Pain in upper right abdomen? It may be gallstones, go for best Ayurvedic treatment

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Pain in upper right abdomen? It may be gallstones, go for best Ayurvedic treatment Have you ever experienced acute pain in right part off the abdomen? Is the pain accompanied by chills, sweating fever and nausea? Do you want to double up to get relief from the agony you are experiencing in the upper part of the stomach region? All of these are symptoms of a gall bladder attack! You need to check if the pain seems to squeeze your abdominal region and whether it is travelling to the back or chest areas. In many cases, the intensity of pain also radiates in the right shoulder blade and becomes unbearable. It may be the gallbladder that demands attention!

These are common symptoms that are noticeable if there is an inflammation in the gallbladder region. This pain can take a person by surprise and is mostly because of a blockage or inflammation caused by an infection in the bile duct. The symptoms are not there always but may come and go. They are warning signs that you need to start taking corrective action. Get your gallbladder tested for gallstones and immediately start the best Ayurvedic treatment for gallstones as a preventive action.

The gallbladder attack may last for a couple of minutes or few hours. After the pain disappears you will be normal and feel it will not return again but it can come back with more intensity than before. Leaving it untreated is just a temporary solution; do not wait for the pain to become intolerable, take corrective action now so that you do not have to go through a bladder surgery.

Near the liver, in the upper quadrant of the right abdomen lies a small organ called the gallbladder. This organ is the store house for green coloured liquid called bile which is essential for digesting food. The bile juice helps in breaking down the food that we consume. Sometimes the gallbladder starts developing solid particles or tiny stones that are formed by an accumulation of concentrated cholesterol, bilirubin, calcium deposits or other substances. These particles or gallstones can cause a blockage if they embed themselves in the bile duct. The free flow of bile is no more possible and that the area can get inflamed and infected. In many cases the situation can be life-threatening.

When should a person go for emergency treatment?

1) Unbearable acute abdominal pain that travels from the chest region to the back of the right shoulder blades.

2) Yellowness of the eyes or skin or jaundice symptoms

3) Shivering and fever

4) Severe nausea

5) Vomiting

6) Dark coloured urine

7) Clay coloured stool

Normally people tend to ignore their condition if they do not have any pain or discomfort. They head to the doctors clinic only when the upper right portion in the abdominal region becomes tender to touch and pains. The larger the size of the ball stones the more serious the situation. Under no circumstances should gallstones be left untreated. Start Ayurvedic medicine for gallbladder stone immediately.

You need to understand that surgery should not be an option unless imperative. There are natural treatments available and these can be very helpful. Ayurveda has progressed immensely in the last decade and medicinal herbal extracts can be very helpful for the patient suffering from gallstones.

What happens if you leave the gallstones untreated?

1) Inflammation of the bile duct can be caused by the gallstones. This is a common cause of infections and shows up as swelling, uncontrollable chills and a high fever. The skin becomes

yellowish and the infection can spread to other neighbouring organs. Many times the neglected and inflamed bile duct is the reason for many other complicated medical situations.

2) Untreated gall bladder stones travel to the bile duct and block the gallbladder and pancreas. The person feels severe pain in the stomach region and nausea and vomiting have a tendency to go out of hand. You don’t have face a life threatening situation like pancreatitis because of negligence! Take corrective help now.

3) The gall stones can inflame the gallbladder and cause a condition called septicaemia where the pus formation can cause the organ to severely malfunction.

4) In some random cases, ignored gallbladder stones have also lead to gallbladder cancer.

Basic precautions to be taken if you suspect gallstones:

1) Drink loads of water to keep the gallbladder empty. High water content in body will make sure the bile does not build up and get concentrated. Just think you’re helping yourself stay slim and shaped up.

2) Dietary changes are imperative to prevent complications

3) Avoid high fat dairy products such as cheese, milk, ice cream, butter etc. You can consume non fat or low-fat dairy products.

4) Alcohol needs to be limited

5) Stay away from processed meats

6) Avoid non vegetarian products

7) Stay away from fried foods such as French fries, fried meats and potato chips

8) Fatty meats need to be a No-No

9) Avoid fatty, heavy and fried foods

10) Spicy foods also need to be reduced dramatically

11) Choose whole grain and High-fibre Foods

12) Increase consumption of green vegetables

13) Caffeine intake has to be controlled

14) Do not fast for long hours

15) Avoid consuming a large meal because this makes the digestive system struggle to carry out proper digestion.

16) Avoid diet rich in fats and sugar

17) Take lots of fruits

18) Consuming turmeric stimulates the production of bile and also assists the gallbladder to stay empty.

19) Exercise is a must to keep weight under control.

In case of a painful gall bladder attack you can apply a heat compress. Take a warm water towel and keep it on the painful area for about 10 to 15 minutes. Continue doing so till the time you feel relief. This can help you tide by but why wait for such a situation to arise? Why not take the Gall Bladder Stone Package from package? This package contains herbal medicines such as :

1) Divya Stoni Capsule : is a very good Ayurvedic medicine for breaking the gall bladder stones and also helps in kidney problems, sexual diseases and chest pain.

2) Alokik Shakti Tablet : is a great immune booster and helps in a) digestive process, b) reduces throat irritation cough c) controls hormonal imbalance d) infections, e) sleeplessness, f) anxiety pangs g) epilepsy h) muscle soreness i) colds j) overall health

3) Maha Amritam Churan: deals with medical conditions related to digestive system, skin trouble, cough cold, acidity, constipation, burning of eyes, headache, skin cleansing, toothache, hair health and chest pain.

4) Udar Vikar Janya Rog Churna helps in problems related to liver, pancreas, and spleen. It’s an excellent remedy for removal of stones, urinary tract problems and conditions related to digestion. This immune booster is also very helpful in developing a healthy appetite and absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from food ingested.

5) Shudhikaran tablets: this is excellent product to clean intestines and blood.

6) GBS powder is an Ayurvedic churna that helps in breaking the stones in the gall bladder. This powder is very helpful in treating skin, respiratory and urinary complications.

7) Divya Arogya Vati helps in maintain overall health of the body and keeps asthma and breathlessness tapered. It deals with the oxidative stress that the body is exposed too and keeps the high blood pressure controlled.

8) Sanjeevani Ark: Contains the magical tulsi and keeps infections at bay. It also decreases chest congestion besides keeping the body healthy and active.

9) Amrit Ras: this rejuvenating concoction made out of 32 herbs is extremely helpful, boosts metabolism and balances the whole body by providing it with essential antioxidants, nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

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