What Is The Ayurvedic Treatment For Stomach Ulcer? Ulcer can be defined as an open wound or sore on the lining of the Gastro Intestinal tract. In case of a stomach ulcer, you are likely to experience an intense upper abdominal pain or slightly to the left. In this blog you will learn all that you need to know about stomach ulcer. It will allow some understanding the cause of ulcers and the ayurveda’s approach to it. How to find out if I have stomach ulcer? Let’s look at some of the most basic symptoms of stomach ulcer • Pain, that is often described as a burning or intense. • Place of pain will vary depending upon the type of ulcer: Gastric ulcers hurt more towards the left of the upper abdomen and often confused with heartburn. Duodenal ulcer that is felt closer to the belly button region, often mistaken for hunger or indigestion Let’s know more about the Ayurveda’s approach towards stomach ulcers: Ayurveda goes on to categorize stomach ulcers into Vata, Pitta and Kapha ulcers.
1. Vata ulcers: They occur mostly because of the thinning of the inner mucosal membrane in the upper Gastro intestinal tract. This leads to harmful digestive fluids to enter the gastro intestinal tract and erode
the walls of the membrane. Those with a vata dominant dosha tend to be erratic and tend to skip meals often. While the stomach goes on producing digestive juices but there is no meal to digest or the person doesn’t answer calls of hunger mucous membrane begins to erode with these juices. Particularly if it is already dry and thin. 2. Pitta: Those with a pitta dominant dosha can develop ulcers at the time of intense emotions crawling up to them. Emotions like shame, anger or rage, over stimulate the solar plexus area. While psychologically, these emotions are capable of giving people the hot headedness, it physically, an create that burning, tight, gnawing sensation in the abdomen. Ayurvedically, these emotions increase Pitta dosha and activate. To look at it closely the stress catalyses bile reflux, acidity, low digestive fire or agni or lack of oxygen flow to your blood vesssels due to tension. This in turn makes digestive juices that are acidic in nature b secreted from the stomach, liver, and pancreas, makes the stomach and intestines excessively acidic. 3. Kapha: However, Kapha is not a significant contributor for ulcer development, unless it stimulates either Pitta or Vata in the digestive tract. The first step in reducing the vata type ulcers is by establishing a stable routine especially by eating meal at the same time each day. This practice helps in ensuring the digestive fluids don’t start eating the membrane of the wall of the stomach. Proper hydration is key for Vata imbalanced people. Lack of which can cause the mucous membrane to become thin and dry. Sipping hot water throughout the day and the intake of light herbs can also benefit you naturally. Vata body type is also seen to be pleasantly receptive to naturally sweet, gooey foods, tapioca and oatmeal that build the protective mucus layer. Pitta body type individuals need to begin by implementing measures to manage their intense emotions that can contribute to ulcers. Getting involved in nature, preferably water bodies can help you at easing out tensions. Pittas individuals are logical thinkers who like being able to rationalize their thoughts. Writing down their thoughts and challenging emotions can help them work through in a systematic and logical order. Yoga or other non competitive exercises are also seen to be extremely benefitting for pitta dominant individuals. Sweet, light and easily soluble food such as rice can help in reducing inflammation in your digestive tract and can restore the lining of the mucus. Bleeding of ulcers is more common in pitta type individuals, so fruits and herbs such as raspberry, amalaki, and manjishtha are very useful Regardless, of the type of ulcer you have it is the best that you ensure that you follow the top Ayurvedic treatment for stomach ulcer. The Ayurveda tips will work on the root cause of the problem as it will lessen the stress on digestive organs, reduce the feelings of anxiety. Aromatic herbs and spices, such as cardamom and mint, will help in dissolving mucus in the stomach. Pungent substances like cayenne and black pepper can increase acid secretions and further aggravate the problem by eroding the mucus layer. Certain items, like caffeine, nicotine, chocolate and alcohol irritates the inner lining of the Gastro Intestinal tract and should be eliminated from the diet.