Ease Jay
Big Bopperʼs grandson shares legacy San Marcos•Austin Martindale•Kyle•Buda Lockhart•Wimberley New Braunfels•Gruene Seguin•San Antonio & The Hill Country
Walking on Sunshine
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contents COVER STORY
The musical legacy of the Big Bopper (above center) lives on in his family, including grandson Jay Richardson, a Texas State University student (right). This edition of Ease is dedicated to Jay’s father, the late J.P. Richardson Sr., for whom the music never died.
Celeste Hollister takes us on an affordable – yet incredible – Mediterranean Cruise.
Wine afficionado Adam Thornsley discusses some of vino’s distinctive aromas.
Green: Michael Ferweda’s Mythic Paint has no volatile organic compounds.
Ease texas
Jeff Walker, in pursuit of the next great barbecue joint, takes readers inside the New Zion Baptist Church Barbecue.
4 EASEmagazine of texas
San Antonio Botanical Garden has something for everyone. You’re invited to come and spend a few hours in paradise.
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EASEmagazine of texas 5
by B. Michael Ferweda
reen building concepts and products require time for generations of users to accept and implement into their projects. For most individuals, the idea of harmful chemical exposure in everyday consumables is hard to fathom. Moreover, if someone has used or been exposed to a known harmful product, their desire is to believe that they are not susceptible to the effects. Unfortunately, there are thousands of individuals who are diagnosed with illnesses that are a result of exposure to harmful chemicals and products. A common chemical exposure in homes is found in paint. Most interior and exterior paint contains Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). The chemicals found in standard paint emitting these VOCs are drying agents, solvents, and antifreeze among other ingredients. These chemical compounds have high enough vapor pressures under normal conditions to vaporize and enter our atmospheric environment. Emissions of VOCs in the atmosphere are contributing to greenhouse gases. The Paint Quality Institute estimates that the VOCs in traditional paints make up 10% of the ozone depleting substances in the U.S. The VOCs in household
paint are not just a danger when initially painting – up to half of the VOCs will continue to be released for up to six years after drying! VOCs are typically reported as grams per liter on the side or bottom of paint containers. The average gallon of paint contains at least 150 grams per liter of VOC. Some paint brands will state their product is LOW VOC. Beware! Normally the Base product is LOW VOC, but when tint is added to the Base paint the product surpasses the limit of 50 grams per liter. To complicate the matter most Flat Base paint qualifies below the 50 grams per liter, but as you change the sheen so does the level of VOC in the paint. For instance, the Flat Base paint may be labeled LOW VOC but as you select Satin, Semi-Gloss or Gloss, you increase the level of VOC in the paint. Compound this equation with an extremely dark color mixed in Gloss Base paint to make a superb elixir of VOC. Health issues reported to physicians related to VOCs in paint include asthma, headaches, dizziness, swelling of the lymph nodes, dry eye syndrome, respiratory illnesses, and in general Bath painted in Twist of Lemon.
Lounge painted in Point Pleasant. 6 EASEmagazine of texas
B. Michael Ferweda has extensive knowledge in the product sector, retail marketing, and product positioning. His 35 years of executive retail leadership have aided startups and product launches. Michael offers in depth information on products and their benefits to consumers.
photo by Sherry Grona
“sick building syndrome.” There are cases of liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage caused by high exposure to chemicals containing VOCs. Paint does not affect everyone in the same way. However, please keep in mind this is potentially a real and present danger to you and to your children. I would like to provide you with a real life situation. Some health care professionals recommend to patients when completing drug and alcohol rehabilitation to paint their rooms in non VOC paints in an effort to create a fresh living environment. The realization is that the VOC in standard paint will provide enough of a chemical “high” to cause the patient to relapse. If standard VOC paint can affect a person to this degree, we must accept the harmful effects of these chemicals. One more interesting scenario! Think about the first idea that pops into your head when you hear that you or someone you know is expecting a child. That is right! Let’s paint the baby’s room. Both the unborn child and the newborn are exposed to vapors that may cause them harm. However, there are alternatives! In recent years there has been an emergence of No VOC paints offerings. These paint lines, such as Mythic Paint, contain NO VOC in all sheen base paints and in all tinting products. This means that no matter what type of color, sheen, or coverHall shown in Gabriels Horn. age, the paint contains NO Volatile Organic Compounds. In addition to NO VOC, Mythic Paint contains no carcinogens, and no toxins. What a relief it is to know that you can protect your family and the environment with a chemical friendly product and still achieve the same results. If you would like additional information on Mythic Paint Non-Toxic Paint and painting techniques, please see the Mythic Paint website at or the Central Texas retail outlet Zinger Hardware at 512-381-8111 or
EASEmagazine of texas 7
A footbridge spanning a canal in Venice Photos by Katrina Hollister
Without a
by Celeste Hollister
ver dream of dancing on a cobblestone street in Italy? Or rambling down the Ramblas in Barcelona? Have you ever thought
of climbing the ramparts of an ancient walled city to peer down into the sparkling blue waters of the Adriatic Sea? Do you spend more than a few passing minutes staring at the travel ads that flash alongside Yahoo! Mail for Orbitz, Expedia, and Travelocity? The pictures of pristine shores, crumbling Roman ruins, and chic European cities captivate and thrill you, but once the image flashes to teeth whitening or the ubiquitous before-andafter diet ads, you return to your list of mundane daily tasks, thinking those far off places are beyond your reach and,
8 EASEmagazine of texas
Walking on Sunshine
more importantly, beyond your budget. Despite what you might think, it's not an impossible feat. The options available have increased in recent years as the tourism industry worldwide has made efforts to attract more people traveling with families. One increasingly popular option is taking a cruise. According to a recent Cruise Lines International Association report, the number of travelers opting for a cruise trip has grown at an average rate of 7.6 percent annually over the past 10 years (Travel + Leisure Magazine, January 2012).
Carnival Sunshine, Carnival Cruise Line's Mediterranean ship, features 9-day and 12-day cruises. The 9-day option launches from Barcelona, Spain, and tours around the tip of Italy and up the coast to Venice, hitting Marseilles, France; Livorno (near Pisa and Florence), Rome, Naples, Messina, Dubrovnik, Croatia; and Venice, Italy. The 12-day option begins in Venice
and returns to Barcelona, adding Athens, Greece, and Izmir, Turkey to its ports of call. What cruise ships offer over traveling by land is a home base for families to return to after a long day exploring a port of call. Its room and board all rolled into one. Additionally, cruise ships offer a number of programs and amenities such as Carnival Cruise Line's Camp Carnival. Think summer camp on a ship, where children hang out with other kids their age and participate in age-appropriate arts and crafts, sports, shows, and scavenger hunts. Sunshine also boasts a Waterworks featuring two water slides, a SportSquare with a ropes course (be sure to pack closed-toe shoes), a basketball court, mini-golf, and ping pong. The ship also has two swimming pools, three hot tubs, a spa, a casino, interactive games, shows, a comedy club, live music and performances, and 24-hour dining options for any appetite. With all of these options, your family might not even want to leave the ship. That's where shore excursion programming comes into play. Carnival Sunshine has a well-staffed shore excursion desk featuring itineraries for varying levels of activity and budgets. Whether you want to explore the ruins of Pompeii on your own or climb the Spanish Steppes with a tour group and eat dinner together in an authentic Italian restaurant, the excursion desk has an option for you. The bonus for using Carnival's excursion team is that if there are changes on shore with excursion programming, the team adjusts the schedule to accommodate guests. Also, if an excursion is running late or if there are complications on shore, the ship will wait until the group returns ... making the experience as headache-free as possible.
Celeste Hollister is a mom, a teacher, a writer, and a traveler. She also loves food, wine, theme parks, water sports and cats. She graduated from Texas State University with a journalism degree and currently lives in San Marcos with her daughter, Katrina.
View of the Adriatic Sea and the walled city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. The primary drawback to using Carnival's excursions is that they tend to be more expensive than other options. Large-scale tour operators such as Hop On/Hop Off Tours ( and Viator (www.viator .com) offer comparable tours that can be booked online ahead of time. Hop On/Hop Off Tours are available in nearly every European city and are easily identifiable by their bright red doubledecker buses. Most people wouldn't recommend these tours because they are not local or authentic enough. However, cheesy as they may seem, the Hop On/Hop Off Tours provide families with an inexpensive and flexible way to tour a city. The tour guides are friendly, knowledgeable, and go out of their way to make sure that you don't get lost when you try to find your way back to the bus. Some of the buses even feature wi-fi. (As a side note, wi-fi services aboard ship are not free. If you have a tumblr-addicted teenager, any coffee shop or patisserie with this service gratis is greatly appreciated.) Viator operates tours in most of the big European cities and offers a wide number of tours, from the intimate guided variety to the comfortable tour bus. With a little research, you can find a shore excursion to fit your family's desires and your budget. The best thing about shore excursions is that you get to customize your experience, giving you the flexibility to explore what you want to see at your own pace. If you're the type who prefers instead to hit the streets with your own itinerary and a highlighted travel map, there are plenty of opportunities for that as well. In Naples, Messina, and Dubrovnik, the ship ports directly into the city, literally across the street from
the commercial center, making on-yourown excursions exceptionally convenient. In Marseilles, Livorno (with access to Florence and Pisa), Rome, and Venice, additional transportation is required to transfer from the ship to the city. That said, Venice is exceptionally easy to navigate once the ship docks in port. For fifteen euros, guests can take a vaporetto from the ship into the city in about thirty minutes. Once in Venice, just take to the streets, wandering from one canal to another to explore all of its treasures, including the Rialto Bridge, the Golden Staircase, and the Ca'rezzonico baroque museum. Venice is one city you won't mind getting lost in, because at every turn, there is something bold and exquisite to catch your eye. And don't be daunted by the long line outside St. Mark's Cathedral. Entry into the cathedral is free, and though the line may stretch across St. Mark's Square, past the Doge's Palace and all the way to the docks, most visitors don't spend more than fifteen minutes inside, so the line moves quickly. Whatever your style of travel, whatever your budget, whether you're a seasoned traveler or a novice, a cruise ship can offer you and your family a vacation experience of a lifetime. A word of caution, though, before disembarking on your journey. The travel bug can be just as powerful as a penchant for antiquing or collecting or devotion to a favorite sports team. Akin to ink-fever to tattoo aficionados, once infected by the travel bug, you may never want to return home. In the words of Bilbo Baggins, “It's a dangerous business... going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.�
EASEmagazine of texas 9
But on a cruise ship, getting swept away is exactly the right idea.
Some toTou consider: Explore Rome:
This bus and walking tour takes guests from the harbor in Civitavecchia to Rome, about ninety minutes drive depending on traffic. A local guide gives history and information about the city of Civitavecchia as well as about the gorgeous golden countryside between the port city and Rome. The bus crisscrosses over the Tiber River, allowing visitors panoramic views of St. Paul's Basilica, the Pyramid of Caius Cestius, and Circus Maximus. The bus then stops at Trevi Fountain, a glorious spring fed fountain featured in movies such as La Dulce Vida and Only You. After tossing coins into the fountain (one means you'll return to Rome, two means you'll find true love, and three means you'll get your divorce!), guests enter a typical Roman restaurant where you'll get to dine family-style with other
members of the tour. The food is excellent, the wine is plentiful, but it's the company of fellow travelers that truly makes this a memorable tour. After lunch, guests stroll along the stone paths outside the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine. On the return trip, the bus ambles around St. Peter's Square, Sant'Angelo Fortress, and the Vatican. Explore Rome is good for travelers who want a comprehensive view of the city of Rome, because in its full eight hours, it enables you to see a number of important historical sights. But for those wishing to tour inside This is not an ideal tour, however, for those who wish to tour inside the Vatican or St. Peter's Basilica. This excursion is not recommended for travelers who have difficulty walking or with collapsible wheelchairs, due to uneven pavement.
Beach Day with Lunch in Dubrovnik:
Dubrovnik, with its walled city and red-tile roofed buildings, looks like the fairy tale dream that inspired Disney's Little Mermaid. In this five-hour day tour, guests take a small boat past the soaring ramparts of the Old Town and the island of Lokrum to a private cove where you can swim the sparkling clear waters of the Adriatic Sea. Be sure to pack a snorkel mask as it’s possible to spot squid darting among the rocks and seaweed. Also, don't forget your water shoes, since most of Croatia coastlines are pebble beaches. This tour features a light lunch served by a beachside restaurant. After lunch, the boat sails visitors back to the Old Town, where you can explore the walled city on your own. Since Croatia is not part of the EU, its still operates with its own currency, the kuna. The exchange rate varies, but is usually about six or seven kuna per euro. Most vendors accept euros and even U. S. dollars, but it's a good idea to carry your credit card as well.
Evening Gondola Ride in Venice:
After spending the morning and afternoon running around the jigsaw magic of the Floating City of Venice, book an excursion for an evening gondola ride. The bonus for booking this excursion through Carnival is that the cruise line has negotiated a reasonable price with the gondoliers, who can charge up to 215 euro per person for a three hour ride. At $100 per person, this tour gives you the movie magic experience of meandering through the myriad canals of Venice, complete with serenading gondoliers and sunset vistas of Piazza San Marco and the Doge's Palace.
A gondolier navigates through the narrow canals of Venice. 450 gondoliers operate in the city of Venice. A limited number of new licenses are granted each year.
10 EASEmagazine of texas
Suite 6301 NW Loop 410 VC04 Visit us at the food court at Premium Outlets in San Marcos 3939 IH 35 S. (512) 396-0015
Serving Chopped Beef Sandwiches at NCFD Farm Club in Zorn EASEmagazine of texas 11
Photo by
Jeff Walker
“The best teacher is experience and not through someone's distorted point of view.” ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
12 EASEmagazine of texas
M&M Photography
It’s by Jeff Walker
Quest for the Best often the detours and last-second turn-offs we take en route to wherever we're headed that matter most - both in life and in good barbecue. The more sacred of places, after all, usually require an unplanned exit and a little navigation assistance from Siri. My hands moved without hesitation as I turned the steering wheel 30 or so degrees, veering off of IH-45 and onto Highway 75 near Huntsville on a recent Saturday. My wife, 19-month-old son and I were due in Houston in two hours, and our child was growing more and more restless from his car seat, painfully unamused by the Nick Jr. cartoons blaring inside the cabin of our Yukon. But as we approached the sleepy East Texas town, I reminded my wife of this joint in Huntsville that I’d heard about for years. I explained to her what I knew about the place - a small Baptist church that serves barbecue to its congregation on Sunday, and happens to sell it to the public Tuesday through Saturday, in an old house directly beside the church. I'd read about it in glossy city mags and amateur food blogs alike, all raving over the tender, juicy brisket and genuine, rural charm of the place. Among barbecue buffs in Texas, New Zion Missionary Baptist Church is a true cult classic. There’s serious connotations at work here, too. New Zion’s shared love for both Holy Spirit and Smoke brings true credence to barbecue as a religious experience in Texas, and also to the communal nature of cooking and enjoying smoked meats together. Let’s face it: This detour, however risky it may have been given the angry, impatient toddler behind me, had true spiritual significance. I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity. After a short drive into town, we took a left onto Montgomery, and there it sat: A small frame house with a small wooden sign out front that read “Church BBQ,” and a red-brick church topped by a wooden white steeple next door. Tall pine trees shaded the ground around them. There was nowhere to park as we arrived, so I pulled
Jeff Walker currently handles the marketing at East Texas Copy Systems. He, his wife Lindsay, son Jude and dog Townes live in Tyler. Beyond his ongoing pursuit of the next great barbecue joint, Jeff collects vinyl, cooks and roots for the Texas Rangers.
onto the front yard of the house, where two men poked their heads up from behind black metal drum smokers on the front porch. The formidable smell of burning oak put me at ease, as did the pair of smiling gentleman motioning the three of us to the door. “Good morning!” one said. It was just past 11 a.m., and two cars were already pulling in behind us. Just as I had imagined, New Zion Barbecue was no real secret among barbecue lovers. The truth is, barbecue joints in Texas, and the pitmasters who operate them, have been generating buzz like modern-day rock stars in recent years. Texas Monthly boasted more than a handful of newly-opened joints making its Top 50 List this spring, breathing new life and birthing new legends in Texas barbecue culture. “Discoveries” are constantly being made, and the stories behind their greatness are transmitted through hundreds of media channels and consumed by hungry 'cue fans like myself on blogs, food rags and social media sites. “The Next Big Thing” is always looming down some two-lane road in some ambiguous Texas town (Snow's Barbecue in Lexington being a perfect example), and we flock to these locales in droves like people used to wait in line for Lynyrd Skynyrd tickets. But the basic pursuit for “the best” remains the same, wherever or with whomever. I felt satisfied by our quest as I slid another thick-sliced piece of brisket into my mouth at New Zion Baptist Church, savoring the true tenderness of the beef and the spicy, tangy sauce clinging to the homemade sausage. On our way out, I sat my son on the hood of the car, reached into the white Styrofoam box and pinched a slice of brisket for him. He popped it in his mouth and immediately reached his hand out for more. I obliged, this time handing him half a slice and watching him gobble it up. He looked back up at me, eagerly reaching his hand out yet again. Barbecue has never felt so wonderfully communal.
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Off the top Below is an off-the-top-of-my-head list of five of my favorite barbecue spots. But don’t trust my point of view. Find your own unplanned exit along the way, and let the burning oak put you at ease. 1. City Market, Luling – While living in Austin, City Market was a traditional stop for my wife and me on our way to Port Aransas. I looked forward every visit to trekking through the restaurant and opening the doors into the hot, smoky pit-room in back, the thick smoke permeating the room an experience in and of itself. But also, the brisket is without a doubt the best I’ve ever had. 2. Stanley's Pit Barbecue, Tyler – When we moved to Tyler in 2012, I dreaded leaving behind the countless barbecue meccas Central Texas offered. But the Gods of smoked meat looked down upon me with mercy, as I visited Stanley’s for the first time soon after arriving in East Texas. The winner of Texas Monthly Barbecue Festival’s Best Pork Ribs Award in 2010 and 2011, owner Nick Pencis’ legend grows more every day. And regarding those savory, drop-off-the-bone ribs, I’ll concur with the Texas Monthly voters every day. 3. New Zion Missionary Baptist Church Huntsville – Legendary 4. Smitty's Barbecue, Lockhart – Lockhart is the original rock star of Texas barbecue, and the city even boasts its own fabulous foursome today: Black’s, Kreuz’s, Chisholm Trail and Smitty’s. But Smitty’s remains the Sir Paul of the lot, with the largest, sexiest following and the chops (err… brisket) to back it up. 5. Sam's Barbecue, Austin – We’ll forgive some unfortunate news regarding Sam’s in recent years, when employees there were accused of buying stolen meat. For wherever the meat came from, it was certainly well cooked and served with the greatest of love. Plus, rumor has it that Stevie Ray Vaughan routinely had Sam’s brisket flown out to wherever he was touring at the time. Few people I knew back in those days, especially my then-vegetarian wife, could appreciate the magic of this East Austin joint - in fact, my college roommate and younger brother were the only two. So the three of us spent many late nights (it’s open til 4 a.m.) chowing down on brisket sandwiches, sucking down bottles of Big Red, and watching the world go by at 3 o’clock in the morning.
about us karen ray publisher
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jessica dietert michael ferweda celeste hollister katrina hollister kayla royal melinda seifert adam thornsley emily thornsley jeff walker
sherry grona robert maynes cheryl sosa
website in the works
Karen Ray, publisher of Ease, at Falls Lake Park near Raleigh, North Carolina this fall. Photos of the Carolina’s coming in 2014.
Geronimo Garza weighs some meat for a customer. Look at all of the steaks and veggies to choose from below.
Bon Ton Meat Market and Country Store T he Bon Ton Meat Market has been a part of the Kyle area culture for decades. Quality meats, top notch customer service, deer meat processing, speciality cuts, custom roasts and prime rib remain among the premiere offerings of this home-owned market. While a 2002 fire destroyed the original Bon Ton Meat Market in downtown Kyle, it continues to serves the residents of Kyle and Hays County at its new location on Highway 21. Following the devastating blaze, owner Craig Fuller pondered his future and that of the Bon Ton Meat Market. Fuller originally thought about opening a smaller place with plans for just processing deer meat during special months out of the year. But eventually he decided to create a
full meat market and country store which could serve the needs of the residents of Kyle, Uhland and San Marcos. Fuller’s family bought the original store from the prior owners back in the 60s and Fuller came into the family business full time in 1985. He said the store is still very family oriented. They have a small number of employees but some have been with Bon Ton since almost the beginning,” Fuller explained. Bon Ton’s meat processing for area hunters makes up an estimated 30 to 40 percent of the business. “We specialize in custom meat and wild game processing,” Fuller said. The Bon Ton Meat Market and Country Store also carries specialty items like chorizo and items for party trays. Prime ribs and custom roasts are a spe-
ciality during the holiday season. Fuller said those items and others bring customers from all over Central Texas. Another major item is the marketing of his monthly “freezer specials.” The meat is cut into sizes to fit in a family’s freezer, but is packaged so that the customer can save money. With the rising popularity of the country store, Fuller has also taken on selling lines from other local businesses in the area such as the Texas Pie Company in Kyle and from New World Bakery, also in Kyle. The Bon Ton Meat Market and Country Store has something for almost everyone. Quality meats and other tasty foods, great personal service and professional deer meat processing await customers willing to take a nice little drive out Highway 21.
EASEmagazine of texas 15
Kayla Royal is the business development director of a youth baseball complex located just outside of San Marcos. “My real love, however, is the heat of an oven and the fire of a stove. I started cooking with my mom and dad at the age of 4. Both share the love of cooking and the experimentation process with food that spilled right over into my blood. Any extra time I get I spend it in the kitchen cooking, changing and perfecting my craft. My background is Italian but I don’t exactly like staying in one category when it comes to food. Everything from homemade eclairs to homemade pasta to slow cooked carnita’s, nothing is off limits or untouchable!”
Sage, Butternut Squash and Pumpkin Ricotta Gnocchi For the Gnocchi: 1 Cup Pureed Pumpkin 1 Cup Whole Milk Ricotta ¼ Cup grated Parmesan Pinch of Salt 3 - 4 Cups Semolina 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1/3 Butternut Squash Cleaned/Cubed Butter Olive Oil Salt and pepper to taste 3 – 4 Fresh Sage Leaves Parmesan Cheese
Pasta: Combine Ricotta, Pumpkin, Eggs, Salt, Parmesan and 1 tbsp. Olive Oil Slowly add in Semolina, mix as you go as you might not need all 4 cups so add it to the mixture in batches.
Dough should be soft and pliable Knead dough mixture until a ball forms. Shape into a ball and rub the remaining olive oil onto the outside of the dough ball. Wrap in Saran Wrap and let dough rest at room temperature for about 30 min. Once rested cut the ball into 4 equal portions, roll each portion into a long snake about ¾ in. to 1 in. in diameter. Cut 1-inch pieces of dough (gnocchi). You can shape the gnocchi using your index finger in the center and the tongs of a fork or you can use the rustic cut. Boil in salted water until gnocchi floats to the top. In a large Sauté Pan on Medium, Medium High heat add 2 tbsp. olive oil and 2 tbsp. butter. Add the Butternut squash and caramelize (should be fork tender). Melt 3-4 tbsp. butter; add sage leaves and cooked gnocchi. Sauté everything in the pan for about 2 min on Medium High Heat. Sprinkle Parmesan over the top and serve.
Italian Corn Lasagna 2 Packages Frozen Sweet Corn (Thawed) 1 cup Fresh Basil Leaves 3 cloves garlic Salt and Pepper to taste 2 tbsp. Sugar ½ cup Heavy Cream 8 oz. Mascarpone Cheese 6 oz. Fontina Shredded 2 cups grated Parmesan/Asiago Cheese Olive Oil 1 Package Lasagna sheets
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Butter bottom/sides of a lasagna pan.
16 EASEmagazine of texas
For the filling: In a food processor add corn and pulse just until slightly chopped. Add Basil, Garlic, Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Mascarpone, Fontina and 1 ½ cup Parmesan/Asiago blend. Blend mixture, adding cream to loosen as needed. You may not use all the cream. You do not want the mixture be smooth so only add enough cream to keep the mixture moving in the food processor until just mixed. Set aside. Boil lasagna in salted water about 5 – 6 min (just under al dente). Drain, dry and let cool. Line your greased lasagna pan with noodles, layer mix and noodles like regular lasagna. Top layer will be the corn mix. Sprinkle the top layer with the remaining Parmesan/Asiago blend, drizzle with olive oil and bake uncovered until golden brown. Let Lasagna stand and set for 10 – 15 minutes before serving
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Legacy Jay Perry Richardson Jr. grandson of the Big Bopper
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by Rowe Ray
Lost songs
Jay Perry Richardson Jr. never met his grandfather. But he is no stranger to him. The Texas State University electrical engineering student has an intimate grasp of who he was, the things his grandfather accomplished in his young life and what his talent, personality and vision meant to music fans of the 1950s and beyond. While many believe J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson's influence ended when a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza nose-dived into a frozen Iowa cornfield on Feb. 3, 1959, Jay knows it lives on – in himself, his family and as an integral part of Rock 'n' Roll's early beginnings. Jay's grandfather died in that crash alongside Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and pilot Roger Peterson. The date is still referred to as “the day the music died,” in reference to Don McClean's classic tribute song “American Pie.” Jay and his family are confident, however, the Bopper's music isn't dead, but simply resting until it can be revived and reintroduced to the music world with the help of some dedicated current-day artists. They hope that the lyrics to 20 “lost songs” – found inside Richardson's briefcase next to the plane crash wreckage more than 50 years ago – may be the key to helping a new generation find appreciation for this Texas-born singer, songwriter, entertainer and musical innovator. While the stories of Holly and Valens have been told in popular
Fans gather for autographs at the Winter Dance Party, just days before the plane crash. Frankie Sardo in front, Ritchie Valens, Dion, Big Bopper and Jim Lousbury in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Hollywood movies, Richardson's saga remains a mystery to many, especially music fans who came along after his death. What also remains a mystery is the impact the Bopper brought to the music world, not only in terms of melodies and lyrics, but also in predicting the future of the music video, a term which he is credited with coining decades before MTV brought them to the television screen. While Richardson's signature hit was “Chantilly Lace,” which hit number one on the charts, he also wrote George Jones' first number one hit, “White Lighting,” and Johnny Preston's chart topper “Running Bear.”
It is both a familial and musical passion to increase public awareness about the Bopper's impact on music that has long burned within Jay and his father, Jay Perry Richardson Sr. Before his passing in August, Senior had for years performed tribute shows featuring the Bopper's music and telling the story of his life and career. And while Jay's musical preferences lean heavily in the direction of Hip Hop, he has an appreciation for a wide variety of musical styles and instruments and shares his father's desire to lift up his grandfather's legacy – and that includes seeing to it that the Bopper is inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame – finally.
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Winter Dance Party 1959
Frankie Sardo, Jim Lounsbury, Big Bopper, Ed Auxner and Buddy Holly at the Winter Dance Party January 24, 1959. Left is the original poster for the Winter Dance Party. Below, Ritchie Valens, The Big Bopper and Frankie Sardo on stage dancing.
“Growing up, my dad had us all in choir through grade school and junior high. After junior high I grew away from music a little bit. But I never stopped listening to music. I've been obsessed my whole life,” Jay said. “Of course I've always listened to Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and my grandfather. A lot of people think it’s crazy when I tell them I'm not as much of a Texas Country Music fan as I am a Hip Hop fan, but I think if they really understood my grandfather more and the various genres he was working with it might make more sense to them. He wrote a bunch of country hits, rock ‘n’ roll, ballads, and other styles. In the past year I have gotten more serious about piano and I'm starting to grow in that direction. Jay’s dad and others in the music business have worked on a project involving his grandfather's “lost songs.” “I can't say too much, but there is a project involving some big names in Texas Country Music hoping to help bring these songs to life by having music written for the lyrics and songs produced for recording. It's cool to have people involved who really care for the music and legacy of my grandfather,” Jay said. “Something else very important to our family, and I think to music in general, is having my grandfather inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. He's not in it, which drove my father crazy. It drives me pretty crazy, too.” Concerning how well his grandfather's musical legacy has fared with a younger generation, Jay feels it's a mixed bag. “A lot of them know Buddy Holly because he is such a big name. And the movie La Bamba about Ritchie Valens helped spark an awareness of the music.” But Jay admits that those who seem really aware of the Big Bopper's influence are quite often “hard core rock guys.” “I don't think my grandfather gets the credit he deserves for his music and his musical innovations, but we hope the “lost songs” project will help spark new interest in him and maybe help us as we try to have him inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall 20 EASEmagazine of texas
of Fame. But we're not trying to rush anything on the songs project. We want to make sure everything meshes,” he said. “He was young and several of his early songs went to No. 1. He didn't get a chance, you know? Who knows what could have happened if those last 20 songs had been finished and he had gotten to continue his career?” Jay said. Though Jay never met his grandfather, he has gained a great deal of information about him from his father, family members and other musicians. The stories they have told him over the years continue to inspire him to reach out to help others understand and appreciate his grandfather. “From what dad told me, there was the Big Bopper the entertainer and J.P. Richardson the man – and they were very different
About Jay
Jay trains at Diaz Martial Arts in San Marcos. He also runs with the Runners Club associated with Core Running Company downtown.
While in his hometown of Katy he trains at Revolution Dojo.
Jay Richardson with Lee Mar Bratley and Carlos Banuelos, his training partners.
Fite Nite 2012, a boxing tournament held near San Marcos. Note that Jay is wearing boxers in the Big Bopper’s iconic leopard print. people. He was from a poor family and he worked hard to provide for his family and he also was very passionate about his music.” So what is it Jay and his family would like for today’s new group of music lovers to know about this family man, musician and musical innovator? “We just want credit to go where it is due. He did a lot for music at a very young age and he had ideas like the music video that came true many years later, and still he has not been recognized by the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. I'm not an emotional person, but my dad's father lost his life for his music and we just want him to get the credit he deserves. It drives us crazy, man,” he said. “I'm just lucky to be his grandson. I try not to let it define me. He was a big Rock 'n' Roll star and I'm just a grandson. But it’s
This is a pic from a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Tournament Texas State Championships. “I got 1st in my Division that tournament. This was taken right when I was submitting him with a Triangle,” Richardson said.
definitely something I think I owe to the family and to my dad. You know, my grandfather and his music are fun to talk about, and people like to talk about them. And a lot of musicians say they were inspired because of those three guys. It's the people who want to hear this story that keep it going,” Jay said. “My dad brought me on tour with him every time he could. It was very humbling for our family because we don't come from this big, extravagant and famous family, but you could see and hear how much people in the audience loved and respected the music,” he said. “I think if my grandfather's songs can touch people like that 50 years after his death, then it lets you know that there is something very special about them. We just want people to know the story behind the music.” EASEmagazine of texas 21
Taken at an Asher Roth concert in Austin late last year. Roth is in the orange hat next to Jay. Looks like he is getting a kick out of Jay taking the mike and singing for the crowd.
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Jay’s brother-in-law Kevin Ray Adams is keeping the Bopper’s legacy alive. He has been in contact with the George Jones family and traveled with Jay to a memorial tribute for Jones. Kevin sings with several country bands.
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Are You Watering Your Brain?
by Melinda Seifert
LoneStart Wellness
e all know we need to drink water every day. You’ve probably heard of the “8 x 8 rule”—eight 8-oz glasses a day. If you want to figure what your own body needs, divide your body weight in half for the number of ounces you need each day. Then divide that by 8 to get the number of 8-oz glasses per day. But, don’t we just drink when we get thirsty? Why even bother with counting how much we drink? Lots of reasons. You know you need to stay hydrated. To help with food digestion, body function, and to help signal when you’re full, you should drink a glass before each meal. Drinking water before a meal helps with weight loss for this very reason, but, did you know you also need to “water your brain” for optimal mental performance? Your brain is about 78 percent water and is made up of a series of neural connections. These neurons have a space in between called a “synapse,” that’s also full of water. When a signal runs along a neu-
ron, it gets to the synapse and releases a chemical called a neuro-transmitter which carries the signal across the water to the next neuron. What happens if there’s no water in that synapse? Research has shown that by the time you become thirsty, the water in your synapse is so dehydrated that the signal has trouble getting through. The result: your brain can’t function as well and your ability to learn, react, and store and retrieve information is significantly reduced. The American Journal of Epidemiology reports that those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day are 41 percent less likely to die from a heart attack than those
who drink less than two glasses. Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. Drinking a healthy amount of water has been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent. It can also reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50 percent and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer. It takes a loss of only 1 or 2 percent of your body's ideal water content to cause dehydration. An average person loses about 85 ounces (2.5 liters) of water daily. So, water your brain for optimal mental performance, and water yourself to keep your body hydrated. Cheers!
To find out how LoneStart Wellness can help your organization lay the foundation for a sustainable culture of wellness and to schedule a presentation to your organization, contact: LoneStart Wellness, 512-894-3440.
You ve got to slow down ...might as well stop!
24 EASEmagazine of texas
17033 San Marcos Hwy • Martindale, TX
A&A Automotive
169 S. Guadalupe Street San Marcos
(512) 392-9666
Adam Facundo Over 30 Years Of
A&A Automotive
Automotive Service Center: Service and Repairs on all makes of Vehicles, Oil and Lube, Tires, State Inspections, Brakes, Alignments & Engine Repair. Accepting Oil Disposal and Automotive Battery Disposal
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM • (512) 392-9666 EASEmagazine of texas 25
Little Shoppe: Service, sincerity and love help customers make good health choices
he Little Shoppe of Health is owned by Kathy & Rusty Dunham. Kathy manages the store, and is usually there during store hours. Kathy and Rusty have chosen to keep the store small so they can focus on maintaining a relaxed atmosphere that permits them the time to help guide their customers to their best health choices. Kathy opened the store in 1999 after spending most of her adult life working for other health food stores, beginning in high school. She had health issues that kept her sick most of the time, which stimulated her interest in all that natural health had to offer. She learned with intense interest all that she could about the causes of illness and what could be done to take better care of herself and others. This knowledge has, over the past 30 years, grown to a point where now even physicians occasionally refer patients to her for her expertise in using natural health methods to help them regain health and increase wellness. Kathy is continually learning and attending seminars, and she and her staff always attend the seminars provided by the store’s vendors. Kathy received her undergraduate degree from Texas State while managing another health food store in San Marcos, a position she maintained for the next 20 years. After retiring, customers kept calling her for guidance on health food supplements, and after a year, she decided it was time to get back into the health business, but with a store of her own. That’s how the Little Shoppe of Health was born in 1999. About her work, Kathy has this to say: If I told you I loved the
health food industry, I would be only partially right. I love the people that I come in contact with every day for alternative health needs, and I have a sincere passion for helping them with natural herbs and vitamins instead of drugs to help their health problems get better. Customer service, sincerity, knowledge, and love are all crucial in working with people every day. I feel our store offers all of the above, and will always be there for our customers' needs. If I can help someone understand what they may really need or don't need in their vitamin and herb program, I feel that I have accomplished a huge goal. Free consultations and samples are always available to our customers. Remaining small has also afforded Kathy the opportunity to give free consultations to her customers, as well as giving free samples to make sure a product works before the customer spends money on it. If you have health issues and/or wish to improve your health, please come in to the store and speak with Kathy about your situation. You will find your money is more carefully spent, while getting the best possible results.
Native Furniture: Hand crafted furnishings for friends, family to enjoy for years to come
Cottonseed Cafe & Deli offers home-style, freshly prepared food and banquet facilities
nce upon a time James Robertson started a small business, building hand crafted home furnishings and accessories for friends and family. He began with arts and craft shows and quickly graduated to a retail establishment called Robertson’s Collectables, which soon grew into a business he named DESERT MOON. Established In Central Texas That business grew and became well established in the Central Texas area for many years. Through good times and bad, year in and year out, beautiful creations resulted from his dedication to building the best quality furniture he could make. Fire wiped out the wood shop in 2000, then recession wiped out profitability, and the DESERT MOON set for the final time when the retail store closed in the summer of 2001. Never Stopped Creating However, he never stopped building furniture, and continued to wholesale his designs to old friends in other Texas towns. When another fire destroyed the newly rebuilt wood shop in 2002, he relocated his operation to the little town of Martindale, Texas. James has begun again, and is building that same quality, handcrafted furniture in his new location, including an outlet store on Highway 80, just five miles east of San Marcos, in a beautiful, historic little town on the edge of the San Marcos River. The new location also offers a lot of gift ideas, lamps, candles and accessories. Remember, that “We’ve got wood, now what do YOU want to make out of it.” Call us at 512-357-2100 or visit our showroom at 17050 San Marcos Hwy in San Marcos.
ottonseed Cafe & Deli opened in Martindale, Texas on May 11, 2010 with a refreshing approach to dining and a remarkable alternative to “fast-food.” We offer home-style, freshly prepared food! Utilizing a seasonal menu to take advantage of the season's best, as well as changing weekly specials, soup de jour, salads and desserts, our unpretentious menu features traditional comfort food combined with dishes appealing to contemporary tastes. Dine in our newly renovated building, or simply order from the Deli Case a la carte and take your meal to-go. Also, we have a large banquet hall available for business meetings, conferences or family gatherings, such as weddings, showers, receptions and reunions. The Event Center has great potential for our community and our restaurant will exclusively cater to your needs – large or small. In the near future, we hope to offer dinner theater with a variety of musical guests and talented artists. Check out the schedule to view upcoming events or contact us to let us know your interested in making a reservation. We allow our guests to bring their own bottle of wine to enjoy with their dinner. As always, you are responsible for your actions. Serving Lunch & Dinner – Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 - 8:00 Serving Lunch on Sunday – 11:00 - 2:00 Closed on Monday.
Custom Made Since 1976
26 EASEmagazine of texas
Youʼve got to slow down...might as well stop!
Farmers Market in Martindale
The Martindale Farmers Market takes place on Mainstreet, First Friday from 5-8 p.m. Featured offerings include food, special teas, coffee, baked goods, face painting, music and dancing. Everyone is invited to come and do some food and gift shopping. Or just come to have some family fun!
Tickle Blagg Animal Hospital in San Marcos is a full service companion animal hospital committed to providing quality veterinary care throughout the life of your pet. Our services and facilities are designed to assist in routine preventative care for young, healthy pets; early detection and treatment of diseases as your pet ages; and complete medical and surgical care as necessary during his or her lifetime.
Our Services include: • Laser surgery • Boarding • Preventative Medicine • Vaccinations • Dental Services • In-House Laboratory and Diagnostic Services
Tickle Blagg Animal Hospital 1100 Hwy 80 512-353-1871 We treat your pets like a valued family member.
Dr. Robert Blagg and Dr. Angela Jordan EASEmagazine of texas 27
Photos by Emily Thornsley
Is that a banana in your glass or are you just happy to be drinking? by Adam Thornsley am periodically asked how wine achieves such distinctive aromas as banana, cherry and peppers. It would take the equivalent of an encyclopedia to properly explain all the factors that contribute to flavor and aroma in wine. For now, I endeavor to address the concept of additives and how the evolution of the grapevine may have contributed to its capacity for complex flavors. I’ve had people ask me outright if the flavors are somehow “added” to the wine in much the same way flavor might be added to your morning latte. While it is true that some home winemakers will attempt to improve their wine with flavor additives or other fruit, they are doing so to overcome a deficiency in the quality of grapes they have to work with. Regulations of major wine producing regions generally ban the use of additives in grape wine made for commercial sale. Back in 2003 there was a concern that synthetic additives were being added to wine produced out of South Africa. Local inspection measures were quickly augmented and the situation is now considered to be remedied.
28 EASEmagazine of texas
Aromas in
Regulation aside, most producers know that quality grapes are best left to speak for themselves. But what is it that makes grapes so special? If you’ve ever had “country wine” (wine made from something other than grapes such as fruit, flowers or herbs), you’ve probably concluded that they smell and taste predominantly what they’re made of. That is to say – strawberry wine produces flavors of strawberry and carrot wine produces flavors of carrot. Yet I honestly can’t recall having ever seen a tasting note describe a grape-based wine as ‘grapey.’ The complexity of flavors in finished wine made from grapes almost always supersedes the fruit in its raw form. Grapevines are ancient and have been described in the earliest writings of human history. There is a theory I happen to subscribe to that grapevines have developed a wide range of aromatic compounds as an evolutionary tool to aid in procreation by attracting insects to assist with pollination. I would take this theory a step further to postulate that these same processes contributed to the specific profile associated with each varietal. In other words, the flavor profile has been determined to a degree by the competing plants and the shared soil
characteristics within the region the vine developed. A similar but distinct process happens in nature with honey. Certain types of plants are better at attracting bees in the area than others and this process results in a specific flavor of honey - whether that be clover, orange blossom, or wild flower. The many compounds found in these miraculous berries are ultimately bound together by chemical reactions in innumerable combinations and expressed to their full potential by
Adam Thornsley is a General Partner of The Rootstock Capital Management, LLC which specializes in broadening the motion picture experience to include wine and cuisine. He can be reached at
the winemaker during the fermentation process. This is not to say that vineyard practices, storage methods, climate, and soil don’t significantly contribute to the bouquet of a wine. They certainly do and are the things we can actually control! These topics are best left to a more in-depth discussion. The intricacies of wine are nearly endless. We’ve been successfully cultivating it for thousands of years and still don’t fully understand why it is what it is.
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Botanical Garden
San Antonio
Photos by Rowe H. Ray 30 EASEmagazine of texas
Get growing
Hours of Operation: 9 am - 5 pm 555 Funston Place San Antonio, TX. 78209 Admission
$8 Adults $5 Children (age 3 – 13) $6 Senior Citizens (65 and over) $6 Active Military personnel, Retirees and Reservists (with current ID; dependents not included) $6 Students (with current ID) Group rates available
The garden is suitable for use by people of all ages and abilities and is wheelchair accessible. Best to enjoy these gardens in cooler weather. It’s an outdoor self-guided tour.
History of the gardens
Mrs. R. R. Witt and Mrs. Joseph Murphy conceived the idea of a Botanical Garden in San Antonio in the 1940s. Together with their friends and associates, they organized the San Antonio Garden Center. Their first major effort was the development and presentation of a master plan for a public botanical garden in the late 1960s. The recommended future Botanical Garden site became the former Brackenridge waterworks land, property held by the city that was adjacent to the Garden Center. Funding for ground work began in 1970, when voters approved $265,000 in bonds for the garden. This money, along with a grant awarded five years later by the Ewing Halsell Foundation, other contributions from organizations and individuals, and a significant grant from the Economic Development Administration helped pay for the project. Ground-breaking ceremonies were held on July 21, 1976. The official opening of the San Antonio Botanical Garden was May 3,1980. Charted in 1980, the San Antonio Botanical Garden Society, Inc. is the 501 (c)(3) non-profit support organization. In this public/private partnership, the Botanical Society has brought major capital improvements to the Botanical Garden: the Lucile Halsell Conservatory, the Sullivan Carriage House, the Auld House, acquisition of Funston properties, Texas Native Trail revitalization, upgraded children’s facilities, and extensive landscape lighting. Community events sponsored by the Botanical Society (Shakespeare in the Park, Gardens by Moonlight, Concerts Under the Stars, Viva Botanica! and family days. EASEmagazine of texas 31
Wisteria vines wrapd in a circle 32 EASEmagazine of texas
Tickle Blagg Animal Hospital takes pride in offering professional care with a personal touch Dr. Robert Blagg Dr. Blagg started with the practice in 1987 after graduating from Texas Tech University in 1983 with a BS in Animal Science and from Texas A&M University in 1987 with his DVM. Dr. Blagg was born in Brownwood, TX but grew up in San Angelo, TX. He has been married for 16 years to his wife Dottie, who is a pharmacist and a talented triathlete, and has two sons Robert and Ben. They live in New Braunfels with their dogs Howie and Maud and their cats Jango and Cupcake. When not working, Dr. Blagg enjoys fishing, running with his dogs, cycling, swimming, skiing and practicing his French. He has been involved with Central Texas Flyfishers for many years and is also a member of the Rotary Club of Greater San Marcos.
Dr. Angela Jordan Dr. Jordan has been with the practice since June 2005. She grew up in New Braunfels and now lives in Martindale, TX with her husband Matt, her two children Christian and Olivia, and her step daughter Brooke. Angela graduated from Hood College in Frederick, MD in 1991 with a BA in Biochemistry and got her DVM from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA in 1997. When Dr. Jordan is not at work she likes to take time to hone her gardening skills and work on her tropical fish tank. She likes to read adventure novels in her down time and spends most of her time chasing her kids. Angela would one day like to be a college professor in a pre-vet program. She is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, of the Texas Veterinary Medical Association and of the Comal County Veterinary Medical Association.
Offering jewelry, toys, clothing,candy, cards and more, Paper Bear is truly a San Marcos treasure t has been several months since we completed our “rightsizing” project. If you have not visited us recently, you may be surprised to see that our front door has moved about 20 feet up the block. We're still here but with a slightly smaller consolidated space. Factors like the current economy and the amount of time that a larger store requires convinced us that rightsizing was in order. So if you visit and something doesn't seem “the same,” we're consolidated into the Heartworks side of the store. We still have all the primary categories (Jewelry, Toys, Decorative Accessories, Clothing, Candy, Cards, etc.) with about the same selection as always. Due to space limitations, some secondary categories were
adjusted to accommodate the new space. If there are items that you can't find and
have been displaced, let us know. With customer help, we will continue to develop the best product mix and balance for our customers. New product is arriving daily for Christmas. We look forward to your next
Wimberley Market Days remain a shopper’s paradise arket Days has been an institution in Wimberley since 1964, when the first market was held on the town Square. The Market grew until there was no more room around the Square to handle all the vendors and visitors. By this time the local Lions Club had assumed management and organization of the project. In 1972 they had the foresight to purchase the property on RR 2325 and move the Market to its current location at Lions Field. The Lions and vendors have made Market Days a shopper's paradise, now with nearly 500 booths. Market Days are held the first Saturday of every month from March through December. Shoppers can stroll along the paved, tree-shaded lanes of Lions Field. Wimberley is located south of Austin in Hays Country, halfway between San Marcos and Drippings
Springs on RR 12. Lions Field is located on RR 2325 about 1/4 mile from its junction with RR12. Gates to Market Day open at 7 a.m. and close when the last vendor packs up his merchandise at 4 p.m. Food offerings include BBQ plates and sandwiches, grilled sausages, breakfast tacos, hot dogs and hamburgers. Visitors can also purchase popcorn, ice cream, funnel cakes, soft drinks, shaved ice and sweets. Musicians gather at the pavilion and entertain the crowds. Clean restroom facilities are provided, too. Admission to Market Days is free; parking is available for a $5 donation. Because it is the mission of Lions everywhere “To Serve,” all profits from Market Day booth rentals, concessions and parking are donated back to local, state and worldwide charities, scholarships and community projects.
visit. As of last December, the City of San Marcos has been engaged in some large infrastructure projects which require detours. We hope you will persevere, and continue to shop with us. We often get questions about online sales or catalog sales. We do mail-order sales for customers who can identify what items they want (e.g. scent beads, oils, etc.) but are too far away to visit us. If you are interested in specific items, please call to check inventory and place an order. We ship USPS and charge you what they charge us; Texas sales taxes apply. Shopping Like It Oughta Be ... Since 1978! Thank You.
Bargains, food and fun in old Gruene ld Gruene Market Days are held the third full weekend of each month February through November and the first weekend of December from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. The final dates this year are November 16 & 17 and December 7 & 8. What: Gruene Market Days has been held every month except January for more than 30 years and features more than 100 artisans offering handmade items created by the vendors themselves, including uniquely crafted items, collectibles and packaged Texas foods. There is free parking and admis-
sion and free live entertainment. While you are in the Gruene Historic District enjoy specialty shopping, wine tasting, unique dining, live entertainment, other events and river rides. Visit for additional info. When: Third full weekend of each month February through November and the 1st weekend of December. Market hours are 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Where: In Gruene Historic District in front of Adobe Verde. Directions: From IH35, take Exit #191, go west 1.5 miles, take a left onto Hunter Road.
EASEmagazine of texas 33
San Marcos
Janie and Eric Telford of Martindale sell their veggies at the San Marcos Farmer’s Market on the southside of the Square in downtown San Marcos from 9 a.m to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. A second Farmer’s Market takes place every Tuesday at 204 E. Edward Gary St. from 3 to 6 p.m.
Featured Illustrator
Geoff, Gewel &Amelia
My name is Geoff Sebesta. My family makes comic books and travels a lot. We publish RockSalt Magazine. Above, I am with my wife Gewel Kafka and our daughter Amelia visiting a sculpture called “Your Essential Magnificence” in South Austin. 34 EASEmagazine of texas
Illustration by Geoff Sebesta
Another door opens
Rudy’s Barber Shop “Old Style Barber Shop”
Barber since 1980
Rudy Soliz with client Will Weaver.
114 N. LBJ on the Square in San Marcos Mon-Friday from 8 am - 5 pm Sat. from 8 am - 12 pm • (512) 392-5522
Regular Military Cuts • Little or No Waiting Boy’s First Haircut Welcome • Gift Certificates Available EASEmagazine of texas 35
Our master carpenters specialize in heirloom quality
that will pass from generation to generation!
Hwy 142 & Hwy 80 • Martindale
512.357.2100 Just 5 minutes from San Marcos!