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If via a glass lens solar rays are focused at one place fire sparks erupt from there. Fire, energy and electricity are present in light and everyone knows the importance of these forces. It is the miracle of rays that it can tell us which inner bodily part has deteriorated. Everyone is aware of potency of X-rays. For the first time in 1964 American scientist Dr Charles Town proved that light is more extraordinary and miraculous. In the red oxide of aluminum one can also find a little bit of chromium. Via this red oxide he converted ordinary rays into laser rays tremendous energy manifested from it. Just as due to goalless thinking and wild imaginations no great task can succeed in the same way light particles that get scattered roam about aimlessly and very weakly. But when Charles Town focused them at one point its untold energy manifested. Today these focused laser rays are looked upon as the 8th wonder of the world. For this stupendous feat Town was honored with the Nobel Prize. Although in 1960 a scientist called Theodore Simon had unearthed these laser rays yet he did not get the Nobel Prize because he could not pinpoint their utility value and application.

America has designed such a technology which via 1 laser ray generates 5 billion watt electrical energy. What is simply amazing is that these rays are very thin and miniscule. In order to control these rays that are spread out and in order to focus/concentrate them at one point such a glass lens is made use of whose diameter is as tiny as 1000th part of a centimeter. If it is made even more subtle and tiny its energy and power can be that much more terrific.

One can identify this energy from the fact that if carbon in order to be melted and converted to steam takes hours on end by ordinary means, laser rays can do this in 1millionth part of a second i.e. carbon can be converted to steam in that time span which is beyond human imagination. This is like a miracle and it forces us to think that when not only Indian Yogis but that realized great saints of other countries in a flash can help people overcome diseases, via mind boggling powers of Maran/Mohan/Ucchatan/listening to far off sounds/seeing far off objects, is it not possible that human consciousness is also making use of that light principle?

Diamond is a very hard ore. It is very difficult to cut it. Laser rays can cut diamonds in 1/50000 seconds meaning if 50000 diamonds are kept in one row and from one of its ends laser rays are allowed to enter them then in 1 second 50000 diamonds can be cut. A big stick of wood with a diameter of 100 inches takes many hours to cut into 2 pieces but laser rays can cut it in 1/7 second.

The benefit of this focused controlled light energy can be seen in eye operations wherein not one surgical instrument was made use of. In this method light rays are made to enter the eyes and it performs the most subtle operation. It is said that in the Mahabharat Era such weapons existed which

were operated using machine power and they worked according to ones will power but that its gross form could never be seen by human eyes. These invisible weapons were called Narayan Astra, Pashupat Astra, Sudershan Chakra, Varun Astra etc. Up till now maybe the principles behind Mahabharat Era energies were looked upon as overstatements but today laser guns have proved that such technology and Sidhis or Divine Powers are not the figment of wild imaginations but are very factual and real. It is said that whoever bowed his/her head in front of an attacking weapon called Brahmastra it would not kill that person. Such technology/weapons appear beyond ones imagination but laser rays have such special qualities wherein guns made from lasers pierce balloons made of all colors except red color. Lasers are attracted by red color and hence instead of attacking red colored objects they remain serene and docile in front of them. Regarding the great commentator of Mahabharat War, Sanjay it is said that he had attained Yogic vision. His 3rd eye had awakened. According to Indian Spiritual Seers if we focus our psyche on the Ajna Chakra situated between the 2 eyebrows one can spread it as electromagnetic waves and send them anywhere. In this way one can carry out miraculous feats like gaining knowledge of far off objects, predicting the weather, hearing far off sounds and other such extraordinary acts. This was proved on 21st July 1969 when America’s rocket reached moon manned by a human. It’s very efficient commander Neil Armstrong placed a laser machine on moon after landing on it. With the help of this technology by making its single ray into a medium akin to a wire one could converse from both ends. Further weather could be predicted, the distance between stars/galaxies etc can be measured and photos of far off regions can be clicked. Today lasers can be used in medical therapy field in such a way which can be given the form of technology based therapy.

The light energy of laser rays is even more potent than atomic bombs. It is believed that in a short time Science of Light will transform the methodology of industry management, social lifestyle and culture. None should least be amazed by all this. Light can be used to unearth secret thinking of people’s mind too.

In Nighantu (5/6) Sthaniya 31 there is a description of demigods. All these divine energies have been partitioned from one conscious existence. Light is but a form of root consciousness and many of its other forms have not been unfolded by us till today. The day we attain its complete knowledge for a creature living in any corner of the world will realize that the entire cosmos is but a global village wherein there are only few buildings and very few known villagers reside in it.

In the human body resides such an existence called ‘Prana’ or vital force. Bodily heat, magnetism, aura, attractiveness are its manifest qualities. In its un-manifest form in the subtle body made of vital force based waves like laser rays many potent powers dwell on attaining which man can become the lord of the world and living God. Miraculous incidents written in previous pages are but feats of this potent energy which is attained either via spiritual endeavor (Sadhana) or due to God’s grace.

In Yoga Science there is a detailed description of 8 Sidhis or Divine Powers attained via spiritual practices which are Prana based and these are Anima (rendering the body weight less), Garima (rendering the body very heavy in weight), Laghima (rendering the body tiny in size), Praptya (easily attaining objects that are difficult to get), Prakamya (fulfilling ones desires), Ishatva (omniscience) and Vashitva (subduing others under ones control). Western scientists have unearthed certain extrasensory powers (ESP) which they have categorized in 4 ways:

1. Clairvoyance which means attaining that knowledge of objects or incidents which is attained without the ordinary means of unearthing information.


Knowledge of future events without use of ordinary means.


Attaining knowledge of the past unknown incidents without using ordinary means of doing so.

4. Telepathy wherein one transfers ones thoughts to others without using any technology/apparatus and in this way also reading thoughts of others.

If the above classification is further deepened it can be portioned into 11 functions. Miraculous experiences can be categorized in the following ways:

1. Without any means of knowledge attaining information regarding incidents taking place in far off regions.


A person knowing the mental state and condition of another person.


Predicting future events well in advance before they actually take place.


Knowing the activities of dead souls thus one directly experiences their existence.

5. Children, youth or other people telling us those incidents of their previous lives, which they have never been told about by any other person and which can be matched by us as proof.

6. Via another person very casually manifesting ones knowledge or experience in such a way which are different from his/her own potential and personality and which is of a higher stature.

7. One’s body with ease manifests such energy which influences others who come in contact with it a great deal. 8. One possesses such terrific will power that highly impossible tasks are executed very facilely like a divine sport with its aid and via one’s zeal miraculous feats are enacted.


By contacting invisible souls one can attain extraordinary cooperation and help from them.

10. One can give curses and boons which influences other people and objects for a long time span.

11. One gets the power to enter the body of another via the soul.

The basis of all these Sidhis or Divine Powers is Prana Sadhana or vital force based spiritual practice. On its basis the Pranamaya Kosha or vital force sheath of the human body is rendered advanced, controlled and made use of. These facts till today may be based on deep faith but modern science has now commenced accepting these spiritual truths and is also researching into them. Vital force is such an energy which if activated totally, man can become the master of those Divine Powers/Energies which are but miracles for ordinary world humanity.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit and DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Future Scientific Religion, Gayatri Science & Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration

intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton

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