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What should be the type of the life led by a great Rishi? A living example of this is the glorious life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In the sequence of special editions of cultural deep thinking we have already described various aspects of his glorious life and activities. These include:


His prophecy that the 21st century shall be bright and Satyuga or Golden Era like


A true Brahmin


One who uplifted consciousness in pilgrim spots


A spiritual seeker that surrendered his all for Divine Culture

Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had incarnated as an Avatar for uplifting world humans to heights of glory. This was the most important facet of his life. A great Rishi is one who never gets bound like a slave to time and traditions of any sort. He via the method of Sadhana or spiritual practices brings in new refreshing social laws based on requirements of those contemporary times and his influence perforce induces a huge congregation of humans to follow it to the last letter. In the laboratory of his soul existence he executes profound research studies and hence gives such tenets regarding the world of consciousness for the benefit of all world humans so that the psychic state of contemporary world society can be seen to get positively transformed in a miraculous manner.

The word Rishi is made from ‘Ru’ as per Sanskrit language grammar. ‘Ru’ means ‘mobility’ i.e. moving towards spirituality and such a one is a true Rishi. Such a one has a pure pious intellect and is a Mantra Drishta (seer) who unveils its secret mystery. He sanctifies worldly aspirations of those humans who lead lowly despicable lives and via his great divine influence eggs them forward on the path of high stature spirituality and humble selfless service based activities. This sort of a divine personality of great Rishis of primordial eras can be noted in our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his actions too reflected this divine Rishi personality.

There is an incident of innermost moments. A few volunteers of Brahmavarchas Research Institute were seated near him for discussing some research based matters. The discussion at that time was regarding how to focus mind’s thought waves and Sadhana or spiritual practices of Tanmatras or subtle elements. When the topic of Sadhana or spiritual practices was going on that very Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who in mundane life had never discussed its profundity that day removed the veils on secret incidences of his life. While analyzing all types of Sadhana or spiritual practices going on since the past thousands of years he threw detailed light on the following spiritual practice methods:

A) One and a half hours of Pranayam and meditation

B) Sadhana or spiritual practices regarding the 5 Tanmatras

C) The results accrued on doing meditation on the sun

D) Various aphorisms of Patanjali Yoga Sutras %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm Suddenly after discussing the above Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya kept quiet and lay down on the bed. Then he said: You must do these Sadhana or spiritual practices only after an apt environment get created. You must continue doing as of now meditation on the sun, Gayatri Japa and Pranayam to energize your mind and body. Do only this much. When the ripe time arrives it shall become easy for you all to execute the following types of Sadhana or spiritual practices:


Piercing Granthis or psychic complexes in the inner personality


Awakening the Yogic Chakras or subtle plexus


Sadhana or spiritual practices of the 5 Koshas or 5 Sheaths


Kundalini Super Power awakening

Although I am writing about all this in detail before I shed my mortal frame I have written about changes made in these Sadhana or spiritual practices based on contemporary situations but others shall be able to do them only when the Rishi divine existences of the subtle unseen world wish that they do so.

It is natural that a doubt arises in our mind as to why at that time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya spoke about those Sadhana or spiritual practices that were not to be executed by us at that time. And whenever this topic was raised he would avoid it by talking about selfless world service, the deep import of Sadhana or spiritual practices of Virat Brahman or Almighty God in his divine cosmic consciousness form etc. Hence the question is why during that meeting he actually showed us that divine form of his? In reality the life of Lila Purushas or Avatars of Almighty God are quite mind boggling and spell binding. The life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya oozed with a multifaceted inner divine personality. We have seen many facets of his personality in the form of an ordinary father showering love on his children, harboring anguish for the pain undergone by human society, his vow to reform this strife stricken state of humanity, a deep thinker who was a powerful reformer too, a psyco analyst who could open up the inner aspects of human living and a skillful founder of a huge worldwide organization. Via harsh Tapas or spiritual austerities, strong power of endurance and 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas spanning 24 long years he carried out the most important task of unearthing various tenets of methods of Sadhana or spiritual practices for such a humungous worldwide organization. Along with this he had to find certain lost chains in this sequence and intertwine them appropriately. He did all this with adeptness. Till the time this inner maturity had not manifested he made his aides, followers etc undergo that Sadhana or spiritual practices of this era that helped them sanctify and render powerful their unconscious mind and destiny gathered from innumerable previous lifetimes. When this inner maturity is attained the congregated substratum of those possessing a pious psyche advances to great heights. In turn within the world of consciousness their collective Sadhana or spiritual practices definitely ushers in widespread positive transformation. This strong belief was harbored by our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Sadhana or spiritual practices at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) looking upon it as the nest of Lord Mahakal’s divine nest involved Prajna Purashcharan and sanctifying the 3 bodies (gross, subtle and causal) via the following:


Concentration or Dharana


Meditation or Dhyan


Sadhana or spiritual practices of Swarna Jayanti or Golden Jubilee


Generating divine energy

If we glance at history we find that a time existed in the past wherein the form and nature of Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities was such that everyone under the guidance of an expert Guru would carry out apt Sadhana or spiritual practices that suited them the most. In the yester era called the Vedic Yuga all men, women, Brahmachari, Grihasthas, Vanaprastha, Sanyasi etc chose their Sadhana or spiritual practices and lived a divinely glorious life. As time went by various Sadhana or spiritual practice based methods were created by their respective founders. The aim of all these was attaining Moksha or salvation, Kaivalya, Videha Mukti, self fulfillment or self actualization. Whether it is Vedanta oriented, Yogic or Tantrik the aim of all Sadhana or spiritual practices always has been to deeply understand that of form of Supreme Divine Existence of Almighty God that is greatest divine sentiment as mentioned in the holy Bhagwad Geeta scripture.

The goal of every mode of Sadhana or spiritual practices has been:

a) Ushering in total fulfillment in the inner personality of a Sadhak or spiritual seeker that translates into day to day living and social transactions


Sanctifying each aspect of the inner personality be it intellectual, ethical, religious and artistic

c) Transforming humanity from internal and external disarray into positive apt good management in an all inclusive manner %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm If we study history when the Shak and Hun race had attacked planet earth thunderbolt like attacks had to be endured by our Sadhana or spiritual practices. Via the medium of Hath Yoga after attaining Sidhis or Divine Powers they exhibited them in public. This tainted distorted form of Tantra Yoga rendered women power very weak. This is because it was misused by Tantriks especially the Vajrauli procedure known to help that person amass grandeur and material pomp and material power. True Spiritual Tantra methods got tainted because mainly methods like Shava Sadhana (on dead bodies in graveyards), Aghori methods and other such techniques were misused on a war footing. At that time the great Guru Matsyendranath’s disciple Angan Vajra came forward and he later attained renown as Gorakshnath. After opposing all such vile tainted activities in the name of Tantra Sadhana or spiritual practices he designed a perfect Yoga Sadhana or spiritual practice method belonging to the Nath Sampradaya or sect. he thus showered Sanjivani of Yoga’s immortal nectar on Yoga seekers via showing them the path of attaining Moksha or salvation via this Sadhana or spiritual practice.

The divine utterances of Nath Sidhas were written in a straightforward, easy terminology and from them, help was got for this Sadhana or spiritual practice to take birth in a well sanctified form. The world renowned Gherand Samhita and Goraksha Samhita texts are of those times.

In the Indian mode of Spiritual Sciences there are many types of Yoga based Sadhana or spiritual practices as follows:


Mantra Yoga


Bhakti Yoga


Raja Yoga


Kriya Yoga


Shabda Purva Yoga


Asparshayoga (Gaudpada)


Laya Yoga


Riju Yoga

About 500 years after Lord Buddha’s birth the birth of Adi Guru Shankaracharya in our country India is a very extraordinary incident. This great Sadhak or seeker at a very young age attained God or Self Realization. After this he traveled the length and breadth of India for Digvijaya (victory of spirituality in all directions). During the times of Buddhists lowly taints had entered the institution of spirituality. In the name of Tantra based spirituality ‘laws’ that led to human downfall came into vogue. At that time Adi Guru Shankaracharya hammered such tainted thinking to pulp with his powerful spiritual precepts based on sound logic, arguments etc He himself carried out spiritual practices like Tantra and all other types of Sadhana or spiritual practices. He wrote a refreshing new spiritual poetry called Soundarya Lahiri but for the lay public along with pursuing Nirakar (Advaita or God without name and form) Sadhana or spiritual practices he also advocated worshiping Panch Deva (5 chief Hindu deities). By the time he was only 32 years of age he fulfilled all his divine tasks on earth. He established many important institutions and in this manner his life and works were historical episodes related to divine culture.

After the holy departure of Adi Guru Shankaracharya from this world, a tainted vile middle era passed by. In the absence of a true divine guide called Guru innumerable types of Sadhana or spiritual practices came into being. Islam Religion ushered in and then came Christianity with its mysterious principles. In this phase Bhakti Yoga or devotion to Almighty God came into vogue. A few decades before the commencement of that century Ramkrishna Paramhansa incarnated on planet earth. Via a capable disciple like Swami Vivekananda he spoke about total purification of the Spiritual System and then guiding the entire world. Vivekananda by itself wanted to enter the highest state of trance called Nirvikalpa Samadhi but Shri Ramkrishna Paramhansa stopped him from doing so since he would not be able to carry out useful important spiritual tasks the world over. Instead he urged Vivekananda to use the power of his Sadhana or spiritual practices for world well being tasks and worship Almighty God in the soul of all creatures and mankind. %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm Till the commencement of the 20th century, literature predominating with the following can be noted:

A) The Vedanta Philosophy of Ramkrishna Mission

B) The manifestation of divine consciousness in this world as detailed by Raman Maharshi of Arunachalam in Tamil Nadu-India, Maharshi Aurobindo Ghosh and Divine Mother of Pondicherry Ashram-India

C) Incidences of manifestation of Supramental and Super Mind

D) The ISCKON movement ushered in India and abroad by Swami Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta based on devotion to Lord Shri Krishna

E) Maharshi Mahesh Yogi’s Transcendental Meditation

F) The Neo Sanyas System of Osho Rajneesh and a mode of Sadhana or spiritual practice akin to antithesis since it was very different from standard spiritual practices carried out by others

In the mean time our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya incarnated in this world. At the end of the 4th decade of the 20th century he wrote an Atmopanishad called ‘Who am I?’ He placed before us small aphorisms of Super Science of Gayatri. He further explained to one and all how Gayatri and Yajna can be imbibed in day to day living and social transactions. As time went by the incident of

Gayatri Charcha of Akhand Jyoti Magazine became so widespread that by showcasing all special facets of Yoga and Tantra it became easy for lay followers to imbibe it with ease. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who founded the humungous organization of All World Gayatri Family via conducting the 1st 1000 pyre Gayatri Yajna in Mathura City-India, without coming out much in public limelight he performed a high stature Tantrik Sadhana or spiritual practice in Himalaya Mountains in the years 1960-61 AD (this was done after he completed his 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas spanning 24 long years). After returning from Himalaya Mountains, he founded the Yug Nirman Yojana (Era Neo Creation). In this he divinely inspired devotees to rise to a high step of Sadhana or spiritual practices by executing the Panchkoshi spiritual method (5 sheaths of the body). Ordinarily women power is expected to follow Tapas or spiritual austerities that lean towards Bhakti or sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. But Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya encouraged a huge women congregation to participate in this difficult Sadhana or spiritual practices. For executing the Panchkoshi spiritual method (5 sheaths of the body) a well planned program was designed. He explained the deep import of carrying out Solar Worship and Meditation since today’s dire hazardous world situations demand it. While unfolding the Era Transformation process authored by Lord Mahakal he gave the most difficult Sadhana or spiritual practices a very easy to follow form. In this manner he conjoined a huge congregation of people to Sadhana or spiritual practices based on Super Energies Gayatri and Savitri.

Even if after describing the attainments of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the realm of Sadhana or spiritual practices carried out by him we may be unable to mete out justice to his great limitless attainments in his Yuga Rishi form. But we definitely would like to say that only a Rishi stature divine personality as him can render those Sadhana or spiritual practices that previously ‘belonged’ only to a few sects in a scattered manner today have become a part of the daily life of lay public. Only such a great Rishi personality as him can render Yogic techniques like Shatchakra awakening (6 Yogic Chakras or subtle plexus), Kundalini Shakti awakening, piercing Granthis or subtle psychic complexes etc straightforward and easy by bringing it under one full grown banyan tree representing Gayatri Sadhana or spiritual practices. After the 4th Himalya Mountain journey of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in 1971-72 AD via the Sadhana or spiritual practices of Prana Pratyavartan he commenced the procedure of establishing a give and take relationship between the individual Prana Energy and Cosmic Prana Energy of Almighty God. In this was included the following:


Khechri Mudra


Soham Sadhana or spiritual practices


Bindu Sadhana or spiritual practices for manifestation of divine light


Naad Yoga


Darpan Sadhana or spiritual practices of Self Realization


Awakening the 5 dieties via awakening of the 5 Koshas or Sheaths

Regarding this too Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would say: These are but toys that I have handed over for you all to play with. At the ripe hour via my divine subtle body I shall make more than 10 million people carry out even more difficult Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities so that they become the foundation of a New Era and great visionary personalities oozing with untold soul power. There were many Sadhana or spiritual practices in the past considered to be very difficult and rare to successfully execute them. But he rendered these so easy and yet humbly said that it was just for us followers to ‘play’ with them. Nowhere does one find a description in the history of Sadhana or spiritual practices wherein those Sadhana or spiritual practices authored by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya have been mentioned. This surely points at his great Rishi personality. If someone gives new tenets in the realm of the world of consciousness is it not correct to call him Yuga Rishi? %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm Over and above Prana Pratyavartan following Sadhana or spiritual practices were executed under his divine guidance:

A) Swarna Jayanti Sadhana or spiritual practices (1976 AD)

B) Special Brahmavarchas Sadhana or spiritual practices (1977-78 AD)

C) Yug Sandhi Mahapurashcharan (1980 AD)

D) Adhyatmik Kayakalpa which was a Kalpa Sadhana or spiritual practices of the stature of Chandrayana Vrata (1981-82 AD)

E) A very terrific Sookshmikaran Sadhana or spiritual practices (1984-85 AD)

F) Savitri Sadhana or spiritual practices for awakening the 5 Virbhadras or divine subtle bodies (1986 AD)

G) Via Kundalini awakening of the nation attaining Divine Powers (1987 AD)

The above previously were very harsh difficult types of Sadhana or spiritual practices as prescribed by great Indian scriptures. But our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya rendered these quite easy to perform brought in a great transformation in the Yajna procedure from its very roots. Since he successfully gave it a progressive outlook we can surely say that this could be done only by a Yuga Rishi belonging to that group of extraordinary rare Sadhaks or spiritual seekers.

A doubt can occur in the minds of some readers that since today Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is no longer in our midst in his mortal body what shall happen to us all? We can only say regarding this that in the past we had conversed with him on this topic. We asked him: Revered Sir! Whenever we are not near you, when we are working far away from your physical presence or that we are sleeping in our homes, do you think of us even then? With tears in his eyes Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya replied: Son! Whenever you go to sleep or meditate on Goddess Mother Gayatri or on me, I enter your consciousness and reform you all. I reform every iota of your consciousness in a positively great manner. When I shed my mortal coil I shall execute this task in a much wider realm because I want to get ready more than 10 million great Sadhaks or spiritual seekers. I am aware of each and every disciple of mine and awakened soul personalities the world over. This then was the promise of this Divine Existence. Lest via our Sadhana or spiritual practices we subtly latch on to him and that we meditate on his Divine Existence in the middle of the brilliant sun we shall perceive that our inner and outer sanctity is increasing all the time and we find a rain of divine energy being showered on us. Till the last person conjoined to him subtly thus does not get Moksha or salvation his Divine Existence shall remain active in the form of Yuga Rishi. He has vowed firmly to transform this era and usher in Satyuga or Golden Era. Hence why harbor doubts and create a mental upheaval within?

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit ooks.htm - and DES- CRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Super Energy Gayatri Science & Kundalini correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly noncommercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology Indus Valley Civilization fuel crisis food scarcity tsunamis biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation

concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton



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