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Farming activities in the UAE & their licenses

To start the process of an organic farm in Dubai, UAE, it is essential to identifythefarmingactivityyouwanttoconduct.Thereareseveraltypes offarmingactivitiesforwhichlicensesareissued:

Aquaculture license allows for farming of fishery and other sea creatures


Agricultural activity practice is a license that covers a wide range of agriculturalactivities


Farmers can apply for one or more of the above-mentioned activities to start their organic farming business in the UAE. Farmers are required to declare the exact produce they will be growing as well as the techniques they will be applying to grow their crops. You will also need additional permits depending on the type of farm you want to setup. For example, when starting an aquaculture business, farmers will need an environmental permit. On the other hand, when raising livestock, it is mandatory to have you, or an employee have a certified veterinary license.

Mostfarmingactivitiesrequireyoutohaveaplottoconductthefarming activities. To do so you will need to get a farming approval from the local municipality. After that, you will also need permits for farming equipment. The Dubai Municipality will also conduct a final inspection of the entire facility. Finally, you will need an approval from the agriculture departmentaswell.

To get an approval for conducting organic farming activities, you will need an organic certification. The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology(MoIAT)carriesoutaConformityAssessmentpostwhichyou canstartlabellingyourgoodsasorganic.

How to obtain an organic farming license in UAE

The process of starting your organic agriculture business can be straightforward when you have experts like Shuraa Business Setup by your side. They will help you with the necessary applications and outline all the activities you want to carry out. Additionally, they will assist you naming your organic farming business while ensuring you comply with the naming laws of the UAE. Shuraa will also submit the business application to the Dubai Economic Department as well as the local municipality on your behalf.

During the application process, you will need to submit the following documents:

Duly filled application form

Passport copies of all shareholders

Details of farming activities you want to conduct

You can also apply for your residency visa to smoothly operate your organic farming business in UAE. You can also submit visa applications for your employees as well as family members. The number of visas you can apply for depends on the business setup type, company size, and personal income (for family visas).

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