Shuyi Hao Portfolio 2014-2019

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Hao_Shuyi | Portfolio Selected Work 2 Year Applicant


“ Change, replacement, transience and speed influence every aspect of our lives but the question of how architecture should engage with with this reality remains. � Stephen Bates Permanence

CONTENTS 01 Quayside Fare

Food Market Along The Dock


University of Liverpool School of Architecture 2017-18 BA3 ARCH 352 Semester 2, STUDIO 2 Instructor: Marco Luliano

02 Flotsam Paradigm

New Addition to Tate Liverpool


University of Liverpool School of Architecture 2017-18 BA3 ARCH 352 Semester 1, STUDIO 2 Instructor: Marco Luliano, Valentino Capelo, Michael Wilford

03 Organic House

House For An Invented Character


Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 2015-16 BEng Architecture Level 1 ARC105 Semester 1 Instructor: Tordis Berstrand

04 Engraved House

Senior Housing in a Park


Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 2015-16 BEng Architecture Level 1 ARC102 Semester 2 Instructor: Marta Anaya

05 Ulan Mulun Park professional Work


Company: PLAT ASIA Project Director: Donghyun Jung, Seungbo Ryu Supervisor: Seungbo Ryu



conceptual mapping for the dock area

Albert Dock

City Center

Residential Area

site photo, students eating their lunch


site plan

QUAYSIDE FAIR Food Market Along The Dock

University of Liverpool School of Architecture 2017-18 BA3 ARCH 352 Semester 2, STUDIO 2 Albert Dock: past forward Instructor: Marco Luliano A masterplan was made in group before the start of individual project, and, though not used here, it affected my direction to choose the function of my individual project. Group Partner: Nuramirah Binti Mohd, Nur Alia Nadia Binti Raub Jinghong Li, Xinran Li All images and research are individual works.

The Royal Albert Dock, once declined after the Second World War and redeveloped in the 1980s, is now a major tourist attraction in the city of Liverpool. However, though filled with galleries, museums and highend restaurants, it does not provide public gathering spaces. Numerous students from all over Europe visiting the site can only sit on the ground of a small plaza and eat their cold sandwiches; food trucks are lined along the dock but few people choose to stay and eat. Located near the city center and residential neighborhoods, the site is calling for its own urban village.

site photo, food trucks

photos of fillet corners on site

Consolidated Block

Fragmented Block

Fragmented Walls

Clay model exploring the spactial quality created by curved wall fragments

Curved Walls

Bottle Kilns The bottle kilns, or bottle ovens are a type of kiln used for pottery industry, which was once common in England from the time of the industrial revolution in the 18th century to the mid 20th century, and now few remained. The design intention was to recreate the scene-changing the smoke produced by the coal firing boiler to the cooking steam.

The Potteries, Staffordshire (Photo by Š Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

The round plan of bottle kiln was modified here with variations on corners, openings and interior partitions, combining with the fragmented wall elements explored before. With the sharp corners people flow will be guided into two different directions and with the fillet corners they will turn to the other side naturally.

experiment of the bottle kiln form

axonometric rendering,




site map, showing site location and main roads

1. Reception area, with cafĂŠ, gift shop, cooking labs and office, the open space in the middle allows small exhibition or public gathering to happen. 2. Public cooking area, with four communal kitchens, eating area and grocery store. It is for local communities and tourists to enjoy cooking together and sharing their handmade food. 3. Food market, where the food trucks on site can gather and form a more concentrated space and allow more gathering to happen. 4. Student canteen, with eating area, distributing area and a kitchen, open to the market for a better atmosphere of eating. 5. Main entrance to the Albert dock, where group of students gather together and start their visiting after getting off the bus.


2 1

ground floor plan

current layout of food trucks on site

proposed map of food trucks

axonometric rendering, canteen

section rendering, canteen

axonometric rendering, community kitchen

section rendering, community kitchen

perspective rendering, community kitchen

perspective rendering, food market

site plan

city plan showing the location of Stirling's proposal

site plan of Stirling's proposal

Stirling's Sketch In a famous doodle of the early 1980s, while working on the concept stage for the new Tate Liverpool [Stirling, Wilford & Associates, 1982-88], Stirling sketched an imaginative proposal for the entrance of the new gallery. It consisted of a ship crashing into the side elevation, with all the elements to generate a clear, unmistakable landmark. The sketch shows a surreal proposal, accompanied by an evocative handwritten caption: Albert Dock – L’pool: About 1958? the warehouses of the Dock were full of broken up ships parts – funnels, bridges, propellers… Later the project took a safer rationale and the current entrance was built.

Architectural Symbolism Ship

Chosen by Stirling as an sculptural representation of the once-booming port.


Rather than exhibiting the prosperity of the dock's past, the flotasm, floating together with the vessel in the dock, is telling people the problem we are encountering nowmarine polution.

Above: photo of tug boat, Below: site photo, flotsam floating in the dock


New Addition to Tate Liverpool University of Liverpool School of Architecture 2017-18 BA3 ARCH 352 Semester 1, STUDIO 2 Tate Architecture Studio: imagination, perception and measurable reality Instructor: Marco Luliano, Michael Wilford Individual Work

conceptual collage

Solid carving the void

Rhythm of intersection

Human flow-up and down left: model photo, conceptual model 1 right: cardboard drawing and model photo diagram

Void Compressing the Solid

Rhythm of curves

left: model photo, conceptual model 2 right: cardboard drawing and model photo diagram

Human flow-below the ground

Intepretation of Stirling's Sketch Cardboard drawings and conceptual models were made to explore the clues drawing out from the plan sketch of Stirling’s proposal. The cardboard drawings looked into the relations of solid and void demonstrated in the drawing, the rhythm between lines and the proposed circulation on site. The first conceptual model is a basic composition of solid blocks and line elements with layers. The second one focused more on the tension between the curved sculpture created by Stirling and the building blocks on site, testing more found materials. The final conceptual model combined the patterns explored before and demonstrated two state of flotsam: one is the individuals flowing freely, and the other is all of them gathering together due to the wave force and the change of surrounding space. The process, from flowing individually to gathering in a group, brings us a question:

site plan of Stirling's proposal

site photo, flotsam floating freely

Can people flow and gather like flotsam in the space?

site photo, flotsam gathering together

model photo, final conceptual model

People flow like flotsam

site plan

site collage-exisitng circulation

site collage-proposed circulation after the changes made to the site

-The opened wall and the side entrance activate the plaza area. -A connection between the dock and the river is created. -Visitors coming from two entrances meet at the reception in the middle, which allows a more free-flowing and penetrated ground floor space.

Flow on site/ into the building

perspective drawing, bird eye view of the site with new proposal, ink sketch

Flow in the building and gather in the underground space

long section collage, from the main building to the new addition

process model, placing flotsam to site

process model, combined with the ground floor of TATE Gallery

axonometric drawing, underground space, pencil sketch with material explanation

plan collage, first floor

plan collage, ground floor

plan collage, Basement

plan collage, Basement

perspective rendering, grand staircases leading to the underground addtion

perspective rendering, underground space

serial vegnettes, exploring the underground space, pencil sketches

short section collage, undergrpund space

axonometric rendering

Friedrick Kiesler, Endless House


House For An Invented Character Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 2015-16 BEng Architecture Level 1 ARC105 Semester 1 A Living Space for Someone Else Instructor: Tordis Berstrand Individual Work

The events of life are your house guests. Frederick J. Kiesler, ‘The Endless House: A Man-Built Cosmos’, 1962 As Kiesler points out, the living space comes to live and breathe with us through all the things that we do. It is a space that we take charge of and inscribe ourselves into in certain ways. The architect’s challenge is to design this space for someone else – most likely a stranger that s/he has never met.

A fellow student became my client and helped me to invent the “stranger” that I designed for. The design process was, developing models to enclose three chosen scenes of the stranger’s life, determining the levels of the interior spaces and finally situating the living spaces in relation to a ground.

Model photo, negative model for casting the topography

Model photo, final model with topography


Soft tracing paper was chosen here to express the organic spatial character of a greenhous and a feeling of revolving and growing.

Equestrian Court

Inspired by Mobius Strip, the model explored the movement inside and outside the model surface.

Tea House

This one focused more on the scale difference, penetration and sequence between spaces. photos of paper models and correlated sections, pencil drawing





plan and sections of the organic house-pencil sketch


model photo of the combined house-plan view and elevations

Huang, S, land of peach blossom, Qing Dynasty, partial picture

Topography for the organic house My client loves nature, and the fuctions she proposed-greenhouse, teahouse and stable, all revealed this character. Adopting the idea in the Chinese classical painting, I decided to use cave as the main element of my topography design. Here the cave becomes not only a bridge but also a seperation for the house and the outside world.

concept of topography design, water color rendering

section of topography-from city side to the mountain

section of topography-across the tea house, stable and the cave

ENGRAVED HOUSE Senior Housing in A Park

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 2015-16 BEng Architecture Level 1 ARC102 Semester 2 Instructor: Marta Anaya Individual Work

The site is located on a small hill inside a civic park in Suzhou. Going through the park , the most impressive feeling for me was that you could never know what you would see next due to the variety change of the topography. Therefore the design approach was to echo with the existing topography in the park and maintain the character of exploration in the journey of the interior space.

Sequential Vista

model photos

plan, second floor

section rendering

ULAN MULUN PARK Professional Work

Company: PLAT ASIA Site: Ordos, China Project Director: Donghyun Jung, Seungbo Ryu dh. Supervisor: Seungbo Ryu Group Member: Lu Yang, Lulu Guo, Jiuhui Wang, Minjia Liu My Role: Planning, modeling and rendering of the park entrance and a restaurant for children in the park Left: master plan produced by Lu Yang Right: rendering produced individually

Along River Ulan Mulun, the park has existed for years but did not attract visitors to come. Our company aims to re-activate the park through a new plan accompanied by an integrated walkway encircling the park, new water landscape and a group of small-scale commercial buildings which drew inspiration from a classical Chinese painting The Vast Land. The landscape and the architecture together tell a story.

axonometric rendering of the children restaurant, first floor

perspective rendering of the children restaurant



Left: Sketches drawn on the train from Liverpool to Fort William in Scotland in 2016. It was in winter so that the beautiful branches could be seen clearly and I was surprised of how various they could be. Right: Water colour sketch of St.Ives Beach, in the very south of England, in the summer of 2017. The town breathes upon the natural landscape.


Photography Works

Swing with Time, in Tate, London, Nov., 2017

Seville Cathedral from The Clock Tower, Seville, Mar., 2018

The Abandoned, Qingdao, Aug., 2017

Morning Field, on the train from Madrid to Seville, Mar., 2018

See you next time.

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