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Letters from the Editors
Letter from the Editors
Throughout this issue of The Booster, readers will see the positive and negatives outcomes of the pandemic. My fellow Co- Editors-in-Chiefs and I believe that there is one message that is more important than any other during this time. The following editorial was written by Nathan Greear, the associate editor of The Booster, published on Jan. 25, 1939. We believe this message is still relevant to today’s issues, and we hope you, our readers, find value in this.
Egoism is one of the most contemptible traits of character. Yet, despite the fact that it is such, there are very few persons that do not at some time show traces of egoism.
Just imagine how much better this world would be if everyone thought more of the happiness of his fellow man than of his own.
It does not matter that it is humanly impossible for everyone to give up the thought of self. We can in a small measure achieve this; so let us consider it our duty to do so.
Remember, before you display signs of egoism, that no one thinks you’re as good as you do yourself.
There is and always will be a few people whose life-work is making others happy and who have little thought for their own happiness. How different are these from the ones whose joy comes from seeing others unhappy? Let us laud the former, and condemn the latter!