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In the literature of major world ancient civilizations a description can be found regarding world destruction due to excess flooding and then world getting created anew. It has been given a religious cover. Yet even geologists of fame infer that time and again special portions of earth would break apart and that earth would get covered with water just about everywhere.

According to the great geologist Dr Trickler destruction oriented ruins found nearby Himalaya Mountains tells us that the incident of world destruction due to excess flooding is true.

In Egyptian literature also discussions on world destruction due to excess flooding can be read. As per one legend Atika was submerged in water. As per another legend Gius in order to fulfill his father’s desire desired to destroy ‘Ducaleon’. When Ducaleon accompanied by his wife Pairhas set off on a sea voyage, Gius via heavy rain pour submerged earth. For 9 days Ducaleon and his wife Pairha swam with the help of their own boat. When they reached Pairhas, destruction noted due to excess flooding, decreased a bit. At that time both offered their bodyguards to the deity as a sacrificial offering. Thus Gius was pleased and gave them a child as a boon. Ducaleon and his wife Pairhas on getting this boon started throwing a rain of rocky stones on Gius. Those stones thrown by Ducaleon became men and those thrown by Pairhas became women.

In Babylonia too there is such a well known legend. In 300 BC lived a priest called Verasus. He has written that: After Ardetus died his son ruled for 18 ‘sirs’. One ‘sir’ is equal to 3600 years. In this very time period once intense flooding occurred. A premonition of this incident was noted by the king well beforehand in a dream. Hence he had got a big boat built for himself. After sitting in this boat he travelled about witnessing this state of world destruction due to excess flooding or Jala Pralaya. When this state of annihilation lessened the king seated in the boat let off 3 birds from his hands so that could fly way. Finally when the birds did not return he gave sacrificial offering to demigods. Thus since demigods were appeased peace was ushered in. %20ECOLOGICAL%20HAZARDS%20FACED%20THE%20WORLD%20OVER.htm As per the Holy Bible deity of water called Nuha got news that earth would undergo destruction due to excess flooding. And this actually took place. In these flooding waters all animate/inanimate creatures got submerged. Only deity of water called Nuha and a few of his aides were saved in their boat. With the help of the boat they reached the Arakan Mountain. There on the 1st day of the 10th month water levels started receding a bit. Slowly mountain chains started becoming visible. Then other portions on earth

too emerged. It was Prophet Noor who helped humanity evolve. In Sumerian texts too, a description of world destruction due to excess flooding can be found. In Chinese Mythology literature stories of destruction due to excess flooding are found.

In our country India right from Shatpath Brahman texts to epic Mahabharat, various Puranas/mythology etc such stories of destruction due to excess flooding are found. In the Van Parva of epic Mahabharat within the Matsya Avatar (fish incarnation) story it is said that Vivaswan Manu underwent austerities for 10 thousand years in the Himalaya Mountains. At that time as per the prayer of a small fish Manu saved its life. At that time the fish made a prophecy regarding future world destruction that would occur due to excess floods. Along with this the fish also said that you must wait for me accompanied by the 7 Rishis (Saptarishis) in a boat. In other Parvas of the epic Mahabharat too such descriptions of world destruction due to excess flooding are found.

In entire ancient world literature such stories of destruction due to excess flooding are found definitely are memoirs of some such incident that had actually occurred in those ancient eras. The style of description of this incidence is varied no doubt because of variedness noted in various civilizations and cultural consciousness. Yet deep within the foundation is one. %20ECOLOGICAL%20HAZARDS%20FACED%20THE%20WORLD%20OVER.htm Recent studies also emphasize that lest well beforehand we do not become alert such world destructive situations can definitely repeat themselves.

It is inferred that in the earth’s atmosphere 30% carbon dioxide levels have increased. Thus the world’s average temperature has shot upwards by 2 degrees centigrade. The ratio in which carbon dioxide levels are increasing scientists say it is very much possible that by the end of the 20th century world temperatures can shoot up by 4 degrees centigrade as a result of which ice on Polar Regions may melt and the fearful situation of world destruction due to excess flooding can emerge.

Weather experts have drawn a conclusion regarding cold increasing the world over in the past 1 decade. In winter season in comparison to snow falling in cold regions previously today there 30% excess snow fall has been recorded. In Greenland the record of temperatures falling down has been broken. Experts opine that the weather and seasons of entire earth is step by step turning frostier. Ice covering earth transforms 90% of solar light. When the winter season shall become very long the world of creatures along with plants etc shall get no supply of life bestowing solar energy. Since light rays shall undergo changes in a big way damp winds by becoming denser may possibly get converted to more amounts of snow. Thus there shall be nothing amazing if in the very next decade the fearful world situation of an Ice Age ushers in.

Prof Agarwal of Ahmadabad Physics Research Institute opines that on earth a new Ice Age shall manifest. As a result half of earth shall get covered by a big sheet of ice. The very existence of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, North Manchuria, Switzerland, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, England etc is in danger. A major portion of USSR, Mexico, China, USA and Australia shall get covered with rivers of ice. Icy storms shall whizz about everywhere due to which north regions of Guano, Argentina, Uruguay, Maritina, South Mexico, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and north regions of Australia there is a possibility of terrible dry famines ensuing there.

An astrophysicist of Yugoslavia says that: Our earth’s Polar Axis is bent outside its path of rotation. Thus winter and summer seasons manifest based on the sun’s mobility. When this bending position becomes much more bent an Ice Age appears. After a short time such a situation shall appear because this slant due to some unknown causes is increasing as time lapses by.

The opinion of experts studying solar based movements is that the surface temperature of the sun is decreasing ceaselessly. Mere 2 degree Celsius decrease in temperature does not set rolling any major influence but when it dips below these levels earth’s atmosphere gets seriously affected. The renowned American geologist Cizar Ameliani opines that: The fact that sequentially temperature on the sun’s surface is decreasing it connotes a future Ice Age manifestation. Such situations previously too have appeared 4 times. The 1st Ice Age was the most terrible one that had occurred 170,000,000 years previously. In it a widespread area of India, China, Europe, Australia and South Africa had got covered with thick sheets of ice. The last Ice Age lasted for 2,500,000 years. Only 17,000 years have passed by since it ended. Now it is the turn of a 5th Ice Age. %20ECOLOGICAL%20HAZARDS%20FACED%20THE%20WORLD%20OVER.htm Highly intellectual people say that even if somehow the dire situation of an Ice Age is nullified yet future hazards shall be so serious that it can in no way be measured any less dire than any Ice Age that has appeared so far.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit ooks.htm - and DES- CRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Super Energy Gayatri Science & Kundalini correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly noncommercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology

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