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The vault of the 3 types of energies viz. Satvika’s wisdom energy, Rajasa’s action energy and Tamasa’s material energy are present in Chakras. Gayatri helps awaken these subtle plexuses or Chakras:

Iccha shaktishcha bhuha karaha shaktirbhuvastatha.

Moola padmashcha bhurlo ko vishudhancha bhuvastatha.

Sur lokaha sahasra gayatri sthan nirnay.

Bhuha-desire power. Bhuvaha-action power. Swaha-wisdom energy. This is the nature of Bhurbhuvahaswa. Bhuha-Mooladhar Chandra, Bhulok. Bhuvaha-Vishusrav Chandra, Bhuvahalok. SwahaSahasrar Chandra, Surlok and is the area of Gayatri.

In the Merudand of a human being 6 Chakras predominate. Only via Gayatri meditation can these Chakras be activated, which in turn ooze with energies and Sidhis. Kundalini Super Energy situated in the Mooladhar Chakra has authority over these Chakras. This Kundalini is said to be Gayatri in nature. In the inner world of man 10 Pranas or vital force are present which radiate it. It is because of these 10 vital forces that one gains wisdom of the 10 Super Sciences. All these Sciences are dependent on Gayatri.

Kundalinya samadhbhuta gayatri pran dharini.

Pran vidya mahavidya yasyam vetti sa veda vit.


MEANING: Gayatri is a conscious force which appears as Kundalini and which imbibes conscious vital force. Gayatri is verily Vital Force Science, it is a Super Science and he/she who knows this secret truly is a spiritual seer.

Mooladi brahmarandhranta geeyate mananadyata.

Manatat trait shatchakram gayatri tena kathayate.

MEANING: Right from Mooladhar Chakra to Brahmarandhra the 6 Chakras open up because of devotion to Gayatri.

The human body is an infinite vault of gross and subtle energies but it is wasted because of unwanted thoughts and activities of the external world. If this wastage is obstructed and the thoughts are introverted and if they work in the inner world only then definitely intense inner power is attained. See the following:

Bahirmukhasya mantrasya vrittayo ya prakeertitaha.

Ta evantarmukhasthasya shaktiyaha parikeertitaha.

MEANING: When the psyche is extroverted it is called thought waves and when they are introverted it is called Shakti or energy.


A very widespread science of the inner world exists. They are in the form of 10 sciences and are classified in 10 ways. In Vedic literature these have been amply detailed.


These 10 sciences were the wealth of Rishis of yore. Via this wealth despite lack of hoarding of material wealth they were as rich as Lord of Wealth called Kubera. They attained whatever the demigods had despite being in a human garb and in this material world.

In the Tantra path these very 10 sciences can be found albeit under different names. Despite the fact that demonic Vam path Tantra methods differ from Dakshin path’s Vedic methodology yet with their help too these Sidhis can be attained. In the Tantra Path the 10 sciences are called: 1. Indrani 2. Vaishnavi 3. Brahmani 4. Kaumari 5. Narsinhi 6. Varahi 7. Maheshwari 8. Bhairavi 9. Chandi and 10. Agneyi.

We cannot give detailed version of these 10 Super Sciences over here. If possible in future it will be detailed in the Akhand Jyoti magazine but just now it is enough to note that the 3 alphabets of Gayatri are akin to a spiritual tri fold union. Just as the material 3 fold union of Prayag Raj takes place when the 3 rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Sarawati unite so too when the great streams of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna present in the 3 alphabets of Gayatri unite the spiritual Triveni is formed. One accrues good merits on bathing in the Triveni river of Prayag but the super fruit attained on bathing in this Triveni river of Yoga is well nigh difficult to describe. It has been said that:

Ida bhodavati ganga pingala yamuna nadi.

Ida pingal yormadhye sushumna cha saraswati.

Ida is river Ganga and Pingala is river Yamuna. Sushumna which is between these 2 is called river Saraswati.

Triveni yogaha sa prokta tatra snanam mahafalam

This is the Triveni river of Yoga. A super result ensues on bathing in it.

What ever is present in the external gigantic cosmos or macrocosm is present in the body or microcosm. Whatever we attain in the external world can be attained within the body via spiritual practice or Sadhana. There is nothing in the external wrld which is lacking in the body.

Via spiritual practices those who master these inner Divine Powers use them akin to those scientists who after mastering steam etc energies via electric atom use it for benefiting mankind. In the material world there is energy which is materially potent. Similarly in the inner world it is seen as spiritual potency. The spiritual power of Gayatri manifests in a spiritual seeker as Sidhis. Such a person feels as though demigods and demons of the invisible world have appeared to serve him/her and are dying to take orders.

Yaksha rakshasa gandharva apsarogan kinnaraha.

Sevante charanam tasya sarvetasya vanshanugaha.

MEANING: He/she has mastered Yaksha, Rakshasa, Gandharva, Apsara, Kinnara etc are are serving his/her feet.


This very motherly element works in the world as atomic energy, gross/subtle vital force, sentiments etc. A description eulogizing it is as follows:

Parmanu swarupe cha dwayanukadi swarupini.

Sthulatitthula rupena jagadadhatri namostute.

Sukshmatisukshma rupe cha pranapanadi rupini.

Bhavanhavaswarupe cha jagadadhatri namostute.


MEANING: I bow down to atom manifest, atomic duo manifest, grosser than the gross, subtler than the subtlest, manifest as Prana/Apan/Vyan etc, manifest as seen/unseen and substratum of the world.

This material energy as per the 24 alphabets of Gayatri is of 24 types. Our ancient scientists or Rishis termed them 24 Matrikas. Their names are:

Chandrameshwari Ajitabala Duritari Kalika Mahakali shyama Shanta Jwala Tarika Ashoka Shrivatsa Chandi Vijaya Ankusha Pannaga Nirvani Bala Dharini Dharanpriya Nardatta Gandhari Ambika Padmavati


The current day scientists of material sciences have researched into the above in their own way. They call this power as ‘Energy of Force’. They have classified this power as heat power, electrical energy, energy of elasticity, energy of gravitation, energy of motion, kinetic energy, cosmic electricity, intelligence, super force etc and after knowing their characteristic and functioning they have invented/discovered many things.

Modern day scientists have also unearthed electrical energy tat works in our body. They have named them Audilic Force (Ojas), the light of fingers and eyes, Personal Magnetism etc. Dr Kilner has invented a machine called Oroscope with the help of which we can measure the number and amount of electrical energies of different types in the bodies of various human beings. This bodily electricity can be clearly experienced via subtle sight attained from Yoga practice. Great seers have described its form as follows:

Tadillekha tanvi tapan shashim vaishwanarmayo.

Tadillata samaruchirvidyullekheva bhaswati.

MEANING: This energy can be seen as lightning, moon on fire and like an inferno.

In Yoga scriptures millions of years back thousands of principles were unearthed that work in the inner region of the body. Even Modern Science has placed a few steps on this path and quite a few things have been discovered. According to them they have data pertaining to etheric body, mystic rose, solar plefisus, cardiac plexus, thyroid gland, pineal gland, pituitary body etc and opine that there is a direct

correlation between the presence-absence of latent skills and special qualities via these special centers and their weakness or intensity. Yet they have failed to understand how to evolve these subtle centers which are beyond the realm of medicines, surgery etc. The answer and due guidance can be given only by Yoga scriptures which have been doing so, so far.


For the awakening of these subtle energy centers according to spiritual practice science the methodology of Bandha and Mudra are given in scriptures. These type of 24 practices are famous correlated to the 24 alphabets of Gayatri:

Mahamudra Nabhomudra Udiyan Jalandhar Moolbandh Mahabandh Khechri Vipareet Karani Yoni Mudra Vajrauli Shakti Chalani Tadagi Mandvi

Shambhavi Ashwini Pashini Kakri Matangi Bhujangini Parthivi Apambhari Vaishwanari Kayavi Akashi

There are 8 Pranayamas:

Suryabhedan Ujjayi Sheetkari Sheetali Bhastrika Bhramari Murccha Plavini

All these are meant for activating the subtle centers. Even via 84 Asanas or postures this aim can be achieved but it will take a while for Modern Science to understand all this. Yet one can hope that Modern

Science will continue with its research and one day reach that very goal which our Rishis of yore have already attained.

In the second chapter of Yoga philosophy there is a description of the steps of Ashtanga Yoga practice. Those who perform the practice of non violence experience that even wild beasts like tigers etc give up their violent nature. If a person who performs the practice of speaking truth gives a boon or a curse, they definitely fructify. Those who never rob attain very valuable jewels etc. If we undergo Brahmacharya we become divinely radiant. If hoarding is overcome one attains wisdom of not only previous lifetimes but also of past, present and future. If purity of mind is imbibed we stop hating others and will not indulge in lewd relationships. Also one attains joy, focus, sense organ control and Self Realization. If one is always contented the best joy is attained. Due to penance when the dirt of psyche is warded off 8 bodily Sidhis are attained like Anima, Laghima, Mahima etc. Self study and that of scriptures leads to vision of ones chosen deity. Surrender to God leads to Samadhi or trance. If posture or Asana is mastered, one does not feel the pain of duality i.e. hot/cold, good/bad etc. Pranayama helps overcome sin and the veil of spiritual ignorance. Pratyahar helps master ones sense organs.

With the help of other types of spiritual practices other types of Sidhis can be attained. Yoga scriptures mention many Sidhis like Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Garima, Prapti, Prakamya, Ishitva, Vashitva, Doordarshan, Door Shravan, Parchitra Vijnana, Parkaya Pravesha, Akasharohan, Maran, Mhan, Ucchatan, Vashikaran etc. All these are possible via Gayatri practice too.

It is said that:

There are 3 paths of Yoga practices via Gayatri viz. Pippilika, Dadar and Vihangam. By walking on these paths 4 speeches are activated viz. Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari. The 5 types of sorrows are overcome viz. ignorance, egoistic nature, attraction, repulsion and Abhinivesha. The 4 states of waking, dream, deep sleep and trance are purified. The 6 Chakras get activated viz. Mooladhar, Swadhishthan, Manipur, Anahat, Vishuddhi and Ajna. Also in the center of the brain lies the Sahasrar lotus whose divine light radiates. The movements in the 5 spaces viz. Akash, Mahakash, Parakash, Tattvakash and suryakash become more widespread. Via Gayatri a seeker performing Yoga practice gains victory over 9 obstacles viz. Vyadhi, Styan, Sanshay, Pramad, Alasya, Avirati, Bhranti, Alabdha Bhumika and Anavasthiti.

It is Super Energy Gayatri that controls the entire world. With the help of its authority every activity of the world takes place regularly. This has been described in the Kathopanishad as follows:

Bhayadasyagnistapati bhayattapasi suryaha.

Bhayadindrashcha vayushcha mrityurdhavati panchamaha.

MEANING: Its fear induces fire to burn, its fear induces sun to shine, its fear induces Indra, wind and Yama to run.

What can a devotee not attain on faithfully surrendering to such a super great Dvine Mother? He/she can attain everything as mentined in the Shrutis.

Gayatraya sarva sansiddhir dwijanam shruti samaja.

MEANING: Gayatri meditation can give you all Sidhis mentioned in the Vedas.

In spiritual literature for attaining success in devotion/meditation and in making our psyche conducive Gayatri devotion is said to be of extraordinary utility.

Sa gayatri samidhanyani cchandansi samidhe.

…………………….. SHATPAT 1/3/4/6

MEANING: When Gayatri awakens other Mantras get activated.

Initially light work is given and later when the capacity augments, heavy work is allocated. When Gayatri’s facile Japa chanting conjoins to correct devotional methodology a devotee is asked to simultaneously perform Yoga practice. When Yoga and austerities combine Gayatri becomes Kundalini or Divine Serpent Power. There is great importance attached to Gayatri practice combined with Yoga practice.

Gayatri sansmaredyogat sa yati brahmanaha param.

Gayatri Japa nirato mokshopayancha vindati.

…………………… VRIDHA PARASAR 5/78

MEANING: Who ever combines Yoga practice with Gayatri devotion attains Self/God realization.

Describing the importance attached to Gayatri devotion and Kundalini practice conjoined to Yoga and austerities it is opined that:

Gayatrayeva tapo yogaha sadhanam dhyan muchyate.

Sidhinam samana mata nata kinchid brahmataram.

Gayatri sadhana loka na kasyapi kadapi hi.

Yati nishfalata metan dhruvam satyam bhutale.

Yogikanam samastanam sadhananam tu varanane.


Lord Shiva says: O Parvati! Gayatri is austerities, it is Yoga, it is a practice, it is meditation. It is said to be the Mother of all Sidhis. In this world no where else can one find such a supreme principle. Never does our Gayatri devotion go in vain. Gayatri is the substratum of all Yoga practices.

Gayatri’s brilliance manifests when combined with vital force or Prana energy. Actually Gayatri should be called Vital Force Science. In the Yama-Nachiketa dialogue mentioned in the Kathopanishad the 5 fold fore Vital Force Science has been mentioned. It is nothing but the science of making more radiant the 5 vital forces present in Gayatri Super Power. These are very the 5 Sheaths of the subtle body. In order to radiate the vital force of Gayatri Savitri and Kundalini high stature practices are executed.

Panchdeva mayam jiva, panch pranamayam shivam.

Kundali shakti sanyukta shubra vidyullapopamam.


MEANING: This living being encompasses 5 demigods. It is Shiva when imbued with vital force. It is conjoined to Kundalini Power. Its shape is like dazzling lightning.

Kundalini awakening is associated with activation of the 5 Koshas or Sheaths:

Kundalini shaktiravirbhavati sadhake.

Tada sa panch kosher mattejonubhavati dhruvam.


When Kundalini or Divine Serpent Power awakens the seeker’s 5 sheaths become radiant. It is that energy center which is said to be an infinite vault of subtle energies and these can be activated via high stature Gayatri-Savitri practices.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit and DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Super Energy Gayatri Science & Kundalini correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology Indus Valley Civilization fuel crisis food scarcity tsunamis biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton LET US PRAY FOR WORLD PEACE AND BROTHERHOOD SO AS TO CREATE: “A BEAUTIFUL BORDERLESS WORLD”.

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