Fall 2012
Quilt Market
Amish with a Twist II: The Classics Nancy Rink's New Creative Program!
Designer News!
Provence & Beyond Fabric by Faye Burgos Strip-It BOM by Vicki Bellino Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
Fall 2012 - Quilt Market Issue!
Welcome to our special QUILT MARKET issue of Marcus Magazine! Here you'll find all of the Marcus highlights for Fall 2012, including our Private Party programs and more! We look forward to seeing in BOOTH 924. You're Invited to participate in our exciting and innovative programs for 2013! Following Market, sure to visit us online every month for the latest fabrics, projects and product news. And remember to register for the Retailer-only section of the website if you haven't already, for online ordering, merchandising tips and more. Our customer service department is ready to assist you by phone at 800-548-8295, or email info@MarcusFabrics.com. Enjoy the show!
In This Issue‌ 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Spring QM Highlights It's a Private Party! Designer News WIN a VISIT from Judie Rothermel! All-New AMISH Style from Nancy Rink Vicki Bellino's New Strip-It BOM Make It! Projects Review Solid Style / BOM Programs
It's a
lisa Lisa Shepard Stewart Marketing Manager / Editor lshepard@MarcusFabrics.com
Marcus is a Proud Sponsor of...
...and You're Invited! (See Page 5)
ŠMarcus Fabrics 2012. Portions may be reproduced for educational and promotional use only. 980 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10018 y 800-548-8295 y info@MarcusFabrics.com y www.MarcusFabrics.com 2 Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
BOOTH #924
It's Time for Quilt Market! We look forward to greeting you in Houston, with an exciting array of fabrics, BOMs and special programs!
REGINA STORMS Export Sales Manager
INDRA RAMPERSAUD Customer Service Manager PATI VIOLICK Director of Advertising & Marketing
Schoolhouse Sessions - Friday, October 26, 2012 "Quilting Retreats that Repeat!!" – presented by Gloria Parsons Quilting retreats can reinforce your customer’s importance to your company, while increasing sales, improving cash flow, and getting “old” merchandise SOLD and out the door! In this session Gloria Parsons outlines GREAT NEW IDEAS FOR RETREATS THAT YOU’LL WANT TO REPEAT! Room 372D, 3:10 – 3:40pm
"Selling Repros in Today's Market" – presented by Stephanie Dell 'Olio and Friends Learn how to re-merchandise classic reproduction prints to suit a variety of quilting customers and themes. Make the most of this broad category as you inspire existing quilters, welcome new enthusiasts, and move more merchandise! Room 372D, 3:45 – 4;15pm
Check Out Our Specialty Put-Ups for Easy Merchandising! •
Gorgeous OMBRE HAND DYES in 2½" wide jelly roll assortments
Judie Rothermel prints in convenient FQ Box assortments
Plush PRIMO PLAIDS and SUEDED FLANNELS in convenient FQ Box assortments
Various 108" Wide BACKINGS are now available as ROT goods, double-folded on 60" tubes
3 Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
It's a
...and You're Invited!
Marcus Fabrics Supports Independent Quilt Shops with Innovative Programs for 2013! These programs represent our ongoing commitment to support the independent quilt shops that support us, with inspiring and informative programs designed to draw customers of all skill levels directly to your shop!
Because you have helped to make her 25th Anniversary a reality, Marcus Fabrics and Judie Rothermel invite you to join in as we celebrate her first 25 years of achievement in the industry, with two exciting Private Party events:
Win a Visit from Judie Rothermel!
New Traditions with Reproduction Fabrics!
Quilters will start with prints from JUDIE'S 25th ANNIVERSARY collection, then add other favorite Judie prints & solids to create their original designs – they can go traditional, or create a new, modern tradition. Plus…while your customers compete for one of 24 great prizes, shop owners will also compete to win a visit from Judie Rothermel, an unforgettable event for you and your customers! (Details - See Page 7)
PARTY OF TWELVE is a 12-month program designed to spur additional sales of reproduction fabrics and to cultivate new reproduction customers through a series of 16" x 20" quilt projects. Learn how to re-merchandise classic reproduction prints to suit a variety of quilting customers and themes. Make the most of this broad category as you inspire existing quilters, welcome new enthusiasts, and move more merchandise! (Details ►)
Saturday Soiree, an Exciting New Sampler Concept! Features the GALLERY IN RED AND BLUE collection by Faye Burgos. The gorgeous quilt design is one your customers are sure to love, with twelve 12-inch blocks, pieced sashing and a simple alternate block. Choose the red-white or blue-white colorway, or offer both! (Details ►)
TO JOIN the PARTY, contact your Marcus sales rep or Customer Service at 800-548-8295 4 Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
Saturday Soiree is designed to be offered in a monthly format, similar to the old “Saturday Sampler” concept. As a part of our ongoing commitment to support the loyal independent quilt shops that support us, we thought it was time to update and improve upon the Sampler concept and increase your profitability in these key areas: THE FABRICS - Faye Burgos has designed the GALLERY IN RED AND BLUE collection, in a red colorway and a blue colorway, with just 12 SKUS each! Choose one, or both — the fabric requirement is still manageable and affordable, in two easy shipments. THE QUILT - With twelve 12-inch blocks with pieced sashing and a simple alternate block, the patterns are designed to encourage your customers to purchase parts of the finishing kit along the way. This helps you in two ways: 1) customers have an early financial investment in the project so they’re less likely to drop out (a major challenge with the current Sampler format); 2) by spreading the cost of the finishing kit over several months, customers are more likely to fully participate in your shop's program, rather than search for discount sources. THE PROGRAM - With increased fabric costs, the days of the "$5 block" promotion are history. So, use this opportunity to revamp your monthly event and charge a more appropriate price. Everything you need for the Saturday Soiree program is packaged on one CD, from the patterns to the marketing materials to suggested guidelines and more! You purchase one CD and then print the PDF documents you need, whether it’s for10 customers or 100. There are no monthly shipping costs, and no worrying about pattern deliveries. As a participating shop, you'll have everything at your fingertips on Day One: •
• • •
Marketing tips - we’ll include an idea for you to try each month, from tips for moving old inventory to encouraging add-on sales — a program where all of the work is done for you - just print out what you need & watch your revenues start to increase. Customizable invitation template which you can create to invite your customers to the Soiree. Suggested program guidelines - no one likes a lot of rules, but with a few simple guidelines you can ensure success and profitability! Sample ads and copy for all of your social media outlets to help generate interest in your Saturday Soiree.
The CD can only be purchased in conjunction with the purchase of the GALLERY IN RED AND BLUE collection We’ll also provide you with an eye-catching, full-color "Saturday Soiree" store poster, and a "Participating Shop" listing on the Marcus website. THE SHOP KIT - Includes fabrics to make your choice of the red blocks or the blue blocks, along with the CD. Sew the individual blocks in time to promote the program in December and early January, then finish your shop sample upon delivery of your bolt fabric order. This format allows us to keep the Shop Kit cost reasonable.
Selling Repros in Today's Market Learn how to re-merchandise classic reproduction prints to suit a variety of quilting customers and themes. Make the most of this broad category as you inspire existing quilters, welcome new enthusiasts, and move more merchandise! The thinking on modern quilting is coming around to the realization that it has its roots in traditional quilting, so the traditional fabrics placed in modern quilt blocks (large pieces of fabric, asymmetrical placement, etc.) gives the repros a home in this new category. Store displays should reflect this. For those who don't like the overwhelming use of solid, stark white in modern quilts shops can introduce 19th Century Backgrounds as an alternative. Quilts designed for men (darker colors, many geometric / foulard / non-floral prints, etc) Baby quilts - not only the 1930's but lighter color prints in the civil war lines, etc can work for the nursery. Transferred into fashion applications like the McCalls 6456 reversible jacket shown here, repros can appeal to a contemporary customer more readily than a traditional quilt application. Remember that you don't necessarily HAVE TO refer to them as "reproduction prints" when used in these ways. People get caught up in category names and would say "I don't like repro prints", but might respond with enthusiasm when used in interesting, non-traditional ways, from modern quilts to personal accessories and more. Repros can also be used in workshops to teach color coordination, like Paula's basics, or to promote a "color of the month" program, such as Party of Twelve. PARTY OF TWELVE is an innovative 12-month program offering designed to spur additional sales of reproduction fabrics and to cultivate new reproduction customers through a series of quilt projects. Combining gorgeous fabrics by Judie Rothermel with history references of twelve reproduction color themes and a series of small quilt projects that blend traditional and trendy, Party of Twelve will let you reach new customers, and help you move bolts already on your shelf. If you know you want to reach younger and non-traditional quilters but just haven’t had time to plan how to do it, then Party of Twelve is perfect for you! 5
Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
Designer News!
Paula Barnes' TAVERN COLLECTION Series Continues with Rich REDS
Molly B's Studio begins its new "Style Series" for 2013 with a cool medley of Greys, Blues and Greens, in two border print options (stripe and large Jacobean-style floral) plus varied coordinates. The Style Series offers classic elegance with a vintage vibe, fitting easily into today's home decor and heirloom quilts alike. Look for coordinating solids to expand the creative options of these smaller color-keyed collections. Perfect for your own BOM and serial quilt projects, kits and classes!
Greta Songe
Paula Barnes introduces the third in her Tavern series, pairing warm brick shades with beige, tan, and her signature brown. The paisley lead pattern, stylized stripe and coordinates are perfect for rich home dĂŠcor accents & fashion accessories -- and of course, quilts!
"My work ranges from traditional painting, to on-site installation, to illustration, to surface design. My intense passion for color and pattern weaves its way through all my work no matter what the media." www.gretasonge.com
Here to There
Leaf Petite VIEW THE COLLECTIONS and Greta's Creative Idea Sheets ONLINE NOW at www.MarcusFabrics.com
6 Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
Kitschy Kitchen
WOW! Your Quilt Shop Could
from Judie Rothermel!
Because you have helped to make her 25th Anniversary a reality, Marcus Fabrics and Judie Rothermel invite you to join in as we celebrate her first 25 years of achievement in the industry, with an exciting competition, running January through July 2013: Plus…while your customers compete for a Grand Prize of $2500 (or one of 24 other great prizes) your shop competes to win a visit from Judie Rothermel by sponsoring the most competition entries — imagine an unforgettable event for you and your customers! Quilters will be asked to start with prints from Judie's upcoming 25th Anniversary collection, then add other favorite Judie prints & solids to create their original designs – they can go with a traditional look, or create a new, modern tradition. We've designed Contest Packets to make contest promotion fun and easy! These convenient packets include (26) 8" x 8" squares of the prints in the collection, plus official rules and entry form. And we've priced them reasonably, allowing you to order the packets and promote them at cost, or even provide them free of charge to your best customers. Put-up: 10 packets per case, in 6" x 9" polybags.
IMPORTANT "Just Judie" Competition Dates: • • • • • •
November 1, 2012 -- Fabric shipments begin — 10-yard Case Packs (Fabrics available through December 2013) Contest runs January through July 2013 Deadline for entries — July 31, 2013 Final judging by September 30, 2013 Winners notified by October 12, 2013 Complete list of winners posted online — Fall 2013
We Appreciate the Support of Our "Just Judie" Quilt Competition Prize Sponsors:
7 Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
Amish Style Continues for 2013!
Marcus Introduces Amish with a Twist II: The by Nancy Rink of Nancy Rink Designs — featuring CENTENNIAL SOLIDS —
Marcus is pleased to present the eagerly-awaited follow-up to Nancy Rink's Amish with a Twist creative program! For Spring 2013, Amish With A Twist II: The Classics draws inspiration for both the block designs and color palette from quilts that are considered to be quintessentially Amish by quilt lovers and collectors. This time, Nancy's “twist” is the innovative Night and Day block, which she designed especially for this project to (1) reinforce basic strip-piecing skills and (2) to introduce the “Fast-Flying Geese” construction technique. The quilt's generous 105" square size gives quilters ample opportunity to show off their skills, while recreating eleven traditional quilt blocks, including the humble Shoo Fly to the classic Log Cabin block, all in a Barn Raising setting. Like the first Amish With A Twist program, Amish With A Twist II: The Classics takes a workshop approach, with lessons that focus on basic skills and techniques. The Classics also features 29 CENTENNIAL SOLIDS, including some new colors! The program's educational style and use of vivid solids are sure to attract modern quilters and those new to the craft, drawing new customers into quilt shops. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: • •
• • • • • •
Designed for the beginner and experienced quilter alike Designed as a “flex” program with recommendations as to how shops can regroup the Installments to fit their needs (6) installments with a total of (11) skill-building quilt blocks Installments grouped by related technique Installments progress in level of difficulty Detailed diagrams and visual guides Recommendations for notions are included (4) “Extending The Lesson” bonus projects are included
SHOP KIT Includes: Fabric for quilt top and binding One complete pattern pack to complete the quilt top • Vinyl zipper tote • Poster of the quilt • Shop Guide --Fabric Requirements and Kit Cutting Chart --Fabric Reference Chart --(4) BONUS projects --Flex program BOM recommendations for re-grouping the installments --List of recommended notions for add-on sales --Full color image of finished quilt • •
TO PARTICIPATE: Contact your Marcus representative or Customer Service at 800-548-8295 8
Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
NEW for Spring 2013! PROVENCE & BEYOND Strip-It BOM
BOOTH #924
6-Month Program Runs May through October 2013 Marcus is pleased to introduce its newest Strip-It BOM quilt program, PROVENCE & BEYOND. The fabric collection by Faye Burgos and quilt design by Vicki Bellino of Bloom Creek together represent a fine collaboration. “I’ve always been drawn to the Provencal color palette, but wanted to take it just a little beyond and include rich colors such as turquoise, gold and even a dark coral. Faye and I worked very closely on the color palette and overall concept for the prints, and she beautifully interpreted my vision into a gorgeous fabric collection!" Stitchers of all skill levels will love the floral appliqué treatment, with instructions for both fusible and hand appliqué methods. Overall, this BOM has a "fresh" feel and a brighter, updated look that will appeal to a wide variety of customers. The collection features Faye's popular Strip-It™ print, with rich tone-on-tones adding just the right amount of “pop” to enhance the beautiful prints. Vicki uses the Strip-It to make somewhat non-traditional blocks, and the quilt design is complete with a unique border treatment. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: • • • • • •
Program runs May through October 2013 Provencal color palette with a fresh, updated look to appeal to a variety of quilting customers Floral appliqué treatment with both fusible and hand appliqué instructions Patterns printed in full color with easy-to-follow instructions and full-sized appliqué templates Easy 6-month time frame encourages completion Two border treatments include pieced border blocks, (shown) or a wider floral border. Size: 76" x 96" or 80" x 100"
Fabric by Faye Burgos Quilt & Program by Vicki Bellino of Bloom Creek
Have you seen Vicki Bellino's new book? English Paper Piecing: Fresh New Quilts from Bloom Creek Following her popular Bloom Creek Quilts, presents a delightful selection of English paperpiecing quilt patterns. Using gorgeous pieced elements as appliqués, Vicki eliminates the tedium and opens up exciting new design options.
• • •
Twelve inspiring quilt patterns, from a small quilt suitable for framing to larger wall hangings and bed quilts Beautiful English paper-piecing designs categorized by shape: hexagons, diamonds, pentagons, and Dresden wedges Shapes to make whole quilts, block elements, or appliqués--great for scraps
Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
Marcus Fabrics offers FREE PROJECTS! For handouts, classes, demos and kits. Share with your customers, guilds, etc. Visit www.MarcusFabrics.com/makeit
Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
BOOTH #924
Current BOM Programs Stay tuned to www.MarcusFabrics.com/bom for the latest details and project updates on our exciting Block-of-the-Month programs
Solids continue to climb in popularity, as the interest in Modern quilting and Amish style remain strong. They've become more than basics, now taking center stage in quilt designs. Be sure to see the latest Marcus solid ranges, including:
Judie Rothermel Homestead Hearth
CENTENNIAL SOLIDS — the basis for our Amish with a Twist programs, and more SUPER SOFTLY FLANNEL— great for baby quilts & daytime outfits OASIS CANVAS— a perfect weight for casual totes, clothing and home décor
Judie Rothermel Vicki Bellino of Bloom Creek
...and "Almost Solids" AGED MUSLINS— an antiqued look for reproduction and contemporary projects alike AGED MUSLIN BACKINGS — beyond quilt backs, try these for window treatments & decorating with a casual feel. New OMBRE HAND DYES — Gorgeous mirrorimage gradations of color. Use as running yardage, or cut it creatively of special effects!
Judie Rothermel Nancy Rink of Nancy Rink Designs
Paula Barnes Paula Barnes & Mary Ellen Robison
11 Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012
Judie Rothermel All of us at Marcus Fabrics pay tribute to Judie Rothermel on her 25th Anniversary as an iconic quilt fabric designer! From her first Centennial fabric collection in 1987 until today, we've enjoyed a wonderful creative collaboration with Judie, the originator of 1930's and reproduction fabrics for quilters. An expert in 1930’s fabric reproductions and designs from the Civil War era and related periods, Judie Rothermel borrows from classic designs and colorations, while incorporating subtle variations to give them an updated look. Since her first collection for Marcus Fabrics in 1987, Judie has developed a strong following, primarily among quilters who look to her designs for their historical accuracy as well as their visual appeal. Even from these early days, Judie has been drawn to the soft, dusty colors of the antique quilts. In particular, she continues to favor the browns, pinks, grey blues and dirty purples found in quilts from about 1850 to 1865. Miniature quilts and appliquÊs' are her forte, as she enjoys hand piecing and hand quilting. She has also written several books, each featuring her fabric collections.
Marcus Magazine - Fall Quilt Market Issue 2012