4 minute read
from TETZ Verse01
by IllCicada
Project Site
To QLCS & Aubizia Rd Hemingway Hall
Gartley Hall
Campus Rd
School of Architecture
UHM-West Entrance
The project site is the one district in the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus. It is located in the westernmost part of the campus and surrounded by many buildings such as Sinclair Library, School of Architecture, Gartley Hall, Dean Hall, and Hemingway Hall. All these facilities are connected via Campus Rd which is jointed into University Avenue. As the center area of the west part of the campus, there are many students all day.
While there are so many students accessing the site for various occasions, they must not embrace what is impressive at the site. Campus Rd runs through the site from East to West, so it echos the orbit of the sun. 5.
Sinclair Library
University Avenue
& bar restaurant right next to Sinclair Library. Students can have lunch or dinner here. Especially, because Sinclair library regularly opens 24 hours or closes at 12 pm, the foodservice in Hemingway Hall is really important. So some
Pic.2 Pic.3
Positive Aspects at The Site For students coming to the campus students tend to come over to the site from University Avenue side in the to buy some snacks from the opposite morning, they are welcomed by shiny side of the campus which does not have sun lights, and once getting into the any place selling food in the evening. campus, Monkey Pod trees on both Among all the facilities related to the sides make it milder and give students site, the School of Architecture has a great sense of place(Pic. 2). great potential. Different from the othAround 5 - 6 pm after classes and when er facilities, it opens 24 hours for the students leave campus, beautiful sun- students and generates many physsets sinking far west side on Campus Rd ical outcomes. Albizia House is one of reward their hard works(Pic. 1). them(Pic. 4). As shown in this example, As shown in Pic. 3, since the site is the there must be some other types of explace for many students, there is a cafe hibitions and works in the future. Pic.4 Pic.1 Pic.1
Problems & Constraints It’s true that there are already so many are there. However, as shown in Pic. 2 great things at the site that it looks and 3, some of them are not well mainthere is no need to add any changes. tained and the elevational gap makes However, once pursuing better quali- people difficult to move around. ties both for students and the university as a whole, some renovations would Finally Pic. 5 shows how sad the univerbe needed. sity entrance is. As the largest gate in Looking at Pic. 1 & 4, as you can see, Campus Rd is really dominant despite that here is not officially registered as a part of primary vehicular circulation on the campus. That means the road is covered by many cars for parking while not functioning as an important traffic path.
Around Sinclair Library building, many kinds of trees and ground cover plants Pic.4 Pic.5
the west, it looks unwelcoming.
Parking Slots
In order to change Campus Rd more pedestrian-centered, getting lid of most of parking slots. Thanks to this, it would be possible to create rooms to arrange the site for many other ways.
The Sad Entrance
As the largest western entrance in UH-Manoa campus, it needs to be more symbolic and the place giving visitors the sense of arrival. So, this spot pursues the entrance place symbolized by local history and cultural aspects.
Unutilized Areas
The area around the library is not for visitors, nor ecology, so all the underutilized areas pursue to be productive for people and habitats for local birds. Judging from the soil characteristics and amounts of precipitation, it must be possible.
Although Sinclair Library and Hemingway Hall are really close and characteristically great relationship with each other, the area between them are not well connected. So it needs to be seamless and better place to create students’ activities.
Contribute to improve the qualities of students’ and visitors’ life on campus.
HOW ~~~?????
待 Improving Ecological Quality
There are already so many kinds of existing birds and the site has great soil characteristics. So by making the site more habitable for local fauna and flora and create opportunities for people to interact with them, UH-Manoa campus west entrance must be able to be the area for anything on campus in different ways. - You can see more detailed ecological site analysis in appendix pages.
Expand Recreational Opportunity
By changing from vehicle centered area to pedestrian friendly place, the project pursues to create rooms which students spontaneously want to generate activities to improve their quality of life on campus.