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Letter from the Editors

Letter from the Editors

Throughout this issue, The Booster has noted many of the changes our school has undergone since the beginning of this semester. From a new administrator to the lanyards now sweeping through the school district, many changes have come about this semester. Readers can view these stories on page five of this issue.


The Booster is persisting through changes of our own, as our staff has decreased in number exceptionally. With the decrease in staff size, our diversity in content has diminished as well.

We would like to ask our readers for suggestions in the content you would like to see. If you have any content you would like to see featured in The Booster or The

Booster Online, then please send us your ideas. We would also welcome any feedback our readers have for The Booster.

Also, we would like to ask seniors to send The Booster any ideas for the Senior Issue in May. Any prompts, story ideas, suggestions or anything our readers would like to see from the Class of 2020 would be greatly appreciated.

We value our readers opinions and would like to say that any input given would be valuable to our staff.

For anyone wanting to submit ideas, please contact us at our email at booster@scsd2.k12.in.us.

Baylee Comer

Sadie Fugate

Jaiden Herald

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