Determined Nation

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*None of the following states have said such things, nor do they care one way or another










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community cover








STAFF Business Analyst and Event Planning: Perez Ansah-Mensah, Justin Fraizer, Niyankor Ajuaj


‘m not quite sure why I titled my Marketing and Advertising: letter “Nothing Rhymes With Keenan Bender, Sesugh TorOrange,” but being that this Agbidye issues theme is orange I think it fits. Besides, isn’t it kind of fun to Writers: Danielle McConnell, try and think of things that might Susanne “Zuzu” Wheeler, rhyme with orange like porange, or forlorange. Who would think of L.A. Harden, Moonier Said, a word like orange anyway? It’s Raquel Robertson, Valerie not exactly the sexiest word in Rammes the dictionary. I mean you’ll never go up to your love interest and Editing: Zuzu Wheeler say once you go orange you’ll never forlorange. I’m going to get off my rant now, even though I’m Photography: Perez AnsahMensah, Danielle McConnell, sure no one reads these letters so it doesn’t matter anyway. But Jasmine Whitaker, Garrett the reason this issue is themed Hayes orange is to give tribute to the season, the sites, sounds, smells, Video Production: Amana and taste of this time of year. So Ammishaddai in this issue you will find articles and stories that coincide with that idea. This issue is also celebrating Wanna help with writing, individuality,What color is more in- graphics, photos or events? dividualized than orange anyway. Have art, poetry, or music So as I close this letter, I want to you want featured? Feel free provide you with words that will hopefully give you enlightenment to e-mail us. and inspiration. Do you. Don’t Submissions/Contact Us: worry about what anyone else is saying about you. Be yourself, and don’t just be yourself, but be great ‘Like’ Us at it. It’s the individualized thinking that made this country great and determinednationmagazine it’s the same thing that will continue to make it great. We hope you Follow Us enjoy DN vol. 2 iss. 3. Make It Happen, More Info: Garrett Hayes Editor-In-Chief


What Your Favorite Ice cream Says About You

Vanilla: The Prude

These opinions do not reflect the ideals and beliefs of DN or its staff

Let’s be honest, you’ve probably tried only about two other ice cream flavors, and French vanilla doesn’t count. You like to play it cautious which can be a good thing when it comes to deciding whether or not to bungee jump or wrestle a bear, but it’s also a bad thing when it comes to taking some risk. People never call you to hang out because you’re so boring and you always stop them from having fun, even though you do keep them out of jail. However, you need to stop being so fearful and try something new for a change. Mixes well with: Cookie Dough Of the top three most eaten flavors (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry) you want to do things different then everyone else, so you chose a fruity flavor. You want to go against the grain, back talk authority and not follow the rules, why? Just because you can, you really have no other good reason to do so and the reasons you give don’t make sense because you feel like sense making breaks your rules of breaking rules and that would dispel the idea of you being a rebel. At least you have a mind of your own, kind of. Mixes well with: Neapolitan

Strawberry: The Rebel

Rocky Road: The Nut


Chances are, you’ve been called one or more of the following multiple times and probably on a daily basis: awkward, bipolar, crazy, a psycho #!%@*. You’re not quite sure if you want to be smooth, sweet, or nutty, but according to you, all three together is the perfect mixture, I assure you, while it may be good at times, it’s far from perfect. You’re probably the person that would punch someone in the gentiles as hard as you can and then apologize sincerely for doing it. Your favorite song is “Bust Your Windows” by Jazmine Sullivan It’s o.k. though, because you’re the person people want in their corner if a fight ever breaks out because you’ll help win the fight and then create peace between the two sides after. Mixes well with: French Vanilla

If you were any more of a butt kisser you’d have to tape toilet paper to your mouth. Get a mind of your own. You recognize that pleasing people leads to harmony among groups, which is good, but I’d hate to see the chaotic mess that is you mind as you try to please everyone. Take notes from Lebron and Dwight, you can’t please everyone. Mixes well with: Everyone

Coffee: The Attention Deficit Disorder

Neapolitan: The People Pleaser

You’re constantly on the go, constantly moving around, constantly talking, and constantly fidgeting. You have a real problem with paying attention because your mind is continuously moving. When you’re making love, close to the climactic moment, it hits you and you yell out “Beige! Let’s paint the room beige.” When you call someone you forget who you’re calling and when you go to the store for bread you spend $200 and forget the bread. Your high energy and enthusiasm makes people love to be around you and be satisfied with just being with you. Mixes well with: Chocolate

Chocolate: The Insatiable

Your philosophy is that you can never have too much, which isn’t necessarily a good philosophy when it comes to different things. For instance, you’re probably the person everyone draws on at parties because you were the first to pass out from too much alcohol. You piss people off because not only are you first in line whenever there’s a meal for a group of people, but you also take most of the food, and want to take a to go. Your traits are not always a bad thing though because you’re not content with success, you want to keep getting better every day. Pat yourself on the back, but not too much. Mixes well with: Coffee

French Vanilla: The Egotistic Bastard

You’re the person that subconsciously gets on everyone’s nerves. When people tell stories you constantly try to one up it. For instance, if your friend tells you they’ve been awake since six, you say you’ve been awake since five, if they say they’re taking 16 credits you say you’re taking 21, if they say they’re buying a house, you say you own a beach front property with a llama and Peruvian butler. You put people down and don’t even know it, for instance, when you say something like “Who cut your hair? I can fix that for you.” On the bright side, you have a high self-confidence, but there is a thin line between confidence and cockiness you conceded bastard. Mixes well with: Rocky Road


advice determined nation magazine vol 2. iss. 3

single with a catch:

facebook furies By Valerie Rammes


adies, have you ever been scanning through your home page or doing your ”cautious research” on that significant other and came across something that you disapprove of or are disappointed in; maybe flat out found out something that you should have never seen and regret even finding out? Well I want you to take all your crazy beautiful strength not to use that little bit of information


against him…and think about using it to your advantage. Whether it was a new half naked sexy friend he added, a picture he liked, a comment he made on a picture, or even pictures of the past that you would think he would delete by now… whether or not you’re in that single status or in a relationship, I advise to hold off on your questioning confrontation. Why? First, you may approach him in a way that may offend him or simply turn him off from you. This may turn into a trust factor thing. You may cause him to be more careful and secretive and if he really is up to no good then you lost any further evidence and lost the whole satis-

faction of him getting caught up. Third, you may be going through that time in your month where your inevitable subconscious psycho bitch is released, and this is never a reasonable time to express yourself. And fourthly, sometimes keeping that naughty bit of info to yourself has its perks. You learn, and you now have a bit more info about him that he doesn’t know you know. Secrets can be powerful and useful tools at the appropriate time.

T h ere’s no need to facebook stalk and get upset when you find unsettling things, just don’t stalk

Solution to this frustrating moment in time? My number one solution is to stop checking his Facebook, avoid (which I mean literally scroll by or look away damn it!) any random little things he post (unless they are lovely things about you). There is no loss in this because since we existed, we women have an instinct, Facebook or not, if there is something going on with your man, you will find out. No need to go digging, right ladies? If it’s too late – I suggest talking about whatever you saw with several of your girlfriends. Most of us have simi-

lar stories to share with each other and maybe letting your concerns out will help you handle the problem in a sensible way opposed to your immediate reaction. All in all, men are men, and sometimes we’re crazy (but not stupid). Make sure to put yourself in his shoes, and think if you would do what he did.


determined nation magazine vol 2. iss. 3






By L.A. Harden

hat’s up everybody, I’m back again to do my best to put these whack *expletive* fads to rest. My primary objective for this particular article is to do away with that slap and pound handshake. I don’t even really know what it is called, but I know y’all know what I’m talking about. I hate the fact that most of the time I’m not expecting it, so I go in expecting the handshake that I always do (the one with the slap lock and snap) and then I end up getting caught off guard with the slap and pound. I always end up feeling so violated because I feel like the other person just caressed my hand on the low and against my wishes. And the worst thing is, it’s always some guy with unusually soft hands doing the “caressing”, almost like they used too much lotion (and you know what that usually means). Now, I’m pretty sure you all can


sense my disdain for the situation, so I end up leaving not with a smiley face like I should have had from a finely executed slap, lock, snap handshake, but with the thizz face instead. For those of you that don’t know what the thizz face is, it is the face you make when you smell something really gross, like urine or old corn chips. Another thing that sorely needs to be discussed is all of these women with bad weaves. I’m really not too partial to women that have any kind of weave to begin with, but if you have one and it looks good then go ahead and do the damn “thang” then. However, there are two things that I must ask of those women who choose to wear a weave. The first thing is please do not get out of hand with the colors. I mean, a little color is perfectly fine and never really hurt anybody, but with that being said, please

remember that you are a female human being and not a peacock. The second thing that I would like women who wear weaves to keep in check, is if you are going to wear the weave, then please wear it right. Now, mind you, I am a man, so technically I do not know the “right” way to wear weave, but I think I do know how it is supposed to look when it is being worn. I mean a couple of things by this: first of all, make the weave look like it is your own hair please. There are waaaay too many women out there with coarse brown hair that just so happens to have a jet-black, silky smooth, straight ponytail.

After seeing something like this, my bullsh*t meter immediately goes off the charts. This same feeling arises when I see tracks slipping; these tracks wind up staring me in the face because they are sitting on top of someone’s head. I especially hate it when I see women with old-ass weave braids that are literally falling out of their heads because they have been in for damn near two years.” All of this just makes me want to yell as loud as I can at one of these poor souls, “WTF ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! TAKE THAT BULLSH*T OUT OF YOUR HEAD,” while still speaking as slowly as possible so I can make sure they can understand me.


inspire determined nation magazine vol 2. iss. 3



elor’s in psychology in 2006, from the University of Northern Colorado, she earned her master’s in educational psychology in 2008 from Colorado State University. Furthering with her research and credits from both CSU and UNC she will be receiving her PhD in educational psychology this December from UNC.


ve r yone gets to that breaking point in his or her college career where you wonder if all your hard work is going to pay off.

Laura currently works as a director of a childcare center in Greeley. Her job description includes everything from staffing, accounting, to grant writing for various types of funding. She also does work with CCAP (Child Care Assistance Program), which is the assistance program for families unable to afford full price childcare. She is CPP (Colorado Preschool Program) program coordinator, which is the state funded preschool program. On top of all this, Laura teaches a few courses at the university level. Her workload forces her to be a leader, stay organized, and be on top of her game.

Laura Martinez is a perfect example of where hard work, resilience, and always Different experiences from high school through college, working with children, yearning for more did pay off. have helped lead her this direction. She “I’m busy, but I find that keeping myself fell in love with being around kids all day. busy helps me to make the most positive “They keep your heart happy.” Her many experiences with children and observing choices for myself,” Laura says. the diverse ways that those children grow Laura has gone through tough times to re- up made her appreciate the way she was ceive her degree in college, and at only 28 raised. years old, she will be receiving her PhD. She shows how striving for success and “I see obstacles that these children face never settling for less, presents more re- daily, and I am infinitely blessed that they warding feelings of accomplishment. Her are issues I never faced in my own childwork seems to satisfy her “keeping busy” hood,” Laura says. These experiences, mind-set and also has a permanent place along with motives to make a difference in children’s lives, led her to pursue Eduin her heart. cational Psychology after receiving her Not only did she graduate with her bach- bachelor’s in psychology.


One ing th porti socio child value their “I am child they that divid she c

Laura pleas morn child heali kids chan She m being laugh to re and ti pen.”

R N?



One of her future goals is to continue helping the communities where there are high portions of individuals representing lower socioeconomic statuses. She wants these children to grow into proud people who value education and thrive on bettering their own families and their communities. “I am a firm believer that by teaching a child to excel, but also to remember where they came from and always give back to that place, we can better not only the individual, but also the area from which he/ she comes. Laura mentions how she loves the simple pleasures of her job. Through any rough morning or stress she’s going through, the children seem to have their own powers of healing. She states, “…then I hear these kids laughing or receive their hugs and it changes my entire attitude for the day.” She mentions that it’s almost like therapy being around kids who smile and whose laughs are contagious. “My job allows me to remember when choices were simple and time out was the worst that could happen.”

Beautiful, independent, and motivated, it’s inevitable that this kind of self-motivation is great encouragement to those of us who strive to do more, or are working hard toward a goal. Laura lends a great piece of advice: “Stay motivated. In my experience, I make choices which are selfish or of lesser value when I am bored. If you stay motivated, it’s hard to wander off track and opportunities pop up all along the way to keep you moving and pushing toward ultimately becoming the best version of you.”



FUND-RAISER FOR THE LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY’S TEAM IN TRAINING: What Your Donations From the ‘Back to Skoo Groove’ Did By Valerie Rammes


ufusion Productions and Determined Nation came together with Back to Skool Groove as a back to school party night and fund-raiser for a couple events. They raised money to support Sharon Skelton and Jodie De Vault with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in

Training for Denver’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Marathon Series that took place on September 22, 2012. Not only do the runners have to mentally prepare for the run but also they have to physically prepare! Sharon and Jodie were getting fit and ready for 4 months prior to the event. This ½ marathon consisted of 13.1 miles in which the two lovely ladies successfully completed, along with 17,000 other people in the Denver Metro area. At the finish line, runners reunited with family and friends and celebrated their accomplishment with refreshments and live music! Congratulations to the runners and volunteers who participated in the race!


culture determined nation magazine vol 2. iss. 3


STYLE By: Zuzu Wheeler

ain, clouds, leaves falling, and the first hint of snow lingers around the corner. Yes, autumn is here, and with it comes, non-arguably, the best season for fashion. Jackets, boots, and sweaters come with a more attentive eye for what to wear for the colder weather. The runway and its trends definitely didn’t disappoint, and if you follow them, you’re sure to be looking your best this season.




Color gets a more architectural look this season. Blocking color on tops or jewelry will give your wardrobe the update it needs.

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leather, leather, and more leather

Continuing with the severe trends, leather was huge on the runways for fall. Not only were leather jackets given new shapes and embellishments, but the smooth textile could be seen on everything from skirts to skinny pants. Haider Ackermann FW2012 Photo:


The feminine fabric becomes not just youthful, but also playful, on modern silhouettes in different colors. Pair with leather or suiting for something unexpected.

omen Photo:


Traditionally hardcore elements, like studs, are becoming more mainstream and look sleek on everything from sweaters to loafers.

Erin Fetherston FW 2012 Photo:

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cable knit sweaters


Cozy up for fall in the intricate cable knit. The classic look gets an update in new colors and fabrics, like cashmere. Pair with slim fit jeans and a sleek button-down. Photo: Burberry Prorsum Men’s FW 2012 Photo:

updated peacoat The Gray Suit

Black and navy are totally old school when it comes to suits. Gray is the new sleek, and in a slim fit, it looks extra dashing. Add on a patterned tie and fitted vest for a look that will impress everyone.

The classic cold weather staple gets an update, with military and structured aesthetics being incorporated. It becomes even more modern with an oversized hood or toggle details.


Velvet pants at Emporio Armani Photo:

Velvet Balenciaga Men FW 2012 Photo:

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Not just for women or royalty, anymore. The luxurious fabric, in rich colors, was seen on blazers and pants all over the men’s runway.




1/2 pound (2 sticks) unsalted butter, plus extra for buttering the dish 4 extra-large eggs, at room temperature 2 cups sugar 3/4 cup good cocoa powder 1/2 cup all-purpose flour Seeds scraped from 1 vanilla bean 1 tablespoon framboise liqueur, optional Vanilla ice cream, for serving

yellow. Meanwhile, sift the cocoa powder and flour together and set aside. When the egg and sugar mixture is ready, reduce the speed to low and add the vanilla seeds, framboise, if using, and the cocoa powder and flour mixture. Mix only until combined. With mixer still on low, slowly pour in the cooled butter and mix again just until combined.

Pour the brownie mixture into the prepared dish and place it in a larger baking pan. Add enough of the hottest tap water Directions Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Lightly to the pan to come halfway up the side butter a 2-quart (9 by 12 by 2-inch) oval of the dish and bake for exactly 1 hour. baking dish. Melt the 1/2 pound of butter A cake tester inserted 2 inches from the side will come out 3/4 clean. The center and set aside to cool. will appear very under-baked; this dessert is between a brownie and a pudding. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the eggs Allow to cool and serve with vanilla ice and sugar on medium-high speed for 5 cream. to 10 minutes, until very thick and light


health determined nation magazine vol 2. iss. 3

Because Your Sexual Health Matters

The Alpha Center answers your questions.


Alpha Center is often out in the community and on campus with our “Wheel of Misfortune”. The Wheel makes a point of demonstrating the risks inherent in sexual relationships outside of marriage. I am always surprised when the wheel stops on Chlamydia and the spinner looks relieved and says “Oh good- I’ll just need an antibiotic”. Well, yes, Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) is treated with antibiotics- the problem is, without a regular exam, you may not know you have it. Chlamydia is referred to as the “Silent Disease” as it is common for women not to have any symptoms. Chlamydia is the most frequently reported bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United States. In 2010, 1,307,893 chlamydial infections were reported to CDC from 50 states and the District of Columbia. An estimated 2.8 million infections occur annually in the U.S. Women are frequently re-infected if their sex partners are not treated.


hlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Any sexually active person can be infected with chlamydia. The greater the number of sex partners, the greater the risk of infection. Because the cervix (opening to the uterus) of teenage girls and young women is not fully matured and is probably more susceptible to infection, they are at particularly high risk for infection if sexually active. Since chlamydia can be transmitted by oral or anal sex, men who have sex with men are also at risk for chlamydial infection.

tive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences. In women, untreated infection can spread into the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This happens in about 10 to 15 percent of women with untreated chlamydia. Chlamydia can also cause fallopian tube infection without any symptoms. PID and “silent” infection in the upper genital tract can cause permanent damage to the fallopian tubes, uterus, and surrounding tissues. The damage can lead to chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the If untreated, chlamydial infections uterus). Chlamydia may also increase can progress to serious reproduc- the chances of becoming infected


with HIV, if exposed. Complications among men are rare. Infection sometimes spreads to the epididymis (the tube that carries sperm from the testis), causing pain, fever, and, rarely, sterility. To help prevent the serious consequences of chlamydia, screening at least annually for chlamydia is recommended for all sexually active women age 25 years and younger. An annual screening test also is recommended for older women with risk factors for chlamydia (a new sex partner or multiple sex partners). All pregnant women should have a screening test for chlamydia. Screening involves laboratory tests to diagnose the infection. Some can be performed on urine; other tests require that a specimen be collected from a site such as the penis or cer-

vix. If detected, Chlamydia can be easily treated and cured with antibiotics. A single dose of azithromycin or a week of doxycycline (twice daily) are the most commonly used treatments. 1 Centers for Disease Control: Chlamydia Fact Sheet, stdfact-chlamydia.htm 1

Alpha Center offers FREE STD screening for Chlamydia and all other commons STD/STIs. Screenings are by appointment, please call 970-221-5121 to schedule your testing. E-mail your questions to



determined nation magazine vol 2. iss. 3



he season is officially autumn, and on some days winter here in Colorado. It is the time of year where we begin to stay in and stay warm, and we are almost forced to look for some new favorite foods. Suddenly some of the delicious summer foods have disappeared and been replaced with fruits and vegetables we are either unfamiliar with, or not to fond of. This is the season for turkey, pumpkin pie, stuffing, and cranberry sauce…sorry I think I lost myself for a minute in the Thanksgiving department. But along with that delicious day of food, there are some other great fruits and vegetables to look for at the local farmer’s market. All hope is not lost and this could be a really great time to hop on the healthy boat and look for some foods that are going to enhance your well-being along with taste good if you treat them appropriately.


One fruit that is delicious during the fall season is pomegranate. Not only does it taste good, but it also is good for you. Considered a super food, this is one of the best fruits to reach for, being high in antioxidants and fiber. Some research has hinted at the possibility of this fruit’s juice lowering the risk of both cancer and heart disease. What’s the best way to pick out the best tasting pomegranate? You want the ones that are heavy and may have a few cracks in their skin. This evidence alludes to the fact that they are both ripe and full of those delicious seeds. In case you have never had a pomegranate before the seeds inside them are what you eat. Special warning, the juice from these pomegranates will stain your clothes; eat them either very carefully or in your clothes that you don’t leave the house in.

Butternut Squash also serves

ventilated area of your kitchen. Pears stand another delicious fruit to look into. This sweet fruit is one of my favorites and holds a strong amount of fiber. It is also known to keep your body distanced from cardiovascular disease as a great choice during the fall season. Known for its Vitamin A and with it’s amount of potassium and vitamin C, this is a great food to keep lack of fat and sodium. When pickyour immune system it’s strongest to ing a pear from the market you want to look for the ones that a firm and fight against the all too well known season of the cold. You want to look have a nice smooth skin with no bruising. The objective would then for squash that doesn’t have soft be to allow them to ripe at home. spots or greenish streaks on it, any sign of this means you should move Do not let the fruit get too soft, you will not like how it tastes. on to another one. A vegetable that instantly leads me back to the world of Thanksgiving is the sweet potato. Known for the amazing sweet potato pie many of us love, this vegetable has its health benefits as well. Hosting vitamins A, B-6, and C within it, this potato is going to assist in making sure your skin eyes, heart, immune system, and mind stay at their best. Your best sweet potato is going to have a smooth skin and be free of a lot of black patches. Much like the squash you want to avoid sweet potatoes that have soft spots. Side note, sweet potatoes do not belong in the refrigerator, keep them in a dark

There are several other choices to pick from as we get comfortable in the autumn season, so be on the lookout, and don’t be scared. As I said earlier, take a trip to the farmer’s market, they often will have much better options, and tend to stay in season. Until next time, stay healthy.


cover determined nation magazine vol 2. iss. 3


he city of Fort Collins is full of unique people and unique places. We have the most businesses per capita in the U.S., and things don’t look to be slowing down. This provides the lucky people of Fort Collins with some of the best food around, and Determined Nation Magazine made sure to pick the best for this review. Now, our motto is “aspire to inspire,” and with that, we sought the restaurants that came from everyday people who have a passion for what they do and who put everything on the line to make their dreams come true. Following their instincts, these small business owners have created some of the most successful restaurants in Fort Collins. While judging each restaurant, we considered the food quality, the atmosphere and, most importantly, inspirational value or the story behind its foundation. Our ratings use I’s, which stand for Inspiration, the qualities these restaurants have gained from humble beginnings to their overall contribution and popularity in Fort Collins. Now, let us begin our journey from breakfast all the way to late night and see what Fort Collins has to offer.


Name: Café Blue Bird Location: 524 West Laurel Street Best Time to Eat: Breakfast, Brunch Signature Meal: Blue Bird Omelet, Huevos Grande, Biscuits and Gravy

Blue birds are associated with mornings and happiness, and I could really feel a comforting and happy atmosphere as soon as I walked into the café. Co-owner DiDi Dahlgren, along with her husband Laury, had bought the café from previous owners and ever since have been on the fast track to success. They pride themselves on using locally grown fresh organic ingredients. Café Blue Bird boasts a cozy atmosphere fit for any age group looking for a hearty breakfast with friends and family.

cheddar cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and chicken on my omelet, which looked like it was about to burst when it came out in a record 7 minutes. Each dish also comes with wheat bread made from scratch each morning that literally melts in your mouth, and potatoes that were incredibly fresh and crispy. The omelet spilled out veggies and chicken as soon as I cut it and I couldn’t stop after that first bite. I loved how they didn’t hold back on the ingredients and I was very full by the time I finished everything making it a good meal for the price of a little over 10.00 after tax.

As I walked in rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I could hear the chirping of all the customers ready to dig into a unique dish, ranging from crepes to salmon dishes. The original breakfast dishes seemed to go on forever but in the end, I chose the signature Blue Bird Omelet, which the customer Inspirations: A great creates from four d i f - place to have a filling breakfast but not the best place after your Sunday ferent topmorning hangover with the family pings. I oriented atmosphere. You will put have to wake up early to get in quickly as a line builds after 10:15. Supporting locally grown ingredients is a big plus and their home made wheat bread is to die for.

Final Verdict:


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Name: Café MexiCali Location: 2925 South College Ave Best Time to Eat: Lunch Signature Meal: Smothered Burrito A unique restaurant that blends its flavors from California and New Mexico, I like to think of Café MexiCali as Chipotle or Qdoba on steroids. It is so delicious that the 30 minutes it takes to get into the restaurant is more than worth it (yes it’s an average of 30 minutes of a wait on a good day, which is literally every day). While waiting in line, I noticed the vibrant colors used as decorations that really set the atmosphere. There were all kinds of food lovers at the restaurant, especially those who wouldn’t eat Chipotle or Qdoba but who obsessed over MexiCali. The fresh, made-from-scratch tortillas are a big reason so many people eat here; you can watch the cooks make them in the background while hungrily standing in line. The smothered burrito is a very unique burrito, not only because of the tortilla, but also because of how stuffed with meats and veggies it is and, of course, the smothered sauce and melted cheese on top. The melted cheese also adds a great flavor to the overall taste and completes this signature dish,


getting Café MexiCali the CSU student vote for Best Restaurant three years in a row. I was so stuffed half way through that I almost had half the burrito left for dinner. For a little over 8 dollars after tax, any student can be assured to get the bang for their buck.


Freshly made tortillas are a big selling point for Café MexiCali, and the insane amount of ingredients used for a burrito really makes the dish worth every penny. CSU students, including myself, can’t get enough of this place, but waiting for 30 minutes or more is a little eccentric; it’s almost like waiting for days for an Iphone.

Final Verdict: III

NAME: Avogadro’s Number LOCATION: 605 South Mason Street BEST TIME TO EAT: Dinner SIGNATURE MEALS: Mogul, Turkey Club, Steak Sub With a unique n a m e like Avog a d r o ’s Number you will expect a diverse environm e n t and experience w h e n you eat here. Avogadro’s Number, sometimes called Avo’s for short, was started up by three CSU grads who wanted to create a place for students who want good food and good entertainment. Current owner Rob Osbourne has continued this tradition with a great venue spot for all kinds of musical artists, from open mic’s to late night poetry readings. With colorful paintings all over the restaurant, and a name that was thought up during a foggy drive after hearing a thunderclap, Avogadro’s Number is a truly mystical getaway for every lover of food and art. When I first walked in I felt like I was transported to one of the books from my childhood. The walls of the outer building are full of mystical creatures. Every corneris full of interesting and

colorful creatures, which really gives the atmosphere an adventurous air, or anything could happen at any moment. The artistic hemp curtains really pull the room together and only add to the overall sense of wonderment. The restaurant is huge, with a bar sub section, a venue in the middle for bands to play, and a whole patio area in the back with a second stage and magical-looking tree house that seemed Harry Potter-esque. Dinner is really the deal maker because not only can you enjoy a Mogul sandwich, which I did, but you can listen to some live music and have a pint, too. The Mogul sandwich, which had grilled turkey, mushrooms, banana peppers and tomatoes, was delicious. The hoagie was crispy and the veggies and turkey were mixed to perfection. This place really came alive Saturday night and made my meal that much tastier. They say the more the merrier and that’s what you will get at Avo’s: great people, great food and great music.

INSPIRATIONS: The live music and bands really lights up Avo’s. They have really made a name for themselves with their venue. You can stare at the paintings all day and still discover something new. The food is great, too, but that’s only going to be half your journey. FINAL VERDICT: IIII

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Sammy Q’s Gelatoland


Corner of College and La Porte

Best Time to Eat: Dessert

Signature Meal:

Every flavor of gelato “Who is Sammy Q?” You may be asking yourself. Answer: the “owner” of Sammy Q’s Gelatoland, who also happens to be a stuffed raccoon. Real owners Kim Stiner and her husband decided one day, after visiting an inspiring gelato place in New York City, that they would open up their own in Fort Collins. Already retired and with only their life savings at hand, they decided to put it all on the line for the sake of their dreams and opened up Sammy Q’s Gelatoland. So how did the raccoon come into play? It all started when Mr. Stiner was diagnosed with colon cancer and had to go into surgery. The morning after his successful surgery, there sat Sammy Q the raccoon at his bedside table. Since that day, Sammy Q has been a good luck charm for the Stiners, and the symbol of hope and a reminder of the joys of life. “We often lose sight of what is important,” Mrs. Stiner said. The playful coloring of not only the gelato, but also the décor, made me feel like a kid again. I soon learned that I could try


anything I wanted, and what did I do? I tried EVERY SINGLE FLAVOR, of course! The wide array of flavors had the most unique tastes I have ever experiences. Gelato is ice cream, but it has been slowly churned for long periods of time, so the consistency is quite different. Once the ingredients have been added, there results in a much denser ice cream that is rich in flavor and taste. The Stiners’ gelato also has no artificial flavoring or preservatives, using only fresh fruits, all natural milk, and chocolate that comes from countries around the world. What does all this do? It makes every flavor of gelato taste exactly as the name says. You want mango sorbet? You will taste the cuts of mango in the Gelato. With 48 flavors in all, I was literally bouncing off the floor by the time I got to the last flavor and with such exotic tastes as Turkish roast, Butter Rum and White Rum with raisins like I got, you are bound to find something you love.

Inspirations: Very impressive assortment you won’t find anywhere else. Being able to taste test everything is always a plus, too. The way the Stiners used every penny they had to go for their dreams is a true leap of faith and the significance of Sammy Q is something everyone can relate to. Final Verdict:



The Fat Shack


706 South College Avenue

BEST TIME TO EAT: Late Night, Munchies


The Fat Shack, Fat Ram

When you get those late night munchies after a night of partying, designate your driver to Fat Shack. Owner Tom Armenti came all the way from New Jersey to share some of that Jersey taste and he really captured it with his signature style. He opened up his first spot in Jersey in 2010 after getting sick of driving an hour just to get a Jersey famous fat sandwich. Once he had established himself at his university, he saw the opportunity to expand, and came to Fort Collins with that business intuitiveness to open up shop. While they may have a reputation of being a late-night munchies spot for all those party-goers, Armenti made it a point to keep customers satisfied and taken care of, no matter what their state of mind might be. “ We take customer service seriously even if they are just coming back from a party and we will run out to you if we forget something,” Armenti said. I laughed out loud when I read the names of the sandwiches at the Fat Shack. With names such as “Fat Donkey Lips,” “Fat Lipschitz,” and “Fat Stimpy,” a sense of nostalgia comes over you as you remember the names from old television shows like the “Rugrats” and “Ren and Stimpy.” With such unique names and unique ingredients, including cheesesteak, French fries, mozzarella sticks and onion rings all in one sandwich, it’s no surprise these unique sandwiches are in the process of being trademarked. There’s a cozy hang out spot in the corner of the store with a couch and tables scattered about. You feel like you’re among your peers inside, all hungry students looking for some good food in a chill spot. When I sunk my teeth into The Fat Shack I was amazed at how well the flavors came together, the ingredients fused

together into one amazing taste that was extremely filling. I tried it out late at night and it really is that go-to place for late night munchies, but would be just as good for lunch.


To open up a shop that can compete with some of the best sandwiches in New Jersey while in school is impressive enough, but coming to a whole new city and becoming popular is a league of its own. Fat Shack brings a new way to eat a sandwich at a very reasonable price, especially for how filling it can be. Customer service is something Amenti has been perfecting and staying open for nocturnal people is praiseworthy.




determined nation magazine vol 2. iss. 3

last laugh Home For The Holidays:

Top 8 Things to NOT Say During Thanksgiving Dinner

8. "And to think I was

gonna throw all this stuff away last Thanksgiving."

7. "...And lastly, I'm

thankful that I didn't get caught. Amen."

6. "I call the head." 5. "And

please help Jimmy not be such a little shit. Amen."

4. "Hey, if I wanted stuffing, I'd take it out of your bra."

3. "Is this ham a subtle

reminder of my upcoming bestiality trial?"

2. "Did y'all know that a turkey will eat his own excrement?"

1. "NO!

NO! NO! I told you to PLUCK the bird!"




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