GR604 Seventeen - Visual Standards Guide

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Visual Standards Guide 1


Contents Overview


Visual Guide


Our New Logo Logo Variations Logo Size Chart Logo Dont’s Typography Color Palette

Our Future


Our Vision Brand Extensions



New Brand Mission Empower young women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change.


Brand Soul

We empower young women by fostering their self-esteem, encouraging their aspirations, and evolving alongside them.




Keywords & Key Phrases Empowering

Empowering to women


Supportive towards goals


Nurturing sustainable development


Where we’re going

The new Seventeen will not only help women be fashionable and appealing but also guide young adults as they navigate major milestones during this defining period in their lives. We intend to introduce excitement while young adults experience uneasiness, wide-open possibilities and confusion, new freedoms and new fears.



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Visual Guide

Based on the new mission statement and brand soul, this chapter highlights the design guidelines for Seventeen including the new logo, logo size, logo variations, color palette, typography, etc. These rules must be strictly adhered to.


Our New Logo

Our new logo consists of the number one and the number seven creating the shape of a triangle with a gem on the inside. This showcases our intention to create an environment for young women to grow and develop. The color palette for the logo is black and pink. The black creates a frame for the pink gem to be in focus.



Logo Clear Space & Size Chart



Logo Variations Vertical Lockup





Logo Variations Logo Color Variations The logo can be used in black, white, and Seventeen Empowering Magenta depending on suitable background. The logo must only be used in color which is not included in the background for visibility purposes.



Logo Dont’s Logo Correct Version



Typography Display Typeface Magneta will be used as the display typeface for all collaterals for the brand.

Body Typeface Brother 1816 will be used as the body typeface for all collaterals for the brand.



Brother 1816

We i g h t





abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz


1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0

We i g h t

Book Italic



a b c d e fg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz


1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0

We i g h t







1 2 3 45 67 8 9 0

We i g h t

Regular Italic



a b c d e fg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z



1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0


Color Palette


Seventeen Empowering Magenta CMYK: 0, 100, 0, 0 RGB: 236, 0, 140 PMS: Process Magenta C

Seventeen Encouraging Pink CMYK: 0, 32, 0, 0 RGB: 248, 189, 215 PMS: Magenta 0521 C


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Our Future

This chapter highlights different potential opportunities for Seventeen in accordance with the new mission. The business opportunities include products, services, environments, events, experiences, educational and cobranding opportunities.


Our Vision



[ED1] Seventeen self-defense classes

[CO1] Seventeen X Big Think

[ED2] Seventeen women’s rights courses

[CO2] Seventeen X Empower Women

[ED3] Seventeen shared responsibility EXPERIENCE PRODUCT

[EX1] Seventeen showcases history of women’s rights over the

[PR1] Seventeen girl boss subscription


[PR2] Seventeen We empower each other

[EX2] Seventeen When to say “No!” [EX3] Seventeen This is Me

ENVIRONMENT [EN1] Seventeen women’s gym


[EN2] Seventeen Co-working space

[EV1] Empowering children’s book club [EV2] Seventeen introduces women in business


[EV3] Seventeen young entrepreneurs

[SR1] Seventeen safe space talk therapy

[EV4] Seventeen Steps Challenge

[SR2] Seventeen women’s taxi





Future Opportunities [ED1] Education

[ED2] Education

Seventeen self-defense classes

Seventeen women’s rights courses

Teach young women about ways to protect themselves and be safe.

Different parts of the world follow different rules that women need to follow. Learning about these might encourage women to try and make a change.

Description The self-defense classes will provide young women with methods they can use to protect themselves from predators. It is evident that women are not safe and they do not feel safe and it is important to protect them but also to give them the power to protect themselves.

Description There are women around the world that do not have access to the same or even remotely similar resources that they need or deserve. This course will allow women to learn about how different cultures interact with women’s rights and start a conversation about why this is a problem.

Mission Focus The Seventeen self-defense classes reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by making them feel strong, powerful, and self-sufficient.

Mission Focus The Seventeen women’s rights course reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by informing them of what the women around the world are lacking and encouraging them to be the change they wish to see.

Similarities Self Defense for the people Differences Our courses do not rely on women’s physical strength for protection. We will introduce more than just martial arts. We teach women about safety hotlines, products they can carry with them, etc.


Similarities UN Women Differences Our course allows women to learn about women’s rights around the world by interacting with women around the world and this would encourage them to make a change.

[ED3] Education

[PR1] Product

Seventeen shared responsibility

Seventeen girl boss subscription box

Men and women can come together and share responsibilities. Men and women are equally capable of handling multiple responsibilities.

Provide a box of items like educational books, planners, mental and physical health related products

Description It is important to provide support. Everything can be accomplished if people come together. This will encourage men to provide consistent support and be a part of the change women wish to create. Empowering women does not mean that they have to take care of the family as well as be entrepreneurs at the same time struggling to find balance. This will encourage couple to share responsbilities and show kids that this is “normal.”

Description A monthly subscription box will provide young girls with items that are important for them to succeed. This will not only include items related to educational or professional success but also things that contribute to them well-being like tempons/pads for young girls or vitamins important for female health.

Mission Focus The Seventeen shared responsibility reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by not only encourages women to communicate but also encouraging men to listen and participate. Similarities Good Guys: How Men Can Be Better Allies for Women in the Workplace Differences There are currently no educational experiences provided for the same. We encourage couples to come in with their children and learn together. We want to teach kids at a young age through parents that gender equality starts at home.

Mission Focus The Seventeen girl boss subscription box reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by giving/introducing them to products that they can use for the betterment of their lives. Similarities Box for Boss Differences We will not only provide professional support but also keep in mind that they are women and have other needs that must be fulfilled. It is more than just a productivity or a self-care box. It is a combination of both.


Future Opportunities [PR2] Product

[SR1] Service

Seventeen We empower each other

Seventeen safe space talk therapy

Provide a platform where women can interact with each other and share their stories

Allow for a safe space for women to share their stories and find ways to succeed in life by finding hope beyond their struggles.

Description A website/mobile app which allows women to reach out to other women for emotional support or simply to make friends. This goes beyond simply speaking to professionals to get help. This provides women with an opportunity to make friends and build relationships with them and talk about their lives in a space where they can be vulnerable.

Description A counselling service will be provided for women to openly dicuss the struggles they face and get help. There have been instances where women do not speak up against certain things because they feel unsafe. Speaking to another woman about it would be eaiser.

Mission Focus The Seventeen We empower each other reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by giving them a platform where they can conect with each other and work together on different areas of lives. Similarities Seneca Connect, Shapr Differences Apps created for use by women only have been focused on networking and they are mainly for work purposes. We provide a space to make friends beyond that.


Mission Focus The Seventeen safe space talk therapy reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by inviting women to talk to other women and give them freedom of speech. Similarities LunaJoy Differences This allows women to speak to other women only. The therapists will be all women so clients feel more comfortable opening up and being vulnerable.

[SR2] Service

[EX1] Experience

Seventeen Women’s Taxi

Seventeen showcases history of women’s rights over the years

It is important to ensure that while they are expected to be independent and travel alone, they are safe and protected.

There was a time when women could not vote. We have come a long way. It is important to acknowledge the wins and spread positivity.

Description Seventeen provides a women only taxi service so the women can safely commute without having fear. It is important to ensure the safety of the women in the world.

Description An installation will be created to showcase the progress we have made. It will showcase success in terms of women’s rights as well as successful women that are world leaders today.

Mission Focus The Seventeen Women’s Taxi reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by giving them a safe alternative to other modes of transportation used by everybody else and allowing them to focus on the more important aspects of their lives.

Mission Focus The Seventeen showcases history of women’s rights over the years reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by showing women that they are capable of doing great things and have the resources to get there.

Similarities PinkCab Differences We provide women with access to requesting pickups from dangerous areas while other services avoid high crime areas on all trips.

Similarities MoMa Feminist art Differences The installation will not only showcase artwork created by women for women, but also showcase stories of successful women as well as success we have achieved in terms of chaging what women’s rights really are.


Future Opportunities [EX2] Experience

[EX3] Experience

Seventeen When to say “No!”

Seventeen This is Me

Young girls must know how to protect themselves from not only physical abuse but also emotional abuse.

Encourage young girls to think beyond the norms of the society and come dressed as their ideal best-self.

Description A workshop where we welcome young girls to learn about their rights and their safety. We craft a workshop where girls can play a game to share what they think they should and should not accept/tolerate and upon further discussion we ensure that these girls know what is acceptable for their well-being as a woman in this world.

Description We welcome young girls to think about what they aspire to be, not just professionally but also in their personal life and come to a workshop dressed as that person. We encourage them to dress as who they believe they are and share the stories of why they made those choices. They will be photographed doing whatever it is that they believe they aspire to do when they grow up. This will allow for a fun activity for young girls.

Mission Focus The Seventeen When to say “No!” reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by informing them of ways to set boundaries they are comfortable with. Similarities Fair Play Life Differences We are focused on encouraging young girls to not only stop being people-pleasers but also learn to say no in order to be safe and protected.


Mission Focus The Seventeen This is Me reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by allowing them to think beyond what the the norms of the society are and be as wild and free-spirited as they aspire to be. Similarities School Career Day Differences We are encouraging young girls to imagine their lives and dress up as whoever they want to be. Some brilliant ideas can stem from childrens’ minds when given the freedom to let their imagination run wild.

[EN1] Environment

[EN2] Environment

Seventeen women’s gym

Seventeen Co-working Space

Women often feel unsafe in oublic gyms. A women only gym/fitness club will encourage women to be physically fit in a safe space.

A women only co-working space to ensure that women are not worried about being unsafe while trying to work.

Description A women only gym/fitness club is a safe space for women to do physical activities without feeling that somebody is looking at them or feeling that they might get approached by somebody they do not wish to interact with. It will also allow women to bond with each other.

Description A co-working space for women only will allow them to focus on their career and not have to worry about unwanted interactions with strangers.

Mission Focus The Seventeen women only gym reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by encouraging women to stay active and take care of their physical health in a safe space. Similarities N Motion Fitness Studio Differences We provide women only fitness studio where instructors are also only women. We have recently seen instances where men are allowed in female-only areas and women tend to feel unsafe.

Mission Focus The Seventeen Co-working Space reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by giving women a safe space to focus on their work if they wish to work from a place outside of their homes. Similarities The Hivery Differences We provide women with an end of the day happy hour after they finish working so they can relax and interact with each other.


Future Opportunities [CO1] Co-Branding

[CO2] Co-Branding

Seventeen X Big Think

Seventeen X Empower Women

A collaboration with Big Think where young women are invited to share their stories of growing up as a woman in their community.

A collaboration with Empower Women to bring young girls around the world together.

Description A collaboration with Big Think where common people are encouraged to be speakers and share stories of their struggles as well as their accomplishments, no matter how small it may seem to them, and showcasing this to the rest of the world’s female population.

Description A collaboration with Empower Women where young girls communicate with other young girls from around the world and promote good self-esteem. This can be used as a means of character development for these girls.

Mission Focus The Seventeen X Big Think reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by showing women that all major and minor accomplishments should be celebrated and there is no obstacle that they cannot overcome. Similarities TED Talks Differences We allow common people to share their stories and not just public speakers. This is a more authentic and less fabricated experience for young women.


Mission Focus The Seventeen X Empower Women reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by encouraging girls to uplift each other and provide support where necessary. Similarities Support Her Empowerment Differences We will encourage young girls to drive the change they wish to see and be the face of women empowerment.

[EV1] Event

[EV2] Event

Empowering Children’s Book Club

Seventeen introduces women in business

Young girls should hear stories about real women that inspire them and not just stories about princesses being rescued by a prince.

An event for young women to meet other young successful female entrepreneurs and get inspired.

Description The children’s book club comprises of women reading books to kids about real women who accomplished great things with nobody’s help but their own. It could also include stories about women coming together for the greater good. Young boys should be included as well because it is important to raise both boys and girls the same way.

Description A mentorship event that allows women who aspire to start their businesses get inspiration and advice from other women who have proven that women can achieve great things if they set their minds to it.

Mission Focus The Seventeen children’s book club reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by introducing young women to the concept of being self-dependent and successful at a young age. Similarities A mighty girl Differences Our book club will have women read books to young girls and allow them to talk about their personal experiences.

Mission Focus The Seventeen introduces women in business reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by introducing them to potential guides. Similarities Women in Business Club Differences We allow women to meet these women in person and get mentorship from them and network and collaborate with other women


Future Opportunities [EV3] Event

[EV4] Event

Seventeen young entrepreneurs

Seventeen Steps Challenge

Kids can have to most bizarre ideas and they should be encouraged to pursue whatever it is they desire.

An event where people gather to take a walk around the city and donate money for charity.

Description An event where young girls can set up booths and promote their small businesses that provide products or services to other young girls or adults.

Description Seventeen Steps Challenge encourage people to join us to walk around the city of San Francisco. This event welcomes vendors to set up small snack shops as well as display banners for advertisement. The profits from this event will be used towards providing the less fortunate young girls around the world with educational books.

Mission Focus The Seventeen young entrepreneurs reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by giving young girls an opportunity to make their dreams come to life. Similarities Market Day Differences We encourage a femalr only market day. It is important to encourage kids who do not have market day at school to be able to participate.


Mission Focus The Seventeen Steps Challenge reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by encouraging people to come together and raise money for the betterment of the lives of young girls around the world. Similarities Free to Run Differences The charities raise money for women across the globe but neglect the women within their countries. We provide support to all women regardless of their geographical location.



[EV1] Event

Empowering Children’s Book Club Young girls should hear stories about real women that inspire them and not just stories about princesses being rescued by a prince. Description The children’s book club comprises of women reading books to kids about real women who accomplished great things with nobody’s help but their own. It could also include stories about women coming together for the greater good. Young boys should be included as well because it is important to raise both boys and girls the same way. Mission Focus The Seventeen children’s book club reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by introducing young women to the concept of being self-dependent and successful at a young age. Similarities A mighty girl Differences Our book club will have women read books to young girls and allow them to talk about their personal experiences.







[EV2] Event

Seventeen introduces women in business An event for young women to meet other young successful female entrepreneurs and get inspired.

Description A mentorship event that allows women who aspire to start their businesses get inspiration and advice from other women who have proven that women can achieve great things if they set their minds to it. Mission Focus The Seventeen introduces women in business reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by introducing them to potential guides. Similarities Women in Business Club Differences We allow women to meet these women in person and get mentorship from them and network and collaborate with other women







[EV4] Event

Seventeen Steps Challenge An event where people gather to take a walk around the city and donate money for charity.

Description Seventeen Steps Challenge encourage people to join us to walk around the city of San Francisco. This event welcomes vendors to set up small snack shops as well as display banners for advertisement. The profits from this event will be used towards providing the less fortunate young girls around the world with educational books. Mission Focus The Seventeen Steps Challenge reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by encouraging people to come together and raise money for the betterment of the lives of young girls around the world. Similarities Free to Run Differences The charities raise money for women across the globe but neglect the women within their countries. We provide support to all women regardless of their geographical location.







[SR1] Service

Seventeen safe space talk therapy Allow for a safe space for women to share their stories and find ways to succeed in life by finding hope beyond their struggles. Description A counselling service will be provided for women to openly dicuss the struggles they face and get help. There have been instances where women do not speak up against certain things because they feel unsafe. Speaking to another woman about it would be eaiser. Mission Focus The Seventeen safe space talk therapy reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by inviting women to talk to other women and give them freedom of speech. Similarities LunaJoy Differences This allows women to speak to other women only. The therapists will be all women so clients feel more comfortable opening up and being vulnerable.







[SR2] Service

Seventeen Women’s Taxi It is important to ensure that while they are expected to be independent and travel alone, they are safe and protected.

Description Seventeen provides a women only taxi service so the women can safely commute without having fear. It is important to ensure the safety of the women in the world. Mission Focus The Seventeen Women’s Taxi reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by giving them a safe alternative to other modes of transportation used by everybody else and allowing them to focus on the more important aspects of their lives. Similarities PinkCab Differences We provide women with access to requesting pickups from dangerous areas while other services avoid high crime areas on all trips.







[CO1] Branding

Seventeen X Big Think A collaboration with Big Think where young women are invited to share their stories of growing up as a woman in their community. Description A collaboration with Big Think where common people are encouraged to be speakers and share stories of their struggles as well as their accomplishments, no matter how small it may seem to them, and showcasing this to the rest of the world’s female population. Mission Focus The Seventeen X Big Think reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by showing women that all major and minor accomplishments should be celebrated and there is no obstacle that they cannot overcome. Similarities TED Talks Differences We allow common people to share their stories and not just public speakers. This is a more authentic and less fabricated experience for young women.







[EN1] Environment

Seventeen women’s gym Women often feel unsafe in oublic gyms. A women only gym/fitness club will encourage women to be physically fit in a safe space. Description A women only gym/fitness club is a safe space for women to do physical activities without feeling that somebody is looking at them or feeling that they might get approached by somebody they do not wish to interact with. It will also allow women to bond with each other. Mission Focus The Seventeen women only gym reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by encouraging women to stay active and take care of their physical health in a safe space. Similarities N Motion Fitness Studio Differences We provide women only fitness studio where instructors are also only women. We have recently seen instances where men are allowed in female-only areas and women tend to feel unsafe.







[EN2] Environment

Seventeen Co-working Space A women only co-working space to ensure that women are not worried about being unsafe while trying to work.

Description A co-working space for women only will allow them to focus on their career and not have to worry about unwanted interactions with strangers. Mission Focus The Seventeen Co-working Space reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by giving women a safe space to focus on their work if they wish to work from a place outside of their homes. Similarities The Hivery Differences We provide women with an end of the day happy hour after they finish working so they can relax and interact with each other.







[EX3] Experience

Seventeen This is Me Encourage young girls to think beyond the norms of the society and come dressed as their ideal best-self.

Description We welcome young girls to think about what they aspire to be, not just professionally but also in their personal life and come to a workshop dressed as that person. We encourage them to dress as who they believe they are and share the stories of why they made those choices. They will be photographed doing whatever it is that they believe they aspire to do when they grow up. This will allow for a fun activity for young girls. Mission Focus The Seventeen This is Me reinforces our mission to empower women and encourage them to be aspirational so they can reach their full potential and have a substantial role in driving change by allowing them to think beyond what the the norms of the society are and be as wild and free-spirited as they aspire to be. Similarities School Career Day Differences We are encouraging young girls to imagine their lives and dress up as whoever they want to be. Some brilliant ideas can stem from childrens’ minds when given the freedom to let their imagination run wild.








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