EXPERIENCE 2O12 ON TAP Monday October 1, 2012 7–7:30 a.m. Morning eye opener 7:30–8:30 a.m. 60-minute education sessions 8:30–9:45 a.m. Breakfast in the exhibit hall 8:30 a.m.–3:15 p.m. Exhibit hall open 10–11 a.m. 60-minute education sessions 10 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Ethics in Action 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. 60-minute education sessions 12:15–1:45 p.m. Lunch in the exhibit hall 1:45–2:45 p.m. 60-minute super sessions 3:15–4:30 p.m. General session: Neel Kashkari 4:45–5:45 p.m. 60-minute education sessions 4:45–6 p.m. 75-minute education sessions 6:30–11 p.m. Closing night party Coming Up Tomorrow
7:30–9 a.m. Sponsored breakfast session 9:15–10:30 a.m. 75-minute education sessions 10:30 a.m. Conference adjourns. See you next year in Orlando! See the schedule near the book store for author signing updates.
New CEO Emphasizes Value and a Unified Profession
auren M. Schadle, CAE, begins her tenure as executive director/CEO of the Financial Planning Association with the No. 1 priority of delivering superior member value. Sounds simple, but she understands that the challenges and issues are complex as FPA embarks on its next phase of development. “My focus will be on finetuning our business activities,” she says. “We want to focus on the fundamentals—the things FPA does best.” She believes today’s financial and economic landscape will require a disciplined approach. To Schadle, creating unparalleled value includes providing the practice management resources to help members grow and enhance their businesses. She feels FPA’s chapters give it unique advantages within the financial planning community— a network FPA can strengthen through greater communication and collaboration. The 12-year-old association faces important challenges, Schadle says. FPA must stand out and adapt at
a time when professional associations face greater competition and rapidly changing member needs. Schadle says she will draw on her operations background to find new ways to accomplish business objectives and ensure that FPA’s efforts provide member value at every step. A second challenge will be shoring up FPA’s financial strength. Although membership is stabilized for now, she believes increasing member value and ensuring relevant, consistent messages will improve retention and help FPA realize its growth potential. A third challenge is staying true to FPA’s principles including what Schadle calls a “laser-like focus on strengthening FPA’s role as the unquestioned professional resource and advocate for CFP professionals.” “The FPA Board and I believe that one profession/one designation is the best way to build the financial planning profession because it provides consumers with a clear standard to identify competent and ethical financial planners,” she says.
Lauren M. Schadle, CAE, becomes executive director/CEO of FPA Oct. 3. Schadle says she’s grateful to Marvin W. Tuttle Jr., CAE, who has been a tremendous support to her since she joined the organization and during the recent transition; Tuttle recently
announced his retirement as CEO, effective Oct. 2. He was honored for his 29 years of service at Sunday’s general session. “Marv was a true visionary and a champion of collaboration,” she says.
Closing Night Party: Do Good, Have Fun
A joint fund-raising endeavor
oin friends and colleagues tonight for a special evening filled with casino fun, live music, food, drink and camaraderie at the FPA Experience 2012 closing night party. The event
is a benefit to support the Foundation for Financial Planning and FPA charitable initiatives. The party kicks off at 6:30 p.m. in the Lone Star Ballroom at the Grand Hyatt. Tickets are $50 at attendee registration ($60 at the door) and include all activities and buffet reception. All contributions to this event (including
the ticket price) will be split equally between FPA’s charitable initiatives and the Foundation for Financial Planning. Join us tonight to benefit your profession and those most in need.
Brought to you by
(855) TRUEVAS www.trueva.com
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
The Financial Planning Association would like to thank the sponsors of FPA Experience 2012 for their generous support of the financial planning profession and FPA.
FPA Experience 2012 Presenting Sponsors
Associate Premier Sponsor
Associate Sponsors
Supporting Sponsors
Major Firms Symposium
SAN ANTONIO: Did You Know … by Colin Erickson
an Antonio, with a population of more than 1.3 million, is the second most populous city in Texas and the seventh most populous city in the U.S. • As of June 2012, the median home price in San Antonio was $149,500 (Zillow.com), with a median household income of approximately $55,000. • In June of every year, an 11-day festival called Fiesta San Antonio takes over the city. Drawing more than 500,000 people, it is a festival with an attendance second only to Mardi Gras. • San Antonio is one of America West’s oldest cities, settled by 16 Spanish families from the Canary Islands in 1731. Many descendants of these first settlers still reside in San Antonio. • Chili was introduced in the 1880s in San Antonio by the “Chili Queens.” These Latino women would make their chili dishes from dried red peppers and beef, load them onto colorful wagons, and sell them to hungry customers in the Military Plaza Mercado.
Mission Concepción near San Antonio was established in 1716. • Located just outside of San Antonio is Bracken Bat Cave, the summer home of the world’s largest bat colony. Millions of Mexican freetailed bats take refuge in the cave from March through October each year, making it one of the largest concentrations of mammals on earth. • In 1932, C.E. Doolin bought a bag of corn chips from a small café in San Antonio and liked them so much, he bought the recipe. He began cooking them in his mother’s kitchen and selling them from the back of his Model T Ford. Thus came the birth of one of America’s
favorite snacks—Fritos® corn chips. • The Milan Building, built in downtown San Antonio in 1928, was the very first air conditioned high-rise in the U.S. The system would use pipes to carry chilled water past fans that would then circulate the water throughout the building. • Famed basketball star Shaquille O’Neal led his team at San Antonio’s Cole High School to a 68–1 record win during his two years in attendance, eventually leading them to win the state championship during his senior year.
FPA DAILY PULSE 2012 Editor Carly Schulaka
Publications and Circulation Associate Colin Erickson
Associate Editor Brenda Gillen
Art Direction and Design Albert B. Hanner
Publications Director Lance Ritchlin
Managing Director, Business Development and Strategic Alliances Jaleen W. Edwards
Business Development Manager, Western Region Christian Mills Business Development Manager, Eastern Region Michael Sanford
Manager of Strategic Alliances Cameron MacLeod Fulfillment Coordinator Lucy C. Solomon
FPA Experience 2012 Task Force Lee Baker, CFP® Task Force Chair Apex Financial Services Tucker, Ga.
International Sponsors
Monday October 1, 2012
Jack C. Harmon II, CFP®, CIMA Harmon Financial Advisors Inc. Atlanta
Sabrina Lowell, CFP® Mosaic Financial Partners Inc. San Francisco
Mary Bell, MS, CFP®, AFC Manhattan, Kan.
Shawn Jacobson, CFP®, ChFC Legacy Financial Advisors Bloomington, Minn.
Allan Riggs, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, CRP Summit Wealth Management Inc. San Antonio
Lazetta Rainey Braxton, CFP® Financial Fountains LLC Chicago
Samantha Kopek, CFP®, EA GTRUST Financial Partners Overland Park, Kan.
Jeff Tomaneng, CFP®, CLU, ChFC Lincoln Investment Planning Inc. Waltham, Mass.
Ed Gjertsen, CFP® FPA Board Liasion Mack Investment Securities Inc. Glenview, Ill. Kirk Francis, CFP®, AIF® FPA Chapter Liaison Cross Financial Services San Antonio Joette Cross FPA Staff Liaison & Director of Meetings
Thank you to FPA staff and member volunteers for their contributions to this issue of Daily Pulse. FPA DAILY PULSE © 2012 Financial Planning Association | 7535 E. Hampden Ave., Suite 600 | Denver, CO 80231 | 800.322.4237
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Axel Merk Talks Currencies driving global currencies and how the currency asset class may help provide diversification. This session as been accepted for 1.5 CFP Board CE credits.
Axel Merk
oin Axel Merk, president and chief investment officer of Merk Investments, today at 4:45 p.m. in room 214A–B for the education session “Currencies: Diversification and Downside Protection.” Merk, who is widely considered an authority on currencies, will discuss the current macroeconomic forces
About the speaker: Merk is an expert on macro trends, hard money, international investing and building sustainable wealth. He is a pioneer in the use of strategic currency investing to seek diversification. Leave this session with: • an understanding of how adding a managed currency component to an investment portfolio may generate positive excess returns, lower a portfolio’s standard deviation and thereby enhance riskadjusted returns
Also Happening Today …
Given the global turmoil,
contagion concerns and correlation of traditional asset classes, advisers are increasingly discovering currencies as they seek uncorrelated returns and downside protection.
—Axel Merk, president and chief investment officer of Merk Investments
Managed Futures: An Investment to Consider presented by Richard E. Bornhoft 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. in room 214C CFP Board CE credit: 1 About the speaker: Richard Bornhoft is chief investment officer and co-founder of Equinox Fund Management LLC. He specializes in the creation, evaluation and risk monitoring of managed futures investment portfolios for institutional and individual investors. Leave this session with: • knowledge of how managed futures correlate to other asset classes • knowledge of how managed futures have performed during times of stock market stress
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Understanding the Financial and Practical Issues of Aging Coming Up Tomorrow … Helping Clients Plan for Aging Successfully; What’s It All About? presented by Louise A. Schroeder, CFP® Tuesday, 9:15–10:30 a.m. in ballroom C–3 CFP Board CE credit: 1.5
Karen P. Schaeffer, CFP®
he Longevity and Retirement Planning education track continues today and tomorrow with more in-depth sessions, including:
Financial Issues of Aging: A Practical Guide to Advising Clients presented by Karen P. Schaeffer, CFP® 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. in ballroom C–1 CFP Board CE credit: 1
Louise A. Schroeder, CFP® About the speaker: Karen Schaeffer has been providing financial planning advice to individuals and families in suburban Washington, D.C., for more than 30 years. She often teaches courses for the federal government and the International Monetary Fund on the financial issues of aging. She also is the current chair of the Financial Planning Standards Board.
Leave this session with: • the skills needed to talk with clients about housing options as their need for care increases • guidelines for working with clients with mental and/or physical incapacities • clarity around what Medicare, Medigap and Medicaid will and won’t cover • tips for how to prepare clients for future health expenses
About the speaker: Louise Schroeder owns Personal Financial Solutions Inc., a financial planning firm and RIA located in Stillwater, Okla. She has been a member of the Garrett Planning Network since 2001. She served on the Oklahoma Long-Term Care Partnership committee, a joint effort of the Oklahoma Insurance Department and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. While on this committee she was a contributing writer for the Oklahoma Long-Term Care Planning Guide. She also serves on the Oklahoma Aging and Disability Resource Consortium Cabinet, which is charged with providing the public with information and options regarding long-term care support, planning and decision making. Leave this session with: • knowledge for how to include lifestyle behavior, housing options and assistive technology for the aging in your client interactions • knowledge of supporting resources and planning tools
Closing General Session Speaker Kashkari to Focus on Global Policy and Markets
Neel Kashkari
t today’s general session (3:15–4:30 p.m. in Hall D), the topic of keynote speaker Neel Kashkari’s presentation will be “Client Portfolio Implications from Global Policy
and Markets.” Kashkari is managing director and head of global equities at PIMCO, as well as a former assistant Treasury secretary for international economics and development. Kashkari gave a preview of his presentation in a recent interview with the Journal of Financial Planning, saying, “I’m going to talk about the intersection of the global economy, financial markets and government policy and how that intersection is evolving and changing.” He’ll offer attendees a framework that encourages investors to rethink long-standing notions about risks, returns and asset allocation.
The Journal asked Kashkari how planners can prepare for economic crises before they manifest. His answer: “The best advice that we have is, frankly, being globally diversified, being diversified across asset classes, but also, to be honest with you, working with a handful of firms that the financial planners have a lot of confidence in. “Really what this requires is discipline,” he added. “It requires financial planners to advise their clients and have a very honest dialogue so clients don’t get carried away when the next new thing comes along and they want to disproportionately plow their assets into the next new thing, which may
end up being very risky. “Unfortunately, we think we’re going to be in this type of lowgrowth environment — not really a recession but very low-growth environment—for quite a while longer,” Kashkari told the Journal. “Now we’re in a deleveraging cycle and over a multi-year period the economy, at least the private sector, is gradually deleveraging. But that means the economic growth is going to be much lower than we have been used to before, and the unemployment rate, unfortunately, is going to come down only slowly.” Kashkari began his career as an aerospace engineer before
joining Goldman Sachs. Later, at the Treasury, he led the Office of Financial Stability at the height of the financial crisis, overseeing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) that recapitalized the U.S. banking system. He said he hopes to make his presentation interactive, because the FPA audience follows markets very closely and will have a lot of ideas of their own. “It would be great to get into a discussion with them, not just offering my own perspectives,” he said. Check out the Journal’s podcast with Kashkari at FPAnet.org/Journal/ Home/PodcastPage.
FPA DAILY PULSEÂ The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Deliver Greater Value to Women Clients
oin Elizabeth Jetton, CFPŽ, today at 10 a.m. in ballroom C–3 for an education session on finding better ways to engage women. Although women control more wealth than ever and are the significant breadwinners in many homes, many are not satisfied with financial planning services. Learn how hosting circle gatherings and knowledge cafÊs can create new opportunities for women to become empowered, educated
and engaged about money. This session has been approved for 1 CFP Board CE credit.
Also Happening Today ‌ •
Building a Generation X and Generation Y Client Base
About the speaker: Elizabeth Jetton is a coach and consultant to financial planning firms and advisers. She is a co-founder of Directions for Women, which helps women become confident and empowered around money, connects them with CFP professionals and trains advisers for working more effectively with women. She also is a former president of FPA.
presented by Theodore M. Jenkin, CFPŽ, CRPCŽ, and Kile Lewis, CRPCŽ powered by FPA NexGen 4:45–5:45 p.m. in ballroom C–3 About the speakers: Ted Jenkin and Kile Lewis are co-CEOs and founders of oXYGen Financial Inc., a cost affordable family office for the X and Y generations.
Leave this session with: • new tools for leading circle gatherings for women • evidence-based ideas for delivering more value to your clients • a greater awareness of the unique issues facing different groups of women who need your services
Elizabeth Jetton, CFPÂŽ, speaks today at 10 a.m.
Mobile? Get the App!
Leave this session with: • the knowledge required to market to Generation X and Y clients • an understanding of what this segment of the market is looking for in an adviser
Best Happy Hour: Bombay Bicycle Club
Download the conference app today and customize your experience. The app is available for the iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows mobile devices. 1. Go to: guidebook.com/getit
2. Install Guidebook 3. Open the application and search for FPA Experience 2012 4. Click on FPA Experience 2012 to download the conference app
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Learn How to Create Compelling Content to Speak Volumes.” Sanduski serves as managing partner of Peak Advisor Alliance. He partnered with top producer Ron Carson in 2001 to turn Peak Advisor Alliance from a one-employee company into a national coaching and practice management company. Today, the company is the largest of its kind in the financial advisory space.
Steve Sanduski, CFP®
oday at 10 a.m. in room 214C, learn how to create timely, compel-
Jennifer Goldman, CFP® ling content designed to attract prospects and enhance your brand. Join New York Times best-
selling author Steve Sanduski, CFP®, for his education session “How to Use the Written Word
Leave this session with: • skills for promoting content so it is seen by your target audience • tips for where to find outside resources to help you write and publish your content
Later Today, Don’t Miss:
Building a Higher Growth Practice presented by Jennifer Goldman, CFP® 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. in ballroom C–3 In this session, hear real case studies of firms that accelerated growth through processes that saved time and money. Learn the types and costs of virtual staff, layers of technology to consider and ways technology can bridge the gap of communication.
Prize Drawings Today at 3 p.m.!
Planners Market Now Open
he Planners Market, located in the exhibit hall, next to The Twig onsite bookstore, has all your shopping needs covered. With a wide selection of FPA apparel, office supplies, caps, visors, gifts and more, there is something for everyone. Don’t forget to browse the selection of books published by FPA Press, information on practice resources, the 2012 Financial Planning Compensation Report and marketing tools. Buy $32 worth of products and get a free copy of The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall (while supplies last). The Ultimate Gift, a best-selling novel narrated by actor Tom Bosley, aids planners in their discussion with clients about ways to create holistic wealth and leave a meaningful legacy.
Be sure to stop by the FPA booth (#462) today at 3 p.m. to find out if you’re one of the lucky winners of the prize drawings. If you haven’t entered the drawings yet, drop off your business card at the FPA booth before 3 p.m. You could be the winner of a complimentary, one-year FPA membership or a new iPad.
Planners Market Hours: Today: 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Drawings will be held at 3 p.m. in the FPA booth during the afternoon refreshment break. You do not need to be present to win.
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Michael Kitces Explains the New Medicare Taxes
oin popular industry speaker Michael E. Kitces, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, RHU, REBC, today at 10 a.m. in ballroom C–1 for a discussion of the new Medicare taxes. The passage of new health care legislation in March 2010 created new Medicare taxes on earned and unearned income that begin in 2013. In this session, Kitces will explore technical rules, planning implications and potential techniques to mitigate the impact of these new taxes. This session is approved for 1 CFP Board CE credit.
Michael E. Kitces, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, RHU, REBC, speaks today at 10 a.m.
About the speaker: Michael Kitces is a partner at and the director of research for Pin-
nacle Advisory Group, a private wealth management firm that oversees about $1 billion of client assets. He is also the publisher of the e-newsletter, The Kitces Report, and the financial planning industry blog, Nerd’s Eye View, through his website Kitces.com, which is dedicated to advancing knowledge in financial planning. Kitces also serves as the Journal of Financial Planning’s practitioner editor. Leave this session with: • knowledge of how the new Medicare tax on earned and unearned income will work • planning strategies and opportunities to deal with the new taxes before and after they take effect
This Afternoon, Don’t Miss:
How Do You Think About Where to Put Capital at Risk Today? presented by Garnett L. Keith Jr., ChFC, CLU 4:45– 5:45 p.m. in room 217D CFP Board CE credit: 1 This presentation on economic and investment data will delve into specifics on world macro issues and offer insights into how to think about the risk of portfolio allocations.
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Welcome 2012 Heart of Financial Planning Award Winners R
ecipients of the sixth annual Heart of Financial Planning Distinguished Service Awards were honored at Saturday’s opening general session. The awards recognize individuals, financial planning firms, FPA chapters and organizations that contribute and give back to the financial planning community and public. Recipients embody the spirit of financial planning and FPA’s core values: competence, integrity, relationships and stewardship. This year’s recipients are:
Jon Beyrer, CFP®, EA, has been a key
Reed Fraasa, CFP®, AIF®, RLP®,
Omega Hartman, CFP®, has led school
Anja Luesink, CFP®, RLP®, has
person in the development of FPA San Diego’s pro bono programs for military service members and the homeless. In 2011 he helped found The Professional Alliance for Children, a charity that betters the lives of ill children by aligning professionals to provide their families with free legal and financial advice on matters related to their care. Beyrer is vice president for wealth management at Blankinship & Foster LLC.
president of Highland Financial Advisors LLC, helped establish financial literacy as an FPA of New Jersey goal and enlisted legislative and organizational support. He is a former leader of FPA national chapter leadership groups, and continues to volunteer by conducting seminars on management techniques that enhance FPA chapter operations.
projects, military programs and Newark/ Elizabeth Financial Planning Days to great success. She serves on FPA’s national Pro Bono Advisory Council and mentors future chapter leaders. Hartman is founder and principal of Omega Financial Management.
been instrumental in FPA of New York’s career development committee and currently chairs the chapter’s pro bono program. An educator, she also developed a mentor program. Luesink is president of Luesink Financial Planning LLC.
Kathy Muldoon, CFP®, mentors fellow
John R. (Dick) Power, CFP®, a
professionals and students and is senior vice president with Carter Financial Management. As an active member in the community, she serves in leadership positions on several not-for-profit boards of directors, and chairs two investment committees.
retired Army colonel, helped FPA of Massachusetts develop its pro bono FPAMA Military Initiative and was instrumental in organizing Homes for Our Troops, which builds homes for wounded veterans.
Neal J. Solomon, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, CASL, helped organize a 2008 FPA/People to People trip that brought FPA member financial planning professionals to Russia. He has served on FPA task forces on regulation and the fiduciary standard, is chief financial officer at Hearing Care Resources LLC and managing director and CCO at WealthPro® LLC.
Ruth Lytton, Ph.D., is the director for the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards registered program at Virginia Tech University. She is a recognized teacher, researcher and faculty adviser to the university’s student chapter. She has served several volunteer roles for FPA, including her current service on the Academic Advisory Council.
Richard E. Vodra, J.D., CFP®, is a
David Yeske, DBA, CFP®, is
founding member of the Nazrudin Project, a think tank of some of the top minds in financial planning. His work has led to key developments in behavioral finance. Vodra founded Worldview Two Planning to help clients and other professionals understand how global resource issues affect financial plans.
adjunct professor at Golden Gate University (GGU). He created GGU’s Practicum in Financial Planning and was instrumental in transforming GGU’s capstone case course to include plan development and presentation. Yeske, managing director at Yeske Buie, chairs FPA’s Academic Advisory Council and was FPA’s national president in 2003.
FPA DAILY PULSEÂ The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Exhibit Hall Offers Live Learning Options E
xhibitor Presentation Lounges are unique learning venues located in the exhibit hall. The following events will be held today in the Exhibitor Presentation Lounges, unless otherwise noted. 8:45–9:15 a.m.
Learning More About the New Redtail CRM presented by Brian T. McLaughlin of Redtail Technology Redtail is working hard to stay on the cutting edge of CRM systems in the financial industry. Learn about Redtails’ new features and integrations.
8:45–9:15 a.m.
Changing the Frame presented by Suzette Rothberg of American Funds (this event will be held in the learning center in the exhibit hall) CFP Board CE credit: 1 Gain an understanding of the forces at work behind investor decision making while presenting communication strategies and investing structures designed to improve investor outcomes. 9:25–9:55 a.m.
How Advisers Leverage Veo’s Open Access Capabilities to Improve Client Service presented by Andy Wang of TD
Ameritrade Institutional Experience how customized workflows can bring efficiency to your client service model. 12:25–12:55 p.m.
Driving Growth with the Latest in Premiere Financial Planning Tools presented by Linda N. Strachan, Ph.D., CFP®, of Zywave (formerly EISI) Find out how to use software to drive client engagement, strengthen relationships and position you for success in an evolving market. The newest developments offer ways to leverage cloud, mobile and social media.
Visit the exhibit hall for demos and presentations. 1:05–1:35 p.m.
Engaging Your Community with Financial Education presented by Brent A. Neiser, CFP®, of the National Endowment for Financial Education Ramp up your community
outreach and engagement and save time in the process using a new tool available to FPA members. Discover community resources and creative options to engage a variety of general or unique audiences in need of financial education.
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Taking the Pulse “If you couldn’t have your current job, what would you want to be?” “Interior design. It’s my hobby.” —Julie Rigoni Sydney, Australia
“Charlie Rose.” “Probably running an advisory business.”
—David Barry Centennial, Colo.
“I’d probably be the Man vs. Food guy.”
—Spenser Segal Plymouth, Minn.
—Sameer Somal, CFA, CFP® Berwyn, Pa.
Top 10 Tweets From FPA Experience @MichaelKitces (Michael Kitces) “Why shouldn’t there be high barrier for someone who is responsible for looking after people’s life savings?” – Auslander
@LKirchenbauer (Lisa Kirchenbauer) #FPAExperience You can get your Medical Information Bureau record for free. Go to www. mib.com and find out what’s on your record!
@EdGjertsenII (Ed Gjerstsen II) FPA President Auslander honors outgoing CEO Marv Tuttle’s 29 years of dedicated service and receives standing ovation.
@amymariekc (Amy Guerich) Littlechild: 80% of widows leave their adviser 18 months after the husband dies. #why #wow.
@bobrall (Bob Rall) Wendy Boglioli—Olympic gold medalist—“Impossible is just a word used by people who don’t want to try.” @emzohlen (Evelyn Zohlen) Guyton: doesn’t use any modeling software in his practice b/c it doesn’t reflect what they actually tell/ do for their clients. @JeffTomaneng (Jeffrey N. Tomaneng) Only 30% of advisers have a formal process for measuring client engagement. #JulieLittlechild @ AccretiveInvest.
@NexusStrategy (Tim Welsh) “1 in 10 clients use client vaults. Why low adoption? Password, cumbersome interface, tedious upload.” @BillWinterberg @curtisfinancial (Cathy Curtis) Tax planning in December is going to be a huge issue for planners & their clients. @CarolynMcC. @sabrinalowell (Sabrina Lowell) Through daily work with clients, FP practitioners come to know the critical questions that need to be answered @daveyeske.
How to Tweet 1. 2. 3.
6. 7.
Go to www.twitter.com (or m.twitter. com on your mobile device). Create an account—it’s free and takes about 1 minute. Log into your account and type in the box that says, “What’s happening?” Keep your tweet to 140 characters (don’t worry, Twitter counts the characters for you). Include the hashtag #FPAExperience in your Tweet so fellow conference attendees will be sure to see it. Click the Tweet button to post your Tweet to the world. Follow the conference action by typing #FPAExperience in the search box. Tell your kids and grandkids how cool you are.
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Images From San Antonio
Attendees take a break in the FPA booth after Saturday’s opening general session.
Attendees mingle at the TD Ameritrade Institutional booth.
Planners learn about Schwab Advisor Services in the exhibit hall.
FPA’s Marv Tuttle, CAE, and his wife, Lynn, visit with attendee Ross Richardson, CFP® (center).
The College for Financial Planning booth draws attendees Saturday.
FPA’s Patrick Boudreaux poses with twotime Olympic medalist David Boudia.
An attendee practices his golf swing at the activity booth in the exhibit hall.
Elizabeth Jetton, CFP®, catches up with FPA’s incoming CEO Lauren Schadle.
Attendees browse at the FPA Experience Shop in the exhibit hall Saturday afternoon.
Representatives from TIAA-CREF chat with a planner Saturday in the exhibit hall.
David Dick, Bill Moran, CFP®, and Mark Traut of Ameriprise Financial Services enjoy the exhibit hall.
Snoopy waves for the camera at the MetLife booth.
Nicholas Schorsch, chairman and CEO of American Realty Capital, talks to attendees about REITs.
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Attendees arrive early Sunday for a full day of learning and networking.
John Comer, CFP®, and Don Blandin get ready to attend Sunday’s education sessions.
Lee Baker, CFP®, FPA Experience 2012 task force chair and president of Apex Financial Services, talks with Nicholas Nicolette, CFP®, with Sterling Financial Group.
Kelly Piacenti, national director for MetLife, reads the Sunday edition of the Daily Pulse.
Michael E. Kitces, MSFS, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, partner and director of research at Pinnacle Advisory Group Inc., and Mark Johannessen, CFP®, managing director at Harris SBSB, have a lively discussion.
Attendees take a break near the River Walk.
Monday October 1, 2012
Shannon Smith from Texas Tech University and Jared Stuart from Utah Valley University help scan attendance for the breakfast sessions.
Luesink Financial Planning President Anja Luesink, CFP®, RLP, and Sudden Money® Institute founder Susan K. Bradley, CFP®, take a break Sunday morning.
An attendee checks email at the tech area sponsored by TD Ameritrade Institutional Sunday morning.
1976 Olympic gold medalist Wendy Boglioli, the national spokesperson for Genworth Financial, speaks about long-term care planning Sunday.
Kirk Francis, CFP®, AIF®, president and CEO of Cross Financial Services, takes a moment between sessions Sunday.
Gail Fialkow, CFP®, a financial adviser with Pegasus Financial Group, and Elizabeth Flanagan, CFP®, Ph.D., vice president for development and university relations at Virginia Tech, are happy it isn’t raining!
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Taking the Pulse “What do you think will be financial planning’s biggest challenge in the coming year?”
“Continuing to build consumer confidence and trust in the markets.” —Martin Seay, Ph.D. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan.
“This is probably the most uncertain time for a lot of reasons in the industry, trying to predict what’s going to happen in our economy and in the election. The only thing I’m certain about is so much uncertainty.” —Paul Derbyshire, CFP® Franklin, Mass.
“I think our biggest issue is always to help people with their expectations and help them manage their wealth decisions. Sometimes people focus on fear and don’t understand what’s really relevant to their own situations.” —Laura LaTourette, CFP® Dahlonega, Ga.
“Consumers don’t know who they can trust. They think all financial planners and financial advisers are alike, and they’re not.” —Luke Dean, CRC William Paterson University, Pompton Plains, N.J.
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
$ 'D\ LQ 6DQ $QWRQLR by Colin Ericks on
Clockwise from top left: interior of San Fernando Cathedral, Buckhorn Saloon and Museum; River Walk boat tours; the Alamo.
ave a little time to spend in San Antonio after the conference? Here are a few sights to see before you head home (all distances are from the convention center): Originally built between 1738 and 1750, San Fernando Cathedral is the oldest active cathedral in the U.S. When services are not in session, you may purchase a guidebook in the Los Padrecitas gift shop and take the self-guided tour around this unique cathedral. www.sfcathedral.org 115 Main Plaza (.4 miles, 9-minute walk) Built in 1718 as a Catholic mission, but best known for its
part in the Texas Revolution in 1836, the Alamo has become the most visited tourist destination in Texas. Step back in time as you ponder all that took place in and surrounding this landmark. www.thealamo.org 300 Alamo Plaza (.2 miles, 4-minute walk) For a bit of the bizarre, step across the Alamo Plaza to the Ripley’s Believe-It-or-Not Odditorium and the Guiness World Records Museum. Both feature interactive experiences that will make you gasp in wonder and laugh at their absurdities. For more fun only steps away, visit Ripley’s Haunted Adventure, Louis Taussaud’s Wax Museum and the Tomb Rider 3D ride. Guaranteed
to bring out the kid in you. www.ripleys.com/sanantonio www.ripleys.com/phillips 301 and 329 Alamo Plaza (.2 miles, 4-minute walk) Two blocks from the Alamo is the beginning of the famous San Antonio River Walk. Paths and walkways wind and meander along the banks of the San Antonio River through downtown, passing shops, restaurants and boutiques. Rio San Antonio offers 40-minute, three-mile cruises through the downtown waterway. www.riosanantonio.com 205 N. Presa Building B., Suite 201 (.3 miles, 5-minute walk) If you want to get out of the city and experience a bit of the urban
nature that San Antonio has to offer, Brackenridge Park is the place to go. With its tree-lined paths, grassy meadows, a Japanese tea garden, an 18-hole golf course, a natural history museum and the San Antonio Zoo, there is plenty to do in this 344-acre park. www.brackenridgepark.org 3700 N. St. Mary’s St. (3.7 miles, 6-minute drive) Did you know there are more Spanish missions located a short drive from downtown? The San Antonio Missions National Historical Park gives you a chance to experience the beautiful architecture, rich history and culture that embody these once thriving communities. www.nps.gov/saan
6701 San Jose Drive (4.3 miles, 8-minute drive) For the perfect blend of food, kitsch and taxidermy, visit the Buckhorn Saloon and Museum. Opened in 1881 by 70-year-old Albert Friedrich, the Buckhorn has increased its museum collection to artifacts and animals you thought you’d never see. It even boasts the largest and most unique collection of horns and antlers in the world. Order yourself some Texas BBQ and wander through the rooms of one of the most unique museums you’ll ever set foot in. www.buckhornmuseum.com 318 East Houston St. (.3 miles, 7-minute walk)
FPA DAILY PULSEÂ The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Super Sessions Hit Hot Topics
Oonagh McDonald, CBE
t may be tough to decide which of today’s super sessions to attend—each takes an in-depth look at a hot topic, from the mortgage crisis, to the deficit, to retirement benefits.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Turning the American Dream into a Nightmare presented by Oonagh McDonald, CBE 1:45–2:45 p.m. in ballroom C–2 CFP Board CE credit: 1
Stephanie Kelton, Ph.D. About the speaker: Oonagh McDonald is an international financial regulatory expert and director of Oonagh McDonald Consulting Ltd in London. In 1998, she was awarded a CBE (Commander of the British Empire—an honor awarded by the Queen on the advice of an independent commission) for services to financial regulation and business. Leave this session with: a renewed appreciation for
Natalie B. Choate due diligence in the investment relationship ideas for helping clients understand the investment proposition being offered
Money Is No Object: Accounting for Deficits, Taxes and Trust in the 21st Century presented by Stephanie Kelton, Ph.D. 1:45–2:45 p.m. in ballroom C–3 CFP Board CE credit: 1
About the speaker: Stephanie Kelton is a Ph.D. economist employed as an associate professor at the University of Missouri– Kansas City. She also is a research scholar at the Levy Economics Institute in New York. She is considered an expert in the areas of public finance, financial accounting, economic development and international finance. Look for a 10 Questions interview with her in the November issue of the Journal of Financial Planning. Leave this session with: answers to the questions: Do taxes need to rise? Will Americans need to adopt austerity measures? an understanding of modern money theory
Planning for Retirement Benefits: Recent Developments and Current Trends presented by Natalie B. Choate 1:45–2:45 p.m. in ballroom C–1 CFP Board CE credit: 1 About the speaker: Natalie Choate practices law in Boston with the firm of Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP. She is a former chair of the Boston Bar Association Estate Planning Committee, which she founded in 1981. She also is the author of several popular professional books and writes a monthly column on retirement benefits for MorningstarAdvisor.com. Leave this session with: the latest information on what the courts and the IRS have done with retirement benefits new guidance on IRA estate tax issues
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Build Your Business with FPA’s Updated PlannerSearch
PA recently enhanced its PlannerSearch® service to provide an enhanced experience for participants and consumers. FPA PlannerSearch is an online financial professional search service that can help you generate new business leads. FPA PlannerSearch has been redesigned to especially help consumers more easily navigate through popular search options including • how planners charge • planners who offer free, initial consultations • planners who specialize in specific areas ranging from budgeting to retirement planning As the gateway of choice for those looking for qualified financial planners, national media, including CNNMoney, USAWeekend, TIME, U.S. News and World Report and others, have highlighted FPA Planner Search as a trusted resource for Americans to connect with CFP practitioners from FPA. FPA also has numerous partnerships with associations and companies where PlannerSearch is shared with thousands of new prospects. The new version of FPA PlannerSearch helps planners generate qualified leads that fit well with their business models and specialties. This is an exclusive service available to eligible FPA members*. There has never been a better time to be a part of FPA PlannerSearch. To learn more about the free basic listing or the enhanced listing option for just $99 annually, call FPA Member Services at 800-322-4237 or visit FPAnet.org/Professionals/ Membership/PlannerSearch.
* Following are the requirements to be eligible for an FPA PlannerSearch listing: • FPA member in good standing
• CFP professional • an RIA or bank affliate • adherance to FPA’s Code of Ethics and Standard of Care
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Great Books, Great Authors Hit the exhibit hall for today’s book signings
eet the authors of your favorite financial planning books as they sign books in the exhibit hall today. 8:30–9:30 a.m. and 12:45–1:45 p.m.
Ron Carson, CFP®, CFS, ChFC, and Steve Sanduski, CFP®
Tested in the Trenches: A 9-Step Plan for Success as a New-Era Advisor Carson is founder and CEO of Carson Wealth Management Group and the founder of Peak Advisor Alliance, a coaching program for financial advisers. Sanduski is a consultant for Peak Advisor Alliance. 9–10 a.m. and 2:30–3:30 p.m.
Timothy Radden, CLU, AEP, ChFC
Take It to the Next Level Series A financial adviser with Northwestern Mutual, Radden has been in the profession for more than 25 years. He has written a series of titles on life insurance topics. 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Eddie Brown, CFA, CIC
Beating the Odds: Eddie Brown’s Investing and Life Strategies Brown is chairman, CEO and founder of Brown Capital Management, the second oldest U.S. African-American asset management firm. His book chronicles his birth to a 13-yearold mother to his rise in the financial industry and legacy as a philanthropist.
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Mary Anne Ehlert, CFP®
The Gift I Was Given: The Journey of a Caregiver Through the Stages of What Now?, Why Me?, and Ah Ha! Ehlert is president and founder of Protected Tomorrows Inc. and Ehlert Financial Group Inc. Both businesses help families plan for loved ones who are aging or who have special needs. 12:30–1:30 p.m.
Stephen Wershing, CFP® Stop Asking for Referrals: A Revolutionary New Strategy for Building a Financial Service Business that Sells Itself Wershing teaches financial advisers how to attract customers and referrals by developing
more client-connected and client-driven practices. He serves as a consultant to financial practitioners on many issues, including strategic differentiation and client advisory boards.
Merk is president and chief investment officer of Merk Investments, manager of Merk Funds. He is a pioneer in the use of strategic currency investing to seek diversification.
12:30–1:30 p.m. and 2:45–3:15 p.m.
Michael Kitces, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, RHU, REBC
Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits Choate practices law in Boston with the firm Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP. Her practice focuses on estate planning and retirement benefits.
The Annuity Advisor and Tools & Techniques of Retirement Income Planning Kitces is a partner and research director at Pinnacle Advisory Group. He publishes The Kitces Report newsletter and blog Nerd’s Eye View through his website Kitces.com. He is practitioner editor of the Journal of Financial Planning.
1:30–2:30 p.m.
Natalie Choate
1– 2 p.m.
Axel Merk
Sustainable Wealth
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Coming Up Tomorrow: Succession Planning, Creating Happy Employees and More
David P. Grau Sr., J.D.
Barry D. Flagg, CFP®, CLU, ChFC
Angela S. Herbers
he education continues tomorrow morning with several in-depth sessions. Here’s just a peek at what to expect:
Shipbuilding: What’s in Your Toolkit? Tuesday, 9:15–10:30 a.m. in room 214C presented by David P. Grau Sr., J.D.
Join David Grau Sr., president and founder of FP Transitions, for a session on how to build a financial services practice that has enduring and transferable value by implementing a nextgeneration mentorship and ownership program.
The Last, Largest, Most-Neglected Asset on your Client’s Balance Sheet Tuesday, 9:15–10:30 a.m. in room 217D presented by Barry D. Flagg, CFP®, CLU, ChFC CFP Board CE credit: 1.5 Barry Flagg, inventor and founder of Veralytic® Inc., an online publisher of life insurance pricing and performance research, will explore how to measure what clients are actually being charged for life insurance and how to use this information to show clients you are taking care of them in ways many insurance agents and brokers cannot.
P4 Program™: Four Steps To Great Employees
Plan confidently.®
More than 50 years helping clients confidently pursue their financial goals. Founded by a military professional to serve the financial planning needs of professional military families, First Command Financial Services has since 1958 been committed to coaching those who serve in their pursuit of financial security. Through personalized financial planning and trustworthy advice delivered by knowledgeable, ethical Advisors, First Command builds lasting relationships serving client needs for retirement income planning, asset management solutions, education funding solutions, risk management strategies and more.
Tuesday, 9:15–10:30 a.m. in room 217B–C presented by Angela S. Herbers
We are proud to be an FPA Alliance® firm, recognized for our commitment to professionalism in financial planning.
Angie Herbers is the founder of and serves as a senior consultant for Angie Herbers Inc. She has helped more than 600 financial advisory firms develop effective and productive human capital programs, increase employee satisfaction, form efficient organizational structures and create viable succession plans. Herbers will discuss how to create happy employees based on clinical research.
Visit us at Booth 732.
©2012 First Command Financial Services, Inc., parent of First Command Financial Planning, Inc. (Member SIPC, FINRA) and First Command Insurance Services, Inc. Financial planning services and investment products, including securities, are offered by First Command Financial Planning, Inc. Insurance products and services are offered by First Command Insurance Services, Inc. in all states except Montana, where as required by law, insurance products and services are offered by First Command Financial Services, Inc. (a separate Montana domestic corporation). Securities products are not FDIC insured, have no bank guarantee and may lose value. A financial plan, by itself, cannot assure that retirement or other financial goals will be met. First Command is proud to be an FPA Alliance firm, recognized by the Financial Planning Association® (FPA®) for commitment to professionalism in financial planning. The Financial Planning Association owns the FPA Alliance trademark.
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
Today’s Ethics in Action Session Offers 2 CE Credits
oin Dan Candura, CFP®, for a fun, informative and engaging ethics session today from 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in room 217A. Two CFP Board CE credits have been approved for this session. Animated videos and a gameshow theme will keep you focused as you master the learning objectives required by the CFP Board for ethics training in 2012.
He chaired the task force on CE and competency for CFP Board. He taught financial planning, insurance planning and retirement planning in the Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University in Boston.
Leave this session with: • a greater understanding of financial planning, including its process and subject areas • knowledge of the required elements of a written agreement when financial
Dan Candura, CFP® About the speaker: Dan Candura, CFP®, provides financial advice and education to consumers and financial professionals. As founder of Candura Group LLC, he provides ethics training across the country through in-person courses and webinars. As president of PennyTree Advisers LLC, an RIA firm in Massachusetts, he provides personal financial planning for consumers, financial education counseling to employees in workplace settings and litigation support and forensic financial analysis services for attorneys. He’s an FPA member, a NAPFA registered financial planner and a FINRA arbitrator. Since 2010 he has served as the CFP ambassador for Boston. Candura served on the board of directors of Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. from 2004 to 2008 and is past chair of the Board of Professional Review.
planning services are provided • knowledge of the elements of the fiduciary standard and when it applies • tips for applying disclosure requirements
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
FPA EXPERIENCE 2012 Exhibitors Company Booth# 361 Capital 826 529 College Savings Plans 807 Aberdeen Asset Management Inc. 644 Absolute Capital 227 AdviceIQ 229 Advisor Partners LLC 726 Advisor Software Inc. 640 Advisory Trust Company of Delaware 918 AFCPE 834 American Funds Distributors Inc. 714 AmeriFunds Diversified Funding LLC 217 Ameriprise Financial Services Inc. 418 ATBS 437 Ave Maria Mutual Funds 510 BOK Financial Advisor Trust Services 513 BridgePortfolio Inc. 220 BrightScope Inc. 1017 CFA Institute 909 CFP Board of Standards 917 Charles Schwab Advisor Services 326 CMG Capital Management Group Inc. 212 Cole Real Estate Investments 919 College for Financial Planning 831 College Savings Bank 739 Compass EMP Funds 225 Copytalk LLC 1019 Coventry 410 Davis Advisors 813 Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency 1018 Docupace Technologies 232 DundeeWealth U.S. LP 743 E.I.I. Realty Securities 819 Eckard Global LLC 208
Equity Trust Company 626 EverBank 628 FactSet 745 fi360 405 FinaMetrica Pty Limited 833 Finance Logix 927 Financial Advisor Magazine 414 Financial Planning Association 426 FiPath Inc. 913 First Command Financial Services 732 Fiserv 925 Foundation for Financial Planning 815 FPA Funds 830 FPA Practitioner Resources 1006 Frost Investment Advisors LLC 836 Hancock Horizon Funds 926 Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts 1005 Interactive Advisory Software Inc. 906 Interactive Brokers 646 InvestmentNews 1009 IPS AdvisorPro 832 iShares 910 John Hancock Financial Network 407 Junxure 505 Kaplan Schweser 728 KBR Capital Partners 638 Keeley Funds Inc. 310 Laserfiche 317 Leuthold Funds 308 LPL Financial 331 MacroRisk Analytics 439 Markel Cambridge Alliance 435 Matson Money 929 Meridian-IQ 233 Merk Investments LLC 1026
MetLife 606 MFS Investment Management 234 Mirae Asset Global Investments 336 Money Concepts 218 Money Tree Software 905 MoneyGuidePro 630 Morningstar 708 National Endowment for Financial Education 817 Nationwide Financial Services Inc. 806 NetWorth Services Inc. 706 New York Life/MainStay Investments 409 Noble Royalties 207 Omyen Corp. 805 One Reverse Mortgage 915 Options Industry Council 305 Orion Advisor Services LLC 509 Paychex Retirement Plan Services 814 Peak Advisor Alliance 613 Pendo Investments 228 Permanent Portfolio Family of Funds Inc. 306 PlanPlus Inc. 226 Protected Tomorrows 211 Pyxis Funds LP 340 Rainier Investment Management Inc. 1025 Realty Capital Securities LLC 311 Redtail Technology 933 Ryan Insurance Strategy Consultants 1030 Saturna Capital 810 SBAuer Funds 718 Scottrade Advisor Services 820 Scout Investments 729 Security Benefit Corporation 1029 SEI Investments 406 Sincere & Co. LLC 727 Smarsh 219
Source Media 828 SQN Capital Management 1028 StarPoint Consulting Group 205 State Life Insurance Company 507 Summit Business Media 610 SunGard 1020 Symetra Financial Corporation 506 T. Rowe Price 825 TD Ameritrade Institutional 617 Thornburg Investment Management 809 TIAA-CREF 737 Trust Company of America 920 Tuition Plan Consortium— Private College 529 935 U.S. Global Investors Inc. 325 USAA 307 Utah Educational Savings Plan 206 Virginia 529 College Savings Plan 907 Waddell & Reed Financial Services Inc. 725 Wealth Advisor Publishing Inc. 214 Wealthcare Capital Management 327 WealthCounsel Advisors Forum 213 WealthManagement.com 816 Weitz Funds 720 Westcore Funds 930 XTRAC Solutions 338 Zeiders Enterprises Inc. 808 Zywave Inc. 318 Exhibit Hall Hours Today: 8:30 a.m.–3:15 p.m. *Exhibitor list as of Sept. 18. Subject to change.
FPA DAILY PULSE The Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Community | Twitter: #FPAExperience
Monday October 1, 2012
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