 5 senses of knowledge and utilizing it aptly is such an experiment via which the Food, Vital Force, Mental, Intellectual and Bliss Sheaths can be awakened and with their help one can accrue those benefits attained by great self realized masters. He would further say that the subtle body comprising of mind, intellect, psyche, ego and vital force is infinitely more powerful than our physical body (Akhand Jyoti Magazine-November 1971, page 54). Gayatri can also be termed as a Super Energy that protects one’s Prana or vital force (Gaya means Prana Tri means protection). Not only was Gurudeva successful in activating the 5 sheaths but that by rendering the Prana Energy very potent and power of resolve or Sankalpa unwavering he became immortal, deathless and one who gained victory over death itself. He made the 5 sense organs work like his aides and they never became unruly. In order to render his taste buds sacred he ate Jowar and drank butter milk and in order to render his speech pious he always observed truth during his entire life time. In a tongue that is sinless and sacred Goddess Saraswati dwells. It was this reason that his blessings never failed, never did his advice go unheeded and with whom so ever he spoke that person became his very own. Whatever he spoke in his profound discourses was imbibed duly by listeners in their psyche. The same must be understood for the nose, eyes, ears and touch sense organ which is the seed of sexual passion. Everywhere he smelled the fragrance of goodwill and greatness only, he saw only that which is supreme with his eyes, with the hears he heard only divine aspirations, he forgot how to speak bitterly and via the endeavor of Brahmacharya he became Urdhwareta wherein he awakened his Kundalini Shakti. When a person has sanctified his 5 sense organs of knowledge via affectionate faith, can he ever experience any

sort of lack in life? Like his sense organs he scrupulously looked after the 5 deities too. By worshiping all the deities comprising mind, intellect, psyche, ego and vital force they were rendered sacred. The 5 faces of Gayatri are called the 5 Koshas or Sheaths. This is the form of Savitri too. A symbolic description is given regarding the 10 arms. These are but the demigods related to 5 sense organs of knowledge 5 psychic principles which together form the 10 arms of this Super Power. In this manner revered Gurudeva by mastering the 5 sheaths and becoming one at the soul level with the 10 deities himself became Gayatri manifest. Not only did he become Gayatri manifest but that led innumerable others in this direction and by imbibing a sacred intellect also imbibed divinity in their soul. This then is the creation of a new world. Over here one aspect is worth pondering over that if some other person was in place of Gurudeva could he have set rolling such an agitation of such stature in a country which is engulfed by deluded beliefs based on high-low, caste-creed, gender bias etc? Would he have inspired other thousands to meditate/worship Gayatri and ask them to give Ahutis in Yajnas? It is well nigh impossible. It is only an Avatar stature great saint that can shoulder the danger of taking revolutionary steps in that country where drip blind deluded beliefs like how can an ‘untouchable’ woman have the right to chant Gayatri Mantra. Possibly for this very task, for transformation from the very fount, this great saint had taken birth as an Avatar so as to oppose tooth and nail Karmakandi priests and so called intellectuals who increased atheism in laymen. For his entire life he fought against unethical behavior, trends lacking true discrimination and opinions that were totally unsound and illogical that had their roots in a tainted intellect. In the process he was wounded and bled profusely yet akin to Rana Sanga he kept at it. Say, where did he get the power to do so? Doubtlessly it was Mother Gayatri who was protecting her beloved son and ultimately at the time of death on Gayatri Jayanti by taking her precious son in her lap and by liberating him from the shackles of the gross body so as to render his body subtle and air like awakened manifested her form as a World Mother wherein now this great saint’s effort will have to be applied in order to awaken the Kundalini Energy of the world and harbinger a new era in the process. Does anyone need any more proof after reading these episodes of his life, his thoughts and extraordinary incidences with reference to his intense austerities?


It is the nature of fire to emit heat and give light. Anything coming in contact with it starts burning according to those situations and contact. Once the fire dies down even if a lot of fuel is there no fire will be seen to blaze. If wet sticks are lit only dark smoke will emerge. There will be no fire and fuel will not be seen burning as flames. If fire contacts dynamite then high rise mountains too burn to naught in a few miniscule moments. When a corpse comes in contact with fire the surroundings get covered with poisonous fumes and smoke. As against this if fire contacts fragrant sandalwood or camphor the mind feels good on smelling fragrance emitted by it. Fire has its own characteristics just as fuel has its own. But based on objects and circumstances extraordinary levels of differences have been noted regarding in its burning, fragrance, light and reactions like sound. The subtle existence of Almighty God or divine cosmic consciousness and fire and individual consciousness can be said to be of the stature of fuel. When both contact each other under optimal conditions the consciousness becomes radiant and sanctified and the stature of an individual which previously was ordinary now becomes extraordinary akin to a divine human. By itself, everyone aspires to rise higher in life and attain progress but its special measure is found in Yogis and sages of austerities based on gathered sacred psychic imprints from past innumerable births. If even a little extra effort is made, not only an intense bond manifests between the micro and macro, visible and subtle and devotee and Almighty God but that a program of give and take too sets in. Just as human beings have their own desires time and again similarly Almighty Lord too manifests his desires, aspirations and mission. His chief goal is to maintain optimal balance in the world. The cosmic Lord as divine consciousness can have no shape/form cannot have bodily parts and other paraphernalia. Hence in order to execute visible activities he too has to take up a human body. In this gigantic cosmos only a human body has the capacity to carry out tasks that are divine consciousness oriented. It is only the human body and human consciousness can fulfill the wishes of Almighty God who directs both the gross and subtle worlds. It is man who can neo create or transform as per God’s wishes.

Men of this stature that are chosen by the divine authority (God) are called divine souls. Not only is human creation included in it but that they have the capacity to fulfill goals of Almighty Lord based on his hopes, expectations and programs designed by him. Even amongst these men of extraordinarily high stature divine potential are called divine men, Siddha Purushas, Avatars, messengers of God, prophets and so on. Divine authorities active in the subtle world in order to fulfill God’s wishes use the bodies and psyche of such divine men and by making them a medium manifest Era Transformation so as to glorify this world. Members must have aptly understood the above incident, with reference to the context. Inspiration emerging from the subtle world manifested as the great preceptor of HH Gurudeva. The preceptor chose a disciple in the form of a cultured divine soul whose body, mind and psyche were of high stature so that the last portion of the 20 th century and first portion of the 21st century can be made the substratum of neo creation. The supreme divine authority or God has always thus fulfilled contemporary desired goals. When humans were yet not created this task was carried out by Fish and Turtle Avatars and later when progress reached its pinnacle Avatars manifested as Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Lord Buddha. Just like Avatars even eternal Rishi existences are known to execute the same. Via powerful high stature Rishi like men many important tasks are successfully accomplished like a Satyuga or Golden Era like atmosphere on planet earth and maintaining world balance. Time and again divine consciousness makes Rishis and great men preceptors and mediums perforce induce devotees to walk the path of soul progress, live a life for selfless service to the world and are given inspiration for various important tasks. There are innumerable such examples of Guru-disciple duos wherein the Guru searched for a disciple because the latter had sacred spiritual credentials and by giving the disciple all spiritual wealth carried out important divine missions. The disciple is a mere instrument/medium but because the preceptor requires a humanly embodied being with a surrendered psyche the disciple’s choice too takes place after high level testing is completed and then like a puppet doll the latter does all that which he is made to do by the puppeteer (Guru and God) standing behind the curtain. When tested for integrity the disciple passes with flying colors, then on that very basis he gets more and more divine boons. Who so ever has received boons and blessings has attained them only after executing high stature penance so as to develop a well advanced sacred inner personality. Ordinarily the viewpoint of people is very narrow. Whenever they see a person undergoing losses at the material level and instead see them executing intense austerities then right from family members to well wishers along with other people feel all this is but time wasting, mad pursuit and sheer foolishness and yet why fault them? They just fail to understand how farsighted and great results shall accrue due to such austerities. Thus initially they never appreciate such great men of penance.

Such teachings were given by Sage Naradji to Dhruv, Prahlad, Valmiki, Parvati, Savitri and Sukanya which on an immediate basis were just not appreciated by their family members and yet this divine advice later glorified their lives. When Brahmarshi Vishwamitra tested his disciple King Harishchandra say was there anyone who eulogized those actions? In order to pass the test of integrity and truth one has to live a Narmedha Yajna type of life (self sacrificing) which was known to the king and he did exactly that. In the preliminary state the 5 beloveds of Guru Gobind Singh had to pass that test wherein they had to show they were ready to get their heads chopped off too. Only after passing this test did they become partners of honor and respect. Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhans went all the way to his disciple Narendranath’s house in order to search him and again and again told the latter: Why do you wish to renounce the task of preaching the entire world that I have set up for you and instead are insisting on mastering worldly education? Such calls heard again and again by Narendra moved his heart and God alone knows what power forced him to go and visit Paramhans his Guru again and again? This ultimately converted him to Swami Vivekananda. Did anyone of Narendra’s family appreciate Paramhamns’ advice? From every standpoint for them it was sheer loss only. Which people had directly inspired Yogiraj Shri Aurobindo are incidences related to Lilas of his life but most definitely a subtle power and divine consciousness incarnated in his psyche. He by giving up all as seen in episodes in his life like not completing IAS exams, freedom fighting, teaching at National College, Divan of Baroda state etc in order to heat up the subtle atmosphere via terrific austerities started residing in Pondicherry (region where Rishi Agastya of yore performed penance) and neo created a new world. Guru Ramdas identified the latent psychic imprints or Sanskars of Shivaji who designed battles of hide and seek in the mountain terrain of Sahyadri and one who opposed unethical behavior/activities and hence went to meet this disciple of his. He gave Shivaji his Bhavani sword and with it as a medium established a secure kingdom that gave protection to true religion. It is a definite fact that the Guru searches for his capable disciple and the latter gets all credit for great sacred tasks executed. King Bharatruhari had rendered his own nephew Gopichand a mendicant and Madalasa like a true Guru by imbuing desired qualities in the psyche of her sons rendered them spiritual wisdom endowed Rishis. When her husband objected to all this saying at least allow one son to rein the kingdom she agreed to it and did exactly that. When the grace of Lord Buddha poured on Ambapali, Ashok, Rahul and Anand forget increase of grandeur they all thought it was best to lead the life of a sage with a begging bowl for food. The grace of divine souls is always of this stature. In Vivekchudamani text one finds the following aphorism:

Durlabham trayamevaitatefavanugrahahetukam. Manushyatvam mumukshatwam mahapurushasanshraya. MEANING: After attaining a human life 3 things are very difficult in order to attain divine grace. One is capability of leading high stature glorious human life, second is yearning to attain salvation or Moksha and third is association and contact with great realized Gurus so as to get protection from them. On finding the first 2 qualities in his disciple the Guru feels glorified and thus poured all his grace on his disciple Shriram (our revered Gurudeva). That very Shriram –the Nishkalank or Taintless Avatar of this era, shared these divine glories given to him by his subtly embodied preceptor to thousands of people and thus they all were immersed in glory. During the life span of 80 years the amount of glories he distributed to the extent that he sacrificed his very soul we wonder whether we can even repay a minor percentage of it to him. If at all we succeed in doing so know for sure that it was self fulfilling on our part to have lived our lives at the time Gurudeva was alive in his mortal coil.


“BEFORE SOWING THE SEEDS OF NECTAR, YOU WILL HAVE TO DRINK KALKUT POISON. AFTER WEARING THE CROWN OF DEATH, MAN WILL HAVE TO LIVE FOR WORLD WELFARE”. The above were the initial lines published on the 1 st page in the 1940’s i.e. about 50 years back in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine. The one who published these lines on the front page who himself drinking the Halahal venom rejuvenated the dead by making them drink Sanjivani nectar. This was none other than Yuga Purusha Sriram Sharma Acharya who after fulfilling tasks pertaining to the gross body by merging his consciousness in Goddess Gayatri on Gayatri Jayanti day (2nd June 1990) put a veil on his visible life. That person who via his multifaceted writings, speech full of high stature thinking, duties imbued with life force via Rishis and shower of affection on all for more than half a century ruled the hearts of innumerable people which was but an image of ‘Rasovaisaha’. The fact that such a one while shedding his mortal coil would so swiftly merge his own consciousness into cosmic consciousness or God induces many not to believe that he is now no more amidst us all. Can ever a chief envoy of Lord Mahakal who is full of Super Prana Energy be stopped from doing so by a humanly embodied person? He in order to harbinger world well being journey to our planet at specially appointed hours and in this ceaseless travel by rendering innumerable persons his aides and making them labor in an extraordinary fashion march ahead to usher in Satyuga or the Golden Era. The connotation of the term Avatar is incarnation of Super Divine Consciousness. It is definitely audacity on our part to write about the personality of that person born 80 years back in the form of Nishkalank or Taintless Avatar with the Sankalpa of a super divine consciousness to reinstate a great sacred intellect in those who today with their tainted intellectual thinking are inviting nothing but a back breaking downfall. Possibly along with this multifaceted cosmic great saint full of Prana energy it will not be able to do full justice but lest that very power gave this power, means and inspiration and also commanded him to write then even a miniscule effort can definitely be made. If this divine light elicits zest in

innumerable people living lives oozing with spirituality and Brahmavarchas or divine aura, inspire them to lead lives befitting divine men for world welfare, then this flower of faithful respect placed at his hallowed feet would reap at least that wee bit of success. By itself many people lead lives in this world in their own way but fame and glory remains eternal only for those who sacrifice their lives each passing moment to uplift the downtrodden, raise those who have fallen and ward off pain of those in grief. Such people renounce their all and via the Yajnas of body, life and social service towards the world do so much, which can never be forgotten by us all. It is easy to raise oneself high, attain salvation by increasing soul power yet it is well nigh difficult to open the gates of salvation for world humanity. Such people oozing with selflessness never bother about Samadhi/trance, heaven or Moksha/salvation. They like Lord Buddha always proclaim that as long as even one person remains in bondage in this world I will not aspire for salvation. It is such divine people who are called prophets, messengers of God and Avatars. Very rarely after centuries pass by do they take birth once and do not just glorify themselves but do so that entire era. These great saints imbibing the tenet of ‘Atmavat sarvabhuteshu’ on the face of it appear like ordinary laymen but yet every moment of their life is devoted to uplifting of world humanity. Hence they by using aptly each moment by going beyond the clutches of time/death and by becoming Lord Mahakal get credit for Era Neo Creation added to which they glorify those who help in their mission. Such was our revered Gurudeva-a Mahaprajna Yugapurusha. If we study world history related to the time period between the last five decades of the 19 th century and the first few decades of commencement of the 20 th century we find that it was during this time span that majority of those personages were born who set in widespread changes the world over. Examples of such great seers and visionaries are world renowned Mahatma Gandhi, Vladimir Lenin of communism fame, Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans, Yogiraj Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda, Sister Nivedita, the outstanding brainy wizard and scientist Einstein, Saint Vinoba, the founder of a large organization Hedgevare, Sir Winston Churchill who fought fear based situations of world war 2, Ravindranath Tagore who ushered in world peace, Sharatchandra Chatterjee, Alexander Fleming who created a revolution in medical healing, the iron man Sardar Vallabbhai Patel, Pandit Nehru, the famous scientist pair of India Jagdishchandra Bose and Sir CV Raman, Hutatma Chandrashekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh, the great patriot Subhashchandra Bose, philosopher Kant and Max Muller and the harbinger of a revolution in the field of air travel Wright brothers. The list we have given is very small that points out to that program of action of Lord Mahakal wherein innumerable people full of divine aura in unison in one century incarnate in various regions of the globe. It is hence we discussed this topic. The birth of our revered Gurudeva Pandit Shriram Sharma too was in the time period mentioned above who despite facing very many obstacles helped flow the 3 fold confluence of writings, speech and showering divine love on all. Thus by sending all dirt and all vile

activities in the great ocean organized into a gigantic group of divine men. This group formed the internationally renowned Gayatri Family that later gave birth to Yug Nirman Yojana. This was an important establishment because he was the head of this gigantic family, its founder and one who gave divine protection to it. Innumerable people by placing their faith at his hallowed feet in the form of giving their time, wisdom, earnings, talents etc to his mission became not only his aides but a part of his very own soul. At the end of completion of 2.4 million Mahapurashcharans in 24 years that sacred boon given to him by Goddess Gayatri was self surrender and love of thousands of people at his holy feet. When this gigantic organization merged into the Bhagirath of sacred merits, it took the form of an infinite ocean of divine cosmic consciousness or God. Organizations can be political in nature or have a social, caste and oppressor basis too. But how can protection of religion and its establishment take place via awakening of congregational power? This answer was duly given to us by revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma who placed a condition before those people who desired to join this central flow right up to Gomukh-Gangotri and that was self control, live a simple life and in order to augment tasks of world welfare a certain portion of their hard earned money and time must be used for this great mission on a regular footing. Those who joined his flow of thinking definitely got transformed for the better. Gurudeva himself very subtly guided their consciousness. Gurudeva too in return gave them a taste of divine spiritual experiences. It was only a great saint oozing with a divine miraculous personality who could remember the names of every member of Gayatri Family, know their family details and when he met them personally he would remember all this and have discussions with them accordingly. Thus every member of Gurudeva’s mission was showered with his divine affection. His divine aura and joyous smiling face would perforce lure everyone to him and they all became a part of his very soul. Possibly this was the reason that this Yugapurusha who led a multifaceted life in his left behind a heritage in the form of a necklace whose pears were those devotees had surrendered their all for his divine mission. Verily this necklace can only adorn the throat of Lord Mahakal. He who cannot be compared to the value of even trillions of dollars, who is akin to an invaluable trust has promised us all that via HH Mataji we will get the same divine love and affection that he showered on us while he was alive in his mortal coil. If every moment of the 80 years of life of revered Gurudeva is analyzed a huge mountain of literature can be penned. Writings and paper cannot bind his personality and activities with its boundaries because the biography of such a Yuga Purusha oozing with a multifaceted personality who can be looked upon only as a Nishkalank or Taintless Prajna Avatar cannot be written by any lay person. In this book we have tried to give a glimpse of revered Gurudeva’s life to those who joined his mission while he was alive, who knew him via his thoughts and mental reflection or to those in whom seeds of apt psychic imprints are present and hence is possible for them in future to join his gigantic mission of neo creation.


In the well managed, beautiful and artistic world creation of God although we see dualities like downfall-uplifting and destruction-creation yet creation and uplifting predominate. Despite seasonal influences killing many birds, animals, worms etc one truth is imperishable that after this process we can witness flowers, fruits and lush greenery sprouting forth and it lasts for a greater length of time. In order that the process of advancement continues it is most required that both the processes of creation and destruction go on unimpeded. The fact that the sun rises and then sets, the fact that creatures are born and later die are a proof of all this. On noting the history of progress wherein elements of downfall and defeat too are at work and that uplifting and progress too goes on, man should hence never despair when he sees these situations enacted before his eyes. Wheels of a chariot go down and then come up. A new born babe will first undergo stages of childhood, youth old age and then death yet on that very day the process of taking a new birth commences. Despite seeing the dark gloomy night of hopelessness every man of faith finds a promise that later dawn will usher in a golden sunrise. In world history we have noted time and again that dangerous situations have cropped up wherein one asked: Is this the hour of total world annihilation? Yet each time the divine creator or God has promised us that never will he allow total destruction of this wondrous creation of his called the world along with human existence. An Avatar’s manifestation encompasses showcasing of miracles by straightening lopsided world situations. Something of this sort is about to happen wherein despite us noting situations full of despair surrounding us and that because of unethical behavior a possibility of world destruction exists, we find our faith in God faltering. Today’s times are the hour of extraordinary strife. Under such circumstances every person imbued with a sacred divine intellect must harbor faith that in the next 5-10 years whatever takes place shall be extraordinary. In these days in order to render the consciousness of creation in everyone’s daily life high in stature a great responsibility rests on the shoulders of institute of religion’s spiritual philosophy. It is by laying the foundation of sensitive sacred sentiments an apt creative application be made of world human theism. By overcoming the inertia like state of

inaction seeds of theism must be sown in every home. By exhibiting talented enterprise in order to uproot taints give proof of one’s valor for this endeavor. This is a well known fact that whenever elements of creativity weaken, in the soul arena ignorance and in the mundane arena poverty and fear based situations will dangerously raise their hoods and will make full efforts to set rolling in destructive activities. Under such situations skills that oppose downfall forgets its supremacy and falls instead in the pit of lust and lowly desires. Lowly taints gets an open field to showcase is destructive tendencies. Today’s times are somewhat like this wherein the imbalanced nature of weakness in creativity and unruliness of destruction ushers in communal fights, caste based hatred, lowly behavior, fall in ethical activities and from the standpoint of ideals of social and political leaders a downfall, opposition amongst them fears of atheism are seen widespread. On seeing that divinity is weakening a lot and demons who move about arrogantly getting ‘respect’ it is natural about a doubt emerging as to what will happen to planet earth? We all are very fortunate to take birth in the divine land of India. Although we have seen a Dark Age spanning 1500 years but somewhere down the line our cultural foundation in the form of a seed exists akin to seeds protected like Fish Avatar. The priceless wealth of Gayatri and Yajna Philosophy akin to Paras or touchstone is with us and even now we have not lost hope. This is indeed a very good sign. In comparison to great saints taking birth in India for the past 600 years right from Saint Kabir to others, possibly this has never been witnessed in the annals of world history. Some helped flow the stream of devotion, some organized programs of reform, some encouraged hard work in the form of Karma Yoga, some spoke of uprooting poverty and weakness via imbibing a life of enterprise and valor and yet others by performing lone austerities imbued the subtle world with terrific divine energy. Within this very flow took birth our revered Gurudeva Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya in the 1 st decade of 20th century, in the North region of India, in Anvalkheda village near Agra. By becoming a great devotee and Yuga Rishi and after completing the onerous task akin to Bhagiratha bringing down on earth from heaven River Ganges of Divine Wisdom became a ball of Divine Light after eliciting hope in the lives of millions of people the world over. Super Energy Gayatri had virtually got doused. Possibly because of extremist views only males and that too Brahmins were allowed to chant Gayatri Mantra. But the great divine efforts of Yuga Rishi HH Gurudeva Gayatri reached every household without any bias of any sort. Today millions of people chant it and take recourse to mental reflection on its divine aspect. In her formless nature Super Energy Gayatri by sanctifying people’s mental state and very thinking in order to transform them from the very foundation has incarnated on earth and the credit of making this Bhagiratha like effort to usher in this River Ganges of Divine Wisdom goes to that divine existence who be becoming cosmic from miniscule established an International Gayatri Family (Shantikunj, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India), created thousands of wholesome nature families and commenced the

program of sowing seeds of divinity in them. Amongst the 24 alphabets of Super Mantra Gayatri each one can be looked upon as a ray of art. In seed form within these divine streams all that is present which is required to render human glory steady and advanced. Sun that is the deity of Gayatri possesses 7 faces, 7 horses, 7 weapons and 7 light rays which are well known. And yet within it predominate, energy streams of Savita and Prana Power Gayatri. Within the 24 alphabets of Gayatri reside Sidhis or Divine Powers manifesting after spiritual practices are undergone along with Ridhis based on ones personality. By categorizing it into 24 parts it becomes easier to understand its widespread nature. When 2 precepts meet in the form of sanctification of the psyche and widespread nature of means potentials of divinity dawning in man and more and more Golden Era based situations manifest. This then is the work arena of the Prajna Avatar. It manifested in the form of divine energy and not as an individual. The more this Prajna or Divine Intellect manifests in a person they will be counted as companions of Avatar oriented divine sports or Lilas carried out by Divine Era Creators. How does a nameless formless divine existence execute the task of Era Transformation? In the coming days the world public will actually witness it’s unfolding. It is the miracle of formless conscious divine power that in today’s hour theism that has weakened direly thousands of people from the standpoint of their psychic imprints are conjoining to the stream of sacred thinking after renouncing a life reeking with lowliness, unrest, apprehension, sense titillation and lowly allurements. The proof of it is 26 Ashwamedh Yanas performed so far. The vile activities of thousands of people were uprooted and by renouncing tainted habits/addictions, on an average .6 to 1 billion people vowed to conjoin to divinity. By taking up great resolves they after transforming their lives positively accepted that the era religion of today is to imbibe sacred psychic qualities and this then became the foundation stone of Satyuga or Golden Era. Whether anyone trusts this or not yet when the history of transformations taking place in the next 10 years shall be written everyone will witness this truth wherein that behind whatever that is being written now which stream of consciousness is at work.




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