Import export business in UAE: Statistics
The UAE economy, and adjacently Dubai, are heavily dependent on import-export business investments. The emirate is homegroundfornumerousindustriesthataresuitableforimport-export business. Therefore, to make your decision easier, here are some ofthemostprofitableimport-exportbusinessesinDubai:
Art Export
Art as a business venture is picking up pace not only in Dubai but across the world. With curators willing to source artwork globally, there is a huge demand for the export-import of art. And what better place than Dubai? The emirate itself is a living-breathing testimony to the artistic vision of humanity. Not only that, it is also theepitomeofluxuryandanappreciationforthefinerthingsinlife.
Vehicle Exports
Dubai has a true passion for luxury automobiles. As a result, the emirate has one of the highest demands for vehicle import-export. Dubai is home to some oftheworld’smostrenownedautomobilemanufacturers.Premiumautomobile export is a highly niche industry catering to an elite clientele, but it is one that achievessignificantreturnsaswell.Additionally,theunparalleledinfrastructure, futuristic technology, and constant innovations make Dubai the ideal location forformingyourvehicleexportbusiness.
Auto parts exports
Not a fan of exporting entire vehicles? Move on to the next best option –importing/exporting auto parts. The movement of spare parts and specialized tools is not only beneficial but a necessary by-product of vehicle exports. This alsoallowsyoutobeinvolvedintheautomobileindustrywithoutneedingtobe adirectparticipantinthesector.
Supplier of electronic goods Precious metals trading
In Dubai, technology is always number one. Not only for bigger complete products such as household electronic appliances, but for major electronic components as well. The emirate boasts several bustling tech districts, andinnovationcenters.Thereisahuge consumer market for the latest electronic goods. Consequently, there isahugedemandfortheimport/export of electric components like fuses, power wires, computer accessories, capacitors,etc.
The best import export business in Dubai relies heavily on precious metals and stones trading. As a result, gold, silver, copper, gems, and other precious stones are always in great demand. Visitors from across the world visit the famous gold & diamond souks of Dubai. There is an established chain of suppliers, distributors, & customers that have steadily built a loyal clientele over the years. Therefore, entrepreneurs can easily tap into this market and start business with their Dubai import export licenseinpreciousmetalstrading.
Tap into a global trading experience
The UAE’s position as a major trade hub is also accelerated by the ease of trade setup here. The process of forming an import export business in Dubai is made easy with the best company formation consultantslikeShuraa. When you opt for a UAE general trading license, you get to trade multiple goods under a single license. On the other hand, UAE free zones offer benefits like 100% ownership as well as import & export tax exemption. Additional benefits of connecting with Shuraa Business Setup include a dedicated account manager, free business consultation, free VAT consultation, bank accountassistanceandmuchmore.