Mother Nature or Prakriti has given basic knowledge to all living beings so that they can execute all bodily activities. In their deep recesses there is no dearth of brilliant skills and glories. From this standpoint they are capable and prosperous. But in the absence of capability why would anyone waste their talent in misuse? We cannot call nature miserly and it is farsighted. Nature has always imbibed a social standpoint wherein each one is given only that much that it can handle/manage. In this test man has always tried to march ahead and accordingly latching on to the lap of nature he has succeeded in attaining more and more precious glories.
Super world annihilation or Mahapralaya stares at us menacingly because we have taken dangerous steps resulting in air pollution, nuclear radiations, water pollution, insane milking of energy fuel founts, uncontrolled use of sense merriment comforts and frenzied over production of destructive weapons which induces competition amongst countries to hoard more and more of them. On the one hand highly intellectual scientists the world over stare at the problem of how to obstruct this rank misuse and on the other hand how to overcome dangerous world situations that are resulting due to it? One more question that needs to be answered is that in order to render mankind more happy/prosperous a new arena of research needs to be entered into. What methodology should be used for this and how to tie up its ethical limits? Both questions stand in front of the human intellect and say that if this is the solution demarcated science after renouncing its nature of nurturing the world shall turn into terrible Rudra and thus the Tandav Dance of World Super Annihilation or Mahapralaya shall commence. This definitely shall take place. Man can only be given limited comforts. Going beyond the limits of aptness cannot be tolerated. Hence according to intellectual thinkers to give a correct direction to a light string swinging between destruction and advancement is that task on which rests solution of the present and demarcation of future.
Today’s biggest problem is how to encourage those who use things aptly and obstruct those who insist on misusing. In order to find this solution a conclusion can be made only after we dive deep into the problem akin to diving into the ocean and churning interstellar space. Thus they shall realize that we imbibe great-ism and under its umbrella take decisions at all levels. There is only one high stature specialty of human existence viz. faith in sacred ideals. It is this that has rendered him supremely great in the arena of thinking and given him great activities like generous hearted cooperation in the social arena. Thus mankind’s glory has been raised sky high. The more this special quality goes unheeded more hardships shall have to be endured and further fearful world destructive situations shall gather momentum. Such great activities in ancient terminology were called ‘spirituality’. If someone finds this word strange none will object if we rename it ‘farsighted idealism’. This is that very test based on which errors that crept in utilization of progress that has taken place till today can be reformed and whatever
has been attained must be wholesomely used for world well being. Along with this by imbibing this very basis apt decisions must be taken regarding the direction of the sentimental flow of modern science. In the world of matter modern science has showcased limitless miracles. Henceforth its task shall be positively influence human thinking, character, personality and world traditions. They must render naught illusions and undesirable elements in these arenas in such a way akin to attaining honor/credit while being labeled the foundation of research into reality while giving us data regarding the true inherent nature of the material world and in this manner it shouldered a great responsibility successfully. This service of modern science in comparison to attainments placed before the world in the past many centuries shall prove to be infinitely more important. Swami Vivekananda had said: If any religion of the world fails the test of modern scientific laws must be destroyed. The more speedily these useless blind beliefs and misguiding traditions of religions are uprooted the better. After this, all that shall remain will be rendered very bright, eternal and truly worth imbibing. In reality the combination of science and spirituality, wealth and high stature, power/authority and humility and intellect and imbibing of ethics in this era shall be looked upon as the biggest miracle. Thinking that has taken over the scientific realm must imbibe this era’s righteousness.
In the beginning days if the Scientific Era only the existence of matter was accepted and it was said that consciousness has no independent existence. The belief then was that the world is matter based. All units termed inert-conscious were in fact matter only. Hence its destiny too is inert like matter. Yet today the hour has arrived wherein this thinking needs to be corrected. Research studies conducted in the past 2 centuries has evolved the belief that consciousness does have its independent existence. It can be viewed as separate units in creatures yet its’ all encompassing form spans the entire cosmos. Very much akin to nature the periphery and potency of consciousness is infinite. Not only this but that because consciousness id senior the attainments of this realm in a comparative manner is much more manifold. An engine/machine may be very powerful yet a driver imbued with consciousness is most required to run it efficiently. Even so called automatic machines too require directions from a human being. In the same way right from directing various activities to world management, an invisible conscious cosmic energy is at work.
The stream of science called Ecology in full throttle and with total faith has commenced proving that conjoined to nature is not merely energy and activity but a separate act too has cast a cover over it which can be said to be imbued with specialties like farsightedness, rendering apt world balance, imbibing wholesomeness and joyous possibilities. This specialty is not found in inert matter. Not only is the existence of this process being proved but also its potent disciplining nature. In this direction even other streams of modern science like Parapsychology, Metaphysics etc by standing in the front row have started accepting this proof as authentic. Circumstances are fast changing. The great scientific thinker Albert Einstein during his final days in this world had accepted he was a semi theist and had started accepting the existence and supremacy of consciousness. Right from then till today a lot has happened. That too it is such which opines that potency of consciousness is infinitely more powerful and of greater utility value than potential embedded in matter. In ancient parlance cosmic consciousness was called
Almighty God and its individual existence was called the conscious soul. Now it has become well nigh much more difficult for modern science to challenge the existence of cosmic consciousness and individual consciousness if compared to how they unanimously challenged the same a century back. It is beyond all doubt that in comparison to the world of inert matter unearthed so far the realm of consciousness oozes much more with energy. In matter there are only various forces and activities whereas in consciousness such potential of much higher stature exist that aid in the wholesome usage of matter. Not only this it possesses some other specialties wherein by helping humans to give up beastliness pervading their thinking, sentiments, faith and aspirations they are rendered full of high stature sensitivity. Thus such human beasts get transformed into gentlemen, super men, saints, reformers, Rishis and messengers of God. It goes without saying that it is such great personalities that are termed supremely glorious of their times in the entire world. By following their high sacred ideals many attain the zest, light and credit for becoming truly great. It is crystal clear that if in one pan of a weighing scale we place all material grandeur like wealth, exotic clothes, power of education, art etc and in the other pan we place great personalities/character of saintly glorious people the pan that has gentlemanliness, supremacy of soul etc shall be heavier and pan of material wealth shall become light as a feather. If from the annals of world history we delete the names of Jesus Christ, Zoroaster, Magini, Buddha, Gandhi, Lincoln, Confucius, Aristotle, Vivekananda etc it shall be rendered orphaned and helpless. The hour has arrived wherein we do not limit ourselves to building powerful technology, unearthing scientific data and proof only but that we make potent efforts to help people imbibe brilliant talent skills of high stature. Of course for this help of modern science is most required.
As times lapses by this fact becomes clearer that in order to augment greatness in this world science and spirituality must work in tandem at every step. There was a time previously when spiritual philosophy in a lone manner generated those beliefs, aspirations and zest which leaned towards greatness. In those times sensitive mediums of literature, art etc totally accepted and encouraged spirituality. But today since inert matter has become the be all and end all of life, how can a foundation be laid that imbibes aspirations/faith which sanctifies man’s thinking process and character? Thus in its absence how can great leaders manifest in the world? And if these are in miniscule minority how can the world be managed optimally, how can gentlemanliness manifest and how can world neo creation take place?
These questions shall have to be answered by science because ancient spirituality due to its atheism oriented direct proof based principles and related weaknesses has become withered and old. Hence no miracle can be expected in present world circumstances. Its usage is limited to removing present day ruins and in its place constructing a new building with a firm foundation. It is the Lord Hanuman represented by modern science that shall have to rejuvenate religion which today is on its deathbed. This responsibility shall be handed over to those people who by using available means create a greatness based environment that gives due training for it but that such solutions shall be unveiled which via bodily rejuvenation and rendering brilliant our mental center convert ordinary laymen into great personalities.
AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit ooks.htm - and DES- CRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Super Energy Gayatri Science & Kundalini correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly noncommercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology Indus Valley Civilization fuel crisis food scarcity tsunamis biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton