Shuyue Liu_Harvard GSD_Portfolio for Architecture

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FOR MLA1AP, GSD, Harvard University 2018-2023
THE USELESS Kelp Landscapes at Work Alter the Prevailing NIMBY Idea 12 CELESTIAL FUN PLAYGROUND Suburban Highway Area Planning Dichotomy of Speed and Quiescency 01 CONTENT Ⅱ Ⅰ Ⅲ PHANTOM WORK SAMPLES Concert Hall and Student Activity Center Opposition between Nature and Construction Heal Traumas by Synchronizing Rhythms Ⅴ Ⅵ 19 33 Ⅳ TRAVEL IN TIME Incubator Contrast between the Past and Future 07 BRAINWAVE SYMPHONY Two-Trail System of Low & High Frequency 23

Celestial Fun Playground

Suburban Highway Area Planning

Blur the Dichotomy of Speed and Quiescency

Individual Work | Academic Design in Politecnico Milano

Instructor: Magni Camillo,

Time: 2018.09 - 2018.12 | Location: Moscow, Russia

Category: Urban Design

How should people living in the suburban highway area face with the dichotomy of speed and quiescency?

Nowadays, in most big cities, there are certain areas that are caused by urban expansion. They are only used as "transit areas" in cities without adding new vitality to the city. In this project, I try to add new elements to the transit area in Moscow, which create a celestial fun playground above the highway.

Celestial Fun Playground 01

Social Context:the Growing Population whereas the ‘Transit Area’

Russian population has been witnessed great development from 1900 until 1989,alongside Russian common practice to develop its territory The so-called doughnut area’ which contracted into urban cluster during the city expansion in 2000s is situated between the Moscow city center and the Moscow Ring Road

Nevertheless,although it's essential for the city because of the fact that 90% of the residents live in this area, it appears to be the ‘blind spot’ and the ‘transit area’ in the sense of it being the field for the highways to pass through and adding no image or atmosphere to the city

What Leads to the Isolated Speed and the Lack of Place Spirit

1919 1957 1991 ‘the New Moscow’ Plan the ‘Technical Plan of 1957


Network of 1991 Traffic Network of 1957: the Beginning of Highway

population density

Moscow River

Territory Border of different period of time

building fabric highway

Under Khrushchev's policy of 'architecture giving up expressiveness', Russia began to carry out large-scale prefabricated housing construction.

Building Fabric of 1991: Due to increased accessibility, more people choose to live in the 'transit area'.

Building Types of 1957:

This period is the biggest wave of large-scale prefabricated housing construction. A large number of housing districts following the same pattern have been built during this period.

1900 1950 2000 Population Density
Network of 1919 Building Fabric of 1919 Building types of 1919
Building Fabric of 1957:
Building Types of 1991: In this period, commerce became the driving force of everything, the construction during this time filed in the lack of some service-oriented buildings to some extent. Moscow River Road Network
Celestial Fun Playground 02
Non-industrial Building Industrial Building

How to Blur the Boundary of Speed and Quiescency in the ‘Transit area’

To blur the boundary of speed and standstill

Adding elements with different speed


existing elements

newly added elements


Newly Added Facilities

Existing Transportation Station Speed Stationary object

Acting as the transmitting area in the city , it is faced with the dichotomy of speed and standstill due to the traverse highway , which simultaneously means the antagonism of high efficiency and living.

The feeling of high speed and high efficiency is "hardness", and the feeling of comfortable life is "softness". Therefore, in order to blur the opposition between the two, we tried to set up new objects as soft

things, such as weaving mesh, and objects that are slower compared to highways, such as bicycle balls running along tracks in tubes. In addition, the newly added objects are with different speeds and ameliorations of the industrial environment contamination , which can at the same time add new vitality to the community.

Speed Static Celestial Fun Playground 03

Tube System

Railed tubes that run small bicycle bubbles, which can be used for entertainment and exercise.

Bubble System

The part of the water purification system that provides drinkable water which is converted from domestic wastewater to people who have amusement here.

Mesh System

Children Amusement Bubble  Carousel Track Bicycle Bubble

Children Amusement Bubble  Sand

Tube Side Rest Space Bubble

Children Amusement Bubble  Irregular Space

Roller Coaster Bubble

Double Layer Mesh Fabric: a facility with a 'soft' texture compared with the existing 'hard' texture. It provides a ambiguous space where people can lie down, sit down, or even crawl in the middle to relax and have fun.

Kid Section
Celestial Fun Playground 04
Central Section Bubble System Mesh System Tube System Railed tubes that run small bicycle bubbles, which can be used for entertainment and exercise. Water Purification part of the purification system. Cafe Live Concert Track Bicycle Bubble Tube Side Rest Space Bubble Exhibition Double Layer Mesh Fabric Hanging Fabric Swing Celestial Fun Playground 05
Bubble System Mesh System Tube System Railed tubes that run small bicycle bubbles, which can be used for entertainment and exercise. Greenhouse Bubble for Growing Plants Inside Track Bicycle Bubble Tube Side Rest Space Bubble Climbing Vine Mesh The part of the water purification system that transports water purified from industrial sewage to be used for irrigation. Double Layer Mesh Fabric Celestial Fun Playground 06
Urban Farming Section

Travel in Time Incubator

Opposition of History and Future

Individual Work(Preliminary Investigation: Group Work)

Academic Design in Chongqing University

Instructor: Xiaoyong Wu,

Time: 2018.05 - 2018.07 | Location: Chongqing, China Category: Old Factory Renovation

What is the relationship between history and future?

The old factory, as part of the city's memory, carries a certain spirit of the past, and at the same time is given a new spiritual core when we rebuild it. In this project, I try to create an incubator with a strong contrast and antagonism between the past and the future.

02 Travel in Time 07

In 2010s

The factory site nowadays is located in the teaching area of Chongqing, surrounded by a series of universities and senior high schools , which inevitably means the existing of a large number of fresh graduates

Original Strctures of the Factory

Roofs With a Longitudinal Dormer


In the original building of the old factory, we can clearly see that it consists of two parts in both structure and shape.

The left and right parts can be described as different feelings: The left side is a sense of orderly history, while the right side is a sense of disorderly future.

A gap is formed in the middle of the left and right sides, serving as a connected transportation body and as a space-time gap.

Roof Trusses

Layers and Walls

Beams and Columns

In 1960s

The old factory used to be one of the 'Pigeon' brand cable factories, and there were complete supporting facilities such as dormitories, cafeterias, and bathhouses in the old factory area.

OrderlySenseofhistoryDisorder,Liberty SenseofFuture OrderlySenseofhistoryDisorder,Liberty SenseofFuture
Elements Annotation
Core Light Core Cube Column Experimental Cube + Wall + Plane + Plane Discussion space Leisure 'Pond' Sport Space
The semi-sinking 'pond' is a relaxing space full of sponge blocks, in which people can lie down or sit down. The undulating surface connects the space that spans one floor, on which people can exercise, such as skateboarding. The space surrounded by the half-arc wall is a semi-private space for discussion. The light core plays two roles in the incubator: 1. library, 2. vertical traffic core.
Travel in Time 08
The experiemental cube is a small, private space that can accommodate personal experiments or researches.
Ground Floor Plan Basement Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Third Floor Plan Travel in Time 09

In the cafe area, in order to enhance the sense of up and down and the transparency and continuity of the space, a circular opening is made in the floor.Employees working in the incubator can dine and chat in the coffee space.

The curved floor slab that penetrates the upper and lower floors can introduce the flow of people on the ground to the ground floor and also serve as a sports area.

In the 'pond' filled with sponge blocks, people can lie down or gather in a circle, and the space is suitable for more relaxed discussions or just relaxation.

the Cube' 'Light'

The experimental cube is is a semi-sinking space, and below it is a discussion space surrounded by a semicurved wall.

On the yellow bridge, the historic brick wall is on the left and the sense of future is on the right. The vertical library core introduces light into the building.

'Circle' 'Wave'
Travel in Time 10
'Pond' 'Under
Level 3 Light Core Light Bridge Level 2 Level 1 Level -1 Travel in Time 11

Seedling Nursery

the Useless

Kelp Landscapes at Work Alter the Prevailing NIYMBY Idea

Individual Work | Core Ⅲ Studio in GSD

Instructor: Danielle N. Choi,

Time: 2020.09 - 2020.12 | Location: Massachusetts, US

Category: Littoral Landscape Design

This project creates employment opportunities suitable for the skills and circumstances of veterans and the elderly, who have been unfairly treated and often forgotten by the society.

At the same time, kelp, a marine organism, can absorb excessive nutrients and carbon dioxide in the ocean. Its growth can create a more suitable growth environment for other marine organisms, reduce the velocity of seawater and offer coastal protection. However, this marine agriculture is still in its infancy in Massachusetts.

Therefore, this project attempts to use the combination of offshore kelp farms and floating island units with different functions to form a complete kelp industrial process by using the two sites in Cape Cod and Saugus in the project, with the labor of the elderly and the veteran, and at the same time, combining with recreation space for the working people, aiming to alter the existing NIMBY idea.

Farming & Processing

Kelp Seedling Unit Kelp Farming Cargo Ship Towing Operating Boat Operating Island
Storage Island Market
Kelp Drying Tower
Kelp Processing Facility Eelgrass Seedling Unit Kelp Fertilizer Storage
& Restoration the Useless 12


zones around incinerators within 20km

interstate highway navy base in the east coast

Waste-to-energy Incinerators

1650,000-3510,000 tons/day

1050,000-1650,000 tons/day

575,000-1050,000 tons/day

200,000-575,000 tons/day

Population of county below Poverty Level






Naval Station Newport

Naval Submarine Base New London

When I firstly look into the site in Saugus, the Wheelabrator incinerator is the one that catches my eye most: Its existence leads to water pollution and floods, and the use of land further aggravates the degradation of salt marshes. In addition, what else? Very surprisingly, I found out that The Wheelabrator incineration plant in coastal Saugus has an unusually high proportion of workers

who once served in the military - in particular, in the navy. And then I analyzed the situation of navy bases and incinerators on the east coast, just as this map shows, the purple cross, which represents the navy bases, and the blue dotes, which represents the incinerators, are often very close to each other.

Navy Fort Meade

US Naval Academy

Joint Base Andrews

Naval Support Activity Bethesda

Hampton Rose Base

Naval Amphibious Base

Little Creek

Naval Air Station


‘Not in My Backyard': Incinerators, Navy Bases, and Environmental Justice Communities in East Coast the Useless 13

‘Not in My Backyard': Incinerators, the Elderly, and the Veterans

The NIMBY thought, which means 'Not in my backyard', are very popular in the coastal area, also makes it worse for the environmental justice communities. It seems that people tend to think that as long as such polluting facilities as incineration plants are far away from themselves, their lives will not be threatened. However, as shown in the figure below, incineratiors provides

electricity and steam for people far away, and also affects environmental elements such as groundwater, thus affecting people's lives in all aspects. Therefore, This project aims to create employment opportunities suitable for the skills and circumstances of veterans and the elderly, who have been unfairly treated and often forgotten by the society.


Trash Trucks pit combustion bottom ash fly ash stores seaside Landfill
Workflow inside Incinerator
Military Steam Ships
the Useless 14


Kelp in Massachusetts Site in Saugus

1. Kelp Farm and Processing Industries

2. Kelp Product Market

NOAA Fisheries has recently invested in seaweed aquaculture interships for veterans in the hope that the internships will lead to employment opportunities. Also according to the technical requirements of kelp farms, which often work on ships, it is in line with the naval veterans’ skills.

NIMBYism Most common protests stem from fears of having water views interfered with floating gear and watermen farming the area near their homes.

Site in Cape Cod

Kelp Agriculture is still in the early stages in Massachusetts, with variablity in where and when farmers get their kelp seed and inconsistency in their yields.

In Cape Cod and the islands off Cape Cod loacated the biggest kelp farm, also with a seed nursery place.

1. Kelp and Eelgrass Seedling

2. Recreation Space for the Elderly

the Useless 15

Workflows Between the Meeting Shore Seedling Space & the Floating Kelp Farm

Site in Cape Cod Site in Saugus
Low Marsh High Marsh Hard Paving
Kelp Fertilizer Storage ( For Salt Marsh Restoration) Eelgrass Restoration Kelp Farm Kelp Product Storage Kelp Product Markets Kelp Product Processing Kelp Seedling Units Recreation Space for the Elderly
the Useless 16
Eelgrass Seedling Units

Sections Showing Workflows in Site Cape Cod

Resting Space Office Space Kelp Fertelizer Storage Space Portable Seedling Units Operating Space Cargo Ship
Amphibious Operating Boat
Towing Operating Boat
the Useless 17

Sections Showing Workflows in Site Saugus

System Processing Space Market Space Processing
Tower Transporting
Space Kelp Farm
Operating Boat Storage Space Operating
Eelgrass Restoration Area
the Useless 18

Phantom Concert Hall and Student Activity Center

Build a 'Growing' Building and New Ground

Group Work | Team: Chunxiao Yu, Xiaojun Du, Yuetong Pu

Role in Team: Concept Design, Structure Selection, Modeling, Rendering

Academic Design in Chongqing University

Instructor: Tiejun Zhou,

Time: 2019.03 - 2019.05 | Location: Chongqing, China Category Theatre Design

How to balance nature and the establish of buildings?

Chongqing is a humid and blazing city, located in Southwest China. In the concert hall of a university, in addition to incorporating the functions of the Student Activity Center, I hope to borrow natural elements to create a pleasant indoor climate environment, and dispel the contradiction between architecture and environment.

04 Phantom 19

Climate Analysis

Function Analysis Formation Analysis

Analysis of the analysis charts above shows that the summer climate in this area is hot and humid, the best orientation is south, and the most suitable ventilation method is natural ventilation.

4 5 6 7 Enthalpy-Humidity Diagram Best Orientation Analysis Form Network Structure Adjust Height Difference Generate New Ground
1. Mechanical Engineering Teaching Building 2. Parking Lot 3. Liberal Arts Teaching Building 4. Dormitory Building 5. Tennis Hall 6. Laboratory Building 7. Library 1 2 3 Co-creating Training Concert Infrastructure Community Service Rehearsal Recreation Energy Saving Student Recruitment Hall Civic Engagement Organization Phantom 20
1. Main Stage 2. Side Stage 3. Orchestra 4. Air-conditioning Static Pressure Air Supply Eequipment Room 5. VIP Lounge 6. Prop Room 7. Makeup Room 8. Clothing Room 9. Bathroom 10. Side Curtain 11. Interview Room 12. Duty Room 13. Consulting Room 14. Storeroom 15. Cloth Room 16. Online Recruitment Video Room 17. Recruitment Room 18. Recruitment and Exhibition Hall 19. Lakeside Plaza 20. Lakeside Leisure Space 21. Instrumental Training Room 22. Vocal Training Room 23. Office 24. Cafe 25. Projection Room 26. Hall 27. Lounge 28. Reading Room 29. Student Co-creating 30. Work-study Organization Room 31. Student Studio 32. Student Club 33. Student Salon 34. Dance Training Room 35. Rooftop 36. Music Therapy Room 37. Sandbox Studio 38. Rehearsal Room Ground Floor Plan Third Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Basement Floor Plan Phantom 21

Structure and Layered Axonometric Drawing

Main Entrance Rainwater Circulation System Second Entrance New Ground Outer Facade Grid Structure Floor and Interior Walls Main Street
Rooftop Air Flow Direction Supplemental Lighting Beneath the new Ground On the Rooftop Phantom 22

Brainwave Symphony

Two-Trail System of Low & High Frequency Heal Traumas by Syhchronizing Rhythms

Collaborator: Melody Zhao STU 1406, Harvard GSD

Instructor: Gina Ford + Anyeley Hallova

Time: 2022 Fall Semerster | Location: Parrott Creek, Clackamas County, OR, Category: Trauma-Informed Design

"Parrott Creek Child and Family Services - an 80-acre creekside facility in Portland, Oregon - supports some of Portland's most vulnerable community members: children and families caught up in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems..."

Through engaging with members of the Parrott Creek youth community and researching the practice of "Trauma-Informed Design," we have come to realize the widespread and profound impacts of trauma. However, we have also identified a potential path to support the healing of trauma through the design of the surrounding landscape.

In this project, we aim to understand the basic needs of community members through research on trauma and brainwave patterns, daily calendar usage, site spatial features, and ecological features. Based on this research, we propose two trails that cater to different brainwave frequencies, providing a range of emotional responses and experiences for Parrott Creek youths. By taking into account the unique needs and experiences of the Parrott Creek youth community, the low-frequency rhythm trail is designed to promote healing and recovery, while the highfrequency trail offers an energetic space for exploration and expression.

05 Brainwave Symphony 23

How does Trauma Influence the Youth's Brain?

Trauma experiences can physically change our brain structure, our brain turns on survival mode, and only connections between three parts of

our brain will be left and strengthened, while connections between other parts will be cut off. The situation for teenagers is worse, for their

brain structures are still not mature. Besides, when we’re confronted with trauma, our brainwave will become high-frequent.

Brainwave Symphony 24

Research: Daily Routine of the Youths in Parrott Creek Community

There're rhythms in our brain. First, we have circadian rhythm, which is also called daily rhythm. Second, there are five types of brainwaves, and each of them can be connected to different emotions and states of mind. Generally, the higher frequency the brainwave is, the more excited

you are; the lower frequency the brainwave is, the calmer you are.

How’s the youth’s life at Parrott Creek?

This circle shows how their brainwave frequency changed with different time phases’ activites.

By interviewing with those boys, they said they don’t want to be trapped inside. So we start to analyze their daily activity scenarios and try to figure out problems. Each scenario is not only transit in space and time but also in personal emotions.

Brainwave Symphony 25

Research: Daily Journey of the Youths in Parrott Creek Community

Brainwave Symphony 26
" I don't want to be trapped inside."

Proposed New Calendar: to Add Transit Breaks

Brainwave Symphony 27

Ecological Cycles in the Site: Mushrooms, Birds & Fishes

To integrate the new calendar with ecological rhythms, we are examining the rhythms of ecological features in the site, including both temporal and physical rhythms. For example, the site is home to various types of mushrooms that grow rapidly on a daily basis, as well as numerous migratory birds and fish that follow an annual cycle.

In our design, we aim to combine these rhythms of time and space, life cycles, seasonal changes, and natural sounds, enabling youths in Parrott Creek Community to interact with nature and create sensory experiences. Our goal is to establish a connection between the boys and the natural environment, fostering an appreciation and understanding of the rhythms of nature.

By incorporating the ecological rhythms of the site into our design, we hope to create an environment that is in harmony with nature. This will not only benefit the boys but also promote a sustainable lifestyle that values the interconnectedness of all living things.

Brainwave Symphony 28

Two-Trail Concept Plan: Soft, Organic, Natural + Hard, Structured, Human-Made

The proposal of two trails: low and high-frequency rhythm programs.

The low-frequency program has more healing functions for mental wellness and recovery. By using a softer texture with more organic forms

and natural elements , it let nature grow with low maintenance.

Boys can self-reflect alone in spaces, view the sunset and walk in the woods. For example, they can take the mushroom adventure before sleep to consume more energy and be calming.

The high-frequency rhythm programs that they can do more energetic activities, So during breaks between classes and also during pe classes, they can choose to do parkour,skating, or have fun in the open sports field.

Brainwave Symphony 29

Master Plan

Brainwave Symphony 30

Interacting with Nature: Playing with Sensory Experiences

Brainwave Symphony 31

Journeys to Brainwave Symphony

Family Gathering Space Self- Reflection Ponds Skate Park Parkour Mushroom Picking Spots
Brainwave Symphony 32
Terraced Private Therapy Spaces

Work Samples

Aedas, Beijing Office | Architect Assistant


Schematic Design

Digital Modeling | Rendering | Plans


Work Samples 33



Schematic Design

Digital Modeling | Rendering | Plans Drawing

PLAN-HOTEL TYPICAL FLOOR Aptment Shuttle Elevator ��������������������������������� Aptment Shuttle Elevator Lobby Hotel Basement Lobby ��������������������� Hotel Basement Transfer Elevator MEP BASEMENT PLAN-B1 FLOOR PLAN B1 FLOOR PARKING: 183 PARKING: 41 ELEC PARKING: 142 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Aptment Shuttle Elevator ��������������������������������� Aptment Shuttle Elevator Lobby Hotel Basement Lobby ��������������������� Hotel Basement Transfer Elevator MEP BASEMENT PLAN-B1 FLOOR PLAN B1 FLOOR PARKING: 183 PARKING: 41 ELEC PARKING: 142 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN
Work Samples 34



Conpectual Design

Digital Modeling | Rendering | Diagrams

Drawing | Master Plan

extRact the cuRVilineaR elementS oF the ReVolVing and RiSing dRagon, the aRchitectuRal Facade oF the cultuRal gateway haS a SenSe oF FutuRe and chineSe tRadition 未来 FutuRe 文化合院 CuLTuRAL CouRTyARD N 总平面图 MAsTER PLAN H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=60m 办公 12F h=60m 办公 12F H=60m 办公 12F H=40m 文化场馆 6F H=40m 文化场馆 6F H=31m 电竞馆 5F H=60m 办公 12F H=60m 办公 12F H=60m 办公 12F H=60m 办公 12F H=60m 办公 12F H=18m 独栋办 公 4F H=18m 独栋办公 4F H=18m 独栋办公 4F H=18m 独栋办 公 4F H=18m 独栋办 公 4F H=22.5m 独栋办 公 5F h=22.5m 独栋办 公 5F H=18m 独栋办 公 4F H=18m 办公 4F H=18m 办公 4F H=18m 独栋办 公 4F H=18m 独栋办 4F H=22.5m 独栋办 公 5F H=22.5m 独栋办 5F H=22.5m 办公 5F H=22.5m 办公 5F H=22.5m 独栋办 公 5F H=22.5m 独栋办公 5F h=22.5m 独栋办 5F h=41.6m LOFT 13F H=41.6m SOHO 13F H=41.6m LOFT 13F H=41.6m LOFT 13F H=41.6m LOFT 13F H=41.6m LOFT 13F H=41.6m LOFT 13F H=41.6m LOFT 13F H=32m SOHO 10F H=32m SOHO 10F h=15.6m 商墅 h=15.6m 商墅 4F h=15.6m 商墅 4F h=15.6m 商墅 4F h=15.6m 商墅 4F h=15.6m 商墅 4F H=15.6m 商墅 4F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=18m 独栋办公 4F H=18m 独栋办公 4F H=22.5m 独栋办 5F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F H=30m 住宅 8F ToD sECTIoN TOD 剖面 轨道交通 11 号线 轨道交通 11 号线 轨道交通 26 号线 26号线站厅层 地下商业及过街通道 underground Retail underground Pass 下沉广场 Sunken Plaza 停车场 Parking 地下商业 underground Retail 地面商业 B1 B2 L1 L2 B1 B2 L1 L2 地面层 ground Retail 电竞馆 B5 地块 Plot B5 B4 地块 Plot B4 高层办公 highrise office Street level 车行红线 Vehcle Setback line 地下商业 underground Retail 停车场 Parking 下沉广场 Sunken Plaza Subway line no.26 Station Subway line no.26 Subway line no.11 Subway line no.11 Work Samples 35



Schematic Design

Digital Modeling | Rendering

Work Samples 36



Design Development

Detailed Section Drawing | Detailed

Elevation Drawing | Digital Modeling | Rendering

Work Samples 37



Design Development

Detailed Section Drawing | Detailed

Elevation Drawing | Digital Modeling | Rendering

Work Samples 38
X5 X5

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