shuffle December 2007 issue #14
middle east
monthly newsletter about all things apple
iPhone Photos t Organize Your Photos t Put Photos Online With iPhoto t Clean Up
Special issue:
Contents May I Have a Word Please
Comic corner
Clean up Your iPhone Photos
Quick Tip: Mosaic Screensaver
Letters to the Editor
EmiratesMac on Campus
Behind the Lens: Patrick Ciatto
An Eye for Detail
Unleash the Powers of Preview
All about Steve Jobs Part 6
Using iPhoto to Share Your Photos Online
Flock Around Web Services
The Moon
Shuffle Reviews
Get Rid of The Shoeboxes: Organizing Your Digital Photo Archive
Profile of a Mac Seller
Peel the Apple
Recipe:Apple and Brie Stuffed Chicken
Weaving the web
Photoshop tutorial
Experiences of an Apple Fan: Mac and Photography
About shuffle Shuffle is published by EmiratesMac Apple User Group (EMUG). It is an independent, non-profit, newsletter containing news, commentary, tips and tricks, reviews, tutorials, and more, covering the world of Mac, iPod, iPhone, AppleTV, and anything else Apple, with a focus on the Middle East. Shuffle is also the official publication of EMUG detailing information about the user group and its activities. Editor in Chief is Omran Al Owais (omran@emiratesmac. com), Contributing Editor is Magnus Nystedt ( Contact There is a discussion forum dedicated to Shuffle at EMUG’s web site ( There you can leave comments and suggestions and discuss Shuffle with other users. You can contact EMUG at mailing address: PO Box 70263, Abu Dhabi, UAE; Phone +971508171164; Fax +97126664289; Email; Web Disclaimer While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content of this publication, we accept no responsibility for errors, omissions or changes to information printed. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of EMUG. Articles are copyright their respective author, unless noted otherwise. Want to advertise in Shuffle? This newsletter is the only publication in the Middle East that is dedicated to Apple products. By advertising in Shuffle you reach a dedicated audience of Mac and iPod users. We strive to make Shuffle a high-quality newsletter that people will want to read because it’s so good. It’s written and produced by members of EMUG and other User Groups around the Middle East. Wouldn’t you want to be associated with that? If you’re interested in sponsoring Shuffle, or buying advertising space, contact Crystal at +971508171164 or to request our Media Kit. Want to write for Shuffle? If you’re reading this and you’re a member of the EMUG, or any other registered Apple User Group in the Middle East, we hope you will consider contributing. We’re looking for any type of articles you would be interested in writing, from something about the history of Apple and their products, reviews of hardware or software, essays, tutorials, or hints and tips. You can write in English or Arabic. The people who write for shuffle now are users just like yourself. If you would consider writing something for Shuffle, send us an email ( or leave a message with your idea at the site (
Shuffle is sponsored by:
May I Have a Word Please
Comic Corner
Photographers’ preferred platform is Mac
Many Mac users are photographers, many photographers are Mac users. Why is it that so many people in photography and other creative fields prefer to use a Mac? A part of the answer I think is historical. The Mac was the first widely available computer with a user-friendly graphical user interface and input device. That partnered with the availability of the first laser printers made the Mac the obvious choice for creative souls, whether professionals or amateurs. Over time the competing platform, Windows, caught up to some degree – but it has never really rivaled Mac in these areas. So tradition has in some ways kept Apple’s position alive but more than that, I think, is the way Apple has designed the software and hardware – making it a better choice for creative people who want to work in the way they want, and not in the way the computer tells them to work. In the case of Mac OS X, it’s like the operating system doesn’t get in the way of you doing your work. Rather, it supports the way you want to do things. From my own experience although Windows tends to have more options, the OS gets in the way of you being able to do something in a particular way. In terms of hardware, Apple has always been known for creating high-quality computers that integrate well with software. That’s another aspect where Apple wins hands down when it comes to creative spirits – the fact that it’s all tightly integrated and just works. For photographers this all matters because they want to work easily and quickly with their editing and processing, from the photographs going into the computer to the final result being finished. Apple launched into professional photography editing and workflow with Aperture in 2005, and other than a small update to 1.5 we’ve not seen much happen to the application. It’s even been rumored that Apple will discontinue Aperture. Personally I think Aperture is a great application and it would be a shame if Apple killed it off, but it’s due for a major update, especially if it’s going to keep up with Adobe’s LightRoom. It seems that Apple has put more attention into iPhoto, which in the 08 revision has become much more capable. Apple is the chosen company for photographers and I see no reason for that to end. Let’s hope Apple keeps focusing (no pun intended) on this group of users. has generously given their permission for EMUG to reprint their comic strip in our newsletter. Go to to see a new comic strip every day. Make sure you also check out all the other features on the web site.
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Sm rgasDashB rd by Yasir (EmiratesMac)
VelaClock Deluxe This widget is not for those who just want to check the time. Have you ever wanted to know when the different phases of the moon occur over the next few years? Then this is the widget for you. You can also see what time the sun rises and what time it sets. And it’s worldwide, except for the Emirates. RANKING: LINK: dashboard/information/velaclockdeluxe.html
Wallsaver This one is pretty neat. I know there are proper applications that can do this but here’s a free widget that can do it too. Ever wanted to have those new shots you took with your camera to display as a slideshow on your desktop? Well with just a push of a button you can, and if you have Leopard it gets even better with the new “collage” photo view. RANKING: LINK: com/downloads/dashboard/justforfun/wallsaver.html
TimeScroller It is very rare that I come across a perfected widget that does what it’s supposed to do. It functions as a world clock, and you can compare your local time with other cities. This is very useful if you’re making international calls or your favorite show is advertised as being broadcast at 16:00GMT. Also you have a very neat and flexible slider at the bottom to change your time. RANKING: LINK: dashboard/business/timescroller.html
myTube Another YouTube player for your Dashboard, but this time it’s a lot better looking and really fits your Dashboard with full playback functions. Although its small size does make it kind of annoying, because you get the video in a very small resolution. But for a few minutes of free time it’s worth it. RANKING: LINK:
For an explanation of “SmorgasDashBord” go to: www.emiratesmac. com/forums/ newsletter/3424smorgasdashbordexplanation.html
Depth-of-Field Calculator If you are very particular about your photography and getting the right depth of field, you probably end up doing a fair bit of depth-of-field calculations. This is a good companion for you if you have your Mac with you when you take your photos. It can help you figure out the best settings for that softness you want, or allow you to really pull off a sharp photo. RANKING: LINK: dofcdepthoffieldcalculator.html | | EmiratesMac shuffle 5
Clean Up Your
Photos by Magnus
Apple’s iPhone has a two megapixel camera but it’s not the greatest camera in the world. That’s no secret to anyone who’s seen a photo taken with an iPhone. But just because the iPhone cannot take high-megapixel shots doesn’t mean it can’t produce pretty decent photographs. In this article we’ll show you some things you can do to clean up your iPhone photos. I happen
to use Adobe Photoshop CS3 for this exercise but you can do much the same thing in many other applications. Adjust the levels With your photo open in Photoshop, select Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels. Click OK in the dialogue that appears. Select Red in the Channel dropdown menu. Now you want to adjust the left marker so it touches the main part of the dark levels on the left. You also want to adjust the marker on the right so it touches the main part of the dark levels on the right.
You can also drag the sliders around to see what effect you get. Feel free to also play around with the levels for Green and Blue. In our example I wanted to reduce the overly red tone. In your particular photos it may be different. Reduce the noise Especially if you take iPhone photos in poor light – they’re going to be full of noise. Select Filter > Noise > Reduce noise. There’s no simple trick for success here, you have to try different values. Try to reduce noise in larger, solid areas, while at the same time keeping detail in edges and shapes. Remember to use the zoom feature and preview, and make sure you look around at many parts of the photo to see what the effect is of what you’ve selected.
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Tips for Taking Better iPhone Photos Shoot in good light: In dark or even in a slightly dimmed light the iPhone certainly doesn’t excel. You want there to be good light. Keep the iPhone steady: If you hold the iPhone steady with both hands, or even support your hands and arms on something, chances are your shot will turn out sharper and better looking. Go high or low: Change the angle and you may find something interesting. Composition. Where is the main interest in your shot? Take a little time thinking about your shot and then approach it with a clear idea of what to do. Movement: Consider what seems to be moving into the picture and what is moving out. Converging and diverging lines can help create exciting movement. Finally, show your iPhone photos to people: It’s not exactly a photographic technique but it will please the crowd.
pan around the photo to see how the settings affect various parts of the photo.
Sharpen the knifes Finally, and this may seem counterintuitive, you may want to sharpen the photo with the unsharp mask tool. Select Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp mask. Here again you may need to play around with the sliders to get the desired result. It’s easy to go overboard with the sharpening and your photo will end up looking like something out of a sci-fi movie, so be careful with the settings. As with reducing the noise,
Wrapping up Now you’re finished. With these three techniques you can, to a varying degree, clean up many of your iPhone photos. To be honest, however, you probably won’t see much of a difference between the before and after photos published here. But if you’re interested in how big a difference these simple techniques can make, download the files from resources/dec2007/ The effect also varies from shot to shot. Some shots you will see little difference on while others these techniques can have a striking effect.
will have to look for perfect conditions for the photo to come out in great quality. The techniques presented here are not good enough to save an iPhone photo taken in poor conditions. At best you can hope for some improvements. Look at the tips presented above and form your own way of what works best.
Final word It’s worth pointing out that with the limits of the iPhone (2MP, fixed-focus lens, etc.) you | | EmiratesMac shuffle 7
Quick Tip:
Mosaic Screensaver
EmiratesMac on
One of the most impressive new features in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard is the Mosaic screensaver mode. My guess it’s made possible by the improvements in the Core modules that Apple has made in Leopard. This screensaver is pretty taxing on the computer. At lest my MacBook often fires up the fans when it is on. But it is one great conversation-starter. People want to know what that “cool thing” is. To turn it on, look in the Screensaver System Preference pane and select any of the picture modes on the list on the left. Then you will see a small button on the right that looks like a grid. Click it and you
by Magnus
by Magnus
have the Mosaic mode. Basically Mac OS X will take a number of pictures and form them into a mosaic. It will then constantly zoom out of this picture to reveal the underlying mosaic that makes up the whole. The other pictures are being used to make up the different colors and shapes in a very impressive way. You may want to play around with what albums you include - some types of photos may work better than others. Also remember that if you use this screensaver in a public environment where others may see it, select your photos more carefully.
Campus There are many students who are members of the EmiratesMac Apple User Group, and we’re all about supporting them in various ways. We’re excited about education and we want to be able to reach more students. So we’re starting a new initiative called EmiratesMac On Campus. If you’re a student at a school, college, or university, you could be the Campus Rep for EMUG. Send us an email at if you’re interested. You will have to be a member of EMUG yourself first. Your job as Campus Rep will entail getting information from EMUG out to students on the campus, recruiting new EMUG members, supporting Apple fans on campus, and assisting EMUG with organizing events on your campus. The primary task is to be the main point of contact for students on the campus. All Campus Reps will be listed on the User Group page ( index.php?page=usergroup). If you’re a student on any of the campuses with a Campus Rep, check there for who you should first contact with any questions.
New Sponsor
Letters to the Editor by Magnus This is a new feature we’re offering in Shuffle, where our readers can send us their thoughts, suggestions, comments, complaints, or whatever else may be on their minds. As in most magazines and newspapers, just send an email to and it may appear in future issues of Shuffle. We hope that you’ll consider writing in and we promise to take everything you have to say seriously and add it to our growing list of things we need to work on with Shuffle. So I am hoping that from next issue this space could be used up by letters sent to us. I should mention that you can write in either English or Arabic, either way is fine. English comments will be
published here and the Arabic comments will be in the Arabic section. That makes sense, right? So send in your Letters to the Editor to shuffle Please note that we will not accept any letters to the editor to be published here unless they are accompanied by the author’s full name, their email address and their mobile phone number. None of this personal information will be printed in Shuffle, but it may be used in trying to help us solve your problems. Letters will normally be published with the author’s name after it. If you don’t want your name published, please indicate this in your email.
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From this issue of Shuffle, we’re very excited to announce that there is a new sponsor for this newsletter. Arab Computers Ltd., Apple resellers in Saudi Arabia, is now supporting EmiratesMac Apple User Group in the distribution of Shuffle. The circulation will increase to 9000 copies, with 5000 going to Saudi Arabia. We hope that readers will enjoy Shuffle every month and that you will consider helping us out by writing articles. Go to or email for more information.
Because of a mistake and some miscommunications, we have neglected to mention that the photo used on the “Write for Shuffle” page in the last couple of issues is taken by and copyright David Hobby. | | EmiratesMac shuffle 9
Behind the Lens:
Q: Thanks for talking to us Patrick. We met you at GITEX in Dubai. Was that your first visit to the UAE? What was your first impression? A: GITEX was our first visit to the UAE. We researched Dubai online, read some articles and contacted tourist sites so we could familiarize ourselves with the country, the people, the customs, and the business atmosphere prior to our arrival. The UAE is more than we ever expected a stunning city with great energy, friendly people and good business opportunities. We very much look forward to another trip to the UAE. Q: How did you get started with photography? A: I started photography as a hobby when I was in college and it became my business when I took a position at the National Eye Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health, in Bethesda, MD. I worked at the Eye Institute for 30 years as an ophthalmic photographer, documenting and writing protocols for progressive eye diseases. I helped develop the first digital cameras specific to capturing medical eye detail for retina, cornea, scelera (white part of the eye) and helped develop the digital photography department for the NEI. My images of eye detail are still being published internationally in the medical field. My portrait photography of healthy and happy children and families began as a counter balance to my profession, and I have developed my technique and image style for over 25 years. My great gift is that I love to socialize with people and to take pictures of them. I believe I can be considered a true photographer - passionate about learning, enjoying my images and wanting to create beautiful memories for families to look back upon as life changes.
is photographing or selling. Computer time is not always profitable although it can save you money ... you have to find the right balance. In addition, we have unlimited creative options now; we can do anything we imagine and our product lines have changed to reflect this. Once again, we have to find the right balance, the right products and the right retail prices in order to keep our business profitable.
Q: So you got started in photography before the digital revolution. How has going digital changed the way you work as a photographer? A: Well, computers are a must-have piece of “photographic” equipment now aren’t they? We now capture as many images as we want to because it’s free. Nevertheless it’s important to focus on positive workflow so we don’t spend all of our time in front of a computer. We have to decide what things we’re going to do in house and what things are more cost effective to send out. It’s important to remember that a photographer only makes money when he
Q: What kind of equipment (e.g. bodies, lenses, accessories) do you usually shoot with? A: We use Canon cameras (currently the MarkIII), Canon lenses, Canon printers, and the Expo Disc for white balancing the camera. We rely on a nice zoom, a good wide angle and a nice close up. We keep our equipment simple and focus on using it well. We use Westcott Spyderlites for inside window style lighting and Larson strip lights and the Flying Starfish for flash. Outside we use an off camera flash, some reflectors and a gobo (to block light) so we can achieve good directional lighting. It’s important to remember that photographers need cameras, light, reflectors and gobos - but the kind of product you use is secondary to how well you use what you have. Q: What’s your favorite type of photography? A: I like photographing people (family portraits, business portraits, children) - I like it all. I enjoy the reaction of people when they see their portraits and say to me how wonderful their portrait is and what a nice experience they had during the photography session. My style is casual and professional. Jane (my wife) likes to photograph fine art portraiture, landscapes
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and still life creations. She’s more digitally creative in her imaging and I’m more real life. She’s an artist who uses photography as part of what she does and I’m a passionate photographer. Q: If someone wants to get into photography as a hobby today what advice would you give regarding how they should get started? A: Start at the beginning. Get a nice affordable camera (we use a little Canon point and shoot) and a decent photo printer. Use Photoshop Elements and check out your educational opportunities either online or through DVD training. Join a camera club or find a friend who also wants to take pictures as well and then go out and photograph. Give yourself project challenges: For example, create a project like “Look Up UAE” where you photograph the city looking up, or visit a local market to photograph “A Day In The Life Of Dubai”. Share your work with others to get their feedback and, most of all, HAVE FUN!
“My great gift is that I love to socialize with people and to take pictures of them.” Q: And what if they wanted to be a professional photographer? A: Learn what it takes to profitably run a small business; Marathon Press is a good company that helps the photographer set up a business plan. It has to be assumed you know the basics - composition, lighting, posing, Photoshop CS3, printing and image presentation. Continue this education by seeking out working professionals and artists and study with them. A very good source of education is the DVDs by Software Cinema - http://www. You just have to keep getting better and better. Most photographers fail because they don’t know how to run a profitable business – techniques for developing product lines, pricing, selling, marketing, keeping good financial records, doing taxes, creating an aesthetic studio image, advertising, and creating efficient work flow. You can sell average images and eat well, but you can’t buy food with fine art if you can’t sell it. Q: Do you do your editing and archiving with a Mac? If so, describe your workflow. What software do you work with? A: We use Macs. Lightroom, CS3, Corel Painter, Nik Color Effects Pro, Graphic Authority ... these are our favorites for producing our work. We use Delkin memory cards and acquisition
devices and archive to Delkin archival CD’s and DVD’s plus external hard drives. One important note about writing on your DVD or CD – make sure you use an acid free marker, because a marker that is not solvent free will destroy your CD/ DVD. We use the solvent-free CD/DVD pen by Delkin. Q: If Apple could release one product that would make your life easier, what would it be? A: Operating systems or software that recognizes old image and document file formats, Mac or PC. Q: A lot of people are going to buy digital cameras this holiday season. Do you have any particular things they should think about when picking a camera? A: Buy the best you can for the money based upon what size prints you see yourself making most of the time. People make mistakes when they don’t define what they want to do realistically. For instance, saying “I want to print 4x6’s but I also want to make wall murals”. If 90% of what you do is printing 4x6 images, you don’t need a camera capable of making wall murals - and the price difference is staggering! Set your camera for the highest quality resolution, you may get fewer images on a memory card but they will be of higher quality – learn to carry extra batteries and memory cards. Also learn what the symbols mean on your digital camera; auto is not the only setting you should use. Q: Since it is the holiday season, we know there are going to be many photos taken with all those cameras. Would you like to share some quick tips for how we can take some better photos? A: Crop the images in the camera so you can make the most of your camera’s capabilities. If you crop after you shoot, you lose pixels and you won’t be able to make enlargements that look crisp and saturated. Set custom white balances so you get accurate color. Choose the backgrounds first and then move the people into them so you can avoid things like trees coming out of people’s heads or bright back window lighting. Put people in meaningful
surroundings that will bring back pleasant memories. Photograph the world not like it is, but how you would like it to be. Q: Thanks Patrick. Do you have any final thoughts for our readers? A: Technology can be overwhelming. Get what you need but don’t feel like you have to have it all. Learn the basics and learn them to the point where you implement them unconsciously - lighting, posing, color harmony, composition, exposure, camera settings. When you photograph people the best pictures result from a conversation you share with a camera being present. Enjoy your images with family and friends. Patrick Ciatto is a photographer based out of Ormond Beach, Florida, USA. He has over 25 years of experience as a professional photographer. You can see his work on his web site http://www. We recently met Patrick at GITEX in Dubai, where he impressed us with his passion for and knowledge of photography. All photos in this article are copyright Patrick Ciatto. | | EmiratesMac shuffle 11
Sixteen-year-old Adam Odeh is a student who has en eye for detail; he takes mostly macro photographs with his Canon EOS 400D and a 70mm f/2.8 Sigma macro lens. His interest in photography started when he found one of his mother’s old cameras in her baggage. That was before digital photography took o and at a time when it was too expensive for him to develop film. But when digital came of age, Adam also flourished in the field of photography. He says his love for macro photography comes from the fact that, in his own words, it “enlarges the tiniest of objects (e.g. a grain of rice) to huge proportions”. He advises others to put the camera on a steady tripod and to seek out a calm environment, as even the faintest pu of wind can disrupt the kinds of small subjects he shoots. Finally, he advises that you should just “shoot what you like”.
An Eye For
Detail by Magnus
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Adobe Photoshop is a wonderful application that can do pretty much anything you need it to do and more. Apple’s iPhoto is great for simple editing and for organizing photos. But for a lot of uses they are both overkill, and you could use something a lot simpler. In your Applications folder resides a little program called Preview, which I’m sure you have all used at some point. What we’ll do in this article is take a look at what Preview can offer us in terms of simple editing and management of photos. We used the Mac OS X 10.5 version of Preview, so if you still run Mac OS X 10.4 your experience may be different.
Unleash the Powers of
by Magnus
Tools for editing
Although these tools are fairly basic, they can help you out in a pinch. In the Tools menu you find tools that can help you crop, resize, flip and rotate.
Adjust photos
yourself, there’s even an “Auto levels” button that makes a guess as to how the photo can best be adjusted.
Remove backgrounds
This is borrowed straight from iPhoto. With the adjustment palette you can adjust exposure, brightness, contrast and more. This actually rivals expensive software and can take you quite a long way toward professional-level photo editing. If you don’t like to adjust things
You can even remove background areas from an image. From the Select tool dropdown, choose “Instant Alpha” to give it a try. This is the same feature you can find in iWork 08.
Batch process files
This is not something Preview can do on its own, but partner it with Automator and you have a formidable tool for batch processing photos. You can, for example, set up a workflow that automatically resizes photos to a specific size for easy emailing or publishing to the web.
Open PSD and EPS files
You may be unaware that Preview can open files in Photoshop PSD as well as EPS formats. This is very convenient if
you happen to be sent a Photoshop file that you have to look at but don’t have the real application installed. So, just as TextEdit can be a savior for opening Word files, Preview can save the day for graphics files.
EXIF Information
The information your digital camera saves about your shots, you can see with Preview. You can see aperture, shutter speed, etc. So next time you need to do something quick and easy to a photo, consider Preview. It may be just what you need. | | EmiratesMac shuffle 13
All about A biography of the co-founder and CEO of Apple
Steve Jobs Part 6
Photograph by Graham Parker appears courtesy of Apple, Inc.
by Romain Moisescot The iCEO The announcement of the changes at Apple were made on August 6, 1997, at MacWorld Expo in Boston. Steve unveiled the names of the new board members, and then dropped the bomb: Apple was going to partner with its archrival, Microsoft. The room went woooh when they saw Bill Gates’ face appear in Orwellian proportions on the stage’s screen. The partnership included: the end of every patent lawsuit between the two companies, a 5-year commitment for Microsoft to keep releasing updates to the Mac version of its Office software in exchange for Apple making Internet Explorer the default browser on its Macintoshes, and a $150 million investment in Apple from Redmond (in the form of nonvoting shares). On September 6, 1997, Steve Jobs officially became the interim CEO of Apple Computer, Inc., the company he had founded more than 20 years earlier. He took drastic measures to make Apple healthy again. First off, he started to digest an extraordinary amount of information about the company, getting to know every project it was working on and every service it provided. He was micro-managing at a very high level. His first impression was that Apple got lost by working on too many products. Gil Amelio had cut the number of R&D projects from 350 to 50. Steve cut it from 50 to a dozen. He brilliantly understood that for Apple to succeed, it had to focus on a very small
number of products, but they had to be great products. On the Apple campus, the return of Steve Jobs had great effects on the everyday life. He enforced new rules, like non-smoking and the banishment of pets. He installed a brand new cafeteria with food caterer Il Fornaio from Palo Alto, whose menus included tofu most of the time. He also started to apply what had been one of his most important policies at NeXT, that is, the secrecy policy. He put up a poster in his office from the WW2 era stating that “Loose lips might sink ships”. The first measure visible to the public eye that Steve took was to launch a new ad campaign that would later be recalled as the Think different campaign. The purpose was to take full advantage of the Apple brand name, and no product could be seen on any of the ads. They pictured photographs of geniuses of modern times, implying that Apple, the innovative, nonconformist company, was back (see the video here). On January 8, 1998, one year after his return at Apple, Steve announced at MacWorld Expo in San Francisco that he had made the company profitable again. Thanks to his spending cuts and the success of its high-end G3 computers, it had made a $45 million profit in the last quarter of 1997. Steve’s biggest coup was yet to come. One of the few projects he had agreed not to shut
down was that of a personal computer with a sleek breathtaking new design approach, called the iMac. The iMac’s looks had been conceived by British designer Jonathan Ive, who would soon become head of the Apple Industrial Design division. In addition to its revolutionary design, whose main characteristic was that it wasn’t beige, Steve had put his personal touches to the computer: he insisted that there be no fans and no floppy disk drive, just like he had the floppy drive removed from the NeXT Cube and the fans removed from the original Macintosh. The iMac was to be an all-in-one computer, just like the 1984 Mac. The i in iMac stood for Internet, because the computer guaranteed easy and fast access to the World Wide Web. The iMac was unveiled on May 6, 1998, in the same auditorium where the 1984 annual shareholder’s meeting had been held, at Flint Center in Cupertino. This choice was of course not random: it was a clear indication that Steve was back with an insanely great computer. In case you were not sure, the iMac displayed a huge picture saying: Hello (again), the same that had been used with Mac 14 years earlier (without the “again” of course). Apple sold 278,000 iMacs in its first two months and over 2 million in its first two years. It was the clear signal that Steve’s management was the right path for Apple to follow. The product strategy had evolved to a very simple
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All about Steve Jobs one. In fact, it was down to a single square matrix. Apple would release four products: PowerBooks, Power Macs, iMacs and iBooks. When iMac was introduced in 1998, the Power Mac and PowerBook line-ups had already been revised. They kept being updated and on January 5, 1999, Steve announced two major steps in its computer design. The beige Power Macs were replaced by a stunning translucent design recalling the iMac, which itself was now available in five colors. This move made the iMac a cult object and a symbol of late 20th century design. In July 1999, at MacWorld NY, Steve announced the long-awaited and much-speculated Apple consumer notebook, iBook. iBook was based on the concept of an iMac to go, and, just like iMac, it was a stunning success. It was during the same event that Steve announced AirPort, making Apple a pioneer in Wi-Fi (wireless networking) technology. A year earlier, it had pioneered on the iMac another new technology that has now become a standard: USB connectivity. Steve also used the MWNY ’99 keynote to demonstrate its incredible showmanship and the ability he had to play with his public image by inviting onstage Hollywood actor Noah Wyle, disguised as the iCEO himself. Noah Wyle had played Steve’s role in a TNT movie about the birth of personal computing called Pirates of Silicon Valley. While the product matrix kept being updated and Mac sales numbers kept increasing, it became more and more obvious that Steve’s interim role was nonsense. Nobody contested his leadership of Apple. In the meantime, Pixar had slowly become the most successful animation studios of all times, with the release of two more major hits for Disney: A Bug’s Life and Toy Story 2, the sequel to its first 3D feature film. So on January 5, 2000, at the very end of its MacWorld Keynote speech, Steve announced that he was officially taking the title of CEO of Apple. The crowd responded with cheers and a standing ovation. Many observers noted that unlike the previous zenith of his career, at the Macintosh unveiling on January 24, 1984, where he had taken all the credit for the design of the machine, this time he dutifully thanked every Apple employee for their hard work, and called them the “most talented people on the planet”. In fact, ever since he has come back to Apple, Steve always ends his keynote speeches by a round of applause for
the Apple staff. Learning from his failures at NeXT, it seems he has gained more maturity and modesty. As he was taking over as Apple’s CEO, Steve also changed a little of his financial habits. Even though he insisted on keeping his $1 annual salary (just to be able to apply for the company’s health plan), he accepted two gifts from the board of directors: options on 10 million shares of Apple stock (worth hundreds of millions of dollars) and a much-talked about Gulfstream V private jet, worth $110 million. The year 2000 would be another milestone year for Apple in many respects. To start with, it was the year the company would announce the extension of its product matrix with a computer with a revolutionary design, the G4 Cube. It was an 8-inch cube that was as powerful a Power Mac tower. To anyone who knew Steve’s history, it was an obvious reference to one of his most beloved projects, the NeXT Cube. The comparison proved to be right, because the G4 Cube shared many of its ancestor’s characteristics: yes, it had a stunning design and embarked on state-of-the-art technology, but it also was not targeted at a very specific market: it was too expensive for the home or education buyer, and could not be expanded enough to satisfy pro customers. So the G4 Cube ended like the NeXT Cube. It was a flop and remained in Apple’s line-up for just 12 months. More importantly, it is in January 2000 that Steve showed the first glimpses of Apple’s next generation operating system, Mac OS X. Mac OS X was the future of Apple. It was based entirely on the technology Steve had brought from NeXT - along with his new executive staff including hardware manager Jon Rubistein, marketing leader Phil Schiller and especially Avie Tevanian and Paul Serlet, the brilliant software engineers behind the development of NeXTSTEP. Mac OS X was thus a very powerful OS with all the great NeXTSTEP features it inherited from its UNIX foundation, like multi-processing and protected memory, yet it was as easy to use as the good old Mac OS (and NeXTSTEP itself ). But maybe the most striking feature of Mac OS X was its new user interface, called Aqua. Taking full advantage of the increase in computer power and the solid graphics foundations of OS X, it provided the user with a never-before-seen experience of computing. It was a beautiful interface.
Finally, it is in 2000 that Apple’s new overall strategy really took off. The idea is this: the 80s had been the era of productivity computing. Everyone bought a computer for using spreadsheets and databases. Then in the 90s came the era of network computing. Everyone bought a new computer for gaining access to the brand new “information highway”, the Internet. In the early 21st century, we were entering a new age of computing: that of the digital lifestyle. The digital lifestyle was the convergence of new devices – the digital camera, the digital movie camcorder, the digital music player – around the one object that would give them meaning, the personal computer, which Apple viewed as the digital hub. This strategy had been elaborated upon in late 1998 and at the time nobody took it seriously. Yet the realization of this prediction in the early 2000s proved that Steve’s visionary status was not an invention of the media. However at the time, Apple’s primary mission was to build computers and develop its operating system. Apple turned to software developers like Adobe and asked them to make software that would run on their Macs and would let people take full advantage of the emerging consumer digital devices by making the dream of the digital hub come true. To its great astonishment, most software companies refused, judging the vision was wrong and the Mac market was too small anyway. “They said flat-out no. We were shocked, because they had been a big supporter in the early days of the Mac. But we said ‘Okay, if nobody wants to help us, we’re just going to have to do this ourselves” (Steve Jobs in “How Big Can Apple Get?” - Fortune, February 2005) And they did: it was the birth of many great applications called the iApps (which are now part of the iLife suite): iMovie (1999) for editing digital movies, iDVD (2001) for burning DVDs to share these home-made movies, iPhoto (2002) for organizing and sharing digital pictures, and of course iTunes (2001), the digital music jukebox. Credits This biography of Steve Jobs is published with the permission of Romain Moisescot. You can find the original online at www. html/biographyFR.html. You will find the next part of the biography in the next issue of shuffle.
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Using iPhoto to Share Your Photos Online by Christian Sullivan (EmiratesMac) “.Mac photo gallery”, and then you will be able to select which gallery you want. Arrange this to your liking on the Photos page, perhaps add a text box with a brief description, then press “Publish” again. This may seem like an awful lot of steps, but now the real magic takes hold. Back in iPhoto, go to “Preferences”, and select the “Web Gallery” tab at the top. You will see an option labeled “Check for new photos:”. Change this from “Manual” to something else, perhaps every hour. From now on, any photos you add to your Web Gallery album in iPhoto will be automatically added to your .Mac account, and the Album will be viewable from your .Mac homepage. Visit this articles page on for a cool way to take this a step further and automatically grab photos from your camera or iPhone and publish it to .Mac with iPhoto. Note: this depends on a .Mac membership which is $100 per year. If you do not have a .Mac account, you can sign up for a free 60 day trial to see if it’s right for you.
As digital cameras get cheaper, storage gets bigger, and internet connections get faster, the ability to easily share photos online becomes increasingly more desirable to people. Seizing this opportunity, there are almost as many ways to share photos as there are sites offering free email. In this article we explore three ways to use your Mac and iPhoto to publish your photos to the web. While iPhoto is the central application used in this article, each of these methods can be done without iPhoto. iPhoto + .Mac If you haven’t already created a .Mac home page for yourself, now would be a good time to do so. Open iWeb, and create a basic site. Add a blank page to your site, name it something obvious, for example, “Photos”. Publish the site, then open up iPhoto. Within iPhoto, create an album for the pictures you wish to upload to your .Mac site. Add the photos you want to upload, and click “Web Gallery”, located in bottom right of main window. Presto! Your photos are on their way to your .Mac account. But you aren’t done yet. Go back to iWeb, and on the “Photos” page you created, click on the icon labeled “Web Widgets”. You will see an option for
Picturesync/ Photobucket
iPhoto + Photobucket The third sharing solution covered today is PhotoBucket. PhotoBucket is an online sharing service competing directly with While sharing photos from Cons iPhoto with PhotoBucket is quite simple, of the $99 USD/year. three options presented, Requires some setup. it’s also the most tedious. To start, you will need to create a account. Next, you will Feature lacking (no social have to install a thirdparty tool for uploading networking). directly to PhotoBucket. I recommend PictureSync, for a few reasons. Beyond PhotoBucket, Picture Shareware, limited to one acSync supports more than count in free. a dozen other services, Photobucket Free has banner making it the most flexible of the options. Facebook and full page ads. users in particular may 1GB of storage, 5GB for $25 find it especially useful. FaUSD/year cebook and PhotoBucket Limited photo resolutions. both have native integra PictureSync $15/$30 USD tion with recent versions of
iPhoto + PicasaWeb Picasa may not be one of the bigger photo tools out there, but it certainly is worth a look.
Pros .Mac
Google snatched Picasa up a while back, and since then the services features have grown exponentially. What we are focusing on is PicasaWeb, the online extension of the Picasa application. Picasa, for those interested, is an iPhoto like application for Windows computers. If you don’t already have a Google account, you will need to create one. Google uses a universal login, so any exisiting Google service login will work fine: Gmail, Calendar, Documents, Groups, etc. Next you will want to download the PicasaWeb tool for Mac (http:// Note that before installing, make sure you have iPhoto closed. Once the PicasaWeb tool is installed, open iPhoto, and create an Album to share online. Add the photos you want to upload, click “File” and “Export”. You will notice that there is now a PicasaWeb tab available, click on this. You will be prompted to sign in to you Google account. Sign in, set up the export options (Album name, etc), and press “Export”. That’s it, easy as can be.
Most powerful. Tight integration with Leopard; iLife for photos, web-building, movies, etc. 10GB storage. Free* Can be integrated with other. Google Services. 1GB storage, 10GB for $20 USD/year. Free* Supports wide range of services. Photobucket integrates with Flock Supports Aperture.
(iPhoto and Aperture).
*Free for basic versions. Full functionality and increased storage requires a membership fee.
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Flock. Flock also includes a tool for uploading Pictures, see “Flock Around Web Services” in this issue of Shuffle for more information. Download and install PictureSync (http:// Be aware, however, that the unlicensed (“Free”) version supports only *one* service at a time. If you wish to use multiple services, you will need to purchase a license for $15 USD. Launch iPhoto, create an album with the photos you want to upload. Highlight the album, and start PictureSync. By default it’s installed in Applications. The first time it starts, you will need to authorize PictureSync with This is a painless process, follow the instructions on screen, sign in to PhotoBucket, and you are set. Once this is done, click the “Open” button in PictureSync. It should detect that you have an album selected in iPhoto, automatically adding the photos to the upload queue. Once you are satisfied with the list of photos to upload, click
the “Upload” button in PictureSync. Congratulations, your photos are now online. So which is the best service? There really isn’t a “right” answer to this. If you are already a .Mac member (or considering it), use .Mac. However, if you are simply looking for an easy and free way to share your pictures online, PicasaWeb is probably your best bet.
If you don’t mind a couple of extra steps, and you make heavy use of Social Networking applications like Flock and Facebook, it may well be worth your time to investigate PhotoBucket and PictureSync. But don’t feel locked in to any one service. Each of these are free (taking into account the .Mac free trial), so there is no reason you shouldn’t try all three out for yourself.
Links (For all of these links and additional photo sharing tricks) (My .Mac homepage) (My Picasa gallery) (Download Picturesync) (PhotoBucket) (Flock Web 2.0 Browser, built on Firefox)
Flock Around Web Services by Magnus
When it comes to web browsers we are spoiled for choice. But it’s not always easy to pick. Safari is a pure Mac OS X joy to use, Firefox is very extensible with add ons, and Shiira is full of cool new stuff. So why would you want to add yet another browser to your Applications folder? Flock ( is squarely aimed at users of web sites such as
MySpace, FaceBook and more. These are often referred to as “Web 2.0” sites. And it’s all about keeping up with friends and family online – interacting with them, and sharing things with them. Flock is built on Firefox’s code but offers a lot that the other browsers don’t. Let’s have a look at some things Flock has to offer.
If you save a lot of bookmarks (favorites), Flock ties straight into online bookmarking sites such as and more.
Bloggers will be happy to know that Flock can post to any number of blogging services, even to your self-hosted blogs. Perhaps you have one blog on http://www. and another one at http:// www.livejournal. com – with Flock you can post to both of them.
You can see photos uploaded by your friends to other sites. It’s a very cool way to keep up with what your friends are putting on FaceBook, for example. (See the “Using iPhoto To Share Your Photos Online” article in this issue of Shuffle.)
You have easy access to set up your online accounts to blog sites such as http://www., social sites such as http://, or accounts to online photo sites such as | | EmiratesMac shuffle 17
The Moon Text by Nassir A. Alameeri Photo by Sumaya Omran Al Marzouqi
Given the state of shape shifters in bloom… Never again will I concur the moon… Always left in amnesty Born to die… and purgatory? One day we will be one… soon Have you ever wanted to let it all go? Has the balloon gotten too high to catch? Have you ever wanted to touch the moon? Have you ever wanted to touch the moon? It all depends on where we all end up My thoughts lie, as if screaming “Enough!” Never a sin, amend Deadly creature, send Someday we will be one… soon Lost in a world that cannot accept Lovers and sinners, whom cannot repent Have you ever wanted to touch the moon? Have you ever wanted to touch the moon? Ahhh! Have you ever wanted to let it all go? Has the balloon gotten too high to catch? Have you ever wanted to touch the moon? Have you ever wanted to touch the moon? Have you? 18 EmiratesMac shuffle | |
During Dubai Motorsport Festival, November 1617, 2007, Omran Al Owais, member of the EmiratesMac Apple User Group, came in third place in a critical race in the Radical Cup Racing Series. We’re very proud of Omran and wish him all the best in the future. The photo appears courtesy of Dubai Autodrome. You can find out more about Omran’s racing at
EmiratesMac Training Courses EmiratesMac’s course offerings start off with Introduction to Mac OS X and iLife. In the Mac OS X course you will learn the basics of how to log in and get going with your Mac, find your way around the interface, open and save files, do some simple maintenance, get online, and more. In the iLife course we cover how to manage and edit photos, create movies, burn DVDs, create web pages, and put together a music masterpiece, all with the iLife applications.
For more information and to sign up: | | EmiratesMac shuffle 19
Shuffle Reviews In this issue of Shuffle, we take a first look at Apple’s lates operating system Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. We also review a 22-inch widescreen LCD display, which makes Leopard look really good.
FIND MORE ONLINE. You can find more information online and share your views about the items we tested in this issue or anything else on our web site at ©
OmniDazzle by Magnus Price $14.95 USD From OmniGroup Distributor OmniGroup Web applications/omnidazzle/
To be frank, OmniDazzle is a hard piece of software to pinpoint what exactly it is. OmniGroup says it is “a set of fun and useful enhancements that help you highlight certain areas of your screen, create visual effects, and track the location of your mouse pointer.” That doesn’t tell us much though. Basically it is a simple little application that let’s you put certain effects and functions on the screen by pressing a key-combination. To me, personally, the best use of OmniDazzle has been as a simple tool to find the mouse on large monitors and as a tool at presentations. I have the Pixie Dust effect turned on so when I lose track of the pointer, I shake the mouse a bit and after a second or so pixie dust comes flying from it, revealing the pointer’s position. Childish? - perhaps. Effective? - you bet! So what else can it do? With a special key-combination you can get comic-style effects on the screen, like “Pow!” You can get a flashlight-style light that follows the mouse, and you can also get footprints to follow the mouse around the screen. Furthermore, you can mark sections of the screen with a very nice marker-pen. Some of these effects are clearly more fun than functional. But the flashlight, the marking, and some other functions are great when you’re doing presentations. Once you have used them you’ll wonder how you ever did a presentation without them. I wish it were possible to run it without the Dock icon. Personally I’d rather see it being a System Preference pane. That’s not a big issue though, and for the price it’s a bargain. OmniDazzle is a fun little application that most of you will not have any use for. But it does a few things that hardly any other software does, and it does those things with finesse. For its limited use, it’s a bargain. And OmniGroup just recently updated it, making it now fully Leopard compatible.
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Shuffle Reviews
Flash Decompiler by Magnus Price $79.96 USD From Eltima Software Distributor Eltima Software Web
The functionality of Flash Decompiler by Eltima Software is simple: you can turn a SWF-file into an FLA-file. For those not familiar with these terms, FLA is the format of Acrobat Flash and the format you work with while developing Flash applications. SWF is the format of the Flash application when it’s deployed to the web, on a CD, etc. SWF is a compiled version of FLA, meaning you can’t just open up a SWF file and look at the code, graphics, sounds, etc. inside it. That’s done partly to make the deployment more effective making the applications run faster, partly also to protect the developer’s work from being copied. I’ve tried Flash Decompiler on SWF files created from Flash 8 as well as Flash 9 and overall it seems to do a great job. Really, I can’t find much difference between the original FLA and the decompiled FLA. Layers are there, frames are there, graphics are there, and scripts are also there. Admittedly I didn’t try it on anything too complicated, but it’s a good sign it does a good job. We have to point out that while the functionality of this application is clear, its practical use is not. If you’re a Flash developer you probably don’t want people to decompile your SWF files so they can look around inside your work. But there are valid uses for this software of course. One might be the case where you’ve lost your own FLA. Also, and Eltima tries to make this point on their site too, you can “Improve your designer’s skills by learning from others”. It’s arguably correct that learning by looking at what others have done is a good way of learning, but it’s also something that could easily be taken advantage of. For what it does the price of almost $80 is not too bad. It may seem expensive for a small one-trick-pony application, but as previously stated it does its job very well. Keep in mind what you actually do with it though and do not abuse the work of others. If you have lost an important FLA but have the SWF still, Flash Decompiler can save the day.
Two Apple Certification Books by Magnus Peachpit Press offers great books that will help you study and revise for any Apple certification tests. The books in the Apple Training Series are, in fact, the official curriculum for the Apple Customer Training and AppleCare Technician Training programs.
Price Around $50USD each From PeachPit Press Distributor PeachPit Press Web
The first book serves as a study book for the Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist and prepares the student for the Mac OS X Support Essentials exam. It is currently still just out in an edition for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, but I believe a new edition covering Leopard is on its way. *This book takes you through the background of and technology in Mac OS X, as well as explaining how to install and configure the OS.* It has a lot of step-by-step instructions for how to do things, and plenty of extra tips and explanations. A significant portion of the book is dedicated to troubleshooting, in which they present a structured approach to trying to find out what’s wrong. The second book covers Mac computers, both desktops and portables. This is an area that’s obviously changing fast so it’s almost impossible for a printed book to keep up, but PeachPit puts the latest information online. It covers common diagnostics, repair procedures, disassembly, tools needed, etc. Like the first book, there’s a lot of troubleshooting information here which will help you accomplish your tasks. The book covers all current models of Macs, but not all the latest revisions. You will also have to supplement its contents with your own information to make full use of this book. Although it’s a great book, since it’s such a fast-moving area it’s probably less attractive than the first book. These are books that are meant to be used while doing something on your Mac. In my experience they work best when they are actively used: taking notes in them, looking things up, etc. To sum up, if you want to take an Apple certification test, PeachPit Press’ books in these series are your best friend. | | EmiratesMac shuffle 21
Get Rid of The
Organizing Your Digital Photo Archive by Martin van den Driesch (EmiratesMac) This article gives you some ideas on how to organize your digital photos better. If you are a frequent shooter, as opposed to taking a few snapshots over your vacation, this is especially important. This article is not about digital “photo lab” work (as most of you know, the Adobe products Photoshop and Bridge are the ideal partners for such tasks); it’s about how to get a system into your photo archiving processes and doing a regular backup along that way.
The shoebox scenario Typically, digital photos are stored in folders such as “X-Mas at home”, “weekend in Paris”, “birthday party”. This works for a while, but soon these digital “shoeboxes” will be nestled all over your hard drives. And, depending on the type of digital camera you have, your digital photos may occupy lots of your precious disk space on your Mac. Yes, you can look through all these “shoeboxes” with Adobe Bridge (as long as you remember their location and names), but as Bridge always goes through the original files this may take time. Not the perfect solution if you just want to find that one special photo from your weekend in Paris. The final concern should be what happens to all these photos in case of a crash? Have you really made a backup of everything?
photographer I deal with hundreds of photos per week, if not per day.
Yes, it’s actually that simple. For the folders I name them after the year and month, and for the files I name them after year, month and day. You may ask, “But I’ve already forgotten when I had my last vacation. How am I supposed to find that one shoot from our weekend in Paris?” That’s where so-called Digital Asset Management (DAM) software comes on. There are several products on the market, the most popular ones being iView Media Pro (http:// or Extensis Portfolio ( What they both have in common is that the main search operations are not being done on the original files, but rather on thumbnails, resulting in much faster return times. They also show you the full link to the location of the original; even if this file is not on your Mac but, for example, on an external hard drive or on a DVD. However, to work flawlessly it requires some homework to be done by you – mainly in the form of applying keywords to your files. Here are step-by-step instructions on how, using such a system, you may import your digital photos onto your computer or external hard drive – shown with the Extensis Portfolio program: 1. Open Extensis Portfolio. You will be asked to create a new catalog (i.e. your future archive). In this sample we’ll call it “my photo archive”.
2. Now we add our first images. Click the “Add” button and go to the folder where the new photos are located, e.g. on your memory card (—Screenshot 3—). Select the photos you want to import and click “OK”. Next a new window appears.
3. For now, we choose “Make a copy of the originals”, upon which we’ll be asked to choose the final location. Note regarding copy vs. move: Copying leaves the files at their original location, while moving immediately deletes them from their original destination, e.g. the memory card. I always keep a copy whenever I haven’t done the full back-up cycle. One copy goes on the external hard drive, another on a DVD. 4. Choose the new location. Ideally, this should be on an external hard drive, which will be part of a backup strategy. As previously shown, the location for images from November 2007 could be like this: Pictures/2007/200711. 5. Finally, we want to rename the files. You should choose the “text” option for this, although the date is fully numeric. “071112” indicates the exact day when the images were taken, while the last part is the original filename as taken from the camera. Consequently, the full file name looks like this: 071112_ XF5545.jpeg. As you my have noticed on the Screenshot, we are ignoring the option “Assign properties”, as we will be looking at this power-
An alternative file saving system While there are surely different organizing systems around, I have been quite happy with the following system – and as a professional
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Martin von den Driesch is a Dubaibased pro photographer focusing on wedding, portrait and reportage photography. You can reach him on +971 50 1292407 or by mail to photodubai@martinvondendriesch. com.
ful option in the next issue. If we click “OK” now, Portfolio will copy the file to the assigned location while at the same time rename them
Profile of a
Mac Seller by Magnus
6. Let’s have a look at the final result: The images were copied, and thumbnails are shown in the archive window.
Name: Raymund Quintana Senior Sales Title: Executive Store: iStyle, Ibn Battuta Mall, Dubai
Q: When did you start working for iStyle? 7. —Screenshot 6— In another view, you can see exactly where the originals are located. For example, Iomega_HDD:2007:200711.
A: July 2007. Q: What did you do before working at iStyle?
8. The filename and the location folder name are immediately converted into keywords, which you may use for a search. By following these steps you have now: a. Placed your digital photos in a safe location on an external hard drive, without occupying your internal drive. b. Imported thumbnails into your Portfolio archive, also called catalog, which allows you to search and preview all of your photos. If you decide now that you need to work with the original files, you can directly drag the relevant thumbnails into Adobe Photoshop, which will open the originals. More on this, and on how to assign keywords, in the next Shuffle issue. You may download a one-month trial version of Portfolio at
Q: What is the most challenging part of your job? A: Training for Final Cut Studio. I just finished the end user part, now I’m doing the trainer part.
A: Worked in PowerMac Center in the Philipines.
Q: Do you have a funny story about something that has happened in your job?
Q: When was the first time you used a Mac and what was your first impression?
A: I don’t have a particular story, but when customers bring in their iPods, they say it’s not working. What I normally do is I hold down a few buttons and reset it, and they ask “how did you do that?”
A: That was in 2006 and it was a MacBook Pro 1.83. I thought it was a very good computer, especially the graphics. Q: What’s the best part of your job?
Q: Is there any particular product you wish Apple would release?
A: Technical support. When I can help someone solve a problem, especially new users and first time buyers. You know, explain something to them.
A: A tablet. So many customers are looking for that, technology is already there in iPod Touch so they have that, and many want it.
Q: What is your favorite Apple product and why? A: Has to be MacBook Pro because it was the first one I used. It is very professional. | | EmiratesMac shuffle 23
Peel The Apple Get answers to your Apple tech support questions. Email
Q: I have a simple question. If I upgrade to Leopard and I have things on iCal and other applications on the dock or anywhere else, will it be gone or can I do something about it? A: It depends on how you upgrade. There’s clean install, which really isn’t an upgrade but a clean new system. Then you have to copy stuff back from your backup yourself. There’s Archive and install, which leaves a copy of everything on the hard drive but installs a new OS. However, you still have to copy stuff back yourself. Then there’s upgrade, which leaves all your stuff and installs a new OS. That means all your stuff is still there, but if there are incompatible files/apps/etc. then there may be issues. As always, and whatever type of installation or upgrade you do, make sure you have a good backup of everything first. See the next question for some suggestions regarding this. Q: I’ve read that Time Machine is not very reliable. I upgraded to Leopard just so I could use Time Machine because I’m not very good at remembering to back up. What can I do? A: In the recent reports, even on EmiratesMac. com (see forums/software-incl-mac-os-x/4193-timemachine-restore-works.html) it seems people are actually finding Time Machine pretty reliable. If you don’t want to rely completely on Time Machine there are still the same old options that were always available. Personally I recommend SuperDuper (, which comes in a free as well as a pay version ($27.95). For most users the free version is perfectly adequate. SuperDuper lets you take an exact, what’s called bit-for-bit, copy of your hard drive. This copy onto an external drive can even be made bootable. With the pay version you can also set SuperDuper to copy on a schedule, making the backup even easier. Carbon Copy Cloner (http://www. is also a good choice; it does pretty much the same thing as SuperDuper and it’s free. Q: Friends tell me about RSS all the time. What is it and how can I get RSS on my Mac? A: I wrote about RSS in an earlier issue of Shuffle (see “RSS 101” in March 2007), but it’s worth repeating. Basically RSS gives a user the chance to subscribe to new information that is posted on a web site. A blog is a good example, where someone could perhaps be posting new things several times per day. As a blog user, it’s hard to follow these updated posts by going to the site and checking all the time. With RSS, however, you can get notification of new posts and read them when you like. If you follow many web sites, RSS is definitely something to check out and become comfortable with. But RSS is not just for posts on blogs. On, for example, you can also use iPhoto to subscribe to the latest photos uploaded to the Gallery. Q: This is actually not so much of a question as an experience from a recent EMUG meeting. On an eMac there was a problem whereby Safari, Mail, and a couple of other applications would not launch. Clicking the icon in the toolbar didn’t start them, nor did double-clicking on the icon in Applications. This was an eMac running Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. A: The key to the answer lay in looking at the system output in the Console application (Applications > Utilities > Console). Whenever one of the non-working applications was launched it said there was a problem with the WebKit framework. The WebKit framework is what Safari uses to display web pages, and something was clearly not right. We downloaded the latest Safari but it would not install on this old system. We then found older Safari versions on
version 1.2 and 1.3.1. After installing 1.3.1 the applications still would not work. Then we resorted to deleting the offending WebKit file and the whole WebKit folder (in System > Library > Frameworks). Following this, we installed Safari 1.2 and after a restart we did a Software Update and ended up with Safari 1.3.2 which was what on the eMac when we started. The difference was that now Safari and the other applications did actually work. So for some unknown reason the WebKit file had been damaged, replaced, or something else had happened to cause it not to work anymore. And since Safari required it in order to run, Safari and other applications which use WebKit wouldn’t work. The message in the Console helped us identify the problem and fix it. I should point out that what we did, delete something in the System folder, should not be done lightly, so be careful about what you delete. Credit to Christian and Zaid for helping to sort out this problem.
Send your Apple tech support questions to Your questions are answered by Magnus Nystedt, a Certified Apple Help Desk Specialist, with experience of Macs going back to the Mac Plus. Also with over ten years of teaching IT at college and university, he’s in a perfect position to help you sort out your problems. You can reach Magnus at magnus@ or at
24 EmiratesMac shuffle | |
Apple photo ©
Apple and Brie Stuffed Chicken
Weaving The Web
by Crystal (EmiratesMac) The weather is cooling down outside and you just want to make a quick meal that will warm your stomach as well as your heart. This Apple and Brie stuffed chicken is easy to cook, can be served with rice and potatoes, and makes a filling meal for the whole family. Also do not be afraid to try different herbs with this recipe in case you do not like thyme. This will serve four and comes from chickenbreastrecipes/r/bl90202b.htm.
INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 tart apple, cored, coarsely chopped 1 teaspoon dried leaf thyme, divided 1 teaspoon salt, divided 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided 3/4 cup apple cider, divided 4 ounces Brie cheese, without rind, cut in small chunks 4 medium chicken breast halves, bone-in, with skin (2 lbs – about 900 grams) PREPARATION Heat oil in a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add onion; cook until quite tender for about 7 to 8 minutes. Add chopped apple, 1/2 teaspoon thyme, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and 1/4 cup cider; cook until apples are tender
– for about 4 to 6 minutes. Remove from heat and allow it to cool slightly, Stir in Brie. Divide stuffing into 4 equal portions. Heat oven to 400°. Run fingers under breast skin to separate from meat. Put 1/4 of the stuffing under the skin of each chicken breast; press gently to distribute filling evenly under skin. Season chicken with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Place in 13×9×2-inch baking dish. Bake at 400° until chicken is tender and juices run clear when pierced with a fork – about 35 to 45 minutes. The chicken should read about 180° on an instant-read meat thermometer. Remove chicken to serving dish and keep warm. Prepare sauce: Skim fat from baking dish and spoon drippings into small saucepan. Heat over medium heat. Add remaining 1/2 cup apple cider; simmer briskly to reduce by half. Stir in remaining 1/2 teaspoon thyme and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Spoon the resulting sauce over the cooked chicken.
Crystal is the founder and editor of She writes about various kinds of issues of interest to parents in the UAE. Crystal will be bringing us a new recipie based on apples in each edition of the newsletter. She promises it will be an exciting and mouth-watering mix of dessert, main courses, snacks, and more. The Luminous Landscape Digital Photography Review O’Reilly Digital Media Blog
Apple photo © Hamdan | | EmiratesMac shuffle 25
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Experiences of an Apple Fan:
Mac and Photography by Senthil (EmiratesMac)
Now that I have been into photography for more than five years, mostly as an amateur, I thought I should share my experience regarding photography and how a Mac has helped me enhance my skills as a photographer – and more importantly, how it has helped me in organizing and enhancing my older photographs. With so many articles and sites dedicated to photography, you must be wondering what you will get out of reading about my experience with photography and Mac? If you are a professional or an advanced amateur photographer, then please ignore this article and move on. However if you are just starting out with photography, then this article could help you become a better photographer and good at archiving and organizing your photographs. A few years back when the digital revolution had not yet set in, most of us were using a normal point and shoot camera - or if you were a serious photographer, an SLR camera. Over your lifetime you would have taken thousands of photographs and these (if you were like me) would have been stored in old boxes, bags, albums or in shoeboxes. The problem with storing photo prints this way are: 1) Since huge numbers of photos are haphazardly stored, you are never able to show the photo that you want at the right time; 2) Photos stored in albums tend to get stuck or lose their original color as a result of being stuck between cellophane sheets; 3) Even if one wanted to enhance the photos, no such option is available, and 4) The time taken between shooting photos and seeing the results is quite high; you might wait for a month to finish a roll of film before sending it off to develop into prints. With the advent of digital cameras and the revolution brought about by Mac in enhancing the overall experiWorld map © Grajeda
ence of photography, the difference is mind-boggling. This has enabled you to organize your photos any-whichway you want; by events, by dates, by names, or by rolls – no matter what way, you can organize it using iPhoto. iPhoto is another great photography software from Apple. It makes it easy to store photos, retrieve and create slide shows, etc. Not only can you use iPhoto to organize your photos, but also to enhance the photos and show them off to friends and family. Since my hobby is railways, I was interested in capturing the beauty of trains and railway journeys. I started my photography with a point and shoot camera and then moved on to digital cameras. I have bought my hardware and software keeping this hobby in mind. I first bought a digital point and shoot and then moved on to a digital SLR. With my interest in photography developing, I began to learn a lot more about composition, exposure, lighting, angles and about the need to wait for the right moment. I currently own a Canon EOS 400D and all my photos are stored in my Mac using iPhoto.
pher, let me recommend some basic stuff. To start with, you would need a good camera and I recommend a Canon EOS 400D or a Nikon D40x/Nikon D80. Next you would need a good camera bag to carry your camera and lenses and for that my recommendation is a Tamrac adventure messenger bag. For the lenses, you should plonk money down for a 18-200mm lens (Canon/ Nikon) - that is quite a range for both wide angle and telephoto. Also, invest in a Giottos Rocket Dust Blower, a Hoya 67mm warming polarizer, a 52mm-67mm step-up ring, a Gitzo tripod, 2GB memory cards and (if possible) a 100GB external hard disk. Once you have the camera hardware, all you need is a Mac and iPhoto to store and manage all your photos. If you want some advanced photo management software then I recommend Adobe Photoshop or Aperture.
With the entire suite of iLife, you can shoot photos, edit, enhance, store and show these photos to the entire family and friends. I don’t use any other photo management software other than iPhoto, and it has never let me down in the last four years.
From my experience, you can also become a competent photographer if you just follow some basic rules: 1) Forget technique when starting - just focus on your hobby or on your subject; 2) Though it is tough to accept after spending huge sums of money buying expensive cameras and accessories, remember that your camera does not matter. What really matters is your creativity and your judgment in capturing your subject; 3) Cultivate your curiosity; 4) Know your subject well; 5) Be passionate, and lastly 6) Maintain a willingness to keep learning.
Photography is like golf. They are both fun, popular and require equipment. Very few people can get others to pay them to do either one for the same reason. Each takes a lifetime of constant practice, getting better and better little by little. Most golfers play for decades and never hit a hole-in-one. I’d argue that photography is more complex than golf. If you are an amateur photogra-
Finally, to show off your creative genius you can upload them onto your homepage, and if you don’t have one you can create one using a Mac. There are also hundreds of sites where you can show your photos to the whole world. Some prominent ones are Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo Photos, etc. Here’s wishing you a great time with your Mac and your camera. | | EmiratesMac shuffle 29
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December_Ar.indd 7
11/26/07 7:04:08 AM
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December_Ar.indd 9
11/26/07 7:04:12 AM
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December_Ar.indd 12
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11/26/07 7:04:15 AM
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December_Ar.indd 13
11/26/07 7:04:15 AM
ÂşnE t T R G R S a
Want to write for Shuffle? Members of Apple User Groups around the Middle East are welcome to write for Shuffle. We accept articles about anything our readers may be interested in. Articles in both English and Arabic are welcome. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re interested contact us at
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December_Ar.indd 14
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11/26/07 7:04:16 AM