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We search for energy and energy in turn is in search of us. Both complain that they are experiencing a lack and that they are not being used. Man is immersed in generating energy via designing of expensive, cumbersome and tortuous technology/machines. On noting the efforts required to attain them things already attained do not evoke any enthusiasm in us. The biggest fount of energy viz. the sun is in front of us and while mocking our childish efforts says: O children! All the vaults of energy of this world are verily my grace. Instead of roaming aimlessly here and there why don’t you try getting as much energy as you desire directly from me?

From the sun the earth gets 50,000,000,000,000,000 kilo-watt/hour of energy. It is 20,000 times more than the energy actually utilized by earth. In the scientific arena it is being thought that in future when coal and oil get depleted there will be a major scarcity of fuel. Wood that can be used as fuel in fact is very less even today. People have now accepted the advice of not burning cow dung. In the same way in future people will be advised not to burn wood that remains after buildings are built and are erroneously thought to be a waste. This so called wasteful wood can be used to make hard board, ply wood, card board, paper etc.

Thus the discussion ends on wood thatcan be burnt. In 25 years there will be a great shortage of coal and oil. In fact by 2100 AD there will be no coal and oil at all. It will be depleted after mining takes place in many regions of the world. Electricity is generated using technology that works using the above natural fuels. Of course hydroelectricity is being used yet natural fuels are most required. Generation of electricity can never be totally independent. It is difficult to imagine electricity generation without using oil, coal etc. Of course it is another story that minor batteries and generators are designed.

The problem of atomic energy is like the story of the snake and toad. It can neither be gulped down nor can it be spit out of the mouth. How can we ignore the fount of such gigantic amounts of energy? On the one hand enticement goads us and on the other its poisonous remains that are sent to the sea or buried under ground are proving to be very dire. Thus it cannot be digested. By it self with great enterprise gigantic atomic reactors have been designed yet wariness over takes zest. Thus like Trishanku atomic energy hangs in the air. There are 50-50 chances of it being overthrown immediately after it is used. Only time will tell whether it has been digested or has been thrown out. Today it is akin to a piece of bone stuck in the throat. Where will it go? It is not yet clear.

Modern Science’s vision is now veering towards the sun. According to them when the sun is the fount of all cosmic energies why not solve all energy scarcity problems by taking help of solar energy? In comparison to other sources of energy it is more easily available and that much purer. Laser rays no doubt have a lot of energy but in order to use it it is possible to do so only by very knowledgeable scientists who use very expensive technology with great alertness. Even if a small error creeps in while using lasers a lot of harm will be the result.

Thus in solar energy the danger of accessing it is very minimal. Its storehouse will never deplete. There is no problem if the sun does not shine at night. In the day energy can be generated and at night the generating powerhouses can remain closed. There is no problem if in the hot summer there is more energy and in cold, rainy season it is less. The mills that produce sugar are known to run for 6 months and stop for the remaning 6 months. Even factories run in the day and are shut at night. The sun’s heat that comes to earth is sometimes more and sometimes less. Thus solar energy generation too will be more or less. Excess energy can definitely be gathered and stored. Later as per requirement it can be made use of.

Via solar rays in an area of 1 sqaure feet that has heat, 3 horse-power of energy is generated. When the sun lies directly above the moon heat of 240.8 F (water boiling) temperature heat is noted. But when there is night on the moon it is so cold and the region becomes icy.

American scientists have designed solar cells using silicon ore. It is being used in transistors, electronic watches and batteries. In space crafts electricity is generated using these solar cells. In the near future regarding this there is a high possibility, hope and zest for fulfilling much greater and important goals.

In order to convert salty sea water into potable water high stature technology is being designed. This technology will focus solar rays on a certain area where heat will land on the sea surface. These in turn will form clouds and then converted to saltless water. This water can then be transported to wherever required. This method is called Electrodialysis. In order to make 1000 gallon pure water the expense is just Indian Rupee 1 and 35 Paise. In the Atlantic and Gulf Coast such machines have been installed which will make the above mentioned program/application more clear. If only this program succeeds in future then the problem of drinking and potable water can be solved for entire mankind.

Batteries that run on solar energy have already been made. In principle they are successful. Yes, so far no arrangements have been made to use these on gigantic scales and are not yet cheap enough for the lay public to use. We are very hopeful that in future this problem will be solved. Russia, England, Algeria, Lebanon, America, Japan, Italy, France etc nations have constructed factories on a small scale to generate solar energy which can then be used as heat and electricity. The data unearthed from this is being studied minutely and scientists are trying to find out how they can generate solar energy on a large scale for the use of world humanity.

Ultimately for fuel we will have to worship Savita deity. We have attained life from it. All the movements of earth’s inert/conscious beings are its grace. We will have to surrender to it for solving in future the problem of fuel scarcity and other requirements.

Out of all the solar energy that comes on earth 99% goes waste. Only 1% is somehow used. In comparison to energy used on earth, 20,000 times more energy is sent to earth by the sun.

Solar energy is incomparable. If the solar energy of 100 sq miles of Rajasthan’s (India) dessert area is trapped then the energy requirement of entire India can be fulfilled. Previously it was cogitated over to use solar energy via reflection of mirrors but in comparison to the technology required the solar energy available is very less. Via the thin layers of silicon, batteries of solar energy were designed. For smaller requirements these were apt but in the initial stages its expenditure was a lot. The stature of both solar and atomic energy is one but solar rays which reach earth after a journey of 8 minutes become so light that creatures and plants can imbibe and benefit from its soft caress. As against this atomic energy produced on earth is like a powerful demon. Its usage can take place only in those tasks that can endure its horrific heat.

In spiritual worship methods, solar worship reigns supreme. The presiding deity of Super Mantra Gayatri is sun. Sahasrar Solar Chakra that dwells in the Brahmarandhra influences other 6 Chakras a great deal. The sun of the sky by giving the 9 planets, satellites etc energies of various stature, bestow on them a means to walk on their Wheel of Activity. Life seen on our globe earth is but a blessing of solar deity.

Great spiritual seers of yore had ordained us to keep the body in contact with the sun so as to attain life force. The mind was ordained to worship Savita deity so as to render it divinely brilliant and full of Brahmavarchas via variously designed spiritual practices. Today the material scientist having experienced despair in various directions is all set to surrender to solar deity. THERE IS NO OTHER MEANS TO SOLVE THE ENERGY CRISIS THAT LOOMS LARGE IN THE WORLD.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit and DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Future Scientific Religion, Gayatri Science & Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve

subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton

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