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Online Graduate Degree In Mass Communication Blends Technology & Creativity

By Julia May & Stephen Langlais

The Department of Mass Communication has revamped an existing graduate program to cater to working professionals seeking career advancement in the rapidly expanding technology communications industry. The Master of Arts degree in emerging and social media, formerly known as the Master of Arts in digital media, now emphasizes the development of skills in producing highquality media content and creating effective social media communication strategies using the latest technologies.

The program is designed for flexibility, offering entirely online seven and a half week courses. You can complete the degree at your own pace in as little as one year or adjust the pace to fit your schedule. We interviewed the Department of Mass Communication faculty to understand how this innovative program equips students with the necessary skills to thrive in today's professional landscape.

Illustration by Kimberly Holzer
Do students need a background in mass communication to excel in a master's degree in emerging and social media?

This program is valuable for individuals from any educational background. Digital and social media proficiency is becoming essential in various industries. This program focuses on the latest trends, skills, and knowledge required to navigate the changing fields of emerging and social media. Those with a marketing background can learn to create engaging content and develop effective social media campaigns to improve brand visibility and customer engagement. People from sports management or journalism can learn to better promote athletes, teams, and events to further engage with fans. Individuals interested in economics can apply analytical skills to understand social media metrics and assess the economic impact of digital media strategies. Artists and designers can learn to reach wider audiences by showcasing their work through various media platforms and exploring new forms of interactive and multimedia art. Engineers can benefit from learning to communicate complex technical information through accessible and engaging digital content. Students of the social sciences can utilize social media for research, community engagement, and driving social change by effectively communicating their findings and advocacy efforts. This degree is relevant across all industries.

Why offer a graduate degree in emerging and social media?

The ever-changing landscape of digital technologies and social media has increased the demand for professionals who can effectively utilize these tools. Advanced studies in emerging and social media equip students with production skills for digital media content, including video, audio, web and mobile applications, user interface/user experience design, and podcasts. This graduate program educates students on tactics, skills, and developments in the evolving field of social media. Working professionals will benefit greatly from this flexible program for career advancement and professional growth.

What are some of the courses students take TO EARN this degree?

The diverse course list allows students to pursue their specific areas of interest. Students begin with three required courses: emerging media technologies, social media, and emerging and social media campaign strategies.

In emerging media technologies, students study developing technologies in the field of digital media such as three-dimensional immersive video, virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to incorporate these technologies into various creative projects. Students also learn to assess the social and psychological implications of these rapidly evolving technologies and the ethical considerations they bring forth.

In the social media course, students explore the complexities of social media through theoretical and practical lenses. They develop skills using social media tools for effective communication, discover innovative uses for social media, and learn to develop and implement a strategic social media plan to reach wider audiences and increase engagement.

The final required course, emerging and social media campaign strategies, teaches students how to develop communication strategies by conceptualizing, designing, and creating digital messaging. Students will learn how to analyze and capitalize on trends, as well as proper planning and strategizing needed for effective planning and strategizing needed for effective communication campaigns.

Following these required courses, students have the opportunity to specialize in their areas of interest by choosing six electives from a wide range of courses. Those passionate about filmmaking may find an interest in courses like video for emerging and social media or digital editing. Web and mobile development and UX design and production are great classes for those wishing to learn more about web design. Those taking advanced writing can expand their knowledge of writing for emerging and social media platforms. Students may take any combination of electives they wish to master a specific expertise or develop a well-rounded skill set. Finally, students will complete their degree with a thesis project, showcasing what they have learned during the program.

What does the faculty look for in the emerging or social media thesis project required for graduation?

Students work on various degree projects tailored to their interests, such as YouTube channels, social media campaigns, podcasts, documentary videos, interactive websites, and more. There is no specific criterion used to evaluate these projects' success. Instead, students are encouraged to explore original ideas, implement cuttingedge tools, and demonstrate how their projects can impact the media field. Students collaborate closely with their thesis project committee, composed of three graduate faculty members, and progress based on the committee's guidance.

This program consists of professional online coursework designed to provide in-depth learning of essential marketing tools and platforms like social media, podcasting, video production, and writing. It has successfully prepared me for future employment or potentially establishing my own business. The instructors are knowledgeable in their respective fields and communicate well throughout the online classes. -Mehreen Nasir
How will having a master’s degree in emerging and social media give an individual a competitive edge in the job market, either for a promotion or a new job?

The degree equips individuals with advanced skills highly sought after in a digital media-dominated market. Skills such as video production, social media creation, web content development, marketing, public relations, or corporate communications broaden career opportunities. This program prepares its graduates for leadership roles, given the curriculum's emphasis on strategic media planning and critical assessment of communication processes.

How are the classes in this degree different from traditional courses?

Our courses differentiate themselves from traditional education by leveraging traditional tools and tailoring them to the social media context. For example, unlike the conventional approach, our primary assessment of communication processes relies on the interactions and engagements of our target audience on social media platforms. This includes metrics such as clicks, likes, comments, shares, and others, which offer unique insights distinct from traditional assessment methods. Despite the degree program being solely online, students can expect hands-on projects such as creating short films, media campaigns, and audio projects, which are perfect for building a professional portfolio.

Thus far, audio for emerging and social media has been my favorite course. Audio engineering has been my unexpected love, and I would have never discovered how much I enjoy working with audio and using Adobe Audition without it. -Paula Navarro
What is the advantage of this program being provided fully online as opposed to a traditional in-classroom experience?

This online degree provides maximum flexibility. The courses are only seven weeks long, allowing students to study at their own pace and access course materials from anywhere in the world. This online program is ideal for working professionals who want to balance education with other commitments.

Does a seven-week course offer enough time for in depth learning compared to taking a conventional course that lasts an entire semester?

Yes, the seven-week courses encourage focused study on each topic and prepare students for the fast-paced working environment in this profession. Students have the flexibility to create their own schedules and tailor their workload to fit their individual needs and commitments.

As a young, growing video consultant professional, utilizing my existing skill set and incorporating the new skills learned within the program has allowed me to continue producing high-quality content for myself and other clients as a freelancer. The unique, online-only program enables me to have the flexibility needed to continue my studies while working. Courses like social media, audio for emerging and social media, and digital entrepreneurship have allowed me to continue to grow my professional portfolio while pursuing and earning my master's degree. -Antonio Bocanegra II
More questions about the program, application, courses, or other related topics?

Contact the Department of Mass Communication at 936.294.1341 or mcom@shsu.edu.

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