Turning The Page

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Š 2014 Funmi Obabire All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electrical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior written permission of the publisher. Editorial and Publishing Services: Sapient Hadassah's Touch Limited 5/7 Alhaja Kofoworola Street, Off Awolowo Road, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria. 08067485145, 08029746158 www.shtlpublishing.com info@shtlpublishing.com hadassahtouch@yahoo.com

This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidences are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

ISBN: 978-978-942-6867


To God Almighty, the inexhaustible helper of every reader of this literary work yearning for help.

Dare to read a few pages‌ you'll suddenly discover you are hooked. The gentle rhythm of your heart and the inquisitive tang in your mind lures you on and on into many pages as Funmi Obabire takes you on a ride from heights of thought provoking drama to depths of eye watering empathy. Just before you recover from your new found experience, you are already on the last page, asking for more. Mrs Esther Dumbiri Sapient Hadassah's Touch Limited MD


My dear husband, Mr Ayo Obabire, your understanding marvels me. You are the best. My lovely children, the eagerness with which you read through the manuscript, asking me to hasten up the writing for you to know what was next availed me the needed booster to achieve this success. To my cherished friends and older colleagues; Mrs Oladunke Egunjobi, Mrs Olufunke Adio, Mrs Adebisi Kuforiji, Mrs Idowu Ijeli, Mr Femi Osikoya, Dr Vincent Ayanti and Dr Soji Oyewo. You are all wonderful. Your inputs of advice, encouragement and prayers are well appreciated. To the best publishing crew; SHTL crew, you have been assiduous and this is success. Thank you all and God bless you.

"Turning the Page" brings out wisdom for young people showing them how to overcome pressures and confront the dilemma of choice as they read this practical but very interesting literary style using story, drama and prose. Mr Ayo Obabire A quite conclusive piece that showcases youthful exuberance, the repercussions and the gains found in abstinence. Oh that more youths will be inclined towards positively impacting their community than posing themselves as liabilities to their parents and the society at large. Funmi Obabire, your passion for young people is mirrored on every page of this wonderful piece. Jume Daniels Hands on Deck Services



I wrote this book for the younger generation as a result of wrong information that is being peddled across our developmental structures of leadership. But more importantly, I wrote this book with a focus on necessary tips for the young leaders of tomorrow to emerge and succeed. The book is not entirely about leadership per se as a topic but it sets out to address the dilemma poised on one of the vital developmental structures: THE POWER OF CHOICE, as no one can truly be successful as a leader without mastering the art of choice making. What is in vogue at the moment, depending on which country you reside in, is one or a combination of the following matrix: the western civilization with the appeals to social media platforms; the high-tech devices and communication gadgets; the fashion blog; the entertainment and music creativity; the pressure to “belong to classified peers�; and so on. Choice-making offers the platform to differentiate between those potentials of greatness and the eventual victims.The victims are those very promising young boys and girls with great potentials to conquer the future but who never get close to it, as a result of influences that they perceive to be right or were pressurised to accept as right. Owing to this, the cycle of poor leadership then continues all


over the world.This evil must stop! The knowledge presented in this novel will help you as an emerging adult to be on top of your life as you evolve into an impeccable person.The person that the world needs should be both information-driven and character-driven. A generation of youths, who can control their emotions, define their perception of things, enforce informed will, guide a character-driven definition of success and wealth, uphold values of life and environment, treasure family life and, most importantly, can embrace an untainted devotion to the living God. When you read through this book, you might see yourself or others in here. If you happen to see yourself on the wrong side of the story, simply follow the steps that those who were on the wrong path in this book took to return to the right path and you will thank God you did. I look forward to seeing you, in the journey to your great future, demonstrating and sustaining a culture of informed and character-driven personality. I look forward to seeing you, somehow and somewhere whether in Africa or other climes, shining in righteousness for God and humanity. You will get there!

Funmi Obabire

Joyce Hard Work Doesn't Kill


woke up on the right side of the bed today. It was a bright Saturday morning in August. In my fourth year in College, my Geography teacher once said that the period of seven or more days in the month of August when there is no rainfall is called “August Break.” I guess this day belonged to one of those days. I got hold of the vacuum cleaner and in less than twenty minutes, the sitting room and the dining had been transformed. My aunt went on holidays in the United Kingdom leaving her son, Kingsley, his sister, Dorothy, and I under the guidance of her husband, Augustine Salewa. He is a professor of Chemistry and the Dean of Faculty of Sciences in the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Since aunt Joke left for the U.K. a week ago, no one had ventured into cleaning the deep blue rug laid in the living room. No thanks to the Cleaner who felt that with my aunt's absence she needed to teach Dorothy and me how to be a bit responsible since we were both done with our Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (U.T.M.E). “Dorothy, today you'll have to take care of the living room. You are growing up so you need to learn how to be a responsible lady.” She had said five days ago, during her routine house cleaning. “That's no big deal.” Dorothy answered. “After all, I am


Turning the page

used to doing that even before my examination commenced.” “Mrs Ibeneme…” I cut in. “Don't worry, I will give her a helping hand as usual. Or have you forgotten she's got plastic hands?” “You are right,” said Mrs Ibeneme. “Though, your own assignment is to clean the windows, frames and panes.” Dorothy responded sharply, “What do you mean I've got plastic hands? So Miss Steel Hands, go ahead and do all the chores because I wouldn't allow my plastic hands to get broken. Quiet Easily Done (Q. E. D.)!” “You see, there you go! Dorothy, you want to tell me you don't know that's a joke?” I asked. “Joke my foot.” She said hissing and brushing me out of her way as she walked out of the sitting room annoyed. It is true that I give Dorothy a helping hand in doing most of her household chores. I lived with my step mum the first five years after my mum's death. I was five years old when my mother died. My step mum didn't have a child of her own until I was eight. She pampered me and treated me almost like my mum used to but without sentiment. She taught me how to do the dishes, beat eggs, mix the dough for pancake and so on with maximum supervision and so much love that doing any household chore doesn't take me so much time. This also helped me to see them less burdensome as Dorothy sees them to be. Dorothy easily gets annoyed, not like my aunt or my aunt's late sister… my mum. She must have taken after her dad in this regard. She is so beautiful like her mum;

Hard work doesn’t kill


everything about her feature is “very”. She has very long and black hair, very big eye balls, very dark and shining skin and very nice set of teeth. For her beauty alone, she could easily be passed for a beauty queen. I think this actually runs in my mother's family. The other day, my dad was talking about how his boss, meeting my mum for the first time then, passed a compliment that, “Mr Olabayo, you didn't tell us you are married to a queen.” Dorothy would have been a better cousin without her flaming anger. She is also very brilliant. We just got the results of our Ordinary Level examinations and she has five A+(s), three A(s) and one B+ which happens to be in English Language. Mine is also good but not as outstanding as hers. I have three A+(s), four A(s), one B and one C. Both of us will be going to study Medicine in the University of Lagos by September. Uncle came in late last night. He had a hectic day in his faculty due to the Post U.T.M.E interviews going on presently. Apparently, he's going to wake up later than his 8am Saturday rising time today. This means he's not going golfing, and most likely, he'll notice the carpet's dirty state. Kingsley has also started wheezing slightly as a result of dust from the carpet. The little angel hates taking his Ventolin tablets and even detests the sight of the inhaler! Well, as an asthmatic patient, he definitely needs a miracle for him to permanently stay off these drugs. I packed the vacuum cleaner and kept it back in the store. It was just 7:30am, so I rushed back into my room to finish the novel I was reading earlier on.


Turning the page

A in my Mathematics.” She flung her head backwards and shook it a little making her long braids fall on one another to the back of her neck. With her face lifted up, she said in a sweet quiet voice… “Meeen, dad you are the best. You know just what to do at the right time.” “Unbelievable! Joyce, you've got to give dad an excuse to allow you to withdraw ten thousand naira from the money sent to you for our immediate personal use or something like that. I mean just find your way round it.” I said. “Trust me. You just go ahead with the party plans…” She was coming towards me to give me a high five but her phone started ringing. “Hello, Danladi, you mean you're just leaving the sports centre? Keep coming, I'll block you on the way.” Using her fingers to give me a sign that she would be back soon, she raced through the sitting room and disappeared through the door slamming it after her. No thanks to Mrs Adejoke Salewa whose absence alone could permit such indiscipline. Joyce is just nine months older than I, She clocked sixteen in April. By January next year, I'll be sixteen as well but dad believes in her sense of spending more than mine. She could withdraw as much as that from her account without him raising an eyebrow, but not Dorothy. Why, why, why? Why me? Anyway, I've got to start planning how the party will go. Possibly, Helen will like to be at the party as well as Ibrahim (Ibro). If Helen is yet to go on Summer holidays to Holland, I will definitely see her in church on Sunday

Hard work rewarded


and she will find a way of getting Ibrahim to attend the party. Thank God the whole party idea is a secret. Mum has warned me not to get too intimate with Helen since she discovered that Ibro was Helen's boyfriend through Helen mum's friend who is my mum's colleague at the University Library. She came home from office one day only to summon Joyce and I to her bedroom. “Joyce, Dorothy, I have something very important to tell both of you.” She had said, placing her notebook on her bed side drawer and quickly, she plugged it into the socket right at the back of the drawer. She sat at the edge of her bed and asked us to sit down beside her. “My babies, I know you are wondering why I didn't even take time to relax and freshen up after such a busy day like this. It's just because I don't want to forget what I am about to tell you.” I was already anxious and felt nauseated by mum's suspense play. “Yes mum, please tell us before my blood pressure tears off every blood vessel in my body!” I said impatiently. “Yes, I was given a very bad report about Helen Adeniyi, one of the teenagers in our junior church today. Knowing it will be wrong for me to hear it and just fold my hands doing nothing about it, I decided to call her mum since I know that the source of the information is reliable. Mrs Adeniyi's reaction took me by surprise since the only reason I went to speak with her is because I was just being my brother's keeper. She subtly abused me, so much that I felt like crying. She told me not to force my


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archaic religious beliefs down her daughter's throat and that I should mind my own business.” Mum said clasping her arms to her chest and stretching out her legs in front of her. “Ok mum, you are annoyed because she stylishly abused you. Isn't it?” Joyce asked. “Oh! No. It's her bad parenting that got me off. And that's why I have to give both of you a standing order to keep a healthy distance between you and Helen since her mum doesn't want her to be corrected by outsiders and at the same time is not ready to guide her right. She admits she knows that Helen has a boyfriend who takes her out till late in the night at age fifteen without anyone frowning at it! She claims her girl and every other girl out there should be given the freedom of expression in this jet age!” Mum answered with a tint of anger in her voice. “Now mum, I think I know your fears. You don't want us to get too close to her so that we don't get hooked to one or more of her bad behaviours.” I said. “Exactly, you two should keep a safe distance while we all mention her to God in our prayers to get back on the right track.” Mum concluded. The discussion that transpired between mum and us that day just played back swiftly. But then, having Helen and her boyfriend around for the party wouldn't cause any harm really, at least just for the fun of it. I mean, some of the guys around would learn something about good dress sense from Ibro, if nothing at all, from his designer shoes. Nike, Addidas, it appears he has a wide collection of these

Hard work rewarded


shoes. Though Kingsley would argue strongly each time we get talking about designers' wears that a poster in his class says it all; “In thirty years' time, it wouldn't matter anymore what type of jeans or make of shoes you wear now but what you are learning now and what you make out of it.� Kingsley is entitled to his own opinion. Anyhow, I still noted down Helen and Ibro as special guests at the party wishing that the week would speed off quickly.

Sweet victory


“Yeah dad, that's George Davis, the basketball star who helped his team to win one of the foreign Amateur Championship games recently.” answered Kingsley. “One of the secrets of this young man's success is waking up very early and jogging up to five kilometres daily asides many other things he does to keep fit such as exercising daily in the gym and going for basket ball practice every now and then.” Dad lectured. “It's true dad, I read an interview he had last weekend in one of the leading magazines.” Joyce said enthusiastically. “So you will all agree with me that success doesn't come cheaply.” Dad asked looking at us. “Yes dad.” The three of us chorused. “That explains why I took you out today in appreciation of Dora and Joyce's hard work resulting in their excellent performance in their examinations. Keep it up girls. Kingsley, I have no fear about you because you have already cultivated a good reading habit that has always placed you among the first three in your class. Just keep it up.” “Thanks dad.” Kingsley said. Dad started the car engine and moved out of the car park to join the long queue of vehicles trying to find their way out of the ever busy park.

Joyce The Party Friday morning. I was happy that our Yay!partyIt'splans did not have any hiccup. I was able to withdraw fifteen thousand naira from my account, which I gave to Kate yesterday to get some drinks and snacks for the party. Kate's mum, a great socialite and the Chief Librarian at the University, promised us some barbecue to spice up the party! Uncle left for the office early today to attend an important senate sitting where the fate of some final year students nabbed with cultism would be decided. With enough evidences of being cultists, they would be rusticated from the University! I wonder what fun is in cultism when there are a host of other social and academic clubs all over the campus. From all indications, it promised to turn out a perfect day. The only person yet to be taken care of however was Kingsley. This born-again, made-in heaven, purer than diamond boy would simply spoil our day! “I pray he doesn't have any reason to keep hanging around till 5pm when the party is supposed to start.� I muttered my prayer as I eyed Kingsley who just walked past holding another one of those boring books while fiddling with his phone.

The party


“Guess what Dorothy?” shouted Kingsley, almost sticking his phone in Dorothy's face. “Dad just sent me a text message asking me to get ready for his driver to pick me up by 1pm to join the VC's children who are hosting their cousins who just came in from the US later today. Simply put, I won't be back home till late in the night when Dad is returning home!” He was all smiles and trying to keep back his giggles, he added, “Do you want to come with me?” “No! Thanks.” Dorothy snapped. I wonder what he takes Dorothy for; a toddler like him, or a baby sitter, who will change diapers and make baby food for one of the tiny tots among those children? Definitely not Dorothy! Yeah. Thanks heavens! A perfect day in view! Dorothy and I have the whole day to ourselves. Dorothy retired to her room and sent some text messages to remind Kate of some things she still needed to put in shape. The entire fantastic musical album must be on ground for everybody to enjoy. “I also needed to remind Danladi to bring his digital camera along. It's a memorable day that must be properly documented.” Dorothy mused. Eventually, we arrived at the party. All manner of thoughts began to nibble away at my mind the second I sat down on the couch in Kate's house. I have been at Kate's house severally with Dorothy and Kingsley, but only on permission from my uncle or aunt Joke but something felt different about this one time. What if uncle came home earlier than we thought? What if there is a development


Turning the page

with Kingsley? I mean stuffs like asthmatic attack… Or what if my aunty calls the telephone at home severally and there is no one there to pick up the phone? What if…” As my head began to swirl, I said to me, “Joyce, what is wrong with you? If I should continue like this, I am going to be miserable throughout this party and I don't want to be! I came here to have a nice time and so be it.” I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice how much I had rumpled the chair covers. The cream soft cotton covers matched the subtle colour on the chair. Of course, I hadn't noticed that earlier; I was too busy worrying about the success of the party. I stood up to straighten the chair cover and as though shaking my head could clear my thoughts, I shook my head then looked down at my watch. It was a special gift from Danladi, and I have always wondered why he picked a golden wristwatch as my gift last Christmas. Not that I am complaining anyway; who doesn't like good gifts? I loved it so much. Strange enough, neither my uncle nor my aunt ever asked me how I came about such a wristwatch, although I will give me a little kudos; I wear it sparingly whenever they are around. It was twenty past five; time for the party to have started. As I sat down once again, four of our friends came in to say hi. Obviously, due to the low guest turn out, we had to wait a little longer before the party kicked off fully. One of them began to play a soft music. Joseph and Dorothy walked hand in hand through the Kitchen door apparently coming from the little garden at the back of the house. Their relationship was barely a

The party


couple of months old but they acted as though they had been together forever. Sincerely, Joseph has been of help during the preparation for our Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (SSCE). Any difficulty encountered by the trio, his sister, Kate, Dorothy and I, in Mathematics past questions was resolved by our lesson tutor or Joseph. But it's now glaring that there is more to it than meets the eyes. Since April, Dorothy completely cut off her relationship with her ex-boyfriend but Joseph is now the best thing that has ever happened to her. I overheard Joseph telling her that his parents believe we were doing the right thing since this is about the last time we will be opportune to be together with our colleagues as one class. Sooner or later, everyone will be scattered all over different Universities in the country pursuing individual careers. This explains the support we got from them in allowing the party to take place in their house. “Great parents of great teens! Honestly, I wish other parents are as understanding as yours.” I chipped in smiling. “Mind you Joyce, I am no more a teen. I am sure Kate didn't let you know that it's my birthday today.” Joseph said with a mischievous look on his face. “Wow! Birthday boy! So you are twenty today! So tell me, how does it feel to become an adult?” I asked. “Men, you can't feel freer than I do now. I mean I can take some decisions by myself now without my parents prying eyes with the excuse that I am a minor or a major or what have you!” He replied throwing his hands into the air.


Turning the page

“Wait, wait, wait, whether plus or minus, major or minor, the most important thing is that you are off their hook and you can take your destiny into your hands, boy.” Dorothy said eyeing him. “Well, there is a proverb that says, no matter how tall a child is, he cannot see what the elders are seeing. So eaglet adult, you still need your parental guidance as much as you used to do.” I said. “Joyce, that may be good for you but as for me I am an adult now and can be held responsible for my actions and inactions.” “Don't mind her Joseph, she is an old woman in a girl's frame.” Dora whispered into his ears. “Dorothy, mind your words. All I am trying to say is that your boy friend should be careful with decision making so he won't get himself into unnecessary trouble. A happy birthday to you, anyway.” I said throwing my arms around him to give him a slight hug. As I released myself from the hug, I turned around just in time to see Danladi desperately looking for a convenient posture to capture the hug with his camera. I dashed across to meet him, held up his right hand with a fake anger, looked straight into his eyes and I asked him; “What are you up to? A blackmail?” “Not exactly, maybe I am just jealous, a tiny bit.” He answered smiling. He held my hand in his and as we made our way to a seat in one corner of the sitting room, Kate came in with a tray of small chops her mum had ordered for earlier on.

Deadly times


baptism, it would have led to what my Sunday school teacher calls fornication! We fasted, prayed and all that, but my mind wasn't really there. I was actually looking forward to another lonely time with Danladi. The lonely time came again and again till the last time he fired me. Now, thinking of the way Joseph was making fun of Dora, I wished it never really happened between Danladi and I. But I think I am still lucky. Danladi has joined the so called “Born Again Christians.� He's not going to make fun of me since I am sure he was no more proud of those times we shared together; he now called them deadly times.

Dorothy My Mum, My Counsellor


love my mother for her concern for me but I just wished she left me alone to sort out my issues for once. She always wants to know virtually everything you're going through and if you dare tell her the whole truth, her counsel will almost run you crazy. She claims she was once a teenager, but I wonder if she ever had emotions the way we have it now. Mum emerged from the kitchen with two bottles of chilled coca cola. She gave me one and sat beside me. “Daughter, little secrets kept away from mum will become an ocean of trouble and nightmares in the nearest future. I saw you in my dream yester-night falling from a very high stair case but before you landed on the ground your father and I caught you in our arms.” She closed her eyes halfway and added; “Tell me, what step have you taken that you know could endanger your life? I am sure you are being disturbed by that same step now.” Any time mum speaks this way, it is always better to come near the truth because she might have more information than she has divulged, courtesy “Holy Spirit.” This aspect of her; knowing what no human being has told her, makes me wish I am as born again as she is. “Mum, to be sincere, you know Joseph and I are close because of Kate, his sister. Of late, he has been asking me

My mum, my counsellor


to be his date and stuffs like that. I have told him though, that I don't want to have anything to do with him.” “Dora, don't hide anything from me please. Have you given your word before telling him you don't want to have anything to do with him again?” Mom asked pulling her hand away from my shoulder and facing me squarely with eyes looked deep into my soul. “No mum.” If I should say yes other questions will follow and I don't want to say a word about the disgusting thing I did. “That's right. I've told you over and over again that boys are affected by what they see while girls are affected by what they hear. My seemingly high handedness about your dressing Dora is because you are beautiful and your good looks will greatly affect any boy who sees you in skimpy, exposing and inviting dress. Some girls have been raped because of careless dressing. Please don't sell off your bright future with some foolish actions today. Moreover I have told you, you need to focus on your studies now. Having a date will distract you and don't forget we are Christians in this house. The standard of God is that a teenage Christian boy or girl has nothing to do with the opposite sex as long as you are not planning to get married now.” Mum dragged a stool closer and gently placed her legs on it. Oh! I thought we were rounding off the discussion. How wrong I was! She had told me something like this sometimes ago. I wish I took to those instructions then. Anyhow (ATM), Abstinence Till Marriage is my motto


Turning the page

now. No compromise. I thought my phone was in silence mode while the discussion started, but now there was a text message alert from my handset. “Read your message darling.” came mum's sweet voice. “All I want you to know is that your future starts from today. Cut off anyone that would want to hinder your dreams of greatness from coming true.” She added. The message was actually from Joseph and I didn't want to read it but she would suspect something awful. Mum is smart. With one corner of her eye, I could see her reading the text and still scrolling down through her own phone. She raised her head to give me that piercing look again asking; “Who sent that message?” “It's Joseph.” I said totally embarrassed, I gave her the phone. “Dorothy, I am sorry to have upset you. Never mind, you are free to keep to yourself since that's what you want.” Mum read it out loudly. I was so grateful my dad wasn't back from work yet, he was a kind of person to read in between the lines. Mum shrugged her shoulders and said “I think it is better you and Joyce keep a distance from Joseph and even Kate for now. The Bible says if your right hand will want you to commit sin and send you to hell, you should do what?” “Cut it off.” I replied. “And if it is your right eye you should…” She prodded. “Pluck it out.” I rolled out the words from my mouth

My mum, my counsellor


slowly. I just don't know how easy it is to do all these literarily! “If any boy writes you any seductive letter, tear it. If they send you e-mail that can swell your emotions negatively, be free to let me know and we will delete the devilish mail.” Just then, Joyce entered. Mum looked in her direction and said, “Did you catch what I've just said Joyce?” “Yes aunty.” She responded. “While in my third year in the University of Ibadan, a rich, young and handsome married man came to supervise a repair work being carried out by his construction company at the Queen Elizabeth Hall where I resided after an unfortunate fire incidence. He got attracted to me and gave me his complimentary card one evening on my way back from the lecture theatre. I was just nineteen then, so I wasn't planning to get married. Secondly, he was a married man and to crown it all I was a young Christian girl who believed in living a life that pleased God. I showed the card to my friends on getting into my room, we laughed it off and I tore the card.” Joyce had found a comfortable seat near mum now. I guess the discussion was becoming interesting. “The following morning while praying in my room before leaving for lectures, the Holy Spirit impressed it upon my heart to pray against monetary temptation and I did.” “You know what?” Mum continued with gesticulations. “As I got to the bus stop in front of the hall to wait for a


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cab, this man's car stopped by my side. He popped his head out of the window and said, “Miss Joke, this is for your lunch.” He stretched a white fat envelope to me. I was quick to answer him. “God is more than enough for me, so please don't bother.” I dropped a Christian tract in his car and dashed off. Funny enough, I was really broke at this time.” “Later, the news was all over my hall. A pretty year one student called Rebecca accepted the handsome contractor's offer and whenever they left in the evening, he would drop her off the next morning.” “Excuse me mum, don't you think that girl had no one to counsel her?” I asked. “Children listen, I personally tried to intervene but Rebecca wouldn't listen. I invited her to my campus fellowship but she wouldn't come because she would have partied all night on Saturday and spent the early hours of Sunday sleeping. She would tell us stories about the men of “Timber and Calibre” she danced and partied with. Rebecca graduated with a pass and found it difficult to secure a well paid job after her National Youth Service!” “But you on the other hand came out with a strong second class upper division because you were focused on your study.” Joyce said with an adoring look on her face. “Not only that Joyce, remember she told us also that she won the award for the best project in her department.” I said. “Well daughters, as you can see, I didn't pass out of the University with a gentleman's class because I worked for an

My mum, my counsellor


excellent result. By the time I had settled in marriage with Dorothy and Kingsley already in the pre-school, Rebecca was still single and searching. Some of the nice guys who would have married her knew her story. They felt she wasn't good wife material having seen her in parties with men old enough to be her father.” “How did you get to know all these or were you that close?” Joyce asked. “We weren't close, but we met in a Christian workers' conference few months after her wedding. As you can see, it is the same Christ she rejected in her undergraduate days that finally fixed her life. Joyce and Dora, please walk in the ways of the Lord. You don't need to go through difficult times like she did before becoming committed to God.” “Yes, mum thanks.” I said. “Aunty, thanks a lot. You are the best.” Joyce said giving her a hug. Now, something in me tells me more than ever before that mum is absolutely right. No more dating! But how would you feel among in a campus environment where there will be all sorts of jiving here and there. Pretty girls like Joyce and I shouldn't be seen as old fashioned and out dated. Well, I still stick to ATM.

ATM it is!


“Dora, I've got to trash this assignment tonight because of the musical concert coming up tomorrow. Or what do you think?” I asked. “That's ok by me. In fact, I solved one of the problems before leaving the library for your “display ground” with Lukman.” She said with a fake frown. “What do you mean “display ground” as if you too didn't catch the fun!” I said. “Baaaad girl!” Dora said throwing her pillow at me. I ducked and caught it. I threw it back at her, it hit her on the face. She yelled; “I am yet to know what you are not good at, see, sharp shooter!” “May be not so good at fasting and praying like mum would want you and I to be sha.” I answered. We both laughed and settled down to complete our assignment. I woke up earlier than usual the following morning so that I could do my laundry early enough to have sufficient rest before the concert. As I looked up, I saw Dora walking towards me, still in her night gown, clinging to her laundry bag like a walking stick. Behind our hostel, provision was made for students to do their dirty laundry but it afforded us as much privacy as possible. As Dora got close enough for me to hear, she asked, “Joyce, are you sure you slept at all? You are almost done with your laundry. Don't you think you are taking it too far? It is not as if you are having a date with this guy. Remember it's just a concert.” She looked so frail. “Whether it's a date or not, I don't want to know. All I know is that Lukman himself invited us and I don't want


Turning the page

to look stressed by the time he sees me at the concert in the evening. So, all chores must be done now so that I can look my best later in the day.” “Hmm, you are in dream land, Joyce.” She dropped her laundry bag beside mine and ran back to the loo. A couple of minutes later, she returned with water splashes all over her face. She stood akimbo beside me. “Are you all right, Dorothy?” I stood up and took a close look at her. “I don't know. I just felt nauseated as I was speaking to you. I had to run into the loo to throw up.” “But that happens to you a lot whenever you have malaria. Sorry love. And I hope that's not a way of telling me to help you out with your laundry Dora?” “Oh not at all Joyce, I am not pretending.” She sat on a pavement and started sorting out her dirty clothes for washing. The other bathroom door opened a moment later. Nancy, a third year Mass Communication student came towards us, her wet shower cap dripping slightly. She tied a towel around her body, her pink sponge case hanging down from her left wrist. “Hey girls. Who came into the loo to throw up few minutes ago?” She asked, placing her right arms across her chest as she moved closer. “It was Dorothy.” I said looking up from Nancy to Dorothy. “Hmm… that was rather too much. Dora what's

ATM it is!


wrong with you?” You'd better go to the school clinic or back home. Thank God it's weekend. More so, you look pale.” “Thanks Nancy.” Dorothy said, pushing her bucket filled with a few washed clothes under the tap as she turned it on. “I think I better go home because I am actually feeling feverish.” “O k.” Nancy said walking back into our room. “Are you sure Dora? I thought we'll be going to the concert together.” “No problem, I'll go home straight from the concert.” We both stood up and hung our clothes on the line to get them dry. That afternoon, Dora stayed in bed all through. I gave her a special treat to her best meal, fried ripe plantain and eggs, I especially put plenty green pepper and some cabbage to her delight. At exactly 6pm, we were both dressed up for the musical concert. I wore her turquoise blue dress. It was truly too short for me. It exposed my straight legs, because it stopped about three inches above my knees. I wore my set of blue beads entrenched inside a net work of silver chains. It comprised a necklace, earrings and bangles that my aunty gave me on my sixteenth birthday last April. “Nancy please, can I wear your white high-heeled sandal? Mine is at home and I am not going home until after the concert.” I made a funny face at her. She lifted her

Quiet time


grinning. “Dora, stop being mischievous. I was only pulling your legs.” Joyce was laughing already. “Hurry up girls! You will get to class late if you don't watch it.” Nancy interrupted our conversation. She shoved Joyce out of the room and closed the door after her so that she could proceed to the bathroom. “Dora, both of you are too childish. It appears there is no age difference between you two.” Nancy said with a slight frown. “She is the one who makes my life fun filled. I have wondered how boring it would have been with only Kingsley around.” I said. “I am pretty sure you girls get on your mum's nerves like you did to me sometimes.” Nancy commented. “Did you just say we got on your nerves? Wait till Kingsley gets here!” I cautioned. “Thank God he is not a girl. He can't pass a night in a female hall.” She answered. “Oh then, we'll invite you for a sleep over in our house during Christmas.” I said as I transferred the contents from my green bag to my pink bag which was a better match for the dress I planned to wear for the day. “Who will honour such invitation with this kind of first hand information you've given me?” She asked me laughing. “Well, it's not as bad as you think Nancy. You could just find out that your phone is loaded with divine music


Turning the page

composed by Kingsley himself and some special sermons. For this alone, we'll give him over to you for Christmas break.” I pressed further. “Give who over to who?” Joyce asked entering the room. Nancy did not give me any room to answer Joyce's question. “Dora it's your turn to take your bath. Get in there before others take over the place.” She said clapping her hands after me and showing me the way out. It was apparent that she desperately needed another 'Quiet Time' so she could study her law case! “Don't worry about us Nancy. You will have the room to yourself for the weekend. You know we have to go home today being Friday.” I said, leaving for the bathroom. We got to the lecture theatre just in time before the front seats were fully occupied. I brought out two bars of Mars chocolate from my bag and gave Joyce one since we couldn't have breakfast before leaving our room. Joyce took it and kept it in her bag. I made to un-wrap mine but she grabbed my hand said; “Dorothy, aren't you observing your fast today?” She asked. “Oh thanks, sis. I actually woke up with a serious hunger today. I have even forgotten that I chose Fridays as my day of personal fasting and praying and I would have taken some cereal if not that we were running late.” I said as I gently returned the chocolate bar back into my bag. We ended the MTS101 class and proceeded for the

Quiet time


next class after which we had a break before the GNS class. I quickly excused myself from Joyce and Rose who had joined us on our seat during the second class so that I could find somewhere to talk to God before I found something to eat. Meeeen! God understands. Rose and Joyce welcomed me back with giggles which I tried as much as possible to ignore. “It's my turn today, tomorrow it could be yours girls, to break your fast before the supposed time!” I said eyeing them. “Did anybody say something about that?” Joyce asked looking at nobody in particular. “Well Dora, I don't think anybody is complaining.” Rose said laughing. “You can even complain sisters. God understands!” I insisted. “Oh! Exactly! That's the language. Ride on sister.” Joyce said also laughing. Of course, I had to join in the laughter. We got back to our room at about 4pm, packed our bags for the weekend and left for home.

Dorothy Going It Alone?


ometimes it's good to leave your home a while so you could appreciate it more by various differences you will notice while living outside your home. It felt so good to be home. Kingsley welcomed Joyce and I home hurriedly and continued with his adventure on the Encarta kids he was exploring before we rang the doorbell. “Kingsley, can you please take my bag upstairs for me I am so tired.” I said as I sank into the soft couch in the sitting room. “Alright, give me Joyce's bag as well.” He said. “Thanks Kingsley.” Joyce said coming out of the kitchen with two glasses of water in her hands one of which she handed to me. The door of Kingsley's bedroom flung open. He went flat on his bed breathing with difficulty and so fast that his nose kept contracting and expanding moving in, and out. “Kingsley, mum has just called Doctor Peter who instructed me to give you one tablet of Ventolin and one tablet of prednisolone.” I said. “Oh no, sometimes I feel I will be okay with God if only people will not come between us. Why can't you just leave me alone if you don't have faith in God?” He complained.

Going it alone


“Now Kingsley, come off that. You know I believe God can do anything but you still need to take your drugs while you wait for your miraculous healing.” I responded. He collected the drugs from me and muttering to himself, took a glass of water to swallow the pills. “I don't know why this is happening to me.” He continued complaining. “Kingsley nobody wants it to be you. And I think you just put it to me whether I have faith in God or not! God does not allow anything to happen to us without a purpose. Better be sensitive so that you can know what God wants to use this situation to achieve in your life. After all, you know He has good thoughts towards you.” I counselled. “I know I am a child of God who owns everything so I deserve to have sufficient oxygen in my blood stream. Anyway, God heals.” He affirmed. “Yes, you are right. He also cares, so cheer up brother.” I said making a move to leave his room. “Dora, one more thing please. Can you promise me you will tell Joyce to give me extra potato chips? You know she was the one who didn't close the kitchen door properly and allowed the smoke of the hot vegetable oil to trigger this attack.” He pleaded. “I will, you know she will definitely give you. Aren't you that younger brother she never had?” I said grinning. “Are you jealous of her?” He poked my side. “Oh, not at all! She is a good companion in sharing the


Turning the page

burden of having a brother with me!” I spoke in between giggles. “You are invincible Dora!” He said pulling his pillow from under his head and hauling it at me. I ducked and it hit the door behind me. I quickly picked it up, lifted up his head and put it under him laughing. “You know you are a positive burden, I mean a light burden, so easy to carry.” I smiled. He grabbed my wrist which I quickly wriggled free out of his hand, flashed him a mischievous smile then ran out of his room. Unfortunately, I ran into mum who was coming from the gym that Saturday morning to see how Kingsley was doing. “Hey girl, why are you running? You are not on the field.” She reprimanded me. Judging from the look on my face, my mum had to push me back into Kingsley's room to know what I was up to. “Kingsley, what has she been doing to you?” Mum asked holding on to me as if I was under arrest. “Well, she has just made me feel I am better off than some brothers out there in terms of giving their sisters stress.” Looking at me he continued, “Dora Jesus says, “My burden is light and easy to be borne.” So you are trying to say I am like Jesus and I like that so much.” “But I mean it Kingsley. Some boys out there bully their sisters and give their parents a hell of time raising them up. But you've always been pleasant though with your little

Going it alone


boy's explorations and adventures. I thank God you are a part of this family. There is never a dull moment with you.” I added. “Now, Dora you can leave. I thought you were busy harassing my boy before I came in.” Mum said sitting on his bed. I went to the living room to finish up with the dusting of the furniture that I was engaged in before leaving for Kingsley's room. Joyce turned around from the dining table to see me cleaning. “Dora I thought you went to take your bath.” She asked. “No, Kingsley had an asthmatic attack and I had to call mum. He is getting better now.” I replied. “I thought he had outgrown it.” She soliloquised. “He said you triggered it with the smoke from your cooking.” I informed her. “Oh! I am sorry. That means I didn't close the door properly.” She admitted. “Joyce, the penalty according to him is that you will give him extras.” I said. “That's not an issue. I need him to be fine. He promised to help me today with drawing the cover page of a small comic pamphlet that Rose and I started writing while you were on admission in the hospital.” Joyce noted. “That boy is multi-talented.” I said. “Dora, we are lucky to have him around. By the way, didn't I tell you to slow down on house chores till you recover fully?” Joyce asked me with a slight frown.


Turning the page

“I know. But I don't want to get used to doing nothing in the house now that I know that laziness is not a virtue. You remember that I was once the lazy type. I am already done with the cleaning.” “Girls, I hope breakfast is ready.” Mum said descending the stairs from Kingsley's room. “Yes mum. Joyce is done with the breakfast and the table is already set.” I responded. “All right, let me get your dad out of the library.” My mum responded. Immediately mum left for the library, I went back to our room to put finishing touches to the re-arrangement that I was doing there and used the opportunity to take my bath. At the breakfast table, Kingsley sat to dad's right while mum sat on dad's left side. Joyce and I sat facing each other. We shared the grace and started eating. After a moment of silence, my dad spoke up. “Kingsley, you are going to share your room with someone this weekend, and I know you've never done that before. I believe it's going to be fun for you to have someone to influence for Christ not by your words probably but by your behaviour.” Dad said looking into his eyes. “Dad who is it?” Kingsley was curious. “You have never met him. Your mum and I know him and his parents. His dad was my colleague at the University. His name is Moses Anderson. He is fourteen

Going it alone


years old.” “So he is older than I am.” Kingsley whined. “Yes Kingsley, but you are more matured than him especially in the things of God.” Mum said. She took a long sip from her blackcurrant drink and continued… “He is showing some defiance even though he was brought up in a Christian home. His parents would have passed the night in the University Guest House but we invited them over so that you can relate with him.” “We trust the Lord that He will use you to help him within this short time.” Dad added. “Wow! Everybody will have to pray for me then. First of all, I don't trust myself that I want anyone to vie into my privacy this much.” “Kingsley, we'll pray for you. D.L. Moody said Christ did not wash us and then loved us, but He loved us and then washed us! God will give you the grace to accept Moses so that he can see Christ through you in Jesus name.” Mum prayed and others chorused, “Amen.” “Alright, thank you all and especially Joyce for my extra portion. I better put my house in order before my VIP guest arrives.” Kingsley said standing up with his empty breakfast plate. He left for the kitchen. “Thank you too in advance for doing the dishes without any reminder today.” Joyce shouted after him. “Did he tell you he is going to do the dish or he has simply helped in keeping his plate off the dining table?” I asked smiling.


Turning the page

“Oh, you know it is easy to get Kingsley do whatever you want in as much as its right and you are not trying to force it on him.” Joyce said also smiling. After breakfast, dad asked Kingsley to join him in the library to brief him more about Moses. “The young boy feels his parents are too strict because they don't allow him to go partying or socialising without having either of the parents coming along.” “Dad, is that all?” I overheard Kingsley asking dad. “He also complained about his choices not being respected. So he has become withdrawn.” Dad added. “I think you might need to talk to his parents about being sensitive to their son's choices like you do to mine.” Kingsley told his father. “Oh you mean trying to tell them to show him they understand how important his choices are even though they are not going to agree with them with reasons.” My uncle explained further. “Exactly dad! You have used this method for me several times such that it doesn't matter how different any decision you make on my behalf is compared with what I would have loved. I know it is in my best interest.” He concurred. “Thanks son, I will definitely have some discussions with them.” Dad replied. “Let me just tell you this dad, I feel so strongly that we are going to win Moses confidence in his parents back in Jesus name.” Kingsley sounded confident. “Amen.” Dad said.

Going it alone


Just then, mum came in to tell Kingsley and I to join Joyce in setting up the extra bed she brought out of the store. We had to prepare the bed in Kingsley's room in anticipation of Moses arrival. “Mum, don't worry I will handle that by myself.” Kingsley told mum. “Well, Joyce is already in your room trying to tear off the cellophane wrapper used to cover the new mattress.” Mum replied. “All right then, I am on my way to join her.” I said. “Give this pair of scissors to Joyce to make it faster.” Mum said handing over a pair of scissors to Kingsley. I entered Kingsley's room only to meet Joyce in a pensive mood. “What is the matter Joyce?” I asked walking straight to where she was standing. She was leaning on the window facing Kingsley's bed. She turned around to face me with her wet face. “Tell me Joyce, what has gone wrong?” I asked again. “Nothing Dora, I am just down. I don't know.” She replied dryly. “No, Joyce you know. What is it that is making you feel down? May be I can be of a little help.” She straightened herself up and tried to stop crying but she couldn't. I took her by the hand and led her to a sitting position on Kingsley's bed. “Now, Joyce I am afraid I need to tell mum about this.” I said, placing my arm around her shoulder.


Turning the page

“No Dora. Leave her out of this. She deserves to be happy, so let me bear my unhappiness alone.” She insisted. “Then you will have to tell me. Otherwise she will share in this unhappiness.” I cajoled. “Dorothy, I miss my mum!” She said, sobbing uncontrollably now. “Oh that's ok. She misses her sister too. She once told me you are the only one God has used to comfort her since she lost your mum. She can come in any moment from now to inspect what she asked us to do.” I said reaching out to the shelf of draws near the bed. I brought out a face towel and gave her to wipe her face. “My, oh my! Joyce better be grateful to God who has given you another mother in your step mum first, and then in your aunt. Some people are not that lucky with their step-mum like you were before mum decided to ask your dad to hand you over to her. I mean you are blessed to have caring people around you.” I added. “I am grateful in that regards but anytime I think of the fact that I am not sure she was a Christian, I can only wonder where she is now? Heaven or hell?” She spoke with a sad tone. “You can't do anything about that anymore. I think you should rather be concerned with the salvation of your dad and step mum.” I counselled. “You are right, Dora. I think I should focus on my dad's and step mum's salvation since they are still within my reach. I am calling him straight away to preach the Gospel to him.” She brightened up.

Going it alone


“Or you must first find out the state of their souls may be they are now born again you never can tell.” I said. “Thanks Dora, I feel much better. Let's get this mattress in the right place.” Joyce smiled. “Next time you are disturbed, try not to bear it alone. It leads to depression and that's the problem with Moses, the boy we are hosting today.” I said. “You are right, and I am sure Kingsley is going to be of great help to him having been through bouts of loneliness because he is the only one who is asthmatic in the family.” Joyce said. “And for the fact that he now understands why our parents don't allow us to have our ways always, having seeing the consequences of our own defiance.” I added. Kingsley entered his room and I collected the scissors from him using it to cut open the cellophane wrap in several places. The three of us tore away the wrap and placed the mattress on the bed spreading a beautiful American cotton blue bed spread on it. We tried to make the room as conducive as possible for the two boys, believing that everything will turn out well. Kingsley stayed indoors for the rest of the afternoon working on the drawings for Joyce's comic and reading the Bible. Joyce and I went shopping at the supermarket with mum. Any time Kingsley discovers something new and personal in his Bible study it is not always difficult to know. “Mum welcome, Joyce and Dora guess what I found out in Acts 10:38.” He sounded excited.


Turning the page

“What did you find out Kingsley?” I asked “It talks about Jesus, isn't it?” Joyce said. “Yes, it talked about Jesus being anointed with number one, Holy Spirit. Number two, power. As a result of which He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil because God was with Him.” Kingsley said. “And I believe you guys know that we are representatives of Jesus, so we too should do all these wonderful things Jesus did while He was here physically on earth.” Mum said coming out of the kitchen with a cold bottle of water in her hand. No thanks to the advent of dry season this period of the year. “Dorothy and Joyce, please unpack those fruits, wash them and keep them in the refrigerator then sort out the beverage and snacks as well.” She added taking her seat on the couch opposite the television set. “Yes mum.” Both of us answered. Kingsley walked up to mum and said, “Mum, I know that God is with me so I will be able to do good to Moses Anderson.” “You are right son. That is what gives your dad and I the confidence that you will be able to help him.” She stroked his head. Just then the door bell rang and Kingsley answered it only to be face to face with Mr and Mrs Anderson and their only child Moses. Mum overheard the introduction at the door, so she

Stick to Jesus


name.” Nancy prayed and Joyce and I chorused an Amen. “Thanks friends, I think I feel better about it now.” I whispered. Just then, mum came in with a cellophane bag in hand which she handed to Nancy, she said, “Here is six yards of Holland Villisco Super wax for your mum and other items there are yours.” Mum said. “Thank you so much ma.” She said giving mum a hug. My mum loves Vilisco wax to a fault. We Ibos call it Abada. She said keeping it inside her bag. “You are welcome. Regards to your family and I wish you a happy new year in advance.” Mum said. “Mum we are seeing Nancy off to the bus stop.” I said “It's ok.” She answered. Joyce and I took hold of each handle of Nancy's bag, making it easy for us to carry. We moved out of the visitor's bedroom to the sitting room and out of the house. “Now girls, Christmas is over. Try and start going over your notes, hand outs and text books so that your brain will still be fresh and effective by the time we resume in January.” Nancy said immediately we stepped out of the balcony to the footpath. Some guys were playing lawn tennis in the court. The closer we were to them, the clearer it became that Danladi and Joseph were among them. The first thing that came to my heart was “God bless Nancy.” I would have been filled with bitterness as usual if not that I just handed over everything about my past relationship with Joseph to God few minutes ago.


Turning the page

“Hey friends!” Joyce shouted waving her free hand to them. “Joyce, aren't you lucky? Danladi understands what it means to be forgiven so you are so free to relate to him without him mocking you.” I said almost in whispers. “Don't worry Dorothy. Even if Joseph makes fun of you today, don't get offended. See it as the sacrifice you have to pay for him to know the Lord.” Nancy said quietly because the guys actually stopped playing and started coming towards us straight away. “Happy boxing day to you ladies.” Danladi said stretching his hands to Nancy first saying; “I am Danladi.” “I am Nancy. Nice meeting you.” “Joseph is my name, nice meeting you Nancy.” Joseph said also taking Nancy's stretched hand. “But Nancy, your face looks familiar. Were you at a Teen's forum at Surulere sometimes in September.” Danladi asked lifting a brow. “Oh yes! That should be in House of His Glory Christian Centre. I came to give a talk to the Teens of that church on the issue of “Choice”.” “Yes, that's my church. I was in that meeting and I actually gave my life to Christ during the programme.” “Wonderful, so Danladi how are you doing? I mean, hope you are growing and moving forward in the things of God?” Nancy asked smiling.

Stick to Jesus


“Yes Nancy, that's why Joseph and I left the match to have a chat with Dorothy and Joyce so that they too can know the Lord even though they've been proving difficult.” Danladi said wearing a concerned look. “Well, your job has been simplified Danladi because Joyce and I now know the Lord and we are actually concerned about Joseph's spiritual state.” I said. “You mean me? I gave my life to Christ early November after I was consistently way-laid by one freshman at the library who seemed to have studied me that I close with the Librarian every Wednesdays and Fridays.” Joseph said enthusiastically. “Joseph, you mean you are now born-again?” I asked in utter disbelief. “Yes Dorothy, there is nothing next to being born again. It is an experience that turns you inside out and you turn out to be as new as you can ever be.” He answered wearing a sweet smile on his face. “Thank you Lord.” I said quietly. “Thank you Lord.” Joyce said with tears on her face. “Yes, thank you Lord.” Danladi said holding Joseph's hand in his. “Who is that freshman you talked about, Joseph?” Nancy asked “His name is Lukman, a 100level Medical student.” He answered. “Lukman!” the three of us chorused.


Turning the page

“Oh, you must know him since you are in the same faculty.” Joseph said. “That boy! He is so fervent.” Nancy said. “Thank God Lukman has helped you out.” She added. “So who is your latest girlfriend now Joseph, since you always liked to move around with girls that are brains and beauty at the same time?” Joyce asked teasing him. “On a more serious note Joyce, I mean I am born again and old things have passed away. I used to stick to one girlfriend at a time then but now I stick to Jesus.” “Oh, that's a good one Joyce. Isn't it? It's no more ATM but stick to Jesus!” I said laughing. “You got it Dora. Stick to Jesus it is.” She said laughing while others looked at us in amazement. “I understand. Thank you Lord.” Nancy said. “Here, you are invited to an evening of Questions and Answers and Praise holding at Tabernacle of Peace on the 29th.” Joseph said bringing out some fliers from the back pocket of his knickers. “We are aware already. Lukman gave us some of the fliers today.” I said. “Don't be surprised, we met at the orphanage in the morning when our family went visiting.” Joyce added. “All right, you guys, I have to continue with my journey. It's almost half past two!” Nancy exclaimed. “We've stayed out longer than mum would have expected, Nancy let's hurry up.” I said.

Stick to Jesus


“You and Joyce can go back home but Danladi and I will help Nancy to the bus stop with her baggage.” Joseph said. “That's ok by me. So Dora and Joyce, thanks for being wonderful hostesses and thanks for helping me to link up with Danladi. I wondered why his particulars were not given to me by theBye. Teens' girls. ” Pastor of House of his Glory. Well thank you “Bye.”We chorused as we handed over her bag to Joseph and Danladi. “Dora, is it not amazing that Joseph doesn't even have time to think about girls anymore?” Joyce asked me. “Joyce, to say it is amazing is an understatement! He's even sharing Christian fliers.” I replied. “He has become so reasonable and selfless that he even offered to help Nancy with her bag.” Joyce added. “It's certain that one phase of his life during which he lived recklessly has passed and a new and better one has just started.” I said as we were approaching the house. This reminded me of one of the songs at the concert that Lukman invited us to in October…


Turning the page LIFE IS IN STAGES

“My son, hear the instructions of your father, You are full of life with little experience. Remember, your future is a product of how you spend your today. You flourish and blossom to my delight, Your strength dazzles me all day long! You glory in exceptional giant strides you take. Most of the time, you're oblivious of danger! With caution thrown into the wind, Fearlessly journeying through life like a meteor, Not so mindful of the direction you're heading to! And your terrific speed as you climbed the stairs of life, Stares at me with fears untold! Pause! My precious one, pause, To feel the pulse of your Creator's heart, Pounding as He breathes His word into your heart: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth.” Take a step at a time because, Life is in stages and your future is a product of How you spend your today! Climb the rest of life's stairs, with the Saviour leading you on. Then you'll have a sure future; an expected end.

Funmi Obabire takes you on a ride from heights of thought provoking drama to depths of eye watering empathy. Mrs Dumbiri Esther MD


Sapient Hadassah’s Touch Ltd

Here is a woman of purpose whose real fulfillment comes from mentoring young people. She is a communication artist by nature, a social care giver by passion and an educationist by interest. She had a stint with Chi Pharmaceuticals on the Roll-Back-Malaria Project in Lagos state and eventually became a Field Consultant to USAID for another year; a platform that availed her broader perspectives on the challenges many women face in life. This discovery and other research findings from her social care mission compelled her to opt out for postgraduate training in Education to assist young people properly. Funmi Obabire, a trained Food Scientist and Technologist turned social change advocate, runs a ticketing and tours business in Lagos besides other business interests. Funmi is a mother of three and lives in Ogun State, Nigeria.

Fate brought them together but they were best seen as sisters. Joyce and Dorothy did their best to constantly be in the good books of their peers as the thought of being termed old-fashioned haunted them every second. Like most young people in anticipation of becoming undergraduates, Joyce and Dorothy looked forward to adventuring into as many vices as they could gather while on campus. But for the one encounter that stopped them in their tracks, they would have graduated with enough scars to teach other people a lesson. Unfortunately, the seed of their acts had been sown and they had to face the music by taking responsibility for their actions as they made attempts to freshly gain the trust of their loving parents. Eventually, their decision to choose ATM was the second best thing that ever happened to them. ISBN: 978-978-942-6867

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