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(Questions asked by us and answered by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya)

Questions asked by Pandit Lilapat Sharma. INTRODUCTION Today in Hindu society everywhere there is an environment of atheism towards rites and rituals. There are very few people who imbibe the true methods of rites with faith. The remaining people stray away in the darkness of atheism. Why is this so? It is necessary to ponder over this. If we take a look at other religions and sects of the world we shall know that in them in some form or the other there is a system of rites and rituals. But in the mind of the followers of such sects there is no atheism as is seen in our religion. The main reason for this is that in such sects free thinking is not allowed as is allowed in Hindu religion. In Hindu society there is misuse of free and independent thinking. The root cause for this is our education system which is full of flaws that makes us stray in the dark cave of our half baked knowledge that lacks direction and values. In order to ward off delusions spread in Hindu rituals and in order to awaken faith in it we have prepared this book in the form of straightforward question answers full of interest. In te first few pages short and easy answers have been given for why use various methods for rituals and in what manner. In the following pages the utility of Gayatri meditation the easy method of Gayatri spiritual practices meditation and various methods of devotion and even Prajnayoga has been explained in a gist.

For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ WHY ARE RITUALS REQUIRED AND IN WHAT MANNER? JAPA OR MANTRA CHANTING AND SIDHI

We have seen many people who despite having undergone tough austerities did not possess Ridhi-Sidhis or Super Divine Powers as was noted in HH Revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya. On getting an opportunity one day I asked GUrudeva: O Revered Gurudeva! You have done Gayatri Japa or Mantra chanting. Others too have done Japa or Mantra chanting of Gayatri of 24 alphabets. Despite this why have they not attained Sidhi that you have attained? Gurudeva smilingly replied: Son! I have done Japa or Mantra chanting of Gayatri later. At first I have purified myself both within and without. Without this despite attaining spiritual attainments is akin to not attaining them. I have akin to a laundryman washed my mind by hammering it. None gets benefits merely by doing Japa or Mantra chanting. After speaking thus, Gurudeva told us about an incident seen by him: In Himalaya Mountains, 2 saints were doing penance. They were naked and observed silence. There was some land from where they got roots and fruits to eat. They lived in a cave they ate and lived life there. One day both saints were cleaning the ground outside the cave in summer. For 2 days they cleaned their own cave. One day one saint took over a part of the land of the other saint. The other saint got angry. He raised his eyebrows and made gestures. Both were silent. This silence further led to a war. They inflicted blows and kicked each other. They pulled each others' beard. Revered Gurudeva said: I was surprised that there were such silent seekers doing austerities in Himalaya caves and their condition was such! I look down upon such spiritual practices. Until we do not purify ourselves we cannot attain anything. As long as a person does not wash himself to become pure till then Mantra Sidhi cannot be attained. Even if it is attained then even so akin to Bhasmasur he shall burn himself to ashes. Everything had been renounced for world welfare and spirituality. It is hence that by removing River Ganga flowing in heaven from Gomukh success was attained and bring it to earth. If the aim of Bhasmasur was this he too could have brought in well being of so many people. Bhasmasur could have asked for such a boon from Lord Shiva. If I place my hand on someone's head he would get cured of diseases but he had not purified his soul. As long as there is greed deluded mental attachment and desires a person cannot advance in life. These demonic activities lead to our downfall. Only after passing the primary school of soul purification we can take the 1st step of spirituality to march ahead. If soul purification is done the path of soul uplifting opens up. For 24 years I lived on barley bread and butter milk. I did not use ay pungent salty spices. I controlled my tongue hence I could control my soul. If we control our taste buds we can master our 10 sense

organs and mind. Hence a seeker must first wash his mind. Saint Kabir has truly said: Kabira man nirmal bhaya jaise ganga neer Peecche peecchehari firat kehat kabir kabir. Tulsidasji too has written thus in Ramcharitmanas. If you do this much definitely you can attain Almighty God even if he is a Jain Muslim Buddhist Christian or a Hindu. I was satisfied hearing such great thoughts of Revered Gurudeva. The mind's agitation calmed down. That day itself by starting purification of the mind as per the divine command of Gurudeva I started doing spiritual practices.

WHY IS PURIFICATION REQUIRED AND IN WHAT MANNER? Majority of the times Revered Gurudeva meditated. We had to look after guests and pilgrims coming to Tapobhumi. We had to ward off their doubts. We had difficulty with people making dry arguments. Hence one day we asked Revered Gurudeva a question: Sir! Why is purification done first? Do we become pure merely by taking water in the palms and sprinkling it by chanting Mantras? Are we not sitting after bathing and wearing clean clothes? Revered Gurudeva laughed heartily and then said: Son! Along with actions sacred sentiments too are required. Mere gross methods do not reap results. It is necessary to dive deep in order to understand spirituality. Pearls are got from the deep part of the ocean. On the surface you get only pebbles and stones. Merely doing Japa or Mantra chanting by moving the lips no benefit accrues. Without sacred sentiments Japa or Mantra chanting is useless. Along with Mantra such an attitude must be developed that from all 4 sides purity is raining down. A rain of spirituality is there. In summer the ground becomes hot but when it rains all around there is greenery and coolness. Even with purification or Pavitreekaran such sentiments should be manifested that due to a down pour of spirituality heat is being removed from the entire body. There is a spray of peace compassion sensitivity and sanctity. The mind is being cleansed and purified. But today people think that why is my cow giving less milk? Why did not Almighty God give me a son? Why did I not get wealth? Such type of thoughts takes over the mind.

Action is merely a direction gesture and symbol. It is like a railway guard showing a red flag for the train to stop and a green flag for the train to move. Another name for Almighty God is Devata or demigod. By searching for Lord Shankar in Kailas Mountain you shall not find him. Saint Meera had vision of Lord Shri Krishna in an image of stone via sacred sentiments. Via sacred sentiments and faith Eklavya mastered archery via a clay image of Guru Dronacharya. Great sentiments by becoming demigods come to help us. Due to these sentiments instead of Nandanayi Almighty God himself went to massage feet. He had washed the feet of Sudama and drank that water. He went to eat berries tasted by Shabari. Instead of lip service Almighty God loves great tasks we do. Via purity of body and mind Almighty God manifests. We must behave with purity. When via such sacred sentiments and behavior we do the activity of Pavitreekaran the body and psyche shall become pure. With such sacred sentiments we must sanctify our body mind and psyche.

SUCCESS OF ACHMAN: Guruji! We have understood the action of Pavitreekaran but what is the benefit of doing Achman (drinking water) 3 times? We cannot satiate our thirst even with 3 spoons of water. Son! Achman is not done to satiate one's thirst. There is a deep import in it. We have 3 bodies. There is the gross subtle and causal body. In the gross body there is the disease of lethargy and lack of self control. These 2 diseases have shattered the gross body. One wasting time is said to be suicidal. Hakim Lookman had once said that man via his tongue is digging his grave. Non control of the tongue has rendered the body a home for diseases. The 1st Achaman gives inspiration for awakening and self control. This Achaman is a medicine that leads to salvation. At that time think that we are drinking nectar. Similarly the 2nd Achaman too has an apt reason. It is done to ward off the diseases of the subtle body viz. greed and deluded mental attachment. The diseases of greed and deluded mental attachment depleted the energy of the subtle body. We always earn and amass wealth but we did not render our children apt and cultured. Instead of making our children merely lawyers doctors officers we make them highly cultured this earth shall become heaven. This greed and deluded mental attachment is shattering our family

life. We must have an attitude that with the 2nd Achaman we are overcoming greed and deluded mental attachment. The 3rd Achaman is for the causal body. In the causal body too there is the disease of lack of Viveka or farsighted discrimination and distrust. There is no faith in fruits of actions hence people without fear shamelessly are immersed in sinful actions. They have faith in religion they execute worship rites but do not believe in the soul. Due to lack of Viveka or farsighted discrimination there is absence of aptness inaptness. Alm dwells everywhere his sight is there on us all the time if there is such faith how can anyone act sinfully? While doing the 3rd Achaman develop the attitude that in our inner soul Viveka or farsighted discrimination and faith are manifesting. We are taking medicine to ward off the disease of vicious cycle of birth and death. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ WHY DO WE DO SHIKHAVANDAN? Yes Gurudeva! We understood the mystery of Achaman but which truth hides behind Shikhavandan? Please do explain it to us. Gurudeva said: Son! This is like a flag hoisted on a fort. It is the flag of high thinking. May our flag fly high. Its grandeur should not go even if it means our life is at stake. Such sentiments and resolve should be there in us. Wealth house shop children are not great but great are our ideal and principles. Shikha knowledge is a symbol of River Ganga. Due to it our head harbors pure sentiments that keep us supreme in the world. The Shikha or pigtail is an image of sacred sentiments. It is the sound of religion of Indian culture. If the brain gets distorted a lot of destruction enters. When an elephant turns insane it loses Viveka or farsighted discrimination. It has to be killed. The pigtail is like a chain. Just as a chain is placed on an elephant similarly pigtail or Shikha is a chain of ideals and principles. We are imbibing great thinking and Viveka or farsighted discrimination. Bad thoughts are getting destroyed. They are running away. With such sentiments we bow down to the Shikha called Shikhavandan. We are eliciting sacred sensitive sentiments.


Yes Gurudeva! We understood the reason for Shikhavandan but what is the benefit of doing Pranyam? People say that inhaling and exhaling air from the nose can be done by a horse of a chariot too. Please do tell us about this so that our question can be answered. Son! Not only yours, but this is the illusion of so many people. I have told you before that along with actions there should be sacred sentiments. The principle of Pranayam is that our worship should be full of life force. When life force gets removed we lack consciousness. Just as when electricity connection gets destroyed microphone fan bulb heater do not work similarly rituals are like fan bulb heater wherein Pranyam spews life force. It creates daring. Without daring nothing happens. For robbery looting too daring is required. To pick up a pot of water too daring is required. To give up bad qualities daring is required. We must not accept that which is inapt. We must not follow false traditions we shall not execute marriage with pomp. Daring is required to make a resolve that we shall break apart such useless traditions. Like a fish wit daring we shall have to come up from the water. Spirituality is meant for the valiant and not cowards. For it one has to be imbued with vital force. Cowards and miserly people cannot be called spiritual. Spiritualists are daring and fighters. They do not beg to demigods. Via Pranayam we are pulling in daring and bravery. We create consciousness in vital force. While inhaling air or Purak divine sentiments are imbibed in the vital force. While exhaling or Rechak we must have the attitude that our inner weakness lowliness taints are going out of the body. Similarly after inhaling we shut the nose or Kumbhak and we wish that great wishes stay within us and taints do not enter us. If we do Pranyam with such sacred sentiments only then benefits shall accrue. After saying this Revered Gurudeva asked: Now you must have understood the theory of Pranayam. We said: Yes Gurudeva! We understood the sentiment of these actions. Now please explain to us what is Nyasa.

THE UTILITY OF NYASA: Gurudeva said: While doing Nyasa harbor the sentiment that these sense organs are storehouses of energy and bliss. We are resolving to use it aptly. We are establishing divinity. We are doing actions to render it mobile. Weapons too have to be rendered powerful. It is to be sharpened and along with this we must know how to use weapons aptly. Now hear which organs undergo Nyasa.

FACE: It has 2 functions. One is to eat food meaning the power to taste. Use the tongue properly. Upanishad says eat sacred Sattvik food. Your become takes up the form it eats food. By keeping the tongue in control we can remain healthy. We must not eat food earned via tainted actions. The 2nd function of the face is to talk. Via it we must not abuse anyone. We must not mislead people. If you make apt speech your speech shall become highly influencing like that of Gandhi and Vivekananda. NOSE: After this we do Nyasa of the nose. A dog catches hold of a criminal via his power to smell. Many creatures find food after identifying smell. This is the great use of this power. We via the power of the nose let is get inspired to search for the apt and find only proper things. Without reason regarding stupid talk for false ego the nose shall get chopped or bob up and down and this we must renounce. EYES: We are doing Nyasa of the eyes. At this time sentiments should be harbored that with these eyes we shall see divine only by looking upon the entire earth and world as Almighty God. We shall the sentiment of 'Siyaramama mayi sab jag jani. Today everyone is seeing only negative with the eyes. These see with envy and hatred. While doing Nyasa of the eyes we must pray that O Almighty God! Please give us divine eyes so that we can see your divine form. We pray that we see you in everyone. EARS: We are doing Nyasa of the ears too. At such times let us harbor the sentiments of 'Bhadram karnebhi shrunyama'. We must hear only great thoughts of well being. O Almighty God! Let our ears hear speech that is for our well being spiritual and meant for world welfare. Please give us such inspiration. Do Nyasa of the ears with such sacred sentiments. ARMS: We awaken such sentiments via Nyasa of the arms that our hands become strong and get immersed in great activities. Sentiments should be that do not become a beggar and do not ask for things do not ask for gifts and make lots of efforts. Man's glory lies in giving awaken sentiments of giving and give with both hands. It is not difficult to fill a small tummy with 2 hands. Become a hard worker make efforts and do not become lethargic. THIGHS:

Nyasa of thighs is done to fill the heart with sentiments of ceaseless mobility. Imbibe the emotions of 'Charaiveti charaiveti'. Get up awaken and do not stop till you do not reach the goal. Keep in front of you these lines: Uttishtha jagrat prapya varrannibodhat. It was the greatness of this power via which Swami Vivekananda by becoming the lighthouse of Indian Culture enlightened the entire world. Attain the power of celibacy or Brahmacharya; Gandhiji had this very power whose brilliance was seen in his eyes. He executed extraordinary tasks. Revered Gurudeva said: Have you now understood the spiritual philosophy of Nyasa function? Yes Gurudeva! Now we shall try to practice it in day to day life.

THE AIM OF PRITHVIPUJAN (worshiping the earth): The talk of that day ended there yet there were many other doubts in the mind. Hence when we got the opportunity again we asked Revered Gurudeva: What is the meaning behind worshiping earth? Is it that earth gives food only to those that worship it? Revered Gurudeva said: Son! This too is a subject of sentiments. Our body is made of earth element. Hence we are manifesting our gratefulness to mother earth. We have eaten earth of mother earth we have taken its water we are indebted to her hence we bow down to her. While bowing down such sentiments should be manifested. You are the mother of all of us. Mother! Hindus Muslims Sikhs Christians Parsis all of us have taken birth from your womb. We all are brothers. We shall live cooperatively. We shall not kill any creature. Mother they too are your children. In us too there is a heart of a true human. While worshiping earth we must think that we are ripening 3 sentiments viz. unity awakening and gratefulness. This world is our family. Region caste class instead of being separate is one. Our mother is only one and all of us are friends. We shall not forget our responsibility towards society and the country. From mother earth we do not merely get food and water. The substratum of trees leaves environment air is earth. Water land fire space is dependent on the healthy environment of earth. We have to protect all these. We must take less and give more to earth. Only then you shall succeed in true worship of earth. Earth is worshiped with such great sentiments. While ending this topic Revered Gurudeva said that these 6 actions are done for soul purification. Via these rituals unripe iron is made ripe. Via such sacred sentiments even

we become true spiritualists. You shall definitely benefit via maturing such sentiments. Son! Now you must have realized via these 6 rituals are done? Yes Gurudeva! Regarding this our illusion has gone. Now questions regarding worship of demigods arise. Please do explain them. Gurudeva said it is now time for meditation. Tomorrow morning we shall further discuss it. We started doing other activities while reflecting upon what Gurudeva had said regarding the Shatkarmas or 6 rituals.

THE DEEP IMPORT OF DEVPUJAN: Is it that Almighty God is pleased only with those that worship demigods and do Devpujan? While answering this question Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharmaji said: Son! Almighty God is not outside he is within us demigods demons reside in this body. Every moment demigod demons are waging a battle. When divine sentiments become powerful they inspire us towards great sacred activities. And when demonic sentiments take over they lead us towards tainted sinful acts. Via worship of demigods we harbor sentiments of creating divine sentiments within. We are invoking divine energies of demigods. We must imbibe such sentiments that these divine powers are entering within us (Avahyami) and is becoming firm by embedding its roots (Sthapayami). And we by meditating on it (Dhyayami) we are firming up divine sentiments within us. Every demigod along with all its characteristics by incarnating within us is guiding us. Not only are they present in the image placed by us in our worship room but that in subtle form they are present both within and without us everywhere and are destroying demonic powers. Almighty God is one only. By sitting close to Almighty God our divinity too evolves. It is like iron touching the touch stone so as to get converted to gold. Almighty God must incarnate within us. Worship should be done with true mind faith and sacred sentiments. One must enter worship deeply. Just as on the ground you get stones and pebbles only but on digging the ground in depth you get valuable minerals ores gold silver petrol etc similarly on entering the deep inner mind you get divine powers called Vibhootis. Rishis have named soul purification as the first rite or Karmakand because wherever taints reside there Almighty God's grace does not pour down. A

dirty child is not taken on the lap by its mother too. First she will clean the child and only then take it on her lap. In order to sit in Almighty God's lap we too must develop worthiness. All rituals spiritual practices and worship are carried out for the cleansing of the consciousness of the psyche. We cannot please Almighty God merely by offering rice vermillion etc. Behind Karmakand or worship rites rest high stature thinking. True worship can only be done when we remember in our psyche only the importance of having Darshan or vision of Almighty God. Spirituality is the play of sacred sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. We by mastering the mind ego intellect and psyche must sanctify our behavior or conduct. Milk will not become tainted if its vessel is cleaned thoroughly so too if you pour milk in a clean vessel that has holes how will milk remain safe in it? If you get liberated from addictions and bad habits the holes of downfall and defeat shall become closed and not only shall you attain soul energy but you vital force or Prana shall get collected in a big way. By invoking demigods we imbibe them within. Demigods instead of being individuals are energies that are within our body. Clay images are only models. The sun is one and gives light to all. They could be Hindus Muslims or of any other community there is no disparity there. Via demigod worship we are meditating on these demigods. We are invoking their divine energies. From the head of Lord Shankar emerges River Ganga. It means even from our head must come forth pure sacred clean thoughts. This is the symbol of wisdom Ganga that illumines the path of well being of entire human race. Our thoughts too should be such. On the head of Lord Shiva is established moon. Since moon is round how can it dwell on the head? It must be tied but no! It is a symbol of coolness peace and goodness. We must not run away even if the direst situation in life stares at us. We must face problems with Viveka or farsighted discrimination and peace. We must not allow anger and lack of Viveka or farsighted discrimination to appear. Even true devotees of Almighty God must not lose their mental equanimity. Poisonous snakes coil around the neck of Lord Shankar which is his skill that after controlling beings full of tainted activities makes them do intended tasks. After reforming our influence and potential we must render them conducive to us. It is akin to Lord Buddha and Naradji rendering the lives of Angulimal and Ratnakar dacoit transformed so as to make them great. Lord Shankar applies ash on his body. This ash ceaselessly forces us to remember death. Any moment this body can be rendered into fistful ash. By ceaselessly remembering the transitory nature of this body, always focus on your goal. King Parikshit remembered death hence in 7 days he attained salvation. All of us too have to live only for 7 days. There are 7 days in a week and we shall go away on anyone of these days. The goal should be that this life of us is immersed on world well being tasks. In Lord Shankar's marriage procession there were many types of people like lame handicapped blind etc

we must walk ahead in life taking along with us weak backward people of society. We must not ignore anyone. Japan's saint Kagawa having become famous in the name of Gandhi served others by living in the midst of lepers. Lord Ram had kept monkeys bears with him. Lord Krishna by always keeping cowboys with him showed that never ignore the backward class of society. Give even them worthy honor and respect. Lord Shankar has 3 eyes. Visibly we have only 2 eyes. The 3rd eye is that of divine wisdom and Viveka or farsighted discrimination. There is a need for us to open it. Our Viveka or farsighted discrimination must awaken. By worshiping Lord Shankar we must advance all these qualities. We worship Devi or goddess. She is a symbol of cooperation and organization/congregation. There was a time when demonic nature overshadowed divinity and demigods had to taste defeat. So demigods went to Brahmaji the creator. Brahmaji asked: Why were you defeated? Demigods had no answer. Demigods were unorganized which was the root cause of their defeat. Hence Brahmaji said: You shall have to congregate only then shall you gain victory. Demigods listening to Brahmaji gave up their individual egos and organized themselves. Devi or goddess manifested due to their congregated power. In a united manner the 7 Rishis had spread in the entire world the light of this divine culture. When 3 rivers united Trivenisangam manifested and Prayagraj got created. Today everywhere there is lack of organization. Their egos clash in living together. Due to the attitude of living separately weakness has entered society. When the scattered power of demigods gathered together a terrific energy emerged which is called Durga by us. Many hands many weapons everyone got controlled by one single power. This Durga help each one get liberated from demons like Shumb Nishumbh, Madhu Kaitab. Due to the sentiment of individualism today man id being defeated in all realms. If we do goddess worship with the sentiment of unity divine power shall awaken in us heavenly attitude of cooperation shall take over earth. Mother Gayatri too must be understood. Mother Gayatri does not get pleased merely by eternal beauty or decoration or worship. She gets pleased when our intellect oozes with Viveka or farsighted discrimination like the royal swan. Mother Gayatri is seated on a flower. Although she is seated on a lotus that grows in muck yet she rises above dirt and remains taintless. There is dirt in this world which was there before and shall remain so later too. It is impossible to root it out totally. Yet we can at least see to it that we do not allow this dirt to enter us. We must live like a boat in water. The boat dwells in water but water does not enter the boat. If there is a hole in the boat water enters it and the boat gets submerged in water. True spirituality is great behavior and doing great duties. It is true worship of Mother Gayatri. Her grace flows only on those that wish to live such a glorious life. In one hand of Mother Gayatri is a water pot and in the other hand are Vedas. Water pot

symbolizes simplicity. The water in it symbolizes faith. It is a symbol of gentlemanliness and magnanimity. Vedas are the root of knowledge of the entire world. Let us become devotees of knowledge. We must not be lethargic towards scriptural studies. People devoid of knowledge and science are called beasts devoid of horns and tails in scriptures. Even after attaining knowledge do not take pride in it. Live with simplicity. With faith let us make wholesome use of this knowledge for world welfare.

WHY ARE IMAGES WORSHIPED? Gurudeva further said: Image worship is the first step. Via this medium we are focusing our sacred sentiments. It is like a child being taught A for apple and B for ball. Similarly via image worship the primary education of spirituality is given. We honor our national flag. It is a symbol of patriotism and pride. Aryasamaj followers do not worship images but if anyone insults Swami Dayanand's photo or idol none shall tolerate it. This is a subject of sentiments and respect. Image worship is an initial step. On its basis the road of attaining Almighty God opens up. Son! Now you must have understood what sentiments are hidden behind demigod and image worship. Yes Gurudeva! We have understood this but what takes place via offering 4 spoons water sandalwood vermilion flowers and sweets in worship? Why do we light a flame lamp? Please do tell us what benefit accrues via this. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ SELF SURRENDER VIA WATER: Revered Gurudeva said: Son! In 4 spoons of water dwell 4 energies in the form of body mind wealth and sacred sentiments. We offer them at the feet of Almighty God. We must use our time effort wealth etc for Almighty God. There was a poor farmer called Hajari. He did not have wealth but had hard work. He thought of doing good deeds for social welfare. With steadfastness he created 1000 gardens of mangos. Even today in Bihar in the name of this farmer there is a place called Hajaribag. In Mathura there was a widow who did a job of making flour. She eked out a living from this. She saved a portion of her earnings. She wished to use it for welfare of others. She dug a well. The water of the well was very sweet. At that time in Mathura-Vrindavan there was only one well of sweet water. Even today it is called the well of Pisanhari. Everyone lives for greed and attachment hence at least live a bit for Almighty

God. If we do not think of others' well being know that we are worse than beasts. An animal is used even after it dies. But man is of no use after he dies. Water is a symbol of coolness well being and sacred sensitivity. A poacher aimed an arrow at a Kraunch bird. On seeing the bird's wife cry in agony compassion emerged in the bosom of Valmiki. From this compassion came forth the epic Ramayan. Our heart should melt on seeing others' sorrow. All these qualities must mature within us and we must be able to serve society with our body mind wealth and sacred sentiments. As its symbol we offer 4 spoons of water.

SANDALWOOD: Offering sandalwood in worship means we must render our life akin to sandalwood. All trees that come in contact with sandalwood tree become fragrant like it. Our life must be fragrant. It should not become fragrant merely by perfume fragrant oils etc but that the flag of our glory must fly due to the fame of our activities and great thinking. Whatever brilliant talent we have must be useful for society. Think of living life not for selfish ends but for welfare of others the world over. Bhagirath had performed intense austerities for the manifestation of River Ganga on earth. In it there were sentiments of world well being only as a result of which River Ganga felt glorified in calling herself Bhagirathi. Devotion to Almighty God must be like that of Shabari. True devotees are not those that merely sing hymns. True spiritual practices mean to serve others. At pre dawn Shabari would sweep the road that led to the river where Rishis would bathe so that thorns would not hurt the feet of these Rishis. Her devotion was selfless. Hence Lord Ram one day went to her hut and ate berries tasted by her. Sandalwood tells us to serve others. There is a saying regarding sandalwood: Hundred years standing and hundred years lying down. It means sandalwood tree stands for 100 years spreading its fragrance everywhere and even after getting cut it gives fragrance for 100 years. Let us too live like this for 100 years. "Jivema sharadaha shatam" Let us spread the fragrance of our glorious actions in society and even after 100 years this fragrance must spread the world over. Sandalwood says learn to surrender your all in service to others. Almighty God first asks for our self surrender then he gives us something. He asked Sudama for a small bag of rice. King Bali was seated on a throne and Almighty God was standing below to beg for alms. To ask something from Almighty God is not devotion but is barter. Devotion means giving and self surrender. We must be as charitable in disposition as Karna.

FLOWER: In Almighty Gods worship there is the injunction of 'pushpam samarpayami'. Akin to a flower our life must be blooming and smiling and offer this prosperous life in tasks of Almighty God. Flowers told the gardener that we wish to be offered at the feet of Almighty God. The gardener said: First you shall have to get your neck chopped off which means if you wish to reach Almighty God's feet you shall have to live a life full of hardships and do austerities with increased power of endurance. The flowers said: We wish to become a garland around Almighty God's neck. The gardener said: It is not enough just to get your neck chopped. With a needle a hole in your stomach shall be made only then you can become a garland around Almighty God's neck. It means only a life of hardships is not enough. Addictions within us shall have to be removed. The dirt in us shall have to be removed by using a pointed sharp needle. Liberate yourself from addictions like cigarette alcohol flesh gambling cinema etc. Then all of you must live a life of mutual cooperation only then in the form of a garland you can adorn the neck of gods. Akin to flowers by becoming one live a life of self surrender and for world welfare scatter your all everywhere and attract all with your pious fragrance.

FLAME LAMP: We light a lamp in worship rites. A lamp can give light only when there is a vessel clarified butter and wick. There should be credibility steadfast faith and self surrender. If the vessel is broken how can butter remain in it and how can light spread? In the same way we must develop in us the capability of serving Almighty God like the flame lamp. After clearing all dirt both within and without, akin to the flame lamp, we must surrender our all for service to the world. We must ooze with love and sense of service. Steadfastness too is required for great actions and social service. Those that stray are shown the correct path by the flame possessing these 3 symbols. Only then we shall become capable of giving the light of wisdom to the public. Along with such sacred sentiments in the form of the flame lamp we offer ourselves to Almighty God and pray that when tested for capability we pass with flying colors.


Offering rice grains means we must not only ourselves use food and wealth got from our earnings but that we must share it with society. Our duty too lies towards family society and nation. It must be fulfilled. In the Bhagwad Geeta it is said: He that eats alone devours sin. Man is indebted to society. By staying in society learns using means of society and its help. Let us take the example of a child called Ramu. He was sleeping in a farm field. His mother was busy in a task. A tiger came from the jungle in this field and took away the child. After a few years a hunter saw this child amongst a group of tigers. On shouting the tigers ran away. The child despite being 10 years old was walking like a tiger. He would shout like a tiger. The hunter took the child away. He was placed in a Lucknow hospital. He was named Ramu. Despite being kept for 3 years there Ramu could not talk like humans. One day Ramu died. This was the result of staying away from human society. We have got innumerable benefits from society. Society has given us strength brains wealth etc hence it is our duty that a portion of our income be offered to society. Hear what benefits accrue on doing this. Once there was a big famine. One Brahmin familywas reeling in hunger for 7 days. Without food there was wailing everywhere. Brahmins procured food by begging. During good times it was quite easy to get food but due to famine since people themselves hardly had any food how could they give alms? After 7 days on making due efforts this Brahmin family got enough flour just to make 4 breads. From this flour 4 breads were made for the 4 family members. This was placed in a plate. Before eating it the Brahmin wondered whether there was someone in more need for this food. If yes then such a needy person deserved to get it. Let us first find out and then eat food. The moment he took his share of bread outside his house he saw a low caste person lying under the tree nearby. Since this person had not eaten food for many days he was nearing death. On seeing the Brahmin approaching him the low caste said that if I get food my life can be saved. If anyone saves my life it shall be a great deed. The Brahmin gave away his share of bread to the low caste person. But it did not satiate his hunger. Hence the Brahmin's wife gave away her share of bread. But since his hunger intensified a lot the son and daughter too gave away their share of bread to the low caste person. This family hungry for 7 days voluntarily gave away their bread got with a lot of difficulty to this person. Now his hunger was satiated. He got up to gargle. The water of this gargling fell down on the floor. A squirrel came and rolled in this water. That part of the bodily skin of the squirrel that got wet turned into gold. When this squirrel heard that King Yudhishthira was doing a Yajna he thought that in this Yajna the remaining portion of his body too shall become gold. But he experienced despair there. In this manner the food donation of the Brahmin proved to be bigger than a Rajasuya Yajna. Even the ordinary task of generous minded people is believed to be extraordinarily meritorious.

Revered Gurudeva told us another similar incident. Saint Eknath along with devotees was going to Rameshwaram to offer River Ganga water there. On the way a donkey was in agony due to thirst. All devotees ignored the donkey and went ahead but Saint Eknath believed that Almighty God dwells everywhere (Ishavasyam idam sarvam yatkinchit jagatyam jagat). He gave one water pot to the donkey to satiate its thirst. The donkey got up and asked: Where are you taking this water? Eknath said: This water was to be offered to Lord Rameshwaram. The donkey said: I am Lord Rameshwaram. And he immediately disappeared from there. In his place Lord Rameshwaram manifested and he said: You are my true devotee. Gurudeva explained that you attain Almighty God in people experiencing sorrow and anguish. If you harbor kindness compassion sensitivity sense of service and goodwill towards all understand that there itself Almighty God shall incarnate. We must make efforts and imbibe sentiments that via the worship rites of demigods this divinity manifests within us. Our actions too should be like this. When we offer sweet food to Almighty God it means that our inner personality becomes sweet. Our speech must be sweet. It is our harsh attitude that renders a friend foe. Let us make our behavior conducive to Almighty God. By becoming soft let us win over the hearts of others. We can become dear to our family home friend only if we manifest sweetness in our speech social transactions inner personality and activities. Son all this philosophy is embedded in worship and godly rituals. By imbibing it in daily living we can become like Almighty God. This is the deep import of Karmakand or rituals.

GAYATRI WORSHIP AND MEDITATION We again asked a question: O Revered Gurudeva! Can we attain the power of wealth body and intellect via Gayatri meditation and worship? He replied: Son! Not only you but every person of this world is running to attain these 3 powers. But more powerful than these 3 is another super energy. It is

spiritual power that we get from Super Mantra Gayatri. Via this energy you can also get the above 3 powers. Bodily power is most required. It is via it that you can work hard do exercises walk run. The other powerful energy is that of the intellect. Doctors, lawyers use their brain to earn money and via wealth power you can buy cars make a building and get material means. More important than these 3 powers is spiritual energy and without attaining it power of body brain and wealth is futile. Today people have forgotten this 4th power of spiritual energy. Duryodhan lacked spiritual energy. Say what did he not possess? He owned kingdom wealth gigantic army intellect wiliness but he lacked spiritual power. Hence he invited a total downfall. When demon Ravan was about to die he pondered that he possessed power of wealth public body and in comparison look at Ram Lakshman residing in the forest. They possess nothing. Then how did they gain victory? In order to find an answer he asked this question to Ram. Lord Ram said: Although you had 3 powers you lacked the 4th one of spiritual energy. Ravan again asked: From where did this 4th power of spiritual energy come? Lord Ram said: This energy comes from Gayatri worship and meditation. Our Guru Vashishtha at the time of Yajnopaveet or sacred thread ceremony had guided us regarding the spiritual practice of this Mantra and how to imbibe in daily life principles of high stature ideals. Rishi Vishwamitra taught us Gayatri-Savitri Super Science. Revered Sir explained that by imbibing in life the root principles of Super Mantra Gayatri everything can be got. By giving up bad qualities via sacred thinking carry out pious deeds. We must imbibe their ideals and disciplines. Only then Super Mantra Gayatri by becoming energized shall give results. Gurudeva further said you all know that in comparison to temples of Lord Ram those of Hanumanji are much more. All this is the result of spirituality. Almighty God renders his devotees greater than himself. Hanumanji initially was a servant of Sugriva. Due to fear of Vali Sugriva hid in the Rishyamuk Mountain. That Hanuman on meeting Lord Ram became capable of executing almost impossible tasks like crossing the ocean uprooting a mountain and bringing Sanjivani. When an ordinary monkey by conjoining to spirituality can become so greatly powerful then what can a human not do? Revered Sir knew my dogged nature. We said: Gurudeva! The example of Hanumanji is quite old. It could be that there is overstatement in it. Please give us a latest example. Revered Sir said: Son! You must have definitely seen Mahatma Gandhi. Yes Sir! We have seen him. He was skinny with a height of 5 feet 2 inches and a person living with simplicity.

Gurudeva further said: Look son! Gandhiji was a lawyer. When in a court of Africa he was fighting a case he could not answer the arguments put forth by the lawyer of the opposite side and his hands and legs trembled. His tongue too shivered. Finally after coming out of the court Gandhiji had to return the fees to his client. When such a weak Gandhiji conjoined to spirituality he imbibed so much energy that one call of his induced thousands of people to join the army of political freedom so as to sacrifice their all for their country's sake. That British government which never saw a sunset had to one day quit India. When we get spiritual energy all other 3 powers are attained automatically. If man understands spirituality he becomes prosperous. Due to it not only does he attain body intellect and wealth power but both his world reform. After this Revered Gurudeva gave the example of Swami Vivekananda. A graduate youth called Narendra went to Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans to ask for a job. Paramhans said: Go and Mother Kali for it. He went to Mother Kali's temple. In his heart had entered the light of spirituality due to the grace of Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans. Hence in his heart echoed sounds of problems of joblessness. Why ask for such a small thing from this world mother? I must ask only for world welfare. His voice choked with sacred sentiments in front of this world mother. O Mother! Please give me wisdom devotion Viveka or farsighted discrimination. His heart that had problems of joblessness now was filled with worry for entire world well being. Narendra was worried about his sister's marriage. He had a mother for whose upkeep he required a job. Instead of asking anything for himself he asked the world mother for well being of all. That Narendra on conjoining with spiritual power became Swami Vivekananda. Gurudeva further said that you had come with us to Tatanagar. There when we went to see Tata's factory the General Manager in front of you had said that this factory is a gift of Swami Vivekananda. Jamshedji Tata wrote in his diary that he had met Swamiji in a hotel in a foreign country. There he had asked Swamiji whether he could tell him about a place in India wherein coal water and iron is available at one spot. Swamiji closed his eyes for a few moments and then showed the land of Singhbhumi on the map of India. Jamshedji Tata came to India and set up his work in this very area. Today at this very spot due to the brilliance of Swami Vivekananda's spiritual energy a gigantic industrial town has been set up and this Tata township is famous the world over. Jamshedji always gave credit for his successful venture to Swami Vivekananda. This is the miracle of spiritual power. Even today the diary of Jamshedji is exhibited there in an important manner and anyone can read it. It was Jamshedji who constructed Belur Math from where even today the activities of Ramkrishna Mission are executed.

This is true spirituality. Just as there is difference between true and false gold similarly there is a difference between true and false spirituality. Spirituality means carrying out world well being tasks and living a pious life. Revered Gurudeva made us remember that we had gone to Gujarat with them. There we had Darshan of Jalarambapa's image. He had lived a true life of spirituality. He was an ordinary farmer. He had vowed that none should go away hungry from his door. Whatever crop he harvested was used for philanthropy. This vow of his helped him reach Almighty God. One day an aged ascetic took shelter in his house. He said: I want to do Chardham pilgrimage. Please take me with you. Jalarambapa said: I shall look after my farm. My wife shall take you on a pilgrimage. His wife agreed to serve the ascetic and take him on a pilgrimage. On the way at one place the ascetic after handing over his bag went away saying he wanted to pass urine. She waited for him to come back. When even till evening the ascetic did not return Jalarambapa's wife returned home with the bag given by him. This bag is there even today. Even today in the Jalaram Temple of Virpur everyone is fed food with no charges. This is the miracle of spirituality. By listening to all these examples your illusion must have been warded off. If even now you are not satisfied look at my life. I continuously work for world well being for 18 hours. I have never fallen ill or become weak. If someone calls me aged I feel it is an insult to me. At this age too I am young. None can be called old just because the hair turns white. The hair of lamb is white since birth itself. Using the light of a lantern I have written books on the 4 Vedas 18 Puranas and 108 Upanishads. Via the Akhand Jyoti magazine I have conjoined science to spirituality. Scientists look upon science and spirituality as foes akin to cats and dogs. By conjoining each other akin to friends like 1 and 1 i.e. 11 have rendered them powerful. From where did wealth of millions of cash come in the form of my birth place Anvalkheda Gayatri Tapobhumi Shantikunj 24000 Shaktipithas and organization of thousands of members? This is but the miracle of my social life ideals and principles. But the true income of spirituality has been shut by me in the vault. All that you shall see when I shed my mortal coil. Whatever Revered Gurudeva had said is being seen by us visibly today. The amplification of All World Gayatri Family and success of gigantic programs like Ashwamedh Mahayajna are but the result of his subtle existence and power of penance. So many people came to him due to sorrow illnesses problems and mental agony and everyone got blessings from Revered Gurudeva. There are so many members whose life was saved by him. He brought them back from the jaws of death. Today all this is a topic of deep research.

Via spirituality anything and everything can be attained. Such talk and examples of Revered Gurudeva gave us full satisfaction. This spirituality was taught to him by all. By understanding its true nature innumerable spiritual seekers were shown the path.

THE METHOD OF SUPER POWER GAYATRI PRACTICES: We placed our doubt in front of Revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya. For 24 years you carried out 24 Mahapurashcharanas of Super Mantra Gayatri hence you benefitted yet there are many that executed many Mahapurashcharanas but did not accrue benefits. Please do tell us why this happened. Before warding off our doubt Revered Gurudeva narrated an incident. In Rajasthan once there was a fun fair. In it a person was shouting aloud selling one bedstead in 1 dollar. We thought if in 1 dollar only we are getting this bedstead we must buy it. In the afternoon over here we shall rest on it. When we were going to buy it this person was saying: There are no 2 right, no 2 left and in the middle there isn't any support and 3 legs are not there. Please buy the bedstead. He was standing there with the bed with 1 leg. Everyone was laughing at this joke of his. Even you must be finding this incident funny. But in this lies the answer to your doubt. Akin to the bed with 1 leg doing Japa or Mantra chanting and accruing benefits is desired by all. Even for writing 3 things are required. They are paper pen and ink. In order to grow crops 3 things are required viz. fertilizers water and seeds. For our life too we require food water and air. Only Japa or Mantra chanting will not be enough. Ram's name is not enough. Along with chanting of the holy name one must execute Almighty God's work. Akin to Hanumanji the attitude of 'Ram kaj karibe bina mohi kahan vishram' has to be awakened. Bilwamangal transformed his life and became Surdas. It does not matter whether Valmiki did Japa or Mantra chanting in a straight or lopsided manner but the chanting changed the course of his life and hence he became a great Rishi. While explaining the importance of Super Mantra Gayatri Revered Gurudeva said that Goswami Tulsidasji has written about the importance of Triveni bathing: Majjanfal dekhiye tatkala Kak hoyi pik bakau marala

The meaning of this verse is that by bathing in the Triveni a crow becomes a cuckoo and a crane becomes a royal swan. But can this actually happen? Can the eternal shape change thus? By bathing in this Triveni the mental state of man can transform. This Triveni is Upasana Sadhana and Aradhana. There should be Upasana Sadhana and Aradhana while doing Gayatri Japa or Mantra chanting only then it shows its miracle. UPASANA: Upasana means to sit close by. 'Up + Asan'. It is like wood on seating near fir becomes fire. By sitting close to Almighty God our qualities action and nature have to become akin to him. We have to walk based on Almighty God's discipline. We have to self surrender. Just as a puppet dances to the tune of the puppeteer so to we have to surrender to Almighty God. When a wife surrenders to her husband she becomes his better half. She becomes the boss of the house. She gets a right over the inheritance. This is the result of self surrender. Today people want Almighty God to dance to their tune. Actually it is we who should dance to his tune. When a drop of water surrenders to the ocean it becomes the ocean. This is the wondrous relationship between Almighty God and the devotee. When dirty water of a gutter merges into River Ganga it becomes pure like it. True surrender transforms a devotee into Almighty God. He becomes bigger than Almighty God. Via a very concrete example Revered Gurudeva explained as to how a devotee becomes bigger than Almighty God. One day Naradji came to earth. On the way he rested in the hut of a farmer. The farmer served Naradji. When in the morning Naradji was leaving the farmer said: Where are you going? He replied: I am going to Lord Vishnu. The farmer humbly told him that we do not have children. Please pray for us to Lord Vishnu. Naradji went straight to Lord Vishnu and first told him about this farmer. He requested the Lord to bless the farmer with a child. Lord Vishnu said: Not only in this birth but in the next 7 births the farmer's fate is such that he cannot beget a child. A few days later an ascetic came to the farmer's house. The ascetic said that if he is fed with 1 piece of bread he can give a child. The farmer said: Sir! Do come to me home. I shall feed you not one but as many pieces of bread as you want. The ascetic said I want to eat only 2 pieces of bread. This ascetic after eating the bread blessed the family and left. As time went by 2 children were born to the farmer. After 7 years Naradji again entered the farmer's village. There he saw 2 children playing in the farmer's house. Naradji asked: Whose children are these? The farmer very politely said: Munivar these are our children. Naradji wondered that when Lord Vishnu said that for 7 births this farmer cannot sire a child, then how did all this

happen? He immediately went to Vishnuloka. Naradji never faces obstacles for meeting Lord Vishnu. He immediately entered Lord Vishnus room and in a bit of anger said: Lord! You lied to me. You had said that in the destiny of this farmer there is no child for 7 births then why did you give him 2 children? The Lord smilingly calmed Naradji and said that this answer I shall give in the morning. In the morning the Lord took Naradji with him in the jungle for a stroll. Naradji saw a sage coming out of his hut. Around the hut there were many trees of luscious fruits but Naradji was astonished to see that the sage was eating dry leaves. On being asked the sage said that the fruits are for males, females and children. Lord said why don't you eat green fresh leaves? The sage said that I have kept green leaves for cows goats and so on. I appease my hunger with these dry leaves. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ On seeing all these Naradji looked at Lord Vishnu amazingly. After some time the sage took a sword from his hut and started brandishing it in air. When the Lord asked him why he was doing this the sage said: If I find Naradji I shall chop him into 2 pieces. Why brother, how has Naradji hurt you? When the Lord asked him the sage said that Naradji always lies. On hearing this Naradji hinted to Lord Vishnu that let us go away. On the way Lord Vishnu told Naradji that this is that sage due to whose blessings the farmer sired 2 children. Every pore of his being is immersed in world well being tasks. He does not worry about what he eats. Did you not feel this sage to be greater than me? Tell me should his blessings bear fruits or my laws? His worship is of high stature. Hence he is not equal to me but is greater than me. Almighty God is indebted to only those devotees that not only sing his holy name but also carry out world welfare tasks. One gets fruits in accordance with the type of actions executed. When a devotee self surrenders to Almighty God he is made great by him. Almighty God renders his speech great. Even Almighty God respects one that carries out true meditation and worship. He goes to Shabari's house to eat berries tasted by her. He drinks the washings of the feet of Sudama. He eats cooked vegetable leaves at Vidur's place. He goes to King Bali's palace to beg alms. The same holds true for Super Mantra Gayatri. The more there is faith in Mantra it bears bigger fruits. It is because of faith that Almighty God Girihar danced with Saint Mira. Almighty God had manifested from a stone.

Eklavya faithfully worshiped the clay image of Guru Dronacharya and thus mastered archery. It is because of faith that Goddess Kali would come and eat food offered by Ramkrishna Paramhans. Some complained to Rani Rasmani that the priest himself devoured food meant to be offered to the Goddess. Hence Rasmani went to see all this by hiding herself. After offering the food Ramkrishna invited Goddess Kali but she did not manifest. Hence he said: The Mother is not eating because her child has not eaten hence how can she eat? After saying this when Ramkrishna ate a bit of the food immediately Goddess Kali appeared and started eating the food. Without faith and devotion all rituals done are meaningless. Again Revered Gurudeva gave an example. There was a disciple who instead of medicines gave water to people to cure their diseases. When his fame reached everywhere his Guru went to meet him. The Guru asked: Say which Mantra do you have wherein after giving water of the Mantra chanting everything becomes alright. The disciple said: Revered Gurudeva! I do not have any such Mantra. All this is but the miracle of your hallowed feet. I give everyone that water which is used to wash your hallowed feet on Gurupurnima day. This is but the miracle of the washings of your lotus feet. The Guru thought that if this is the miracle of the washings of my feet then I too shall give it to people. The Guru went home and announced that whoever wants to cure their illness can come and take the medicine from me. People started coming. The disciple used to give only 1 spoon of water but the Guru started giving 1 glass of it. But none benefitted from it. He went to his disciple and asked for the cause. The disciple said: Gurudeva! The water that we give is full of faith and sacred sentiments. But you merely have rituals. I have nothing to call my own. We have emptied our self totally. Now whatever remains is yours. While telling us about this incident Revered Gurudeva said: Son! Faith gives results when it is conjoined to self surrender. Along with worship-meditation austerities too is important. We meditate on Almighty God but austerities have to be performed on our self.

SADHANA OR AUSTERITIES: While explaining the deep import of austerities Revered Gurudeva said that for austerities we can go ahead with the steps of soul reflection soul purification soul cleaning and soul advancement. If worship is River Ganga austerities are River Yamuna. Son! You must have seen that a monkey by dancing about becomes a means for income of its owner's family. This miracle is of austerities. The monkey keeps jumping about from here to there. But if this monkey is trained he becomes very useful for the circus. Thousands of dollars can be earned via it. In the same way when a bear cat

dog elephant etc are disciplined they work as per our direction. A lion is death for us but the same lion as per the direction of a ring master works like a puppet. He gives a performance and abides by commands given. Austerities means rendering the unruly disciplined. It means rendering bad psychic imprints into good ones. Uneven iron is molded only then it becomes a machine. It carries out impossible tasks. Penance means warding off taints and faults. With the aim of begetting children King Dashrath went to Guru Vashishtha and prayed to him to perform a Putreshti Yajna. In order to perform this Yajna Vashishtha asked him to call Shringi Rishi the son of Lomash Rishi. King Dashrath was very surprised as to why Vasishtha was called a child to do the Yajna. In order to ward off the doubt he asked this uestion. The answer given was that this child possessed limitless power of self control and austerities. You know that by asking Shringi Rishi to perform the Putreshti Yajna 4 brilliant sons were born called Ram Lakshman Bharat and Shatrughna. Gurudeva while giving his own example said: For 24 years I myself by eating only buttermilk of cow milk and barley bread completed 24 Mahapurashcharanas of 2.4 millions. It is this penance that gave me untold energy. I gave a new life to so many people and so many people come crying but go away smilingly. I do not let anyone go empty handed. This is but the miracle of austerities. Maturity of penance gives Ridhi-Sidhis or Super Divine Powers.

ARADHANA OR DEVOTION: Revered Sir further said: The 3rd stream is devotion. It is Saraswati. Due to the union of Rivers Ganga Yamuna and Saraswati Triveni or 3 fold confluence is formed. Similarly it is required that worship austerities and devotion unite. Only then life succeeds. Devotion is social service. Lord Krishna while showing Mother Yashoda his cosmic form in the entire cosmos showed that this entire world is my form. Lord Ram had shown his cosmic form to Mother Kaushalya and Kakbhushundi saying he was present in every pore of the cosmos. True worship and devotion of Almighty God is embedded in service to world society. Lord Ram too had served society. By destroying demons he liberated earth from vile people. He killed demons like Kumbhkarna. In order to render citizens happy he created a new society. Lord Rama on seeing a mountain of bones of dead Rishi Munis vowed to liberate earth from demonic powers. As a result Ram's rule was established. We are all aspiring for such a rule today. Lord Buddha Gandhi Vivekananda had served society a lot. Lord Buddha by congregating ascetics Gandhi by congregating an army of freedom fighters Lord Rama by congregating bears

and monkeys and Krishna by congregating cowherd boys had served society. Lord Buddha had said that we are not liberated as long as even one creature on this earth is not liberated. Serving the public and a sense of world well being is true service to society. Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar eked out an income of Rs 450 per month. He would use only Rs 50 for himself and the remaining was used for social welfare. This is true devotion to Almighty God. While giving the example of Draupadi Revered Gurudeva said that one day when she went to bathe in River Yamuna she saw an ascetic sitting on the shore. Draupadi asked: Sir! Why are you sitting here? He replied: My loin cloth is submerged in the river. Draupadi said: Sir! You are like my father. Saying thus she tore a part of her Sari dress and gave it to him. This attitude was that of service sacrifice and charity. It got credited to the account of Almighty God. When Dushasan was trying to make her naked Almighty God increased the number of dresses by hundreds. This was the miracle of devotion. Gurudeva gave the example of a Muslim old woman of Baghdad. This old lady had made preparations to go on Hajj. But in that year there was a big famine. She thought that it was her duty to serve those that are hungry. I can go for Hajj later. She gave prime spot to serving people that were hungry and hence set about serving them. It is said that Almighty God that very day accepted her Hajj. Other people were unhappy saying those who had gone to Mecca their Hajj was not accepted then how was that old lady's accepted. Hence Almighty God said: Other people had done Hajj only superficially whereas this lady served me truly. It was only she that really understood the principle of Hajj and she acted accordingly. While forgetting worship austerities and devotion we are standing with a bed of 1 leg hence how can it be right? Hence by merely chanting a Mantra we cannot accrue any benefit. Today there are so many blind rituals in society. The demon of dowry has climbed on to our head. Hundreds of daughters are entering the jaws of death. In the name of child marriage by throwing the burden of householder ship on the heads of small girls we are playing about with bodily and mental progress. The problems of illiteracy joblessness and begging are not small. As a result our country and society is becoming hollow. There are problems of caste system language regionalism and communalism. The tradition of feeding post death of a person is dire. Where in a house people are in sorrow because of someone's death there in so much inflation the tradition of feeding huge numbers is dangerous. Addictions are on the rise. The taints of western culture are prevalent in our society. Seeta in the form of our culture is being abducted. In these contemporary times for devotion for overcoming problems on hearing the demand of this era all of us shall have to come forward. One's

potential austerities time and talent shall have to be collected. Only then true service can be done. This is devotion to 3 legged Gayatri. If this much is done know that you have truly understood the meaning of spirituality.

DOUBT IN FAITH: On hearing such a concise meaning of austerities we resolved to practice it in our daily life. But the mind is unruly and full of arguments. Its total curiosity had not been answered. Hence one day on getting a chance we asked Gurudeva: Sir! Today people worship many gods and goddesses. Whom should we worship and why? Please do explain this to us. Revered Sir smilingly said: Son! I have explained it to you many times. Almighty God is one for all. Not only Hindus but Muslims Christians Parsis and any religion of the world call on him in various ways. "Ekam sad vipra bahuda vadanti". Almighty God is one only people name him in various ways. This worship of Almighty God has been rendered in vogue via great thinkers based circumstances and time. Based on it Avatars too have taken birth based on time. Son! Today the biggest danger is doubt in faith. Idealism is ending slowly. If via deep thinking character and social behavior man is evaluated they appear worse than beasts. At such times reestablishment of human values is most required. Today there is no dearth of wealth. There is no famine and no lack of intelligence. There is only lack of sacred intellect and hence there is strife everywhere. As a result as per today's circumstances Mahaprajna has incarnated in the form of Viveka or farsighted discrimination. Brahmaji by doing austerities of this Gayatri divine intellect had succeeded in executing the difficult task of world creation. Today it is incarnating as a sacred intellect. In order to destroy demonic nature in the form of Ravan Rishis by gathering their blood after pouring it into a pot buried it under ground. This pot was found by King Janak when he was tilling his field. When demons were on the war path so as to kill Rishis all demigods went to Prajapati Brahmaji and started worshiping him by praying for a solution to overcome these demons. Brahmaji said all gods must gather their energy. Via it a super goddess shall manifest that will destroy demons. Everyone knows that due to this great cooperation energy incarnate Durga manifested. She destroyed the demons. Today's danger and contemporary problems are of a different type. Demons with horns tails etc are not to be seen anywhere (previously too they were not

there only to show their demonic beastly nature it was shown like this). Demonic thinking affects man deeply. These bad qualities can only get destroyed when a sacred intellect enters human psyche. Today's doubt in faith is this only. In order to ward them off we have given many solutions. By creating them via books we have guided the public in that direction. Once again you must read it. I shall tell you one thing is that in ordinary programs I have emphasized on Yoga of Divine Intellect or Prajnayoga. It is a spiritual practice that gives many fruits is easily accessible and is universally useful. In it is included divine wisdom action devotion.

THE FAMINE OF CONTEMPORARY TIMES: Gurudeva! Today everyone is busy in some work or the other. They are facing problems. In a certain way life is full of running about and fighting. In such circumstances they lack time. They do not find time to do anything. Revered Sir! Please explain to us that daily in minimum time which worship rite should be done by the lay public. On hearing this Gurudeva laughed aloud. For quite some time his laughter echoed. Then as though he was telling himself: There is famine of time there is no time but everyone gets 24 hours of time daily. Then who lacks time? There is lack of faith in reality. Our faith is not there in the right place. Hence we cry about lack of time. When faith is there in movies we shell out 3 hours for it. In every home there is faith in television. Hence people have time for it. They have time to gossip. They have time to eat pizzas behave in an unruly manner loot people and rebuke others. They have time to pull others down and show them in bad light. But they do not have time for personality development and developing the country and society. Why are you crying for time? There is a lot of time but there is no faith. If your faith is in the right direction you will get time automatically. Understand this yet what you must do shall be told to you again.

THE PENANCE OF SELF AND PRINCIPLE WISDOM: In the early morning hours as soon as your eyes open the spiritual practice of self wisdom commences. The moment you get up sit on your bed cross legged. Looking upon that day as a new birth pray to Almighty God saying: O omnipotent Almighty God! Please give us that energy via which we render our body not attained by gods too successful. This body has been given to us as a gift by Almighty God after taking birth in 8.4 million species. The

moment you wake up via profound thinking by understanding the reason nature and utility value of this life we decide about what tasks to carry out. The spiritual practice of self and principle wisdom involves every day as a new birth ad each night as death. This is a high stature penance that influences our social life. This aphorism helps in marching ahead in soul advancement. This foundation is very important in fulfilling soul thinking soul purification soul advancement and soul development. The penance of sleeping at night is known as principle penance. While going to sleep think that sleep is death. The new birth that Almighty God had given us in the morning is ending now. While going to sleep, you must self introspect the new birth new life and work done during the entire day. Evaluate the tasks done in the entire day and think that in the form of sleep we are going to the lap of death very calmly. As against the human body that was got for a reason it was fulfilled properly. Via this type of self contentment with a psyche full of peace and self fulfillment you shall sleep deeply. There shall be no need of tossing and turning in bed and no need of taking sleeping pills. In this manner, by daily imagining sacredly, the scene of our birth and death, God or Self Realization definitely dawns. Via practice when this sentiment becomes profound very easily it explains that human life is the best gift of Almighty God and a faith arises to do tasks in the direction of wholesome usage. This is the spiritual practice of Yoga of divine wisdom. In order to do this where is the need of any type of extra time? We misuse our early morning time by lazing in bed but even lesser time than this is required for the above mentioned spiritual practice of divine wisdom. At night while sleeping we close our eyes till sleep takes over. This time span can be used for spiritual practice of divine wisdom.

THE SPIRITUAL PRACTICE OF YOGA OF ACTION: In Yoga of action the entire ritual of worship rites is included. I have explained this many times in detail and you all do it daily. Each person via proper injunctions should do this with a true mind. If there is lack of time at least do it once a week. If this is also a problem do it once a month. By itself everyday as per your convenience with proper planning you can do spiritual practice of Yoga of action with a pious attitude. For this extra time is not required. While wearing clothes after bathing in the morning on the road while going to work in the bus train wherever you get a chance if it is possible there by closing your eyes imagine that you are doing worship rites. Just as we clean the place of worship we render it sacred like that imagine our life becomes clean and sacred. Our income should be taint free. Our behavior mind speech shall become pure. Only then this human life shall

become glorified. Taints bring obstacles in worship of gods hence we do Pavitrikaran. We must awaken the attitude of purity in our life both within and without. In rituals we do 6 methods which are for soul purification. By including sacred sentiments in actions the lifestyle is decided. If there are no sacred sentiments then whole day doing rituals is but hypocrisy. Every moment we must manifest the attitude of purity in our thinking character and social activities. Achman is done for purification of mind speech and inner life. Shikhavadan is done to reinstate goodwill while remembering the glory of our culture. Via Pranayam by keeping in mind every breath we vow not to forget the true goal of life. In Nyasa we pray that our organs of action and knowledge become great and help in rendering our life highly advanced. In this manner after sacredly carrying out Shatkarma (6 fold rites) demigods are worshiped. Demigods are widespread. They dwell in all of the cosmos. By mentally invoking meditating and worshiping them after awakening divine powers in our psyche we reinstate them. We reinstate the photo frame of Mother Gayatri on a wooden dais. In worship of demigods water rice grains flowers incense flame lamp and sweet food is offered symbolically. Almighty God is formless but we worship symbolically his aspect with name and form. Just as we go to the subtle from the gross so too we establish faith in the formless from name and form. For remembrance of Almighty God initially worship with name and form is very effective. After this everything is possible in imagination. The root sacred sentiments of demigod worship means taintlessness softness coolness like water a joyous life like a blooming flower break free life like rice grains personality that is sweet and nectarine like Naivedya and akin to flame lamp giving light to others while burning oneself up.

JAPA OR MANTRA CHANTING AND MEDITATION: After worship of demigods come Japa or Mantra chanting and meditation. One must definitely do 3 rounds of rosary of Super Mantra Gayatri. One round for the living being 2nd one for sanctifying the atmosphere and development of society and the 3rd one for success of mission's tasks and spreading great sacred thinking the world over. Today everywhere taintless polluted thinking is rising alarmingly. Such tainted thing can be chopped off only via great sacred thinking. Depending on mans thoughts similar subtle waves spread out in the inner environment of the psyche. Thus knowingly or otherwise they affect our brain. In order to destroy tainted thinking the world over it is the duty of all of us to cut them with the waves of great sacred thinking. This is the aim of Japa or Mantra chanting and meditation.

If there is lack of time then anywhere and anytime by observing silence do mental Japa or Mantra chanting. Just as I had told you recently that whenever you get time while traveling in bus train when the brain is not doing any creative tasks do this mental Japa or Mantra chanting in silence. Slowly it shall become a habit and tainted thoughts shall not enter your mind. On its own Japa or Mantra chanting and meditation shall continue. Japa should be done in such a way that lips throat and mouth move and sound is so soft that a person seated next to you does not know what you are doing. Do meditation while you are doing Japa or Mantra chanting. Both actions go on together. In the morning at sunrise meditate on the golden sun called Savita. The god of Gayatri is Savita. In order to render this worship universal meditation on Savita is a must. Hindu Muslim Christian Parsi look upon Almighty God as light manifest. Mother Gayatri too is for everyone. Some say she is meant only for Hindus but the sun is there for everyone. He is there for the entire world. He gives light and energy to all. While meditating, imagine that the golden rays of sun or Savita are entering the body mind and heart. Bodily power soul power and mental power are increasing. In the form of faith divine intellect and steadfastness the gift and boon of Almighty God is pouring down on us incessantly. Due to conjoining of Japa or Mantra chanting and meditation concentration is on the rise. Then there is the injunction of offering in the direction of the sun water of the vessel kept on the worship dais. Harbor sentiments that whatever talent potential austerities wealth we have shall be offered to Almighty God's cosmic form which is this world. We shall look upon others' sorrow as our own and we shall share with all our joy. Of course today bang opposite to this is taking place. Majority of the people are sorrowful because they feel why others are happy? By crushing such an attitude awakening the attitude of philanthropy is akin to offering worship to the sun. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ AUSTERITIES: Penance is most required for living beings. In reality human life is a penance. Since the sun is hot it can give light and energy. Since water gets heated it becomes steam and helps big machines and engines to work. When iron gets hot it becomes steel. This world functions due to the power of penance. Since Brahmaji performed penance he could create this world. Since Bhagirath performed penance he could bring River Ganges from heaven to earth. For austerities once a week observe the religious vow of tastelessness. Salt and sugar give birth to various illnesses. For one day give up both. If the tongue

comes under your control, all other sense organs can be mastered. Hence either on Sunday or Thursday or any other day observe the vow of tastelessness. Not only will you benefit physically by this but also mentally and spiritually you shall benefit a great deal. In austerities along with fasting observe silence of speech. As much as is possible observe silence. Speech is an identification of civility. Speeches are required daily yet, utter each word very carefully. Speak less and sweetly. Morning evening practice silence of speech. This spiritual practice makes a devotee introverted. I also practice silence of speech after residing in solitude. Celibacy is a root requirement of life. Due to celibacy Shankaracharya Swami Dayanand and Swami Vivekananda executed wondrous and one without a second task. Hanumanji crossed the ocean to enter Lanka. People harbor an illusion that householder's life and celibacy oppose each other whereas in fact both complement each other. Our thinking must be healthy. If you get thoughts of sex meditate on Hanuman Arjun Vivekananda Shivaji. We must remember incidences of these great men. Brahmacharya means acting like Brahma. When required create the world and rest of the time do good to all. Via acts of philanthropy use your talent and potential for the uplifting of family society and entire world.

THE 4 PILLARS OF AUSTERITIES: In penance 4 types of self control have to be followed. They are wealth control time control thought control and sense organ control. These are 4 pillars of austerities. WEALTH CONTROL: What is wealth control? Everyone knows how to earn wealth but they do not know how to use it. A beggar too earns a lot of money and quite a few on dying leave behind them a lot of cash in their hat. Some earn with effort and others do so easily. But we must know how to make apt use of these earnings. In order to get protected from wrong endeavors wealth control is necessary. Desires and yearnings do not get fulfilled by anyone. There is no end to bad addictions. In many ways it entices and lures you. Only by getting protected from this can you lead a happy life. Earn a lot in an honest manner but look upon this income as wealth belonging to society. The more wealth you get the more you are indebted to society. Hence it is said earn with a hundred hands and donate with a thousand hands. But where should you donate wealth? It should be for well being of society and not vile addictions alcohol gambling. Protect yourself from fashion trends and imbibe the principle of simple living high thinking.

TIME MANAGEMENT: Each person must work in a well time managed manner. This is the root principle of austerities. On recognizing the value of time Acharya Vinoba Bhave he used each moment aptly hence he learnt 14 languages of the world. He would not waste a single moment. All great people that have manifested in this world worked in a well time managed manner. It is said that demon Ravan had tied time to his waist. Only then he could build Lanka city of gold. Almighty God has given us all 24 hours in a day. You must use each second in an apt manner. If you do not waste time in lethargy indolence gossip etc you will see how much time is saved. If you use it for creative tasks not only you but society too shall advance. Apt use of time for a great life is a kind of penance. Whatever I have attained in life is the result of proper time management.


Thought power is the biggest power. The message of Vedas is: One becomes as per ones thinking and actions. One that thinks of becoming great shall definitely become great one day. When our thoughts mature efforts shall be made towards that end and later you shall succeed. If thoughts are lowly your efforts too shall be lowly and the fruits too shall be lowly. Today this is exactly what is happening. People's thinking is becoming lowly. Demonic activities are entangling in the net of delusion of vile thinking and knowing or otherwise people are getting drowned in it. In order to get out of this thought control is most required. Good thinking must be there. For this self study must be practiced ceaselessly. Via this thoughts shall transform. Do not keep the mind empty anytime. An idle mind is a devils workshop. Whenever you get free time do soul reflection. Do not allow bad thoughts to come. Forcefully throw them out of the mind. Ceaselessly make efforts for your thoughts to rush in the direction of sacredness and greatness.

SENSE ORGAN CONTROL: The 4th pillar of austerities is sense organ control. All our sense organs are a boon from Almighty God. He helps us in all respects and is like a true friend. Along with this it is unruly and by becoming uncontrolled becomes a dire

foe; it becomes like a poisonous snake. The senses of taste and sight are most unruly. It becomes the root cause of rendering our health and character downfallen. By mastering the sense organs the latent divine potentials residing within us awaken. Only then we become Almighty God from a human being. We become a superman from man. In order to control these sense organs I have shown you many methods like religious vows fasting silence of speech etc. These 4 austerities are like 4 pillars and on it advances the building of soul progress. If these pillars are weak the building shall fall down. There is no dearth of time to do this type of penance. If all these 4 austerities are done in a well managed manner our wasteful time shall be saved which was being destroyed in previous undesirable tasks. This spiritual practice of Yoga of Divine Intellect is an important requirement of contemporary times. As per today's circumstances this eternal spiritual practice is universally accessible and useful for everyone. Via it both paths of self well being and world welfare can be attained. These times are of era junction. Era junctions do not arrive very frequently. Transformation not of one century but that of 1000 centuries is going to take place. This era is changing. A time had come when after destroying demonic nature Lord Rama had established Ram's Rule. In the same way Lord Krishna had transformed that era via the Mahabharata War. Lord Buddha by ushering in transformation from the very root had shown us the correct path. We are fortunate of having taken birth in these times of era junction. We have got the opportunity of welcoming a new era. One that recognizes these times shall not err. These are special times. One that has woken up shall get extraordinary benefits. Each moment divine powers are pouring down ceaselessly their help boons and gifts but only he shall benefit whose mental arena is fertile. Our definite proclamation is to join this era transformation by awakening sensitive sacred sentiments. On hearing such essential thoughts of Revered Gurudeva we felt as though all our doubts were dispelled. Darkness was warded off everywhere. The light of sun spread out everywhere. Truly Mahakal is showing us the path of era transformation. Via "21st century bright future" is about to manifest. Our faith has strengthened regarding this.

BOOK 2 WHY IS GAYATRI SPIRITUAL PRACTICE REQUIRED AND IN WHAT MANNER? AUTHOR: YUGA RISHI SHRIRAM SHARMA ACHARYA For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/

INTRODUCTION What is primordial energy Gayatri? What is the benefit of chanting Gayatri Mantra? Why is Super Power Gayatri called Kamadhenu or the wish fulfilling cow? What sorrow befalls on man due to spiritual ignorance deluded attachment and poverty? Why is the import of Super Power Gayatri highly eulogized in every era? In what form is Gayatri worshiped? Which is the easy method for Gayatri worship and meditation? Which is looked upon as Super Power Gayatri's 2 symbols? For what reason is Gayatri initiation and choosing a Guru? Why is oneness with Yugashakti Gayatri required? In short this present book in the form of "Why is Gayatri spiritual practice required and in what manner?" shall prove to be a guide to spiritual aspirants. In this book Revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharyaji has

depicted scientifically acceptable experiences regarding Gayatri spiritual practices. A devotee that reads cogitates and mentally reflects on this book shall definitely taste success on the path of Gayatri spiritual practices and this is beyond doubt. The guidance of this book shall reap fruits for this era's wavering faith; this is truly believed by the publisher.

AN INTRODUCTION TO SUPER POWER GAYATRI IN THE FORM OF PRIMORDIAL ENERGY MOTHER OF THE VEDAS MOTHER OF DEMIGODS AND WORLD MOTHER: Gayatri is such a will power of Almighty God due to which the world functions. Right from subtle atoms to the cosmos rivers mountains earth moon etc are mobile due to glory of his energy. The lives of trees plants etc are due to him. In the lives of all other creatures his one portion is found. Its presence in humans ordinarily is in the form of intellect. Via it man fulfills his task of needs of living and increasing joyous comforts. Especially it manifests as Ritambhara Prajna meaning great knowledge. By inducing awareness of non-existence by guiding on the true path of truth takes us on the correct goal of life. Ordinarily the intellect rests in the deep core of man's heart and brain. In order to awaken it what we call spiritual practice is used to make efforts. Via this spiritual practice man conjoins to divine energy. Almighty God himself is formless in his root form, he sees everything as a witness and rests in peace. Right since cosmic creation he desired that I am one and that I become many from it. This desire of his became divine energy and the world got created. His first energy to create the world was called Adyashakti. Behind this entire cosmos one can perceive clearly balance and good management which is the work of Gayatri Super Power. It is due to the inspiration the wheel of time of the cosmos is executing a great journey with a special aim. For creation of this universe along with its propagation required energy for knowledge and actions at that time via the spiritual practices of penance of primordial power Gayatri attained everything. This knowledge and science is called Vedas in this form itself this primordial power's name became Vedmata or Mother of Vedas. The gist of Vedas is in seed form in Super Mantra Gayatri. The varied divine powers that shoulder world creation and its management are various streams of this Adyashakti or primordial energy. For example

one electrical power in tandem with machines executing various tasks is seen active in tube light heater refrigerator cooler etc similarly one primordial energy as per various functions like creation management transformation etc we see various divine energies Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh can be seen variedly. The various streams of divine energies are nourished by primordial energy. It is hence that Gayatri is looked upon as Vedamata or mother of Vedas. Even an ordinary person having attained divine grace of Divine Mother Gayatri becomes divine like and powerful. The creation of the entire world has taken place in the womb of primordial energy hence it is called World Mother and in that form a person blessed by Mother Gayatri by becoming a world human lives a life as 'Vasudhaiva kutumbakam' or world united peacefully as one family.

What exactly is Super Power Gayatri? : Primordial energy was called Super Energy Gayatri because it has the potential to uplift all creatures of the cosmos. In the book Aiteriya Brahmin this has been made clear that 'Gayan trayate sa Gayatri' which means Gayatri is that which protects our Prana or life force or vital force. In the Shankaracharya Bhashya or commentary while giving more clarity about Super Energy Gayatri it is said 'Geeyate tattva manaya gayatriti' which means Gayatri is that brain of discrimination via which true wisdom dawns. A pure intellect decides what is true-false right-wrong what to do-what not to do. It is such an extraordinary power that in its comparison no energy of the world that is beneficial to mankind. At the other end worldly or material intellect maybe very shrewd it may be beneficial even so it is not better and it is not meant for inner joy-peace. We may get sense pleasures material comforts but due to this worry harassment and ego increase and life becomes sorrowful. External pomp destroys inner energy. As a result big small diseases of mind and body appear. The more this worldly brain is powerful the more it shall be the cause of hardships. In comparison to such a brain a weak brain is preferable. Gayatri is the name of that intellect which is full of good qualities and elements of well being. Via its inspiration the body and mind of man walk on such a path that in its footsteps one sees well being. At every step bliss is experienced. Every action by nourishing it renders it powerful and strong and day after day it becomes more and more full of great qualities and powerful. Thoughts appearing from a vile intellect render our life force depleted. The body weakens due to bad habits bad addictions. Via selfish thinking the mind gets enmeshed in the sludge of sins. In this manner life

becomes wasteful. Due to a vile brain its income gets destroyed and due to selfishness fear greed etc remains sad always and their mental powers keep getting destroyed. For people that waste their life with the usage of such a vile brain Gayatri is a light house. It is a true help and a message full of hope. Gayatri by awakening a great intellect uplifts in all realms and protects their vital force. In life it opens the doorway of joy peace and bliss. Gayatri is not some imaginary god or goddess but is the will power of Almighty God. By manifesting as a sacred intellect in man helps attain true success in life. Rishis of yore living a life of penance while searching for the secrets of life and the cosmos attained during deep flights of meditation that at its roots active powers are present in the form of sound. They realized primordial energy in the form of the 2 letter Mantra. Since it had the potential to protect our life force it was called Gayatri. The credit of this research went to Rishi Vishwamitra.

THE MANIFESTATION OF DIVINE ENERGIES IN CHANTING OF SUPER MANTRA GAYATRI: The material reason for the specialty of Super Mantra Gayatri is the interweaving of its letters. The interweaving has been based on such mysterious basis of music science and sound science that by uttering it in our subtle body awaken on their own many hidden energy centers. As per the teachings of Rishis full of divine sight there are various Chakras or subtle plexus glands sheaths subtle nerves; by awakening all these man becomes the master of many great qualities and energies. Via the chanting of the 24 alphabets of Gayatri Mantra due to pressure on face lips palate and brain these centers start vibrating akin to the strings of a guitar. As a result the subtle knots embedded within awaken and start manifesting their energies. In this manner the spiritual aspirant gets pervaded with these magnetic powers and via these by attracting the streams of Gayatri energy that are spread in the cosmos imbibe them within. The waves of Gayatri energy akin to electrical waves found in the broadcasting of the radio and television are spread out in interstellar space. The magnetic waves that manifest from the chanting of Gayatri Mantra are imbibed by the psyche of the spiritual aspirant and then establish contact with them. That

task done by Yogis after harsh penance that is attained after a long time is attained easily after a short time by doing Gayatri Japa or Mantra chanting. When subtle nature meaning great thoughts and its aim purified via an individual's penance conjoin to Gayatri Mantra's sound energy at that time due to these 2 reasons Gayatri energy becomes more potent and this Gayatri energy becomes a boon for the devotee. The faith and trust of a devotee renders Gayatri Mantra more powerful. Everyone knows the potency of faith. Faith predominates in rendering a tree a ghost a rope into a snake and a stone a deity. In the epic Ramayan Shri Tulsidasji has compared faith-trust to Goddess Bhavani-Shankar. It means that if a Gayatri devotee does spiritual practices with faith and trust then sound energy and the glorious result of Gayatri practice conjoined to its integral aim becomes a stupendous power. Gayatri is a power with 3 qualities viz. Hrim or honest intellect Shrim or prosperity and Klim that predominates with energy. These are its 3 chief sources. It can be called the 3 fold confluence of the Rivers Ganga Yamuna and Saraswati. On conjoining as divine powers they can be known as Saraswati Lakshmi Kalika Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh. Its 3 forms are Mother of Vedas or Vedmata Mother of Deities or Devmata and Mother of the World or Vishwamata. Via Gayatri austerities if the mind intellect and sacred sentiments of the devotee get a chance to bathe in this 3 fold confluence then the state of the devotee becomes akin to Kayakalpa or all round transformation.

INNER CHANGES THAT INCREASE GREAT QUALITIES: Via Gayatri practices extraordinary changes take place in an individual. Its first transformation takes place in the psyche. It inspires the thoughts mind and sentiments to walk the path of goodness. In the individual great qualities evolve. Due to it the person's taints and bad qualities decrease. In this manner many specialties of the qualities of the devotee increase. These qualities render the life of the aspirant easier more straightforward and peaceful. Due to advancement of good sacred qualities transformation can be seen in bodily activities and life’s actions. Man’s sense organs as a result do not stray much away towards addictions and vile habits. Slowly the habit of the tongue to eat undesirable food lessens a great deal. Similarly the titillation of genital organs head towards self-control. The mind now very rarely indulges in bad

activities extra marital affairs and mundane desires. Faith in sexual continence diminishes a great deal. The organs of sexual activities and taste buds are the leaders of the human body. If both these organs are rendered self-controlled the path of health protection and a disease free body opens up widely. In one’s daily routine cleanliness both within and without good management and a balance of honest hard labor gets conjoined as a result of which the direction of advancement and true success opens up. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ In the mental arena due to an intellect full of great qualities bad characteristics like lethargy hurrying nature addictions anger fear worry decrease a lot. The moment these taints decrease good qualities like selfcontrol enthusiasm daring enterprise patience humility self-contentment goodwill augment greatly. The result of this inner transformation is that we get liberated from many delusions that appear from lack of true understanding and all sorrow seen in day to day living are overcome very naturally. Due to qualities like self-control selfless service to world society humility generosity charity integrity others too benefit from them. Hence in a big way everyone becomes grateful praiseworthy helpers and security givers. Due to goodwill and gratefulness amongst all beings the essence of contentment that satiates the soul via gratefulness is attained in high measure day after day and life becomes very blissful. In short Gayatri based spiritual practices by ushering in a profound change within the inner recesses of humanity opens the door of joy and true peace.

SUPER ENERGY GAYATRI THAT BESTOWS PROSPERITY AND SUCCESS: Along with increase in good qualities inner peace and contentment Super Power Gayatri opens up the path of prosperity and success. Purity of mind and body renders life joyous and prosperous. Due to increase in intellectual prowess and soul based faith many types of difficulties that previously appeared heavy as gigantic mountains now is rendered light as a blade of grass. Now agony and joy sorrow of life seem very miniscule because as per the aspiration of a person circumstances change for the better or else as per those situations desires change. The cause of hardships is desires and struggle based situations. A wise person by giving up any one of these wards off

struggle and saves himself from unrequired harassment. In this manner life’s path becomes straightforward and easy. In reality joy and bliss are not attained from external means and facilities. All this is dependent on an individual’s mental state. That mind which does not get satiated by Rajasik means and silken pillows due to holy teachings of a saint believes the ground of forests very relaxing by taking up the vow of renunciation and asceticism. He now looks upon roots fruits of the jungle as very tasty. Truly Super Power Gayatri is an energy of 3 qualities or Gunas. Via its spiritual practice where on the one hand Sattva Guna increases there on the other hand useful Rajas Guna too increases. As a result man’s secret energies awaken and struggles appearing in worldly life give hopeful results. Many specialties like hope zest sharp brains sweetness in speech attractive personality advance a great deal. From the inner standpoint a Gayatri seeker changes in a newer manner. Such a transformation is seen in him that although he seems ordinary yet sequentially he marches ahead towards prosperity both materially and spiritually attains success and progress. Although Gayatri practices do not give us gold coins yet harbingers in such success in a spiritual aspirant’s life that he never dwells in a demeaned suppressed state.

SUPER POWER GAYATRI THAT WARDS OFF DIRE SITUATIONS: As per our destiny man faces many sorrowful and stressful situations in life. Its effect is very terrific and potent. He that gets entangled in the wheel of sorrow faces many problematic circumstances. When illness diseases fights poverty attack stress sorrow separation etc. appear they never stop. It is said that difficulties do not come alone but that it brings children also with it. Man surrounded from all sides with danger feels he has got entangled in a Chakravyuh or mesh and due to worry tension and fear his hands feet stop working. It is as though a death like situation. He wails aloud and passes a big chunk of his time in sorrow. But a Gayatri seeker due to his own understanding patience enterprise and faith crosses over very easily. In reality in order to cross the river of dire situations there is a requirement of a 4 cornered boat represented by patience daring wisdom and honest effort. Gayatri practices in a special manner increases all these 4 specialties in mankind. Hence he succeeds in finding the correct path while in the midst of danger.

In reality Gayatri is a very miraculous spiritual endeavor. Due to the great results of this practice man crosses over many dire situations. It is nothing but its divine miracle. The deep import behind it is that within the seeker some divine power is manifesting. This divine power helps during dangerous situations in life. Especially it is seen that when a devotee renders his psyche and intellect self-controlled and sacredly pure and by giving up envy hatred etc. harbors a sense of goodwill and wellbeing towards all of creation gets direct protection from a divine power.

SUPER POWER GAYATRI IS KAMADHENU OR WISH FULFILLING COW OF OUR PLANET EARTH: It is mentioned in Puranas or Indian Mythology that demigods of heaven possesses the wish fulfilling cow called Kamadhenu. This cow gives the milk of immortality. On drinking it demigods remain satiated happy and contented eternally and the specialty of Kamadhenu is that whoever approaches this cow attain all their desires. Only demigods know the true facts regarding this wish fulfilling cow called Kamadhenu but on our planet earth Kamadhenu is none other than Gayatri Super Energy. Via Gayatri meditation all desires get fulfilled. Impossible unrequired and not useful desires on getting fulfilled such a situation arises that their inner aspirations get fulfilled. On drinking the milk of this cowall sins and hardships are overcome. On seeking shelter of Gayatri by drinking its milk of immortality a devotee gets fully liberated from sorrow hardships stress and sins. Man’s true nature is full of divine bliss. His characteristic is to get immersed in this bliss. When sorrow goes away he gets reinstated in his true divine nature. If man realizes the real cause of his sorrow he to can attain heavenly joy enjoyed by demigods. Gayatri practices endeavor to do this. The 3 reasons why man remains sorrowful and stressed are: 1) Spiritual ignorance or lack of true understanding 2) Lack of energy or weakness 3) Poverty

SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE MEANS POVERTY: Out of sheer spiritual ignorance man thinks in a wonky manner. He thinks that which should not be thought of and by getting entangled in it he becomes sad and harassed. Since he does not have knowledge of his power and capability he takes up impossible tasks. In it he gets only defeat and a sense of despair. Since he cannot understand the truth of another person he creates false hope expectations and wild imagination. Finally he becomes sorrowful due to this anger and hopelessness. Due to spiritual ignorance and by not cogitating over future benefits he acts in such a manner in the rena of fleeting joy and benefits that in the final analysis he lands with only sadness and repentance. Due to lopsided thought flow small matters appear sad in a big way. The death of relatives, different desires of friends and the coming and going of various situations are quite natural. But due to spiritual ignorance a person refuses to accept them and his thinking is that he must become as I and that difficulties should never arise. When such impossible incidences take place a person becomes more sorrowful.

POWERLESSNESS OR WEAKNESS Weakness at every step forces man to live a life of sorrow. Under such circumstances man is just not capable enough to shoulder the burden of his natural rights that are his birthright. By remaining away from his natural birthrights remains in a demeaned state. If our health is not good tasty food sweet music beautiful scenes wealth property and other joyous means of life do not give happiness in life but in fact all these material means give only pain and sadness. Due to a weak brain cannot find any interest in study or mental reflection in literature philosophy poetry science etc. Due to spiritual soul based weakness we cannot attain joy in self or scriptural studies association with great saints, spiritual discourses singing sacred hymns devotion etc. Not only this, but due to physical weakness man cannot avail benefits of greatness of Mother Nature called Prakriti. Even minor matters bestow nothing but hardships. Where cold renders players very strong there weak people are attacked by diseases of cold pneumonia arthritis etc. Where pain gives not only sorrow to the weak and good elements also do not give any hopeful benefits there for those that are strong manifest energies and great qualities while facing sad hardship based tests of life. Lack of facilities can also make strong people lame and hence he faces strife. Lack of food clothing friends, helpers, wealth medicines books etc. sorrow and pain have to be undergone.

The energies Hreem or sacred intellect Shreem or prosperity and Kleem or power oriented belonging to the wish fulfilling cow called Kamadhenu represented by Super Power Gayatri solve the problems of a spiritual seeker that are based on spiritual ignorance weakness and sorrow giving lack and thus strife and stress are warded off.

THE SINGING OF GREATNESS OF SUPER ENERGY GAYATRI IN EACH AND EVERY ERA Due to the incomparable specialties of Super Power Gayatri it has attained the glory of being the divine mother of India. In every era Rishis Munis great saints scholars have sung its praises. There may be difference of opinion regarding other topics but as far as Gayatri is concerned right from the Vedic era to today’s modern era in one voice have accepted the glory of Gayatri. In the Atharvaveda within the eulogy of Gayatri it is written that Gayatri bestows long life vital force or Prana energy fame wealth and divine aura to a devotee. As per the opinion of Rishi Vishwamitra akin to Super M antra Gayatri there is no other great Mantra in all the 4 Vedas. As per the speech of Lord Manu there is no other Mantra apart from Gayatri that can sanctify us. As per the opinion of Yogiraj Yajnavalkya if you place Super Mantra Gayatri in one pan of a weighing scale and all the 4 Vedas in the other pan the pan of Gayatri shall be heavier. As per what Atrimuni says a person who understands the principle of Gayatri aptly shall never face sorrow in life. Maharshi Vedavyas says that just as juice is the essence of fruits and clarified butter is the final form of milk similarly the gist of all Vedas is Super Energy Gayatri. When Gayatri is mastered it becomes Kamadhenu or the wish fulfilling cow. As per what Rishi Bharadwaj says even Brahma the creator and all demigods do Japa or Mantra chanting of Gayatri. Gayatri chanting helps us all attain God or Self Realization. Naradji says Gayatri is of the nature of devotion to Almighty God. Wherever devotion incarnate Gayatri is there Lord Narayana resides there and none should doubt this. Especially all Rishi Munis in one voice agree with this view. Philosophers of this era of intellect logic and direct proof and spiritual leaders too have accepted the great import of Super Energy Gayatri. As per Rabindranath Tagore’s opinion Gayatri Mantra that awakens entire India is so facile that in one single breath it can be chanted. Swami Vivekananda says that since Gayatri is a Mantra of a sacred intellect it is the crest jewel of all Mantras. Ramakrishna Paramhansa believed in the greatness of the extraordinary energy of this Mantra and without doing any long term tedious spiritual practice would as people to do penance using this tiny Gayatri spiritual practice. Madanmohan Malviyaji believed it to be supreme amongst all

priceless jewels handed over to us by great Rishis of yore. By lighting up our soul it liberates us from all types of bondage. Lokmanya Tilak says that for total independence over and above political struggle it is Super Mantra Gayatri that elicits divine aura dwelling within us. Mahatma Gandhi said that it destroys our diseases bestows peace and gives us progress based glory. Mahayogi Shri Aurobindo Ghosh said Gayatri Mantra is a terrific power that gives us light of various types. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ As per the opinion of Jagadguru Shankaracharya Gayatri is a primordial Mantra. It is beyond the power of humans to sing the greatness of this Mantra. Via the intellect we get the true understanding of the aim of living our life and its inspiration is attained from Super Power Gayatri only. As per what Swami Ramtirtha says it is the most difficult task to attain Almighty God. It is only a brain purified by Gayatri that can help us attain Almighty God. As per what Dr. S Radhakrishnan opines that this Gayatri is a universal prayer that helps in joining the flow of life which gives benefits in an allround manner. The founder of Arya Samaj Swami Dayanand says Gayatri is a supreme Mantra. He opines that it is the root Guru Mantra of the Vedas. Swami Dayanand was a great devotee and he encouraged others too to execute Mantra chanting or Japa. The senior seeker of Theosophical Society Prof. R Nivas says that by imbibing the meaning and deep import of Gayatri in our mind and heart whoever utters it with purity establishes a contact with the great energy of the sun. This energy creates both within and without a kind of glory. It becomes crystal clear from what all the people mentioned above have said that Gayatri meditation and worship is not only not some blind faith and blind tradition but that behind this are hidden many principles that uplift our soul. These principles from the material worldly standpoint also give benefits to every individual.

THERE IS NO OTHER PATH APART FROM SUPER POWER GAYATRI Once in life we attain a great sacred intellect external success happiness and prosperity follow suit. In this manner without the aid of Super Power Gayatri there is no other path. Apart from Gayatri principle nothing else is there for those that believe attaining Almighty God attaining soul vision and Jivan Mukti or liberation while yet living as the ultimate goal of life. Those believing attainment of God as the final goal must understand that God is

nameless and formless and has innumerable divine qualities. The sense organs can never attain or see God. God neither likes nor dislikes anyone. There is a big crater between the Jivatma or living being and Almighty God. In order to cross over this crater mental reflection deep cogitation meditation prayer religious vows worship rites austerities spiritual practices etc. fill up this huge crater. Via Sattvaguni Maya or sacred power of illusion and wisdom energy the living being and Almighty God can unite. The power that helps the Lord and living being unite is Gayatri. By climbing the ladder of Gayatri you can reach the terrace of Almighty God. The experience of God Realization is possible via the deep import of Gayatri. On reaching above it the subtle senses and its experiential power get destroyed. As a result this aspiring for devotion and attainment of Almighty God meditate on Gayatri mixed Almighty God Radhe-Shyam Seeta-Ram Lakshmi-Narayan ParvatiShiva etc. In the Bhagwad Geeta scripture Lord Shri Krishna says: “Gayatri chhandasamaham” meaning “I am Gayatri”. For devotion to Almighty God there no other Mantra greater than Gayatri. To say that for attaining God Gayatri Mantra is useless is nothing but sheer ignorance. It is another matter if someone opposes the name only or faces sorrow yet it is impossible to go on another path away from Gayatri.

IN THE FORM OF MOTHER GAYATRI SACRED WORSHIP OF WORLD WOMEN In Gayatri meditation and worship we get the opportunity of worshiping Almighty God in the female form. In this world the love of a mother is pure taintless and of a very high stature. No other relative can love a child as much as the child’s mother does. In youth a husband wife shower love on each other in a big measure. But if you compare it with the love that a mother showers on her child it is virtually nothing and very superficial. The love of a married couple is full of barter selfishness and is full of expectation. In such love a lot of differences arise fast. But the mother’s love is beyond taints and obstacles. She does not want anything from her child whom she loves selflessly. In fact a mother shoulders only hardships while raising her beloved child. A mother showers love that is full of affection and sacredness. She bathes her child in this love. A child can become wicked but the mother continues loving it. It is said that a child can become bad but a mother can never become tainted in character. In whichever form we worship Almighty God he answers us in that very form. We love God and we aspire to get unswerving love from him. To devote

to God in his motherly aspect is the very best and conducive thing to happen. Almighty God loves us exactly as a mother pours her loving affection on her child. To establish motherhood in God is very beneficial and useful. By worshiping Almighty God looking upon him as our divine mother as the world’s mother and in the form of Vedmata Gayatri we shall get affection from God just like our beloved mother. Always it is seen that a child lying on his mother’s lap experiences more bliss security and contentment. For a male female power in all ways is full of respect worth worshiping and very nourishing. In the form of a wife sister and mother she is worth befriending worth loving and worth worshiping as a Guru. As per what scientists say when in a man’s life if there is no attainment of nectar from women that man becomes dry hard hearted full of despair and lack of all types. The love of a female pours down like rain on earth. Just as due to rains earth manifests lush greenery flowers fruits etc. in the same way in a man’s life a woman’s affection advances new energy. If the relationship of man and woman is based on sexual lust it becomes full of obstructions. If a man acts unwholesomely with women looks at her lustily etc. then the fruit of immortal nectar turns into a seed of poison. In order to overcome mental distortions in life Gayatri based spiritual practice is very useful. Gayatri in the form of world women Almighty God as a mother must be worshiped with supreme sacred sentiments. In this direction the more you get success the more sense organ control will manifest the mind shall be mastered and mental distortions shall go away. In the heart of a devotee of God as mother bad emotions cannot last long. Compared to worship God as a male worship of God as a world woman is more supreme.

THE EASY METHOD OF GAYATRI ENERGY MEDITATION AND WORSHIP Gayatri meditation can be executed at any time and under any situation. In any situation it is beneficial and via that no damage has to be faced. Yet penance done methodically has its own importance. Any task carried out methodically gives greater results. Hence it is a must that a Gayatri seeker truly understands the sacred sentiments regarding Gayatri’s method of worship its goal and rites and rituals. In order to execute Gayatri rites in a disciplined regular manner the place of worship must be such that it is peaceful and full of solitude. For those what worship Gayatri with name and form Gayatris photo frame or image must be there and for those meditating on formless Gayatri a photo of the sun

flame lamp incense sticks can also be used. For reinstating God one can get a ready photo from Shantikunj (Haridwar – Uttarakhand - India). For meditation early morning pre-dawn hours are very optimal. If possible sit for worship after finishing your daily routine bowel clearing bathing etc. when you are ill when weather changes drastically when situation is not right or due to any other reason one can sit for meditation after merely washing your hand legs and face. Rituals conjoined to meditation must be completed with sacred sentiments. If you are traveling or if some problem has arisen then by remembering the method of worship mental rites can be done which ooes with sacred sentiments. Sit erect on your seat cross legged. If your posture is painful your mind shall be weak. Also if you sit on the floor spread a sheet on it. This sheet must be of dry grass or should be a Chatai. You must have a rosary of Tulsi (dried basil) or sandalwood. On your worship dais place a Kalash (metal pot) with water and fragrant incense sticks. Gayatri meditation and worship includes: 1) Soul purification 2) Invocating demigods 3) Japa or Mantra chanting and meditation 4) Offering worship materials to the sun called Arghya

At first after sitting on your Asan or seat for soul purification sanctification of the mind and Prana or vital force is done via 5 actions. This is called Brahma Sandhya. The 5 actions are: 1) Pavitrikaran or purification 2) Achman or sipping sacred water 3) Shikhavandan or bowing down to the pigtail 4) Pranayam or Yogic breathing exercise 5) Nyasa or sanctification

1) PAVITRIKARAN: After taking water in the palm of the left hand and covering it with the right hand after ending of the mantra chanting sprinkle this water on the scalp and entire body. Via this water sanctified by Mantra chanting harbor sentiments that we are becoming sanctified both inwardly and outwardly. Om Apavitraha pavitro va sarvanvasthangatopiva Yaha smaretpundarikaksham sa bahayabhyantaraha shichihi Om punatu pundarikakshaha punatu pundarikakshaha punatu 2) ACHMAN: from the vessel filled with water after taking water in the palm of the right hand 3 times sip it (do Achman). At the time of each Achman step by step chanting the Mantras given below one after another. Om amritopastranmasi swaha………. (1) Om amritapidhanamasi swaha………. (2) Om satyam yakshaha shrirmayi shrihi shrayatam swaha………. (3) With every Achman par take the 3 energy streams of Gayatri called Hrim or sacred intellect Shrim or materialspiritual prosperity and Klim or divine power just as though you are drinking your mother’s milk. 3) SHIKHA SPARSH AND VANDAN: The pigtail should be knotted and after touching it one must harbor the attitude that via this symbol only great thoughts shall get filled up there. At that time chant the following Mantra: Om chidrupini mahamaye dwivyatejaha samanvite Vishta devi shikhamadhye tejovriddhim kurushwa mey 4) PRANAYAM OR YOGIC BREATHING EXERCISE:

With slow speed inhale air and after stopping inhaling a bit exhale it. While inhaling harbor the thought that we are attracting within us Super Energy Gayatri that is present all around us. While stpping breathing for a bit of time harbor the thought that vital force or Prana that is brilliant as the sun is getting filled in every pore of our being. While exhaling air harbor the attitude that our bad thoughts and taints are being thrown out. While stopping exhaling harbor the attitude that radiant vital force or Prana after destroying our sins is bidding us adieu and that within our being a goodwill brain and radiance is increasing manifold. The time of stopping breathing must be half than that taken in exhaling and inhaling. Do this action 3 times. Pranayam is done after chanting the Mantra as given below: Om bhuha om bhuvaha om swaha om mahaha om janaha om Tapaha om satyam. Om tatsavitur varenyam bhargo devasya dheemahi dhiyo yon aha prachodayat. Om apojyoti rasomritam brahmabhurbhuvaha swahaha om. 5) NYASAHA: After taking water in the palm of the left hand all the 5 fingers of the right hand are dipped in this water and repeatedly along with Mantra chanting the mouth nose eyes ears arms and thighs are touched from the left to the right. The aim of this action is that all the bodily parts and sense organs become sanctified. Om vangme asyestu (mouth). Om nasomein pranostu (both nostrils of the nose). Om akshanomein chakshurastu (both eyes). Om karnayomain shritramastu (both ears). Om bahomein balamastu (both hands) Om urvomein ojostu (both thighs). Om arishtani meingani tanustanva mey saha santu (the entire body).

Along with Nyasa the 5 tasks of soul purification take place. Nyasa is done for purification of a devotee’s taints and augmenting of sanctification. Only a person purified via the body mind and Prana or vital force is capable of doing god worship. After this the step wise worship of god commences. (PS: Over here keep one thing in mind that for soul purification all these tasks can be done on merely chanting Super Mantra Gayatri).

WORSHIP OF GOD CALLED DEVPUJAN: In Devpujan at first mother earth is worshiped because since we took birth in that earth and played in her lap jumped in it and grew up she becomes the chief deity. Hence before we worship our icon deity we worship earth. In worship of mother earth manifest the sentiments that we have a large hearted bosom we are patient and we are very tolerant. After offering one spoon of water to earth worship it while chanting the following Mantra. Om prithvi twacha dhrita laka devi twam vishnuna dhrita. Twam cha dharay mam devi pavitram kuru chasanam. After chanting the above Mantra invoke the Primordial Divine Energy called Gayatri. The Mantra of invocation is thus: Om ayatu varde devi gyaksharey brahmavadini. Gayatricchandasam mataha brahmayone namostute. Om shri gayatraiya namaha. Ahvayami sthapayami dhyayami. Tato namaskaram karomi. After doing this invoke the Guru because Guru is the divine portion of Almighty God that gives guidance to the disciple. In the form of Sadguru after bowing down to HH Gurudeva and HH Mataji for success in devotion to them invoke the Guru by chanting the following Mantra.

Om guruhu brahma guruhu Vishnu gurureva maheshwaraha. Gurureva parabrahma tasmai shri guravey namaha. Akhanda mandalakaram vyaptam yena characharam . Tatpadam darshitam yena tasmai shri guravey namaha. Om shri guravey namaha. Ahavayami sthapayami pujayami dhyayami. Tato namaskaram karomi. After worshiping gods Japa or Mantra chanting and meditation are done. Super Mantra Gayatri must be chanted at least spanning 3 rounds of a rosary or 15-20 minutes as per the clock. Of course it is good if you chant for more time than this. Ordinarily you can increase chanting up to 11 rounds of the rosary. While doing Japa the lips throat and mouth’s chanting should be so less in sound that a person seated next to you cannot hear it. Just as when you rub something it shines much more just as dirt goes away when you wash clothes with soap and by bathing just as bodily dirt is washed off similarly Mantra chanting by warding off dirt in a certain manner washes off the minds taints. While doing Mantra chanting such sentiments must manifest that Almighty God is destroying our dirt and taints we are becoming pure and sacred and in place of a vile brain a pious intellect is being reinstated. In Gayatri worship along with Japa even meditation is conjoined united. Japa is joined to various bodily organs and parts whereas in meditation efforts are made to unite the mind and psyche with Almighty God. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/

DHYAN OR MEDITATION: We meditate as per our interest and inner nature. Some meditate on name and form some meditate on formlessness. Devotees of Super Power Gayatri in its motherly form meditate in the early morning hours on Mother Goddess Gayatri seated on the royal swan in the middle of the rising sun and by looking upon themselves as her children by sitting on the mother’s lap harbor the attitude that they are attaining her loving

affection. By suckling this mother’s breast milk such an experience should be imbibed that along with her milk I am getting divine glories like goodwill wisdom and divine brilliant energy and that one’s personality is being rendered pure sacred and great. While meditating at least remember that the imagined Mother Gayatri is not just female in form but that she is a spiritual power that helps flow all great qualities along with energetic capabilities. Via the above sacred sentiments and imaginations the task of meditation shall increase slowly but surely. While continuously meditating an attitude of give and take of love affection takes place between the mother and child. When this happens believe that via our spiritual effort or Sadhana a great task is being executed. Via the milk of the mother such an attitude should awaken that the mother’s milk is a divine Prana or vital force. This not only is an immortal nectar that after latching tightly on to our mind intellect and heart washes away our taints bad qualities and transforms us not only physically but spiritually as well. The spiritual seeker now feels that he has become great from a lowly person a human being or divine human from a human beast or ghost and Almighty God from a human being. All great divine qualities of Almighty God are being reinstated in my inner personality. I am speedily heading towards true greatness purity radiance and self-confidence. In formless or Nirakar meditation Goddess Gayatri is meditated upon in the form of the rising sun in the early morning hours. While meditating harbor the attitude that Primordial Energy Gayatri is coming towards us in the form of sun rays and that we are surrounded on all sides by her divine light. These solar rays by entering all our bodily parts and sub parts are nourishing them. They are sanctifying all our sense organs like tongue genital organs eyes nose ears etc. and are destroying the uncontrolled nature of the sense organs. After the body becomes healthy sacred and full of vim the sun rays enter the mind brain. At that time lack of control selfishness fear delusion etc. residing in the psyche and intellect get destroyed and in their place self-control apt balance and great high thinking get reinstated. The light rays of Gayatri Super Power after spreading in the mind and brain enter the heart region and after this light spreads out the incompleteness of life is warded off. The devotee hands over his inferiority to Almighty God and God in turn helps the living being experience true greatness. The miniscule light of the Jivatma or living being merges into the divine brilliant light of Almighty God. Just like the butterfly in the light of a flame lamp akin to Ahutis or offerings in a

Yajna pyre a living being offers its all to Almighty God. In this manner the living being and divine cosmic soul called God merge into each other and experience profound glory.

SURYARGHYADAN: After Japa meditation is completed the water in the Kalash placed on the dais of worship is offered in the direction of the sun in the form of an offering while chanting the following Mantra. Om suryadeva sahasranksho tejorashe jagatpatey. Anukampay bhaktya gruharnardhyam divakar. Om suryaya namaha adityaya namaha bhaskaraya namaha. Over here water in the Kalash vessel symbolizes inferiority complex and sun is a symbol of gigantic Almighty God. In Suryarghya there is the pious sentiment that one’s wealth representing life is fully being offered to gigantic Almighty God. Water offered as Arghya by becoming steam spreads out in the humungous sky. This water in the form of a cloud pours down. Our life as water is used by world humanity when offered from a small Kalash pot to demigods in the form of an offering or Arghya to them.




Along with Japa and meditation the cogitation over the meaning of Super Mantra Gayatri is very useful. This Mantra can be chanted anytime in the day. The word by word meaning of Super Mantra Gayatri is thus: Om-Almighty God; Bhuha-nature of vital force; Bhuvaha-nature of happiness; Swahaha; destroys sins; Tat-that; Savituhu-radiant and brilliant; Varenyam-worth relating to and supreme; Bharga-destroyer of sins; Devasya-bestower and divine in nature; Dhimahi-imbibe it; Dhiyoto the intellect; Yo-which; Naha-our; Prachodayat-may it inspire.

It means we imbibe that Almighty God that is joy in nature destroyer of sorrow supreme radiant destroyer of sins nature of Prana or vital force who inspires our intellect to tread the path of aptness. If we ponder over its meaning then from it 3 matters manifest: 1) Deep thinking over the divine qualities of Almighty God 2) The sentiment of imbibing Almighty God deep within 3) Prayer that a goodwill intellect manifests All these 3 things are very important. Depending on the type of thinking man imbibes that sort of attitude gets etched in the mind. In the 1 st part of Super Mantra Gayatri there is a mention of the divine qualities of Almighty God. God is full of vital force is radiant destroyer of sorrow and sins is supreme and bliss in form. If we meditate in a focused manner on such an Almighty God that is full of such divine ualities the mind gets attracted in that direction. Newer experiences appear in the mind-psyche. New thought streams and mode of action both from within and without renders our life more high stature and supremely great. As mentioned above in the 2 nd part of Super Mantra Gayatri Almighty God with such qualities is imbibed within by the seeker in the form of a vow. It is not as though we must only ponder over God with varied qualities but a Super Mantra Gayatri seeker is clearly commanded he/she must imbibe Almighty God with supreme qualities and imbibe God in every pore of his/her being and must experience that he/she has got immersed in God fully. The more a seeker gets merged thus the more he/she shall get liberated from inner and outer distortionstaints. In the 3rd part of the Mantra a prayer is made to Almighty God that he inspires our goodwill intellect; God by liberating us from vile thoughts lowly desires and bad sentiments fills us up with a great intellect full of Viveka or farsighted discrimination. A straightforward method to imbibe and attain the divine qualities of Almighty God as mentioned in the 1st and 2nd part of Gayatri Mantra is given wherein we shall have to direct our bad brain dancing to the tune of our desires urges and ego in the apt correct direction. The intellect shall have to be rendered pure and sacred or Sattvik. Only then our life shall overflow with peace bliss and both material and spiritual prosperity.

SUPER POWER GAYATRI’S 2 MERITORIOUS SYMBOLSSHIKHA AND YAJNOPAVEET: Along with Gayatri practice 2 symbols must be conjoined called Shikha or pigtail and Yajnopaveet or sacred thread. Both are united with each other. Shikha and Yajnopaveet are worn at the time of getting initiated in Gayatri Mantra. At that time the sentiment of Dwij or second birth is imbibed. It is not as though without these 2 Gayatri practice or Sadhana cannot be done. There is no obstacle in imbibing Almighty God’s Super Power Gayatri. Yet Gayatri imbibed methodically along with both these meritorious symbols renders our worship and meditation easy. Shikha and Yajnopaveet are 2 symbols of divine culture. Symbol based marks are given in order to remind a person his responsibility and righteous duty. Just as in order to remind policemen doctors, lawyers soldiers etc. their duties they have along with their dress signs that show their importance. In Indian culture meaning of life’s true success dwells in stopping man’s thinking and actions going towards beastliness and instead helping it march towards divinity. Every person holding on to such glorious ideals with pride must use the pigtail and sacred thread. It is not as though pigtail and sacred thread are glorious symbols of divine culture only but that they are representatives of high stature goals and pious ideals. As per divine culture man right from birth itself is like an animal. He has all habits like desires selfishness envy likes-dislikes etc. but the more he matures he is given wisdom to go beyond all these taints. These types of efforts are called initiation into divine culture Brahminism sacred thread etc. The 1st birth takes place from the mother’s womb. The 2 nd birth takes from the preceptor. He places seeds of great thinking into the disciple. These seeds are watered and looked after properly. Such a difficult transformation is called Kayakalp or given a 2 nd birth. After uplifting man from beastliness and a hellish life the teacher gives initiation to make hum a true human. It is akin to taking a new birth. In this manner a Gayatri seeker is said to be Dwij since he has taken a new spiritual birth. By wearing the sacred thread or Yajnopaveet it means a vow is taken to life a life of sacred ideals. The moment this sacred thread is worn a 2 nd birth commences. Sacred thread is is a living image of Super Power Gayatri. In the form of an image other demigods and goddesses are kept in a special place whereas on noting the supremacy of Super Power

Gayatri it is given such an important place that the sacred thread is worn on the chest and heart region. The 9 words of Super Mantra Gayatri the 9 threads of the Yajnopaveet 3 knots 3 Vyahvrittis (called Bhuha Bhuvaha Swaha) and one big knot or Brahmagranthi symbolizes Pranav or Om. Each and every person donning the sacred thread wearing the Gayatri based divine energy across the shoulder heart and back must place trust that he is surrounded and bound on all sides by Almighty God’s divine super power. Hence every Yajnopaveet wearer must live a grand life full of joy as per Almighty God’s wish. The Yajnopaveet is a thread of religion tied to the throat. It always reminds a person to live a life by getting bound to religion ethics and sacred behavior and reside with the pious precincts of human discipline.

SHIKHA OR PIGTAIL: Akin to the sacred thread or Yajnopaveet for devotees treading the path of divine culture Shikha or pigtail is a most required symbol. The pigtail is like a flag of righteousness situated on the fort of our scalp. Just as on government buildings the national flag is hoisted similarly the victory flag of divine culture in the form of pigtail is hoisted on the scalp of the Gayatri devotee. During Gayatri worship bowing to the pigtail is akin to paying obeisances to our national flag. The reason why a pigtail is kept is that the head of followers of divine culture becomes a center of great thinking and high stature ideals. In it there is just no place for dirty wicked unethical thoughts. For example in the palace of a king only his soldiers and people can reside and enemy soldiers can never enter his palace. Similarly that flag of righteousness pertaining to great thinking too is flying on the head there it is the duty of soldiers not to allow vile and lowly thoughts to enter it. Teachers say that the Shikha or pigtail is the navel of the head. In other words the pigtail is the heart of the head. According to Science of Yoga there are thousands of subtle energies in the pigtail area. These centers conjoins an individual’s consciousness to unseen energies. The reason why a pigtail should be there is that this region must be protected from a fall injury cold and heat.

Just as in the pigtail is hidden inspiration to keep our thinking pure similarly the sacred thread or Yajnopaveet creates a firmness to render our actions pious in nature. Both actions and divine wisdom help man’s life attain completeness. Similarly pigtail and sacred thread remains required and a must for a Gayatri aspirant. Those that imbibe the message and inspiration present in pigtail and sacred thread they become human from a beast a great human from an ordinary one and becomes Almighty God from a great person.

INITIATION INTO SUPER MANTRA GAYATRI AND CHOOSING A GURU: Along with the sacred thread and Mantra initiation the step of choosing a Guru is conjoined to each other. Gayatri is called a Guru Mantra too. In ancient times a child was sent to a Guru’s school called Gurukul for education. There along with Vedarambha Sanskars (rites to commence Vedic studies) both Gurumantra and Gayatri Mantra initiation was done. Only via the medium of a Guru or preceptor a person increased his faith and trust. In Gayatri spiritual practice only faith and trust are most important. Initially a soldier learns the Tirakmahan and after finishing Mahavaro by using the bow and arrow becomes a powerful fighter similarly the more faith and trust increases in a Guru it takes the form of love and devotion for Almighty God. There is a mention regarding the Gayatri Mantra about the curse of Vashishtha and Vishwamitra Rishis and it is said that those that overcome this curse his/her Gayatri practice succeeds. Gayatri practice is executed methodically under the watchful eye of an apt Guru. Vashishtha means great in a special way. In ancient times who so ever chanted Super Mantra Gayatri 12,500,000 times got the title of Vashishtha. The meaning of overcoming Vashishtha’s curse is that one must take Gayatri Mantra initiation from a very experienced seeker of Gayatri. Vishwamitra means wishing well being of all steadfast in righteous duties and a person who is great in character. It is just not enough that a Gayatri teacher possesses qualities of Vishwamitra only but heshe must be Vishwamitra himself. By imbibing methodical teachings of Gayatri from such a person and by taking initiation it is possible to avail true benefits from Super Mantra Gayatri. Without an experienced if you keep

doing something no benefits accrue. If one gets a true guide know for sure that one’s half task is done. This is the deep import of overcoming the curse. Gayatri practice done along with Guru’s initiation gives special results. Regarding this Gayatri’s Siddha (adept) devotee Shriram Sharma Acharya for Guru-initiation for Gayatri Mantra has passed all required tests. His life has been immersed in Gayatri meditation and harsh penance. His profound thinking and activities is filled with sentiments of world welfare and wellbeing. It is certainly not wrong if we call this senior son a 2nd Vishwamitra of this modern era since he re uplifted Super Power Gayatri that had virtually become extinct. Despite not being in the physical body he yet dwells in his divine subtle body. Sacredly sentimental disciples, devotees and seekers experience his guidance even today. Today via his capable representatives the task of Mantra initiation continues. By taking initiation from them one can commence methodical meditation and spiritual practice of Super Power Gayatri.

A MUCH NEEDED REQUIREMENT OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE CONJOINED TO MEDITATION: In Gayatri’s worship actions of Japa or Mantra chanting and meditation can be done only for some time during the entire day. Only doing this much does not complete our Gayatri practices. Along with Japa and meditation practice should also follow suit. Just as food is joined to water day to night heat with cold female with male similarly worshipmeditation is conjoined to Gayatri practice called Sadhana. Without practice worship is only half done. Along with worship-meditation the sequence of spiritual practice too has to be imbibed for 24 hours. Just as the soldiers on our borders are very alert regarding the enemy camp’s movements and conversations we have to be cautious regarding each thought and action. In life’s battle we have to be alert and fully awake. Ceaseless efforts have to be made to render supremely great our thinking behavior with everyone and one’s nature. By not looking upon only Mantra chanting meditation and worship as just about everything if focus is executed on life’s endeavor definitely one accrues benefits of Gayatri spiritual practice. The auspicious commencement of Gayatri practice takes place early in the morning. Even while stretched out on the bed one can think-ponder over one’s own nature and aim of life. Along with one new resolve or

Sankalpa the day must start wherein how to render the entire day successful and optimal. In it a plan is made regarding the day’s activities mode of thinking and day to day living. Regarding this plan following are included: a) Sense organ control b) Time management c) Thought process’ optimal control d) Wealth control and management All this must be imbibed alertly. Regarding sense organ control, control of the tongue and sexual organs or genitals are the leaders. The tongue’s taste buds titillate a person to ea more. All this increases dirt and rotting in the stomach. All this is an obstacle to avail good health benefits. The urge in genitals to contact sexually eats up our very life force. It squashes the body and mind akin to a juicy lemon. The speech must be controlled aptly. Its lack of control induces bitterness and fights. Sweet speech aids in rendering others our very own. An enemy becomes one’s friend. Regarding sense organ control titillation of taste buds misuse of speech and genital organs have to be overcome. If we talk of time management and control such a daily program must be etched wherein lethargy and indolence have no place. This is because time itself is life. By using time optimally the mind attains desired things. Once a well-managed routine is designed every moment then shall be utilized aptly. By becoming over enthusiastic you must not imbibe some very difficult task as a result of which a lot of time is wasted in executing this task and that obstacles start coming in the way of other tasks. If we talk of wealth management non required wealth must not be hoarded non required expenses must be avoided and wealth must never be misused. If we talk regarding thought control sometimes big thoughts emerge and sometimes selfish thoughts appear. After overcoming these in order to usher in great thinking good pious literature is very useful. One must study good literature. Many times the effect of vile thinking present in

our environment is noted in our mind/psyche. In order to ward off all this great books thoughts of glorious people and association with them accrues a lot of benefit. Great books thoughts of great saintly people and association with them helps in rooting out bad qualities and vileness. While going to sleep at night we should analyze all tasks carried out during the entire day. Make apt changes in methods of actions decided in the morning and make plans to pass the day after words optimally. Regarding this plan imbibe the following: a) Self-introspection b) Self-creation c) Self-reformation d) Soul advancement In self-introspection analysis is done regarding the day’s thinking social behavior and daily routine. By minutely searching for errors in one’s daily routine and chinks present therein its analysis and examining must be done. Regarding soul purification a plan is made how to get liberated from taints bad qualities unearthed by ourselves. In soul creation a plan must be made as to how to attain great qualities which were not existing in us previously. In self-progress by looking upon as oneself as Almighty God’s portion by looking upon the entire world as a family one must weave all high stature sacred sentiments in one’s day to day social transactions. This must start by first with goodwill endurance generosity and other great qualities in one’s family. Slowly you must spread and amplify this in your society country and the entire world. After waking up in the morning while going to sleep at night via observing disciplines the aim of social penance gets fulfilled. The steps of meditation worship and spiritual practice must be imbibed in an alert and honest manner. Then sleep after remembering your icon deity.

AFTER BECOMING ONE WITH ERA POWER GAYATRI RENDER YOUR LIFE GLORIOUS: In order to help man ward off dire situations in every era Super Energy Gayatri incarnates in varied forms. Her forms were called Durga power, Mahakali Mother Seeta etc. The instruments or mediums of this super power were Buddha’s messengers Christ’s priests, religious leaders of Chanakya and Gandhi’s followers of truth. In today’s destructive dire times the biggest need is veering man’s thoughts in an apt great direction. Gayatri practice is a special mode via which this task can be fulfilled. In the 24 alphabets of Gayatri Mantra all principles in seed form are present. These principles awaken the seekers heart-psyche. Right since primordial times Rishis great saints etc. believe primordial energy Gayatri to be their icon deity. Via Vivek or farsighted discrimination and a sacred intellect the all present problems of world humanity can be solved. Gayatri power manifests a pious brain. For all beings Gayatri education is blessing bestowing. It reforms both this and the other world. There is no other austerity based spiritual practice like Gayatri. It awakens both energies of sound and sacred sensitive sentiments. By imbibing it any one can reform his life’s tainted aspect. In order to bring back to order an active vile brain present in the root of this era’s danger Gayatri is manifesting again in the form of an Era Power. Akin to other aspects of culture this science had been lost in sheer darkness. First meanings and proof were not found. Whatever was found was wonky and beyond the ken of our understanding. Those selfish people who had correctly understood it refused to propagate it in public. Thus none dared to practice it. Many delusions regarding Gayatri like it is meant only for Brahmins women cannot worship it Gayatri Mantra can be whispered only in the ears it is cursed etc. rendered this useful diamond in a rotten state. The founder of the Yug Nirman Yojana Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya via his spiritual penance via his Bhagirath like indomitable efforts helped manifest Gayatri incarnate wisdom Ganga River on planet earth. He has rendered Gayatri Super Energy so straightforward clear and wise that whether one is illiterate or literate theist or atheist female or male healthy or ill it has become a topic of profound faith. By imbibing Gayatri thousands of people are marching forward for creating a bright future. Gayatri Parivar or family is a gigantic organization of devotees whose center is in the Saptarshi region of Haridwar on the shores of the sanctifying River Ganga at the doorstep of Himalaya Mountains called

Shantikunj. This purifying region previously was an area of penance of Rishi Vishwamitra. Seekers doing spiritual practices by coming to this live pilgrim spot oozing with Gayatri’s divine life force not only fulfill their aspirations but by attaining a kind of trust energy and divine light return home. Over here in a continuous manner 9 day Gayatri predominating spiritual camps are held. By participating in these sacred camps any sacredly emotional person by imbibing spiritual philosophy of this Super Power and by joining Era Power Gayatri can render their lives superbly glorified.

IN INDIAN CULTURE WHICH ARE THE HEALTHY DISCIPLINES OF LIFE? Regarding the above there are totally 2 disciplines. The 1 st discipline is deep thinking and the 2nd is social behavior. The deep thinking discipline is that of Super Mantra Gayatri: Om bhurbhuvaha swaha tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dheemahi dhiyo yon aha prachodayat In this discipline are 4 aspects: 1) Om bhurbhuvaha swaha which means Almighty God’s presence is there everywhere in all 3 Lokas or worlds (heaven, earth and hell)-no region exists devoid of God. 2) Tatsaviturvarenyam which means this Almighty God only is worth choosing. It is our righteous duty to remember him and surrendering to him. 3) Bhargo devasya dheemahi which means that by making God’s divine radiance as one’s aura it must be fully imbibed. 4) Dheeyo yo naha prachodayat which means that in order to always induce thoughts and intellect to tread the path of glory one must take a vow for the same.

Yuga Rishi Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya has already given birth to such a great national movement. As of now he is not in his physical body but institutions established by him and his group of disciples are executing this task of his. Regarding a healthy life his discipline is: The day we all shall transform the in vogue belief that lack of sense and self-control is ‘culture’ the day we shall reform our thinking on that day the eclipse of ill health dangling on world humanity shall dissipate to naught.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm www.awgpestore.com http://www.dsvv.ac.in/www.akhandjyoti.org and http://www.awgp.org/ DES- CRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Super Energy Gayatri Science & Kundalini correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly noncommercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology Indus Valley Civilization fuel crisis food scarcity tsunamis biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton LET US ALL PRAY FOR WORLD PEACE/BROTHERHOOD AND THUS CREATE


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