Ayurvedic Treatment For Lungs & Respiration

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Lungs & Respiration During this cold and flu season, it always comes in your mind how you can protect the lungs from several kinds of allergen. ​Ayurvedic Treatment for lungs & Respiration ​ensures your good health​. ​To take care of your lungs, follow a healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet. Lungs are vital organs that work tirelessly to keep your breathing smooth and better living. If you face any lungs and respiratory problems, choose Ayurvedic herbs instead of using chemical-based allopathic medicines. Allopathy medicine has side effects on the body and weakens your immune system. Ayurveda has no side effects on the body and takes care of whole-body health. The use of natural herbs energizes and soothes your body. Adoption of Ayurvedic Treatment for lungs & respiration​ ​heals respiratory disorders.

Now the thing is, what will happen when your lungs stop working? When lungs are not functioning, it affects the whole body function. ​Lungs work as a natural filter of the body, and if something went wrong with them, they lead various health-related issues, such as, 1.

​ ack of oxygen supply and bad health​: when there is a problem in the lung's L function. The body is not getting adequate oxygen for metabolism. That stops the growth and disturbs the vital role of the body.

2. Improper function of lungs​: Lungs filter the air and remove the dust and allergen from it. When the lungs get damaged, its capacity for filtering air gets affected. During that time, allergens destroy the mucosal line of the respiratory tract and affect other organs too.

3. Increase stress and anxiety​: Lack of oxygen to the brain makes you vulnerable to psychotic episodes and affects your cognitive power. So, the question is, can inhaling clean air reverse the damaged lungs? Before finding this question's answer, it is a wise suggestion to understand the types of lungs and respiratory-related issues.

Types of Lungs and respiratory disorders​: Any age of people get affected by respiratory problems. Respiratory problems in the body arise in any form like sneezing, breathing difficulty, coughing, etc. 1.

Asthma​: It is an inflammatory ​lung disease​, and you may feel shortness of breath.

2. Bronchitis​: It is inflammation of the bronchioles and affects the breathing pattern and induce coughing. 3. Pneumonia​: It is a bacterial and viral infection of the lungs in which alveoli or air sacs. 4. COPD ( Chronic obstructive respiratory disease)​: This type involves a group of respiratory problems and affects healthy breathing and excessive mucus production. 5. Tuberculosis​: The bacterial lung infection due to the invasion of mycobacterium tuberculosis. 6. Lung Cancer​: due to excessive chemical exposure, abnormal multiplication occurs in lung cells and affects the lung function.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Lungs & Respiration: To treat lungs and respiration problems, quitting smoking is the first step to saving your lung and avoiding the use of chemical-based allopathy medicines. Besides that, there are multiple natural ways to heal the lung. It improves respiration related health issues and strengthens your lungs. Lungs naturally clean them on their own, but natural Ayurvedic herbs speed up the process. Natural herbs fasten detoxification and toxins removal from the body. To keep your lungs and respiration normal and healthy, you have to keep some points in your mind.

Lifestyle Modification and Diet Changes​: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Avoid smoking and tobacco use. Make sure the food you are going to have should be fresh. Eat healthy fruits and seasonal vegetables in every meal. Stop the overuse of chemical-based medicines for treating health ailments. Stop having nonvegetarian food like mutton, chicken and fish, etc. in your diet. Avoid milk and milk-containing food items.

7. Manage your stress level with diversional therapy and meditation. 8. Detoxify the body routinely using natural herbs and Ayurvedic ingredients. 9. Get enough sleep per day for at least 7-8 hours. 10. Avoid alcohol and sugar-containing beverages. 11. Use nuts and seeds because they contain manganese that keeps lungs healthy. 12. Consume vitamin C, rich food, and fruits. Yoga and Meditation: ​Some particular yoga asanas and pranayama keep the lungs healthy and fully functional. Yoga asanas: ● Bhujangasana ● Surya Namskara ● Bitilasana ● Sukhasana ● Padangusthasana Pranayama​: Deep breathing exercise ( pranayama) is essential for strengthening your lungs. ● Anulom Vilom ● Kapalbhati ● Ujjayi ● Sitali Home remedies for lung care​: You can cure your lungs of health problems and can prevent your lungs from damage in your home only. Home remedies are Ayurvedic Treatment for lungs & respiration​ ​and help your whole life be happy or healthy. 1. Take steam to clear the nasal blockage. You can add natural herbs like Mint or peppermint in the water for more effective steam therapy. 2. Sip warm water to clear the throat and inhibit the invasion of harmful bacteria and viruses in the respiratory tract. 3. Eat apples and blueberries to strengthen your lungs. 4. Exercise daily at least 30 minutes in the morning to boost the capacity of lung expansion. 5. Add vitamin and magnesium-rich food items in the meal. 6. Avoid cold water intake. 7. Add natural herbs and spices like turmeric, ginger, black pepper, and cinnamon in the food to get their medical benefits to prevent respiration related problems. Natural Herbs For Lungs Care​: Every day of your life is always rising with a lot of pollution and stress. Nowadays, it has become a horrible situation for you to protect your lungs. Let's discuss some natural herbs (gifts of nature) that strengthen your respiratory system defense mechanism against multiple allergens.

1. Peppermint​: peppermint is the essential herbs in Ayurvedic Treatment for lungs & respiration​. I​ts use improves resp[iration, helps in relaxation of bronchial muscles, and soothes breathing. 2. Eukalyptus​: It is useful in treating sinusitis, rhinitis because of its anti-inflammatory property. 3. Green Tea​: It has antioxidants that remove the toxins from the body and reduce respiratory problems. 4. Vasaka Herb​: It is an essential herb to treat respiratory problems. It is an ultimate herb that heals the anomalies like difficult breathing, cough, sore throat, sneezing, asthma, and upper respiratory infections. 5. Ginger​: Ginger helps in Anti-inflammatory properties.






The other herbs like ginger, tulsi, Long Pepper, Black Pepper, Turmeric, Mulethi, and Bhunaksha Can also help treat respiration-related health problems.

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