WordPress Incredible Web publishing Platform WordPress is a free, Web-based software
program that allow you to build a beautiful website or blog. It’s been designed so that user can manage what goes on their website without programming. Wordpress has got its own ever-growing library of template, better know as “Themes” http://www.shahidhusain.info/wordpress
Info graphics • There is more than 75 Million websites, base on •
• •
Wordpress. Over 409 million people view more than 14.4 billion pages each month. Users produce about 40.5 million new posts and 50.3 million new comments each month. Wordpress blogs written in over 120 languages. English 66%, Spanish 8.7%, Portuguese 6.5%, Indonesian 3.5% Almost 22000 people around the world make a financial living from Wordpress. http://www.shahidhusain.info/wordpress
Wordpress Users • • • • • • • •
There is lots of Big companies using Wordpress. CNN The New York Times Sony eBay UPS Reuters BESTBUY http://www.shahidhusain.info/wordpress
Wordpress Terminology • Theme: Theme allows user to change the look and
functionality of a WordPress website without altering the informational content. • Plugins: Plugins allow users and developers to extend its websites functionality beyond the features that come as part of the base Wordpress when it’s installed. • Widgets: Widgets offer user drag and drop sidebar content placement and implementation of many plugins extended capablities http://www.shahidhusain.info/wordpress
How we Access Wordpress • 98% Web • 31% IOS Devices (Ipad and iPhones) • 30% Android devices • 18% Android Tablets • 12% Desktop App
WordPress security How do Wordpress blog Hacked 41% Hosting and PC malware 29% Themes 22% Plugins 8% Weak Passwords
How do you know your WordPress Site is hacked Download: Download your entire site and run a
search on all files from your personal computer. Permalink: Valid permalink is %postname% it gets changed to %postname%/% .htaccess@ The leading period/ full stop marks, results in 301 redirection to a Viagra site.
Redirections: Spurious redirections from your home
page. Weird Content: Make sure there are no weird banner ads. Unusual Admin Users: Look for weird admin level users. Weird Database Tables: The table was called wp_pagemeta.
So start learning about WordPress now, as this is the cutting edge tool of this age. Lets start get all the benefits of WordPress. Simply visit my site, you’ll get a very special offer to learn how to use WordPress and there is much more. http://www.shahidhusain.info/wordpress