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This world is categorized into 2 halves. One is directly visible and the other is subtly indirect. Within visible materials an inspiring energy is at work which cannot be seen by our gross eye. On noting its potential and mobility an inference can be made that in the deep cave of nature/Prakriti is at work waves of sound, heat and light. This can be called subtle and indirect. Although the body carries out various functions yet within it works the subtle Prana Energy of consciousness. The same holds true for planet earth. It is classified in a 3 fold manner viz. water, land and sky/space. Yet a very minor portion of it is visible. What movements are taking place in the womb of earth? What exactly is happening in ocean bed areas? How much matter of sky is moving about in a gaseous state? This information cannot be unveiled by an ordinary brain or means because in a certain way all this is subtle and invisible.

What we know about the directly visible is very miniscule. In comparison to the gross the potential of subtle/invisible is innumerable times more potent. No one gives importance to a fistful of mud yet fission of one atom can emit mind boggling energy. In the sea ebb and flow of water waves is seen merely but very few people know that in order to transport water to every nook and corner of the ocean floor its invisible nature and upheavals play an important role. The same holds true for the sky. It appears hollow and empty yet wind, rain, Prana Energy and other very important principles dwell in it in gigantic amounts. Ere creatures did not accrue their benefits then life’s cart would not budge from its place.

Over here we are discussing the subtle world. For every task generally we take help of the directly visible world and we believe it to be the be all and end all of life and we nourish and transform it. Despite this great thinking people never forget that the potential of subtle world is extraordinary and that we ignore it our condition becomes akin to a child playing with toys. An under developed aborigine dwelling in the forest looks upon grass and plants as ultimate wealth yet a scientist lords over entire nature and becomes the master of limitless energy. This can be called information regarding power of the subtle world and miracle of attaining it. http://www.shriramsharma.com/overcoming_world_destruction_and_ushering_in_neo_creation.htm Over here we are discussing the subtle invisible world. We all are witnesses of materials on land, movements of various creatures, various types of wealth and comforts. We also make due efforts to convert obstacles into conduciveness in this arena but we forget that behind the visible the subtle cause too plays an important role and that something has to be done to understand and solve problems there. The result of this error is that despite making efforts problems are not solved and our labor turns futile. We are thus exposed to tiredness, despair and irritability. Thus we must make it a habit of diving deep and understand that apart from divine deep in the ocean to find pearls there is no other option. Merely by walking up and down the sea shore we can get only sea shells and sand particles.

A disease is directly visible akin to the medicine administered. Both combat each other. Both are challenging each other since time immemorial but medicines taste defeat and diseases gain victory. This shall go on until we do not understand the invisible cause from where poison manifests and waste our energies due to lack of self control. In order to ward off majority of diseases our taste buds need to be controlled and sanctified a great deal. All this is applicable also to financial crisis, family quarrels, social agitations and other such problems. If we change our psyche external world situations too change. As long as we pay no heed to this bare fact, problems, dangers and strife shall rule us all. They will refuse to budge from our lives.

In present times in this directly visible world within our individual and world social life an environment of downfall and defeat has ensnared us all. In the past times within the arena of economics, intellect and modern science extraordinary progress was noted. On this basis joyous comforts augmented so much that in this history of our world never has this been seen previously. Despite this world individuals are becoming lowly in many ways. There is no area of world society where speed breakers are not found. Everywhere cyclones of danger are mobile in break neck speed. We are ignoring the process of finding solutions in a collective cooperative manner. We think of nothing else but befriending people shyly and then robbing them and else show one’s fist to terrorize others. Our thinking reeks only with taking aid of crime/in-ethics and running down others in society so as to boss over them. Thus there is no hope that such vile people will help others in society to lead lives of joy, apt culture and truly prosperous. There is no dearth of intellectual people. No doubt in every walk of life resides intellectually talented people yet it is akin to try and sew 2 meters of cloth but in the process waste 4 meters of it. The result of human authored strife shall any day henceforth lead to world downfall. War frenzy can anytime forcefully incite world humans to commit mass suicides. Clouds of total destruction are looming large in the form of uncontrolled population explosion, pollution, emission of poisonous radiations, crimes, war frenzy etc. http://www.shriramsharma.com/overcoming_world_destruction_and_ushering_in_neo_creation.htm It is not as though sweet/bitter methods are not being used to solve world problems. Everyone no doubt is making efforts to get saved from destruction and finding basis for world uplifting yet instead of solutions coming within their grasp they are running miles away. Under such situations despair hangs on our heads in such a way that man stares helplessly at destiny. The importance of human effort sometimes becomes an overstatement.

Over here naturally our attention is drawn to the subtle and it seems that as though there is a thorn in a very sensitive area which induces situations of grief. No solution is thus allowed to reap success. From this viewpoint spiritual seers/Self Realized Gurus have always been sacredly sentimental yet look upon that which is directly visible as inert and a veil. The subtle world has been looked upon by them as a conscious inspiration and they opine that consciousness is the foundation of the world’s environment and mental state is the mother of external worldly circumstances. Factually this proclamation is 100% percent true. When faith that affects our thinking, character and behavior gets distorted every arena of life faces dangerous situations. For compact solutions we shall have to wait till we do not make great

efforts to ward off distortion in our faith and aspiration. Regarding this a small effort akin to a tiny flame lamp in rank darkness has been made by the Prajna Abhiyan or movement to sanctify the world human intellect.

Within the periphery of the gross world human faith can be given due importance. Yet it is not total and complete. Behind the gross visible world dwells the subtle invisible world and movements/upheavals taking place in it affects the gross world. What we need to know is whether tainted elements have or have not entered the subtle world and if it has been distorted is it poisoning the gross world? http://www.shriramsharma.com/overcoming_world_destruction_and_ushering_in_neo_creation.htm Seasonal influences are seen in the form of heat, cold, wetness etc yet these are but results manifesting due to rotation/revolution movements of earth and sun. Without understanding this we will be unaware of the mysteries of seasonal changes. So much rains down from interstellar space on earth that in comparison to combined attainments of land and water it is manifold. There was a time when so called tangible proof oriented believers lacked faith in the existence of subtle energies and powers yet the very foundation today of advancing modern science is oriented around understanding the subtle and attaining it.

It is only when we conjoin spiritual science to modern material science that compact science of divine wisdom manifests. It is on the basis of this correlation that we understand that which is worth knowing and we attain that which is worth attaining. Within the realm of today’s dire problems lest we make efforts to understand and reform distortions of the subtle world it shall be called farsightedness with true discrimination. If the pustule on the skin is not getting cured one must be farsighted enough to get the blood of the patient examined. If we fail to ward off mosquito attacks using ordinary means we must search for sludge and remove it. In reality a downfall and defeat and delusions and distortions are reactions of problems prevalent in the subtle world.

Those who are capable of understanding with faith the subtle invisible world must research into poisonous elements spreading in the invisible world and thus solve complex world problems. It is this venom that is augmenting unwholesomeness in world human psyche/thinking and is inflicting on us the wrath of natural calamities. When it rains earth becomes lush green. Water forests merge into each other. The reason why leaves fall off from trees in winter and burning heat has to be endured in summer must be searched for in the subtle arena. When all efforts fail to ward off visible taints in the gross world we must search the subtle world. One has to look for the reason of cancer by going deeper into the disease. Does a puppet doll ever dance on its’ own? It is in fact the skill of the puppeteer holding the strings attached to the puppet doll that induces the latter to frolic about. http://www.shriramsharma.com/overcoming_world_destruction_and_ushering_in_neo_creation.htm These days in order to understand the ire of natural calamities, downfall, defeat and destruction the state and condition of the subtle world must be deeply understood. Efforts must be made to reform it and render it well balanced. Today the stature of world individuals and future of this world is becoming

alarmingly worrisome. It can be looked upon akin to a flow of epidemics resulting from poison emanating from the subtle world. It is hence best that what is directly visible is not looked upon as the be all and end all of life and that we delve deep into the subtle world too. In order to ward off taints spreading in the subtle arena and replacing it with sacred auspiciousness solutions must be unveiled and thus due efforts must be made too in this direction. In order to solve complex problems which so far have remained unsolved, our attention should veer towards the invisible subtle world. Thus if efforts are made to render well balanced the subtle realm we can say we have taken the right decision.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Super Energy Gayatri Science & Kundalini correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology Indus Valley Civilization fuel crisis food scarcity tsunamis biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton LET US ALL PRAY FOR WORLD PEACE/BROTHERHOOD AND THUS CREATE


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