The following Under-Grad Design Dissertation Study is hereby approved as satisfactory work on the approved subject carried out and presented in a manner sufficiently satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a pre-requisite and partial fulfillment of requirement to the 5th Year Sem IX of Bachelor Of Architecture Degree for which it has been submitted. This is to certify that this student Shruti Pradeep Geeta Bhagwat is a bonafide Final Year student of our institute and has completed this Design Dissertation under the guidance of the Guide as undersigned, adhering to the norms of the Mumbai University & our Institute Thesis Committee. It is understood that by this approval and certification the Institute and the Thesis Guide do not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusions drawn therein; but approves the study only for the purpose for which it has been submitted and satisfied the requirements laid down by our Thesis Committee.
Name of the Student: Date:
Approved By
Certified By
Examined By
Friday 13th Dec’ 2020
Principal Ar. Prof. Rohit Shinkre
Thesis Guide Ar. Prof. Akbar Biviji
External Examiner-1 (
College Seal
Certified Seal
External Examiner-2 ) (