Subtle Psyche Foresees a Bright Future in the 21st Century

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INTRODUCTION This literature is like a document of such situations of a changing era which looked as though even if man puts in efforts of thousands of years it will not fructify into Era Transformation. But the dreamer of a bright future (our revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharmaji) who has described the methodology of Era Transformation and the rumbling worldwide movements seen before the advent of Satyuga (Golden Era) and end of Kaliyuga (Dark Age) tells us that a Rishi’s Divine Intellect can peep into the mirror of future times and predict everything. If there are some who do not understand this, know for sure that it is due to their beguiling nature. Thirty years previously Revered Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had written that whatever vile activities/thinking etc is being seen today will be corrected by Mahakal’s (Divine Time) existence via the medium of the method of Era Transformation. Mahakal means such an invisible existence beyond the limits of time which controls world creation, metes out punishment and wherever lack of discipline, bad governance and anarchy are seen there the Sudershan Chakra is used to reinstate apt management. This can be called the flow of an Avatar too which overcomes vile circumstances and establishes a Golden Era. How does this flow overcome man’s vile thinking which is self induced and how are the fruits of action meted out to all? By reading all this in this book one can easily understand it. Revered Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has written that when the world human psyche becomes imbalanced and people behave like ghosts at that time Lord Shiva who is otherwise a divine benefactor takes the form of Rudra (wrathful) and sounds the Damru (small drum). His Tandava dance manifests inferno like flames and due to this fire everything gets burnt which is undesirable, unwholesome and sinful. This method of punishment induces world humanity to give up the path of vileness and instead imbibe gentlemanliness. We get the sacred message that the present times are those of taints/fear and it appears just before the Golden Era manifests. Thus we must usher in Era Transformation and a radiant world future. Shambhu-Shankar-Mahadeva amongst the 3 deities are said to manage annihilation. When annihilation has to be ushered in he commences the Tandava dance. Demonic qualities that enter human psyche start falling at Lord Shankar’s hallowed feet. Lord Natraj thus dances the Tandava on the back of this demon. What exactly is the meaning of this symbolic representation? What is the role played by Goddess Mahakali and the congregational power of gentlemanly divine world individuals in laying down the foundation stone of a new world creation? On understanding this, the deep import of the return of Satyuga or Golden Era too will become crystal clear. Attack of Tripurasura (demon) who sits in the 3 cities of greed, delusion and egoistic behavior is actually an attack on those 3 psychic projections which even today is the root cause of lack of faith and downfall of

righteousness/true religion. How can this be wiped off? In days of yore when such situations raised their hood how was it made possible by Avatars (incarnations of God) to establish righteousness again? Via analysis of the divine sports of Avatars one can understand this and instill hope in our selves. How will the Prajnavatar (incarnation of God as Divine intellect) manifest? How will a bright future manifest in the 21st century? In what form will it occur? In Mahakal’s scheme of management how will a sacred intellect spread in the entire world? Reading all these answers the reader will experience divine bliss. Revered Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has inspired people of great talent, magnanimous men/women who wish to serve the world selflessly must do so giving up all egoistic desires. If the great task of Era transformation takes place as talent uplifting, sanctification of world human psyche then every individual will give up selfish desires and think of serving the world with humility. Thus if the individual transforms wholesomely, the family will transform and slowly but surely, world society shall march towards greatness. Our revered Gurudeva having noted these dire times has invited great men of the world including educationists, literary greats, artists, political leaders, great scientists and other people of immense talent in any field to take up the gigantic task of Era Transformation. A Golden Era is bound to manifest in the 21 st century. In the form of consciousness the taintless Prajnavatar, Divine Intellect and great thinking has already incarnated. We must realize this deeply. The next 10 years are those of one era ending and a new one beginning. What is the role to be played by us? In his last 2 years of his divine sojourn on earth Revered Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has clarified this in his literature written in the years 1989-90. Each sentence of books written by him viz. Parivartan ke mahan kshan, Srashta ka param prasad prakhar prajna, Satyuga ki vapasi, Mahakal ka pratibhaon ko amantran, Shiksha hi nahi vidya bhi, Bhav samvedna ki gangotri and Manahsthiti badle to paristhiti badle etc can create a huge dictionary. A great saint seated in a closed room with his high stature thought energy can move the entire world. He/she can thus positively affect the subtle world and can convert vile intentions into pious thinking. All this is definitely a fact. Yogiraj Shri Aurobindo Ghosh via austerities in solitude for India’s political freedom created that subtle atmosphere which helped thousands to get inspired to work for the freedom movement. When the revolutionist Aurobindo Ghosh started dwelling in Pondicherry (India) as the revered sage Shri Aurobindo none had imagined he would don this role. This is but the miracle of subtilizing the psyche which can perform mind boggling gigantic tasks. The endeavors of Maharshi Raman, Madam Blavasky, Leadbeater etc too was of the above stature. Our revered Gurudeva commenced subtilizing the psyche in 1984 (Vasant Panchmi or spring). He wrote incessantly saying: The last 20 years of the 20th century and the first 5 years of the 21 st century are those of era junction (one era ends and a new one commences). In this times span destruction will be averted

and rapid advancement will be encouraged. These are dire times. Hence each one will have to play a wholesome role. I will shoulder the responsibility given to me like the vulture and squirrel (as in epic Ramayan). Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya while saying that his spiritual practice of subtilizing the psyche is the basis of a bright world future has also made clear the various aspects of this Yoga based penance. This spiritual endeavor commenced in Chaitra Navratri 1984 and ended in Vasant Parva 1986. During this time span he remained alone. Very occasionally his holy consort Mataji and 2 other disciples interacted with him. Apart from this revered sir did not meet anyone and had not come out of his apartment. During this time he continued writing a great deal. His food intake too was subtle at that time. He named the austerities performed by him as living in caves, trance, attaining Chhaya Purusha (shadow man) which is mentioned in ancient scriptures. Details are also given about how invisible stature existences aid in austerities and how for high stature goals, awakening talented people and sanctifying their psyche, due efforts turn fruitful. Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has again and again spoken about awakening the 5 Virbhadras (Lord Shiva’s aides) within the realm of subtilizing Savitri spiritual practice. How can the 5 Virbhadras or the 5 sheaths of the body (Food Sheath, Mental Sheath, Vital Force Sheath, Intellectual Sheath and Bliss Sheath) be rendered evolved and advanced? While clarifying this spiritual practice he has said that divine existences had experimented on his psyche. For Era Transformation today such talented and great individuals are required who will make intense efforts to work for world well being. Hence he has humbly invited scholars, artists, the rich class, great political leaders etc to do exactly this. In the form of Era Junction Mahapurashcharan he declared in 1989 that 240 billion Super Mantra Gayatri Japa chanting will be carried out. The 1 st Purnahuti (final offering to sacred Yajna fire) would take place in November 1995 and the second in 2001. In order that vile activities are overcome the world over, an atmosphere of good will is generated everywhere and natural calamities come to a grinding halt for that, gross efforts are not enough. Instead intense subtle efforts will have to be executed. While clarifying this, he has described his own austerities and the crucial role played by others too. During his subtilizing spiritual practice he wrote in his book “Vasiyat aur Virasat” that: In these days I am executing Savitri practice. Via its medium many invisible Mahabalis are being created who will silently enter the psyche of infinite people. Thus these people will give up unethical activities/thinking so as to imbibe greatness. As a result not only these people will be glorified but that Era Transformation which appears difficult at this juncture will become facile later. Neo creation of world society has always been executed via thought based revolution. What will be its role in Shantikunj Prajna Abhiyan and in the form of a deep thinker? How and who will aid this thought revolution? All this will be clarified in this book.

Era Junction Mahapurashcharan is such a subtle application of the intense vital energy of sound energy which will be seen later in the 21 st century as the manifestation of a radiant world future. How will the prayer executed by the entire world in one voice to usher in a bright world future bring about great results and how will an apt subtle atmosphere be created for a new era via the sentimental consciousness of world great thinkers? All this is described in this book so that the entire world at large benefits amazingly.

CHAPTER 1 WHAT WAS THE NEED OF HEATING AND GETTING HEATED? After understanding the events while I was managing Shantikunj (All World Gayatri Family HQ in Haridwar, Uttaranchal, India) many visitors and disciples asked the following questions: In the near future you will execute spiritual practice in solitude and will resolve to perform intense penance. Why is this so? When via righteousness and selfless service to the world one can devote to God why should you perform intense austerities in solitude? As a result of this your daily activities like guiding disciples etc will not be possible to execute. By imbibing penance that is full of hardship and living a life of discomfort you will not be able to guide those who otherwise contact you daily. This question was full of deep understanding, serious and a bit problematic. As a result while answering this question only those were allowed to participate who for long had imbibed the basics of Spiritual Science. I have said before that up till now all the service activities and spiritual practice executed influenced merely the gross world, the material world. Thus only limited guidance and blessing can be given in this manner. But the future times are going to be dire in an extraordinary manner. For that limited potential is just not enough. In order that special stature intensity manifests nothing less than high stature austerities will succeed. That level of penance akin to those performed by Bhagiratha, Dadhichi, Dhruva and Saptarshis is required which does not limit the gross body to ordinary potential. In fact the need is to penetrate the subtle and causal bodies too so as to manifest an infinite vault of high stature vital consciousness. This in turn will valiantly combat dire circumstances and attain the capacity to manifest divine creations. Further the vile distortions of the subtle atmosphere too can be rooted out with its aid. In these days the clouds of distortion and hardships are looming large. The atmosphere is totally polluted. Poison has entered water and air to such an extent that natural calamities are manifesting in a big way. Various types of pollution in their respective arenas are creating such problems which cannot be overcome via ordinary methods. Famines, war clouds, political instability, crimes, thought based vileness etc are creating such dire situations that it is becoming difficult for life to sustain on earth. Bodily and mental diseases that are rising furiously are now beyond our control. Social goodwill behavior and traditional thinking are rare to find. Methods to ward off undesirable/unethical activities are not succeeding. Individuals and world society at every step are facing danger.

In order to ward off/decrease the above undesirable elements an extraordinary flow will have to be created. In order to obstruct the defeat of divinity that very Divine Energy will have to incarnate which like Goddess Mahakali will valiantly combat demonic elements and ultimately defeat them. In order that human beings attain this blessing there is no other option but to perform intense austerities. It is only via the energy of penance that divine existence will manifest. Today there is a great need to put into application the methods followed by Rishis and men/women of intense austerities of yore. Hence very challengingly these very steps are being taken. Since time immemorial demonic forces attack and create obstacles when any great task is being executed. Obstacles were created by the demons Subahu, Marich and Tadka when Vishwamitra was performing a great Yajna. Hence he invited Lord Rama and Lakshman to overcome these demons. Demons Kalnemi, Ahiravan and Surasa were trying to bring about the downfall of Hanuman. All these were overcome only with the help of Divine Powers. In the near future this very intense power will have to be generated. Everyone knows how the demons Bhasmasur, Vritrasur, Mahishasur, Aghasur etc created obstacles when divine tasks were being enacted. This time too during the divine task of re-ushering in of the Golden Era demonic forces will attack and utilize their demonic forces so as to create gigantic obstacles. Thus they can be opposed only via the use of very powerful Divine Energies. Many amongst Gayatri Parivar members are aware how time and again vile people as per their capacity have attacked and created obstacles in the Yug Nirman Yojana (Era Creation Program) of Shantikunj. These minor attacks were easily overcome but none knows when terrorists residing in India, neighboring countries and in every corner of the world raise their venomous hoods. Under such circumstances in order to protect world peace such alertness and energy is required which is akin to an entire family of a farmer protecting their fields from getting attacked by animals, birds etc. We may not be terrorists yet we will have to find ways of protecting our selves from terrorist attacks. There is a dire need to root our terrorist attacks on innocents. This is a very widespread and dangerous problem which in order to overcome requires such efforts which is akin to the founder of Santikunj (Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya) performing intense austerities in solitude to amass infinite soul power. There is no dearth of dangerous situations. No arena in the world is devoid of it. Even without guns etc booming such situations can crop up which can manifest terror, vileness, hardships and anarchy. War is not just something that burns all because there are many cases of cold war too. These create chaotic conditions and there is thus nothing but disturbance everywhere. In order that peace prevails everywhere a lot of infinite potential is required. The present spiritual practice being executed too is of this sort to generate infinite spiritual energy. Efficient ‘weapons’ are required to root out undesirable elements, vile behavior, calamities,

unwanted beliefs, error prone activities and mockery of all sort pervading in the world. With ordinary straight forward means vile actions like demanding expensive dowry from the bride one fails to obstruct it. Then how will weak methods overcome dark gloomy clouds of undesirable activities and beliefs that are just mockeries? Like air pollution an atmosphere of unethical behavior too is no less poisonous. Hardships are not only those that are visible in the sky as dark clouds but that their deep roots lie in the subtle world’s atmosphere. In order to uproot it no less than intense soul force is required. Lord Buddha and Gandhiji had not merely given discourses because they had also fought tooth and nail all vile activities that were widespread everywhere. One can include Dayanandji, Vivekanandaji and Gurugobind Singhji in this category. There may be other reasons why they succeeded in their endeavor but one cannot say that intense soul force did not play a major role. In order to root out hook, line and sinker today’s unwholesome trend in the world such soul force is required. One must not forget Agastya Muni who dried up the ocean and Lord Parshuram who with his hatchet uprooted unwholesome thinking of world society. In future times many dire circumstances will have to be overcome. Also high mountains will have to be induced to bow down. Only then can flat land be made available and a wonderful monument can be constructed. Even to grow food grains flat, fertile land is required. For such goals bulldozers are generally used. In order to grow greenery in desert areas first the land is made flat and then arrangements are made to supply water via streams etc. The same holds true to generate soul power. River Ganges was brought down from heaven by Bhagiratha and the great women of penance Anusuya was responsible for manifesting River Mandakini on earth. Patal-Ganga manifested due to Arjuna’s intense efforts. Via the rays of the hot sun steam from oceans rises upwards. As a result clouds are formed. It is monsoons that give rise to growth of greenery and food items. This is the greatness of austerities. In order that a radiant future manifests in the 21 st century intense spiritual practice and penance is required. It will not manifest merely by chanting Mantras. It is the required energy of austerities that can melt the snow of Himalaya Mountains and thus satiate the thirst of millions. There are many such causes correlated to the austerities performed by many. This intense penance has been commenced by the founder of Shantikunja’s Gayatri Family.

CHAPTER 2 ENERGY MANIFESTING FROM SUBTLIZING OF PSYCHE AND TRANSFORMATIONAL TREND When Shri Aurobindo Ghosh returned to India from abroad he tried all means to drive away the British from India but his efforts did not reap success. He gathered many kings, students etc to form a single party to oppose the British regime but he realized later that such minor efforts will not succeed. For that power equal to that of the British rulers is required for political freedom. In those days it was not possible to carry out activities like Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha. Thus Shri Aurobindo Ghosh took up the task of generating intense soul force so as to heat up the subtle atmosphere. He evaded being arrested by the alien British regime and settled down in Pondicherry which was at that time under French rule. There he remained in solitude, observed silence and performed intense austerities. In the layman’s eyes this could be looked upon as escapism but in fact it was not so. According to subtle seers Shri Aurobindo Ghosh generated intense energy of an invisible stature. The atmosphere got hot and there was a time that many great men, leaders took birth in India. This has never been witnessed anywhere in the annals of history. Political leaders can be born anywhere and anyone can become one but great men from every standpoint are of high stature. Their character and inner personality are so great that they have the capacity to create zeal and zest in the psyche of world humanity. For 2000 years India was a slave of foreign rule and hence it truly required such great ship captains. Not one but many with such greatness manifested together like cyclones manifesting in very hot summer. As a result Shri Aurobindo Ghosh’s powerful resolve later bore fruit which previously was not possible because the other means used were not so powerful. In the history of spiritual science for high stature goals the only method applicable is austerity based spiritual endeavor. It cannot be generated by living a lifestyle of worldly comforts. In order to become mentally and soulfully focused one cannot remain extroverted and execute external activities. These in fact scatter to naught our divine energy. As a result focus of mind eludes us which are akin to focusing solar rays on a lens so that terrific fire emerges. In order to pen 18 Puranas or Indian Mythology Vyasji went to the Vasodhara peak cave in Uttarakhand (India). Along with him went Lord Ganesh on the condition that he would not utter a word so as to observe silence. Anything less than this cannot reap success while important tasks are executed. During India’s freedom fighting days Maharshi Raman performed intense austerities by undergoing Mauna or silence. Apart from this, great souls in remote Himalayan Mountains too performed intense penance. How in a major way this

invisible penance played a major role when political leaders of India were fighting for independence cannot be judged by gross vision. It is only great subtle seers who can gauge this succinctly. While keeping in mind the principle that bigger the task bigger is its remedy this time via special austerities the subtle atmosphere will be transformed. Hence its stature and nature is difficult. In the preliminary days the task given to me was to sanctify people’s psyche, congregating spiritually awakened souls and instilling zest in creative endeavors. If this was enough this would have been managed by the rich using their own savings or by asking for donations and by this time the situation would have become a whole lot better. Many tried a great deal to do so. Many used the path of preaching and spreading this message but alas the required goal remained unfulfilled. My Master who understood the bare reality clearly, initially asked me to do one thing. He commanded me to perform Gayatri Mahapurashcharan spiritual practice for 24 years. Up till now this ‘earning’ has helped me perform various tasks for world well being. If at all I have been able to uplift my self, other individuals and society at large it is because of these 24 years of intense austerities which gave me a vault of spiritual energy. At that time I had not merely chanted Mantras but along with this I had executed many vows, do’s and don’ts etc. A person who has ample time can somehow or the other chant a lot of Mantras and complete the target and such people who live a life of eat, drink and be merry cannot carry out any great task. This is because along with Mantra chanting intense penance is conjoined which heats up the gross, subtle and causal bodies so as to render them very potent. Taints/vileness of psyche gathered from many lifetimes creates many obstacles on this path. On entering this blazing inferno they are uprooted. Iron ore freshly dug up from mines is unripe. Other ores too are of this type. These are thrown into a blast furnace so as to get heated and then are used in various applications. Ayurvedic doctors in order to make priceless Bhasma (ashes) heat up various materials/herbs etc. A potter who makes pots heats up the newly carved pots in ovens. The same holds true for human beings. Everyone knows about Rishi-Munis serving the world and performing righteous activities. But along with this in order to attain the goal, time and again they perform intense penance. Every important person has to execute this in their own way. They will have to do this because the awakening, uplifting and nourishing of God given energies are not possible without executing due austerities. If the inner personality is not sanctified, radiant and spiritually mature success that is worth praising will elude us. Success attained via unethical, terror based means are like those illusory miracles shown by magicians which do not last long. How can a tree without roots give fruit, flowers etc? The deep rooted principles of austerities are self/sense control and apt usage. Due to sense organ control the stomach and hence bodily health will remain good. If sexual continence/Brahmacharya is observed the vault of will power remains full. Earning wealth via ethical means and using it intelligently will not lead to poverty and also

illegal activities will come to a halt. Controlling time management helps utilize it for selfless service via hard work and mental focus. Thus there is no time remaining for unwholesome activities. Whatever one does now is good and beneficial for all. Thought based control leads to oneness of soul with others. Faith, spirituality and righteousness advance a great deal. Very naturally one executes spiritual practices of Yoga of Knowledge, Yoga of Devotion and Yoga of Action. Self control means ‘saving’. When the above types of self control are imbibed so much potential is saved which apart from looking after ones family can be used for great tasks in a big way. Those with self control do not fall into the gutter of desire, selfish yearnings and ego. Hence when one has to walk on the path of great endeavors excuses like lack of time, lack of finance, worries, problems play no part. Materialism and spiritualism walk hand in hand and one leads a light zestful life. About 60 years back my Gurudeva had taught me how to walk on this path. This sort of life continued ceaselessly. At certain times I was called by my preceptor to the Himalayas to recharge the battery of spirituality and the subtle atmosphere. In the past 30 years for 1 year at a time I had to go for living in solitude so as to perform special spiritual practices. The aim was one. And that was that in my penance’s zest and due efforts there should not be diminishing of faith and trust. Wherever there was a lack, it was filled duly. Spiritual practices performed on the Bhagirathi Rock in Gangotri (Himalayas, India) helped manifest the river of wisdom on earth and the direction and capacity to carry out Prajna Abhiyan (Thought based revolution) was attained. This time in Uttar Kashi region’s Parshuram Ashram, that axe was attained which helped create anger and agitation in the psyche of world humanity against unwholesome behavior/activities prevalent in the world. The mythological Lord Parshuram had cut off the heads of many terrorists of the world, time and again. Over here ‘cutting heads’ means ‘brain washing’. Within the realm of Thought Revolution or Prajna Abhiyan not only creative but reform based goals too succeed. In both these goals success was attained in a widespread manner. The credit goes to the potential of austerities and not ones limited prowess, miracles of various means or circumstances. This then was the description of my daily routine of past times. In the present times that very Divine Energy (Guru) has commanded me to leap forward spiritually on whose directions I have danced like a puppet for my entire life. Now I have had to enter a new high stature class of austerities. The ordinary person is merely aware that I am in solitude and that I am not meeting anyone. This information is only half true. This is because when a person (like my self) whose very being is full of hard work, regularity and full of management cannot lead a life of lethargy and wastage of time as is generally being understood by most people. In fact in solitude I have had to put in much more effort. I am that much busier and by imbibing the routine of not meeting anyone I have had to keep in touch with just the bare few. While thus keeping in touch, so much time lapses by and the heart remains unfulfilled. Then how can this be called solitude? How can it be said I am not meeting anyone? It is only in the method of my working that a bit of change has taken place. Only the topic and class of those people whom I meet has changed. Then how can anyone allege that I am an escapist who has renounced all activity? A man/woman of

austerities always lives thus. When a top is spinning at very high speed it appears as though it is standstill. One realizes that it is on the move only when its speed of spinning decreases and due to lack of balance it falls down. In those days when the great scientist Albert Einstein was involved in research of the atom a lot of change took place in his daily routine. In a big building he lived alone. All means/technology were made available to him which included literature, helpers etc. All these were kept at a distance so that nothing could obstruct Einstein’s deep focused thinking. Whenever he so desired he would live in total solitude. None would obstruct his great research endeavor. When he so desired he rang a bell for a servant’s help and got what he required. If an individual wanted to meet Einstein a card was sent to the latter. These people would sometimes have to wait for a month too to meet Einstein. None could create obstruction in his tasks even if someone was his near, dear one. It was only after these strict arrangements were made that Einstein gave the world mind boggling scientific discoveries. Ere Einstein had been surrounded by friends/relatives, ere he were to get immersed in various mundane activities then like many others he would have wasted his precious life and thus the world would not have benefited as it has today. In ancient time the daily routine of Rishis-Munis too was of this caliber. They performed research on Soul Sciences. In order that they could work in a focused manner, they resided in areas devoid of chaos and they immersed themselves totally in attaining the goal. Even in my case this stature of activity was placed in front of me. They are not only full of weight age but are very important too. One of them is to imbibe so much soul force that worldwide destructive elements can be overcome. The second is to instill that inspiration and potential in creative people without which they are not being able to do anything much for world well being. The third is to create necessary circumstances and encourage wholesome activities the world over so as to usher in a New Era. All these 3 important tasks cannot be carried out by the gross body. Its limits and capacity are very narrow. Sense organ power can work only in limited areas and can carry only limited weight. The body made of flesh, blood etc which walks, talks, sleeps etc has very less capacity. Thus only very limited tasks can be executed by it. Limited endeavors can help the physical body function smoothly and can maybe benefit a few people related to the body. But for more widespread and gigantic tasks there is an imminent requirement of advancing/maturing the subtle and causal bodies. When all 3 bodies are equally potent and mobile only then can gigantic endeavors succeed which is the need of the hour, the world over. The same situation was faced by Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans. He was called to carry out a worldwide task. As per the arrangement he transferred his potential into Vivekananda and in order to render the work arena easy and successful necessary circumstances were created. This gigantic task was not easy to execute merely by the gross body. Hence without any inhibitions Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans gave up the gross body. Also he incurred a debt because he gave blessings in excess of balance (energy) he possessed. Without fulfilling it everything came to a halt. Hence voluntarily he took up the dreaded cancer disease in his body. Thus by fulfilling his

debt he took up that activity through the medium of Vivekananda which was an order given to him by his great Guru. Visibly Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans ‘disappeared and people were sad because of his absence. But this happened for world well being. Since he gave up his mortal coil thus his power augmented manifold. With its aid he helped (subtly) augment great tasks not only in India but in every corner of the globe. During his life time he gave a few blessings to his devotees and had the power to allot Vivekananda his gathered spiritual energy. But when Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans got the opportunity to work via his subtle and causal bodies he worked so greatly for world welfare which can never be gauged by an ordinary intellect. The life of Jesus Christ too was of this sort. After making intense efforts for his entire life he could make only 13 disciples. He saw that with his gross body not much work could be done as much as he wished. Hence in such a situation it was thought apt to take help of the subtle body and thus spread Christianity in the entire world. At times of such transformations great saints accept death full of hardship and thus repay their spiritual debt. Christ died on the cross, Socrates drank poison, Krishna died due to an arrow, Pandavas disappeared in the Himalayas, Gandhiji died due to a bullet, Adi Shankaracharya died due to a major disease etc. Thus from the gross body they entered the subtle body by killing the gross body very painfully. Such deaths are a great sacrifice and they inspire world humanity to sanctify them selves so as to become radiant. This is exactly what happened to me and will happen in future too.

CHAPTER 3 GROSS TRANSFORMED INTO SUBTLE: ACT OF SUBTLIZING This is a historical time of Era Transformation. For the next 20 years I have been given the duty of working very hard. The amount of work done in the past 15 years is much more when compared to the past 30 years. As per the need of time alertness was executed and keeping in mind the usage, extra energy was generated. It will not be right to talk about how wakefulness, focus, concentration and hard work have reached their pinnacle this year because the result of this alertness can be seen only grossly as creation of 2400 Prajna Pithas and 15000 Prajna Centers and nothing more. Further everyday I wrote one folder of literature and apart from this all other endeavors were subtle. Fifteen more years remain of Era Junction (where old era ends and a new one manifests). In this time span the Wheel of Time will move that much faster. On the one hand the speed must be made faster and on the other it must be stopped. There is a need to obstruct destruction and augment advancement and progress. Both these speeds are less today. Thus at this rate although desirable yet the goal will not be reached till 2000 AD. Thus the Wheel of Effort of the world will definitely speed up. Even I will play a role like the vulture and squirrel (of epic Ramayan). Who, when, what and how will the work be done? This will be understood in future. The question at the moment is of responsibility. That responsibility shouldered by an army’s General is also shouldered by the chef of a kitchen. During dire times one must not ignore anybody or anything. During this time span at one and the same time many battles will have to be fought. There are times in our life when at the same time one has to cut the harvest, feed the animals, take ones ill child to the doctor, attend a court case, attend to guests etc. During times of war ones multifaceted thinking and responsibility becomes more intense. Multifaceted tasks during war include how many soldiers to send for which battle, seeing to it that there is no dearth of weapons for those who are fighting, a temporary hospital has to be managed, sending dead soldiers for funeral, digging mines for the next battle etc. Every such task needs equal attention. Even if one of this is ignored the situation becomes perilous. All ones hard work goes to dust. I was asked to render my activities multifaceted. The biggest obstacle in this was the limitation of the gross body. It is limited and works in a limited area only. Only the limited can carry weight. My work is related to an unlimited area. These tasks are such that at one and the same time it is related to many people. How was this possible? One method is to totally give up the gross body and whatever task is to be executed must be done by one or many subtle bodies. If my Guru thinks it apt the

gross body will not remain even for a second. The main problem of donning a gross body is that fruits of ones actions are conjoined to it. If the debt remains then till the next birth it continues and then ensues pulling and pushing. Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans had given many boons and blessings. The vault of good merits was less. In order to repay the debt he took up cancer of throat on his gross body. Only then the loan was repaid. Adi Guru Shankaracharya had to face a deadly disease. Such an illness had to be undergone by Mahatma Narayan Swami too. Guru Golwalkar died of cancer. There are many such examples wherein in great people at the time of death faced deadly diseases. This is not the result of their sins but is due to their using more good merits than the amount they actually possessed. In fact these great saints would take upon themselves the pain/hardship of others. If it was possible they would repay the debt else at the time of death they would take up deadly diseases. This is done so that in future no problems occur and that in order to remain liberated spiritually fruits of past actions do not pose a problem. The root question is subtilizing of living being’s existence. Subtle is more widespread and multifaceted. At one and the same time work can be done in many places. Many responsibilities can be shouldered simultaneously. On the other hand for the gross body, there is bondage of one place along with its limitations. A grossly embodied being will work only in a limited area. Also as per ones knowledge of language, give and take of thought will take place but when one enters the subtle arena the problems of lack of knowledge of languages does not matter because thoughts are exchanged subtly. Thoughts can directly be sent to the brain or the innermost psyche area. For this the medium of language is not required. From the standpoint of widespread-ness it is a great comfort because a gross body requires gross means to travel. With the help of legs one can walk at the most 3 miles per hour. A motor car will take you to your destination according to the speed with which it moves. One person has 1 tongue. Only with its help one can talk but for a subtle body there is no limitation as far as sense organ functioning is concerned. In fact the capacity for the subtle body to see, hear etc is much more than that of the gross body. As per the need of the hour, one subtle body can be transformed into many. During Maharas (divine dance mentioned in Shrimad Bhagwat) Shri Krishna manifested many bodies to dance with all Gopis. At the time of killing Kansa and marriage with Sita people present saw varied types of forms of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama. Lord Krishna had manifested his Virat or divine cosmic form for Arjun and mother Yashoda to see. It was but the manifestation of the subtle and causal body. In the form of symbolic poetry it is depicted but it has its limitations. It is not as though anyone and everyone who sheds his/her mortal body attains the above state. Ghosts do enter the subtle state yet their existence is very chaotic. They can only with great difficulty show their near dear ones their requirements. Souls of the stature of ancestors are much more powerful. Their discrimination and behavior is that much more refined. For this their subtle body gets sanctified much in advance. In order to render the subtle body of high stature potential, special efforts

are required. They are full of austerities. In order to transform the ordinary body into that of Sidhas the first step is subtlizing of the psyche. Sidha souls who live within the limits of their bodies attain divine potential with the help of which they benefit others. Those who advance their bodies are also known to attain Sidhis or Divine Powers like Anima, Laghima etc. The gross body does not have the power to remain light bodied, heavy bodied, become invisible, go to far off places without external means etc. This is because the designing of gross body’s atoms is not conducive for all this and hence cannot cross the limits of material scientific laws. A person cannot fly in air and cannot walk on water. If he/she were capable of doing so he/she would have accepted modern science’s challenge and would have added a new chapter to the data of scientific research by going to the laboratory. The question is of subtlizing the psyche which I am doing these days. This is a special spiritual practice which can be done even if the gross body is alive and has to be continued even after the gross body is renounced. In both conditions intense austerities have to be undergone. It can be called the next step of Yoga practices. For this who has to do what? This depends on the present stature and high stature Guru’s directions. For all, the method is not the same but this much is definite that one has to obstruct inner spiritual energy from getting wasted due to extrovertedness. As long as the egg does not ripen it is kept in a closed box and it is only then that the chicken comes out walking and running by breaking the shell. The same holds true for subtlizing the psyche which I did recently. In ancient times saints lived in caves and went into Samadhi or trance for this endeavor. In ancient literature one finds a detailed description of subtly embodied souls. There is a detailed description of the dialogue between Yaksha and Yudhishthira in the epic Mahabharat. Examples of subtly embodied beings are Yaksha, Gandharvas, Brahmarakshasa etc. Along with King Vikramaditya lived 5 ‘Virs’. Shivaji’s aides were called ‘Virbhadra’. Ghosts, genies etc were entirely of a different sect. Those who have read ‘Alladin’s lamp’ will know the activities of this class. In the spiritual practice of Chaya Purusha or ‘shadow man’ from ones own body an extra existence is generated and it then works like a powerful invisible being who helps us a great deal. Majority of these subtly embodied souls are described as dangerous and of a lowly class from the ethical standpoint. It is possible that un-satiated unruly class of soldiers after dying on the battle field become thus. In those days many battles were fought. Along with this there is also the description of subtly embodied Devarshis. Rajarshis and Brahmarshis were generally with gross bodies but those who could function with subtle bodies too were called Devarshis. They were akin to air and thus could travel in various worlds. Wherever there was a need they would suddenly appear before devotees in order to guide them. Amongst Rishis too there is a description as above. They would manifest wherever there was a need in order to guide people. There was no need to walk with legs.

Even today there are descriptions given by Himalayan Mountain travelers wherein when they lost their way suddenly someone appeared to guide them towards the correct direction. Many have seen Yogis in caves etc either becoming invisible or becoming visible suddenly. So many such true incidences have been heard about Tibetan sages. According to the Theosophical Society even today in the epicenter of Himalayas there is a band of sages working for world peace. They are named ‘Invisible helpers’. Over here we must remember that even the group of Devarshis is but an advanced class of human beings. Like Yogis, Sidhas and great people in terms of helping others they are more potent. But it is wrong to say that they are all powerful and that they can promptly satiate others desires or can give divine boons. The law of fruits of ones action is supreme and only Almighty God can decrease or nullify it. Just as an ill person is helped by a doctor or that a poor man is aided by a rich man so too Devarshis appear when called on sacred occasions or even without being called help others. No doubt benefits accrue as a result. Despite this none should accept that there is no need of effort and that when Devarshis appear success will definitely be attained. If this were to be true people would merely take shelter of Devarshis without putting in hard work and thus rest in peace. They would then not pay heed to fruits of past actions that pose obstacles or to dire circumstances. Over here there is a good example of my Gurudeva who dwells in the Himalayas. Since he is subtly embodied he can even dwell in that atmosphere where there is no means for life to sustain. Time and again he guided me and helped me spiritually. This does not mean I did not have to make any effort, that no hardship came in my life and that never did I face failure. All this did happen but it is definite that in comparison to lone effort on my part, Gurudeva’s divine help aided my mental power remain strong. I have attained apt guidance. In days of hardships my steadfastness remained firm. All this is no less as far as getting help is concerned. Only this much should be desired from others. We must never desire not only from others but God too that they will make all efforts and that I will sit idle waiting for grace to pour down. In fact this is the error on our part that when there is talk of divine help/grace we think God will wave his magic wand and immediately our desires will be fulfilled. Thus we see many people losing faith in God/saints etc when this does not happen. When we seek help from God, Sidhas, saints etc we must patiently wait for the grace to flow after we too have made the necessary efforts. We must be alert and shoulder all our responsibilities. By looking upon failure and hardships as our true teachers our next steps should be full of alertness and with valor carry out our duties. Even ordinarily the energy of the subtle body is potent. With its help one can see far off scenes, hear far off sounds, foresee future events, transfer thought into another’s mind etc. With its help many have overcome dire situations. Many have received this sort of help without which their task remained obstructed. When 2 true friends meet their valor augments. The same holds true from help got from invisible helpers.

Just as there exists this visible world and in it dwell visible grossly embodied beings so too conjoined to it is a subtly invisible world. Over here dwell subtly embodied beings. Amongst these some are very ordinary, some are vile in nature and the rest are of very high stature. The latter take a lot of interest in the world of human beings. What is wrong is corrected by them and even when unasked those who are reformed are made more sacred/pious. If help is asked by someone whose desire is wholesome the help is greater and larger in measure. This is but an ordinary discussion of subtle bodies and subtle worlds. The topic is to advance my psyche. These are dire times. We are doing whatever tangibly we can with our gross bodies. Of course we must act but yet this much is not enough. Potent subtly embodied beings must see to it in a big way that those who are tainted must not become more tainted. The gross method used to do this is not enough. In order to make it more easy and successful there is a need of subtle invisible help. This will be required for congregational problems and also for individuals to imbibe great goals so as to attain glory. Since I am asked to execute this task why should I dilly dally? For a great length of time I have been guided by my divine existence (Guru) and as long as I am spiritually alert this will continue. These activities will be pursued y me. These are dire times. Today that taint which has entered the visible and invisible world must with immediate effort be sanctified. Hence in order to get the Sanjivani herb and find Sushena doctor (used to revive the unconscious Lakshman in epic Ramayan) I will make intense efforts. I had to quickly awaken my latent gross body and in the last 2 years I had to take recourse to intense penance and lone spiritual practices.

CHAPTER 4 POTENTIAL RESULTS OF SUBTLIZING THE PSYCHE From May 1984 AD I stopped all possible activity of gross stature pertaining to the gross body. This means meetings, union, conversation, discussions, advice etc all stopped. Only under very exceptional circumstances this rule was not followed. Inert laws pertain to inert objects. Consciousness has its special state. Despite remaining alive, despite being dead it is known to behave as though alive. The aim of subtlizing my psyche is to render manifold powers based on the 5 Sheaths. When 2 bodies unite they remain 2 mathematically. But in the subtle world Mathematics like Algebra, Geometry etc does not work. That world has its own set and method of calculation. In school Mathematics, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8. But in the subtle world, 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 16. Many a time subtle energies are seen to leap more gigantically than this too. The 5 Sheaths are Food, Vital Force, Mental, Intellectual and Bliss. Grossly speaking if all the 5 sheaths of man are awakened that person’s potency jumps up 5 times. But as far as Divine Math is concerned it becomes 3125 (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5). The 5 material bodies in our gross body can function only as per worldly math calculation. Even as long as consciousnesses’ 5 Pranas (vital force) remain within the boundary of the gross body, they can function only like 5 wise people. But as soon as they are subtlized worldly math calculations do not apply to it and thus the radiant subtle body has 3125 times more power to function. In the epic Ramayan, Hanumanji performed many mind boggling feats which were nothing but miracles of the potent subtle body. As long as Hanumanji was gross he remained Sugriva’s servant. Via speech Bali too insulted Hanumanji along with Sugriva. But when one takes recourse to the subtle body consciousness can achieve anything. This task of Era transformation has been given to assist Almighty Lord. The time span of era Junction will last till 2000 AD. In this time span not my gross body but my subtle and causal body will continue functioning. Thus I will shoulder all my responsibilities as before. I have to work according to the 3125 fold divine energy that I possess. There will be no limitations as far as law of time is concerned. Thus the task I have taken up will progress with the help of other bodies. Writing is a gigantic task that I am performing and ceaselessly it will go on till 2000 AD. It is another thing that the writer whose fingers will actually write my thoughts on paper will be someone else. My speech will not stop. It is another thing that instead of my tongue it will be someone else’s tongue that will talk. As of now my activities have been carried out in Mathura and Haridwar and within the realm of Hindu religion. In future there will be no limitations like nation, community, sex, religion, language

etc. Wherever in the world help is required of any kind my subtle sense power will act as per demand of time. Wise people should remember that whether one can or cannot talk, meet etc this visible gross body yet my responsibilities I shall shoulder in my area of activities with manifold zeal. Help will always be there. The age of my Guru is more than 600 years. His subtle body has merged into my soul. Every moment his divine shadow is present behind me. There is no reason to believe that exactly in this manner I will not use zestfully my divine potential for pious people in their great tasks. Right till 2000 AD readers and members of the All World Gayatri Family will receive my thoughts in the name of Brahmavarchas via magazines, booklets, folders etc.

CHAPTER 5 VITAL FORCE VAPORIZED-SUBTLIZING THE PSYCHE At the time of creation of this world God had to become many from one and only then so many animate/inanimate beings came into existence. Those who have brought in great changes in the world have had to do the same thing by augmenting the number of their aides/helpers. People of Rishi stature had to partition their own potential manifold times. Everyone knows that when you break, pound, smash etc an object it is converted into many tinier units. Generally smashing something results in the units weakening but in exceptional cases some become stronger. A pile of mud is singular but if its atoms are bombarded infinite terrific energy explodes forth. Thus in this case a small unit is much more powerful than the large unit. Everyone knows that the subtle unit of matter is an atom which has an independent existence and that it possesses all the characteristics of that object. A very clear inference of the subtle nature of all atoms has yet not been unearthed. The atoms of different materials have varied shapes. The atom of one material could be of the size of 10 billionth of an inch and in some other case, it could be 1 millionth of an inch. All this then pertains to solid matter. In case of fluids since the potency augments greatly the number and subtle nature of these atoms too augments greatly. This has been proved by the Homeopathy form of Medicine via experimentation and research. More subtle and gigantic than fluids is gas. Atmospheric air surrounds us invisibly. In its one square inch exist around 5000 Shankh (1 Shankh is equal to 1 million lakhs) atoms. The more an object becomes subtle the number of atoms too augments and because of heat/energy its speed of movement increases. Thus in the gaseous state the speed of atoms augments infinitely. An object remains solid when the atoms within it get attracted to each other and thus do not move. The more one gives it heat this bond becomes less and the speed of mobility augments. It is this method that makes an object solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma. Thus objects become very subtle. The nature of consciousness is different from the above. Yet in the chapter of subtilizing the psyche with the ratio of subtleness and in radiance, the principle of augmenting and widespread-ness applies all the more. The subtle designing of the human body too is of this type that on advancing the seed vault present in the deep recesses of the psyche makes the subtle body very powerful. In the deep recesses of man are present 3 bodies, 5 Sheaths and 6 Chakras of this stature. By evolving them

the inner existence can be rendered cosmic. All these despite being parts of one body yet show their separate existences. Scriptures give 4 stages of human beings. In the waking sate our daily routine activities occur. Majority of human beings live such a life. Next is the dream state wherein man is immersed in what the mind has experienced, seen and thought. Sometimes events beyond the ken of the 5 sense organs can be foreseen. Only some parts of the dream state can be remembered and the remaining is forgotten. Deep sleep is that 3rd state wherein the contact with the external world and the world of thoughts is cut off. The external (waking) and internal world (dream) both go to sleep. Apart from these 3 states there is the supreme state of Turiya which is the state of soul awakening and uplifting of spiritual consciousness. When a living being becomes a superman from a normal human being wherein one is also said to become a Rishi or divine being one can say that the Turiya state has been attained. All the great saints born in this world have attained the Turiya state via Yoga based practices. Thus in this subtle bodied state they have become cosmic in nature. This state is not very easily attainable by all and yet those who have achieved it execute the superhuman important task of world well being. In scriptures there is a description of non sexual contact based creation which is noted in the preliminary stages of evolution. There is a detailed description that those people who in previous Kalpas (eras) had executed self control and Yoga based meditation so as to attain the supreme state of spiritual consciousness, take birth again. These divine souls are called Rishi souls and give to world humanity the deep import of religion that uplifts soul existence. Time and again as per the situation they manifest thus and via the medium of divine wisdom given by them those souls who generally are immersed in the eat, drink and be merry mode of life now attain slowly but surely the state of Jivan Mukta or liberated in life due to soul uplifting. The Kalpa-Manvantar arrangement of creation is such that at every moment divine souls are immersed in their divine activities in the subtle world. It is hence that all together religion, spirituality, values, ideals etc do not totally disappear from the world. Rishi souls awaken the causal body so as to execute various tasks and it has been described by Upanishad seers as follows: Anivaryachyanadyavidyarupa sthool sookshma sharir karan matram swaswarupajnanam yadasti tata karanashariram. MEANING: The causal body is indescribable, without beginning, of the nature of spiritual ignorance, the cause of gross and subtle body and is the existence of its own ignorant nature. In reality despite dwelling in the inert body it is in a state of deep sleep. The way to awaken it is subtlizing of the psyche.

In the spiritual body designing science the subtle body is said to be made up of 17 subtle materials. The Panchdashi text describes it as follows: Buddhi karmedriya prana panchakairmanasadhiya. Shariram saptadashabhihi sukshmam talligamuchyate. MEANING: The subtle body is formed via 17 parts viz. 5 organs of knowledge, 5 organs of action, 5 vital forces, mind and intellect. It has been said that in human bodies dwell Rishis, deities, incarnations of God etc. In various places they are reinstated. In this body also dwell divine seas, divine rivers, divine mountains etc. Despite the body ordinarily being a bag of stools, urine etc if one notes its subtle existence, one gets a vision of many worlds. The body is a compact laboratory. In it are fitted all technical apparatus which have either been created by man so far or that in future they will be made. In one unit of the cosmos the entire cosmos is present. It means that all the special qualities present in the macrocosm are present in the tiny microcosm too. Whatever exists is there in a latent/un-awakened state. If it were to get awakened from the micro (man) entire macro (cosmos) can manifest. In order to make the lowly great there is only one method viz. vaporization. When a substance becomes gaseous it spreads out every where and in very far off places too it shows its strength. For example chilly powder is kept in one tiny area. But if it is burnt with fire it will become gaseous so as to reach far off places. Thus because of its chilly odor people in far off areas too will start coughing. If a little oil is poured on the waves of sea it will reach distant places along with the waves. In Ayurveda there is a description that if certain herbs are pounded in a mortar and pestle for a long time, the herb becomes very potent. The potency principle of Homeopathy Medicine says that render the liquid more diluted so that it becomes powerful.

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