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In Sanskrit language ‘Gaya’ means Prana or vital force and ‘Tri’ means to liberate. ‘Gayate pranaha iti gayatri’ which means that which liberates Prana is called Gayatri. Trana means to liberate or free. Prana is a bound conscious principle to the body, senses and their objects. By liberating Prana from this bondage one realizes one’s divine conscious state. In this manner the entire science of Prana dwells within Super Energy Gayatri. Previously those Extrasensory Potentials or ESP discussed can be attained via Gayatri Meditation and Worship.

The word Prana has its root in ‘Pra’ prefix and ‘An’ Dhatu. ‘Ana’ Dhatu connotes life force and consciousness. Hence the word Prana means conscious energy. It is also called ‘latent heat’ and ‘psychic force’. In Tandya Jaimini (12-1-2) and Shatpath Brahman texts it is said: Gayatriprano vai gayatri. It is also said ‘daviyanutati gayatri’ which means this electricity is Gayatri. Thus we can see that Gayatri, Prana, electricity is one principle and with its aid all daily life’s activities are executed. Vashishthaji by conducting deep research on Prane-electricity present in air unearthed those norms of Pranayam (Yogic breathing exercises) which not only greatly augment human potentials but that it helps man contact subtle powers of other worlds or Lokas. Detailed explanation is given in Prana Vidya Prakaran, 6th chapter, 24th Sukta and 20-31 Mantras. Over here it is said that just as an engineer uses technology/machines in the same way this Prana Energy helps transact all of life’s daily activities.

During Gayatri Meditation in what manner can Prana Energy be attracted, imbibed and evolved in great measure? Regarding this Indian seers and philosophers have conducted deep scientific experiments. Spiritual seers have categorized Prana into 2 parts: Microcosm and Macrocosm. Microcosm encompasses which is seen functioning in the material world. Macrocosm includes which sways as life in the conscious world. Both these are called Adhidaivik, cosmic and spiritual, microcosmic or Hiranyagarbha.

Adhi daivikena samashti vyashti rupena hairanya garbhena.

Pranatmanaivaitad vibhutva magnayate nadhyatmikena.

………………..Brahma Sutra-Shankar Bhashya

The cosmic form is Hiranya Garbha macrocosm. The individual form is Adhidaivik microcosm.

Atomic energy related to microcosm is the very basis on which modern material science functions. Varied forces and energies of electricity, heat, light, radiations etc function in this very fount. The activity noted in atoms is that of the sun. Ere solar light did not reach earth it would be rendered withered and arid. No movement of any sort would be noted. One would fail to note atom’s mobility, production of matter, their augmentation and transformation. Modern material science has unearthed atomic energy given to earth by the sun and via various inventions after using them the world’s material comforts have been increased dramatically. Science has unfolded many terrific sources of various forces and energies. Yet never must we fall under an illusion that the cosmic infinite vault of energy is limited to the material potency of nuclear energy.

Prana can be said to be all pervasive activity of energy waves of this inert material world. In the conscious world Prana can be called sensitivity and emotions. Sensitivity would encompass will, wisdom and action. Living beings sustain themselves because of it. With its aid they desire, think and make due efforts. The more one possesses this life force the more one’s Prana is rendered potent. Thus with greater Prana power one can become a great saint, divine personality and Almighty God from an ordinary lay person. The cosmic existence of consciousness which pervades the entire cosmos is called conscious Prana. A creature who to a certain extent with due effort imbibes this cosmic conscious Prana becomes Great or Super Prana in nature. In the Prashnopanishad (1-7) sun is said to be the root center of Prana-

Sa esha vaishwanaro vishwa rupaha pranogtirud yate.

This is a mundane description. Everyone knows that on earth for the creation of life the credit goes to solar rays.

The center of the life force of the gross world is the sun. It has 5 Prana principles.

Adityau havai vahyaha prana udayatyesha hyenam chakshasham prana.

In the Prashnopanishad it is said-

Manu gruhananaha prithivyam ya devata saisha purushsyapan.

Mavashtabhyantara yadakashaha sa samano vayu dhwanihi tejo havai udanaha.

This sun itself is external Prana or life force. By rising at dawn it renders active all movements of the visible world. The Super of Great Prana of the sun helps the body called this world to remain alive. It pervades the 5 elements or Tattva in the form of 5 Pranas.

A scientist of Soviet Russia Dr Ushakov while detailing his research on the Polar Region has put forth a new precept. He opines that oxygen or air which is the substratum of life is not the creation or wealth of earth. It in fact flows in the Prana stream of sun and here on earth by uniting the principle activity in the earth’s atmosphere ‘oxygen’ is generated. Ere the sun were to obstruct sending this Prana flow or else for some reason planet earth fails to absorb it then due to diminishing levels of oxygen life on earth would be difficult to sustain. At a height of 62 miles from earth this Prana commences to get converted to oxygen. This oxygen does not get showered like rain clouds anywhere and everywhere but that it first gets focused on North Pole. And then via the medium of the South Pole it is shared with the entire earth. The fact that we see twinkling colors in the Polar region aura is proof of presence of oxygen with electrical zone. The goal of Pranayam or Prana Science is to attract apt measure of this Solar Prana and imbibe it in the body. In order to radiate electromagnetic force that augmentation of Prana required is attained via special Pranayams (Yogic breathing exercises) that have their roots in Prana based spiritual practices. Via the well designed methods of Swara Yoga and Prana science Kundalini or Divine Serpent Energy fire is lit in such a manner akin to an ironsmith intensifies fire of a furnace using a hollow pipe into which he blows air. By attracting Prana principle from infinite space via the nostrils the magnetic flow inspired by solar principle is rendered very speedy and potent.

Thus because of this created light al of one’s Prana which was sleeping and latent awakens. As soon as the sun rises at dawn birds, beasts etc on giving up their sleep zestfully start their daily chores. Buds bloom into flowers and the influence of air intensifies. In the same way via Prana spiritual practices both our poles get filled up with energy flow movements akin to one seen at sunrise are noted. Not only the gross physical body but that our subtle and causal bodies too, along with their visible/invisible units exhibit their functional activities. A devotee feels as though like a snake shedding its old skin becomes new and radiantly energized.

Sometimes due to special outbursts seen on the sun a stream emitted by it enters earth and thus manifest magnetic storms on earth’s Polar Regions. Its reactions are not limited to this region only but that it influences the entire world. Many times this magnetic storm creates very joyous and useful results and many times from them come such principles which induce danger in the entire world. Once, in the

year 1938 a magnetic storm emerged in the Polar Regions and its terrific brilliance was seen right up to Africa and Crimea. It influenced not only material objects but also various living beings. Such electric storms manifested Ice Age on earth. For so long a major chunk of earth was covered with freezing ice. Oceans were flooded and land became ocean and ocean got converted into a desert. It is said that somewhere air, water and fire Pralaya (world annihilation) can take place and these magnetic storms are capable of totally changing the map of the world.

Nature based magnetic storms appear due to changes in 5 elements or due to laws of destiny. But via Yoga practices such magnetic storms can be induced in the subtle world which will not only influence sky based stars, galaxies etc but divine existence centers and demigods too. The conscious center Savita that influences our world can in turn be jolted by men of terrific austerities. Great intensity in Polar Light and Aura is seen in March and September (in Chaitra and Ashwin Navratri as per Hindu calendar). The reason being that the earth’s axis lies at an apt angle in relation to the sun. This is said to be the most appropriate time to sow seeds. Even pregnancies occur most during these times. This is the time flowers bloom. It is during these times that devotees attain greatest fruit of penance. When we conjoin earth’s magnetic attraction to solar light magnetism only then this brilliance intensifies gigantically and its reaction elicits astounding results in human daily living. Not only this, but even the environment can be influenced.

Alexander Marshek has ‘heard’ energy influences manifesting in the solar system and galaxies in the form of light and sound that has been measured by scientific technology. These sounds are like well designed music and their tones. By itself with the ears a general sound is merely heard and its special import cannot be understood. Yet latest scientific studies in the field of Astronomy clarifies that this sound flow is very powerful which flows from the sun to the Polar Regions and via it such influences are seen on the bodies and psyche of man and other creatures which is not possible to manifest even by individual intense human effort. These influences could be both wholesome and unwholesome. Within Yoga practices, Sadhana or practices related to sound waves predominate. Within Kundalini Yoga practices Bindu and Kala methods helps us understand unknown energy streams so as to establish a strong bond with them. In Naad Sadhana or sound waves based spiritual endeavor we can hear conch, bell, whistle, thundering clouds etc. These are meant not merely to focus our psyche but are executed so that one can imbibe and benefit from those gifts showered by various worlds-Lokas, galaxies and subtle divine centers akin to ones given by sun to earth. Kundalini aspirants/devotees have to execute such methodologies. As a result they can experience within their inner core personality very rare and mind boggling principles similar to divine boons.

The nature and form of Polar Aura is like a search light. In comparison to the north it is more intense in the southern region. From this it seems that this aura brilliance is running speedily from the North Pole to the South Pole. Divine brilliance incarnating in our brain region too rushes towards our genitals and center of Kundalini Shakti. In the South Pole region birds called penguins are found. They are very serene

in nature they behave very lovingly towards guests that come to see them. In reality South Pole is a center of Kala or Cupid. From here flows the radiant stream of love’s softness, sweetness and straightforwardness. Like the penguin bird in the recesses of our genitals ooze bliss and zest. If it is activated, then in life will spring forth the fount of cupid like joy and enthusiasm. The South Pole is at a height of 19000 feet from the ocean shore. It can be called the upsurge of world body’s genitals. In Indian Puranas it is called the Shiva Linga. This upsurge is also seen in female genital organs albeit in a minute form.

As a result of the strange picture of solar rays on the Polar Regions everything appears to be like a magical city. Generally ones shadow over here appears double in form. A realized spiritual seer too sees his 2 friends Para and Apara Prakriti roaming alongside him/her and believes him-self or her-self to be the imperishable soul (Atman) that is separate from its 2 shadows called gross and subtle bodies.

The aim of Indian Prana Science is that by attracting in optimal measure Prana stream present within solar energy that gets rained on the 2 Poles so as to nourish in an all round manner gross and subtle consciousness with its help.

By attracting with the help of the brain light particles of some unknown founts of light the subtle body of light can be greatly advanced. Although this is a bit difficult yet science is proving this too. For unearthing this scientific proof a Russian astronomer Chizovski had to put penance like intense efforts.

Initially for hours together either he would sit under the hot blazing sun or else under the cool soothing rays of moonlight. Alongside he would note down all mental changes/thoughts taking place within. Then he studied history of 400 years related to the rise-fall of human personality and yearly statistics of various types of diseases. As a result he realized that the brilliance of sun etc and its 11 years sunspots had a strong relationship with man’s psychic state. Regarding this we will make a detailed discussion later but here it is utmost important to understand one’s mode of thinking related to those glands like thyroid, adrenal and pituitary of the brain are all ductless. It means that they are not influenced by any chemical materials. The subtle units of light or Prana flow exactly like electrical particles flow in a wire. One’s sentiments are exactly of the type of light particles present in us. Under hot sunlight lethargy, anger etc emotions gush forth and under moonlight one feels serene, romantic and blissful. If a person were to focus his mind on the source of light it would mean that our ductless glands is establishing an electromagnetic bond with that fount and those particles get filled in us speedily. The more meditation is profound and focused we can clearly to that extent experience the speed of evolution of the subtle body towards that attraction and thus one day we actually merge into that infinite eternal fount so as to attain Sidhi or self realization.

For example along with Gayatri Meditation one has to meditate on the sun too. During the meditative state a bond is established between the electromagnetic stream of the sun and ductless glands situated

in the pigtail region of the brain. Thus particles of solar brilliance commence entering our body. In this manner while our Prana Body advances manifold it becomes feather weight, divine and radiant like sun light.


Once, King Divodas’ son Pratardan wished to see heaven. Taking commands from his father Pratardan went to heaven. Indra was greatly impressed by Pratardan’s enterprise and war oriented skills. He respectfully welcomed Pratardan and said: How can I serve you? Pratardan replied: Lord! I have enough wealth, food, children, fame etc. What more can I ask from you? I do not want anything.

Indra laughingly said: Child! I know a man of enterprise and hard work lacks nothing in this world. Yet even though he is capable of earning enough wealth, joyous comforts etc he must yearn for world welfare and well being. There is no greater glory to be attained on earth apart from the good merits of service to the world. As a result in fact you shall attain God or Self realization. Hence I will teach you the science of Prana that aids in selflessly and devotedly serving the world.

After this Indra instructed Pratardan on the subject of Prana principle. He said: Prana very is Brahman or God. Via spiritual endeavor, great Yogis and Rishi-Munis imbibe Prana in their soul and with its aid usher in world well being.

In the 2nd chapter of Kaushitaki Upanishad Lord Indra taught this Prana Science to Pratardan and in it is a very important elucidation of it. Indra further unfolds the mystery of how with the help of Prana Science an individual oozing with Prana Energy transmit it to others and how via it one can elicit inner inspirations and thoughts in others individuals. Adding further on this topic Indra says:

Atha khalu tasmadetamevoktha mupasit. Yo vai pranaha sa prajna ya va prajna sa prana…… yada pratibudhyate yathagnervisfulling. Vipratisthante pranebhyo deva devebhyo loka………

MEANING: When the mind thinks, other Pranas by becoming its allies become powerful thinkers. When the eyes see an object other Pranas mimic them. When the speech utters words other Pranas follow in its footsteps. In the function of the chief Prana other Pranas cooperate wholly.

In other verses it is detailed that by inactivating the mind along with all sense organs the power of resolve or Sankalpa Shakti is united with Pranas. Such a person becomes a knower of divine wisdom. He/she via Prana Energy can influence and inspire just about anyone. Their message and teachings can be heard and imbibed anywhere. By merging our Prana with their Prana people of weak potential can potently awaken their Prana in a manifold way. Even an inert mountain cannot ignore the commands of those people oozing with divine wisdom. Those who harbor hatred towards such divine personalities get destroyed wholly.

In this very Upanishad there is guidance that when a father realizes he is the door of death he must establish his Prana energy in his son (Guru, disciple or disciples). He must gift speech, Prana, nose, eyes, ears, power of mobility, intellect etc and his son must imbibe it. After this the father or Guru by becoming a Sanyasi must leave that place and that the son or disciple must be asked to take over, meaning that the tradition or lineage of spirituality must not get obstructed in any way.

In ancient times this tradition was very much in vogue like today’s powerful technology. A knower Guru of Prana Science by giving up his very life enhanced the personality and potentials of his/her disciple. As a result with humble faith people regularly visited hermitages/Ashrams of great Rishis. The Rishis by giving their Prana would render people radiant, intelligent and full of enterprise. Maharshi Dhaumya had led Aruni, Gautam led Jabali, Indra led Arjun, Yama led Nachiketa and Shukracharya led Kaccha to a high stature inner state. Even today via true God realized masters and Gurus the torch of this tradition continues to shine forth. Paramhans Ramkrishna did Shaktipat (transmission of Divine Energy) on Swami Vivekananda. The latter in turn imbued Prana in Sister Nivedita. Via Prana Energy Yogi Aurobindo sent a message to call Mother Yajnashikha to Pondicherry Ashram from Paris who managed the ashram and edited its magazine. By giving her the Science of Yoga rendered her a master of Indian Spiritual Philosophy.

It is said that when Lord Rama was in exile in the forest at that time Lakshman by controlling his radiant Prana sent news of their daily life everyday to his wife residing far off Ayodhya. Urmila in turn broadcasted this news via paintings to Raghuvansh family and like a wireless wire everyone duly got this latest news.

Anasuya dwelled alone in a hermitage. Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh disguising themselves, visited her so as to test her. Muni Atri had gone out somewhere. It was he who had identified God’s 3 fold form and this hidden message was transmitted to his wife Anasuya via Prana Energy. Hindu scriptures are full of such stories.

Today’s modern science based world society, argue about these stories. People suspect and doubt and say that is it possible for one man to send a message to another person at a far off distance without any technology and apparatus? If we try to cogitate deeply even modern science has proof for the above. Who does not know about wireless transmission (and cell phones today)? Sound is converted to electric waves. These waves in turn flow in ether principle by becoming streams. The more a transmitter is powerful, to that extent electrical waves will flow speedily towards far off areas. Other wirelesses or radio set up with the same frequency will catch these sound waves and reconvert them to sound which can be heard by people sitting nearby. Now none can distrust such crystal clear scientific proof.

Whatever we utter first manifests as thoughts in our mind and thus thoughts do exist in this world. In the above verses it has been said that when mental or thought energy unites with Prana other Pranas cooperate. This means that via the medium of Prana consciousness which includes actions, thinking, emotions etc dwelling in our body can be sent to any person in a far off region.

Egypt’s medical science specialist Papirus had given a scientific form of medical therapy which involved the doctor caressing the head of the patient. Emperor Pirus and Vaise Pasiyan via such therapy were cured of a dangerous disease. In the medical therapy administered to France’s royal family members, right from Francis I to Charles 10 magnet was used in powerful cure methods. Especially was used touch of hand and special focused vision.

In the year 1600 the great scholar Scotchman Maxwell put forth the precept that there exists a life force that pervades the entire cosmos. Via effort more or less of it can be filled in ourselves and can be used to uplift ourselves both materially and spiritually.

Previous to Maxwell a great thinker Goklonium via sound logic and proof had proved that the chief basis of soul power in mankind is this life force which was understood to be of the stature of ‘living magnet’. Von Helmont by using this energy had gained fame for curing very painful dire illnesses and diseases. Due to such capacity Mahaprabhu during his lifetime was called a Siddha saint.

Sataneli, an Italian scientist in the early part of 18th century via many experiments had proved that within the human reside intense electrical radiations.

Right from the year 1734 to 1815 for most of his life span Dr Frederic Mesmer conducted research on the existence and utility value of Prana Energy. He systematically wrote down the conclusions of his long research and gave it the name-Mesmerism. Later his student Constant Usigar added a new chain of mesmerism science to the above and gave the name hypnotism to inducing of sleep artificially. Other scholars of France too unearthed new data after due research in this area. La Fontaine and Dr Brad while continuing research in this subject rendered it so apt that in medical therapy it could be used credibly.

In the past few years in New Orleans USA is constructing such a center for research studies. USA scientist Darlene and French one Dr Durand de Gras’ research studies imbued faith in the modern scientific world that use of Prana Energy use in comparison to other well established medical therapies is no less beneficial. This methodology was called Electro Biological. Lee Vault’s book on medical therapy based on human electricity received credibility and was praised too. Regarding this the names of 3 major institutions that conducted deep research into it are:


The School of Nancy


The School of Charkot


The School of Mesmerist

Apart from these there are other big minor research centers that encourage both individual and collective experimentation. Research of scientist Modavyuz and Count Puligar proved that medical cure via Prana energy is merely child’s play. In reality it can be used for much higher stature. On its basis man can manifest multifaceted radiance in his personality. He can become skillfully brilliant. He can cross over many stages of self belief. By influencing material objects experiments can be conducted to render them more useful and via this influence the nature of living beings can be transformed. German electric scientist called Richen Bach believes it to be a special type of fire. He opines that this fire chiefly is found around one’s face and gave it the name-aura. He found this fire to dwell in greater measure in the genitals rather than one’s face periphery. Other researchers opined that greater measure of it dwells in one’s eyes and finger tips.

Hong Kong’s American Dr Arnold Fast conducted many small operations on patients by inducing sleep in them via hypnotic methods. Later dental surgeons too used this method and found that instead of using anesthesia based chemicals to render the teeth/gums temporarily painless hypnotic methods were more useful. In South Africa, Johannesburg’s Taro Hospital Dr Bernard Lebinson without administering chloroform to patients while using hypnotic methods for anesthesia during surgery proved that this method is not some flimsy magic but is truly scientific in nature. The English scientist James Bride opined that instead of limiting the potential of electrical energy found in nerve centers for body nourishment only other useful activities too can be executed with its aid.

During the 2nd world war people in order to decipher war secrets dwelling in the psyche of others used mysteries techniques of Prana Electricity based applications. The psychologist J H Atsbrook had unearthed many new principles regarding this and its application was taught to detective officers. For this Germany had designated a totally separate department called Hypnotized Intelligence. With its help, so much amazing success came their way.

There is no limit to the potential and miracles pertaining to Prana Energy. Just as those countries which have access to nuclear energy technology etc are considered leaders of the world similarly the potency of men imbued with intense Prana Energy are not only no less in comparison but in fact exceed them by miles.

As long as our nation was aware of this science our stature too was very high in the world. Via Gayatri Meditation by conjoining our individual Prana to cosmic Prana we fill up infinite vault of divine energy in ourselves and with its aid not only do we benefit but that hundreds others coming in our contact too experience well being in a multifaceted manner. Atomic energy can be destructive yet if used wholesomely can be used to fulfill the problem of lack of electricity the world over which in turn strengthen areas of agriculture, health etc. The same holds true with Prana Energy and that if used optimally can lead to world welfare both materially and spiritually. Today’s demeaned state of the world can be warded off.

Realized Gurus who have mastered Gayatri Science are akin to the sun. They ooze with the capacity to usher in well being of world denizens. Yet when we see that they do not help some people the reason is that they may misuse this energy. A father will never give money to an alcoholic son and similarly spiritual energy cannot be given to just anyone and everyone. The person receiving it must be full of pious credibility. Yet even the might sun gives heat and light to just about everybody. The same ethics should be imbibed by great saints with relation to Gayatri devotees who are children of divine wisdom. By giving Prana Energy to people maybe they may not do good but by inspiring them to walk on the path of greatness so much welfare can usher in that in comparison to this even the most gigantic mundane aid will pale into insignificance.

Where does Prana come from? What is its source from which one can imbibe it? While searching the same we have to conclude that this priceless wealth can be got from pure air, sacred water, good wholesome (Satvik) food and contact with the sun, sound deep sleep and self satisfied mental state. The more we ignore these energy founts, the more we abstain from them, the more our personality will weaken and wither away. When we earn less and spend more no business will succeed and in the same way how can worldly transactions run smoothly in one’s daily living?

Every activity and desire has limitations. By observing discipline and self control only one gets divine potential. By working more than one’s capacity, harboring desire to augment comforts, by immersing in

sense merriment utilizing sense organ potential way beyond their capacity, not observing discipline in one’s daily routine etc do not appear to be very erroneous yet despite these seeming minor like a spark of fire can burn to ashes the blissful garden of our family life. One who ignores ethical and social discipline norms loses his/her credibility and fails to get cooperation and help from other people. One who ignores discipline in his/her individual life loses that very priceless wealth on the basis of which the foundation stones of multifaceted progress are laid down.

Who and for how long can one protect another who drinks poison so as to commit suicide? How long can the Prana Energy of a person remain optimally balanced if he/she continues to drink alcohol, indulge in drug addictions etc? Even hot spices used in food are poison from a certain viewpoint. By ceaselessly agitating the psyche via desire based titillation we ourselves dissipate to naught our life’s wealth and grandeur. Further in order to face the fruits of sins committed by us we enter the hell of diseases, weakness and accident based death.

The great philosopher Confucius rightly proclaims: Those who break the law of spending less will have to face death full of crisis and strife. This sacred utterance of his with reference to wastage of Prana Energy is cent-percent true. Such people play dangerously with their very lives and in the most un-required manner fritter away their potential. Under such circumstances is there any wonder that they thus face dire results like getting shocks at every step of life along with total agitation of mind?

If only we learn to use our Prana Energy very sparingly our life span will increase in a disease free manner. And in fact this saved Prana Energy can be used for wholesome goals like service to world creatures and humanity.

We tend to waste our Prana Energy by gluttonously eating food even when our body does not require it. For protection of the body there is need of minimal and health augmenting food. Instead we heat such food which induces indigestion. We erroneously think that by eating expensive, tasty and more food we will become strong. Yet the results are bang opposite wherein the strength that manifests from its eating does not reach the body simply because it is used in digesting the eaten rich food. As a result from the bodily health a vigor standpoint we daily reap nothing but losses and by declaring ourselves ‘bankrupt’ from the health standpoint we enter the jaws of death. Opposite to this those who with effort imbibe a lot of Prana Energy without frittering it away not only glorifies human life but also generates in his/her life a great deal of material wealth and prosperity.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit and DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining

Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Super Energy Gayatri Science & Kundalini correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology Indus Valley Civilization fuel crisis food scarcity tsunamis biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton LET US ALL PRAY FOR WORLD PEACE/BROTHERHOOD AND THUS CREATE


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